Demo Discussion
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  Configuration examples for ELOG  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 5     Entry time: Wed Feb 26 10:09:54 2003
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Author Email: 
Category: Database like 
Configuration Name: Demo Database 
Last Revision: Mon Mar 22 15:22:05 2004 by Stefan Ritt 
This is the configuration of the demo database on this server. It is also 
very basic, with a few exceptions:

- no message text is used (show text = 0)
- no attachments are used (enable attachments = 0)
- in the message listing page, only certain attributes are displayed 
  (display search = ...)

This database like implementations work a bit like an Excel worksheet. 
Attributes are displayed in grid table, and one can click on the column 
titles to sort that column.
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ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6