Demo Discussion
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  Configuration examples for ELOG, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Author Email Category Configuration Name Last Revision
  1   Wed Feb 26 09:07:44 2003 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chOtherWelcomeMon Apr 18 22:43:47 2005 by Stefan Ritt
Welcome to the "Config Examples" logbook. This database contains elogd.cfg 
examples from various users, showing how ELOG can be configured for various 
purposes. Feel free to use these configuration files as a starting point 
for your own logbook.

To enter a new configuration example, you have to register an account on 
the "Forum" logbook, then you can log in with the same username and 
password to this database.

Then you are supposed to upload your "elogd.cfg", but I suggest to first 
rename it locally to "elogd.txt" and then upload it. This way it gets 
automatically displayed below the message body, so people can see the 
message body and the contents of the configuration file at the same time.

If you want to revise your entry at a later time, hit 'edit', delete your 
old attachment, and submit your new 'elogd.txt' file.
  2   Wed Feb 26 09:24:42 2003 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chPublic LogbookConfig Examples (this logbook!)Thu Jun 2 08:49:24 2005 by Stefan Ritt
This is the configuration from this logbook. There are a few special things:

  • it uses the same password file as the 'forum' logbook
  • it has a guest menu so that people without an account can read it
  • the author and email are automatically taken from the password file
  • a 'last revision' gets updated on each edit
  • entries can only changed by the origial author ('restrict edit = 1')
  • no email notification is sent

Please find the elogd.cfg attached.
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
[Config Examples]
Comment = Configuration examples for ELOG

; same password as forum
Password file = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/Forum/passwd
Login expiration = 1000
Admin user = stefan
Allow delete = stefan

; look and feel
CSS = examples.css
Display mode = summary
Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
Date format = %B %d, %Y

; attributes
Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Configuration Name, Last Revision
Options Category = Personal Logbook, Public Logbook, Database like, Other
Required Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Configuration Name
Thread display = $Configuration Name, posted by $author on $Entry time
Quick filter = Date, Category

; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email

; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author, Last Revision

; add last revision on each edit
Subst on Edit Last Revision = $date by $long_name

; some comments showing up in the "new" page
Message comment = Please enter a description of your <b>elogd.cfg</b> here:
Attachment comment = Plese upload your <b>elogd.cfg</b> here:

; a few flags
Filtered browsing = 0
Entries per page = 10
Restrict edit = 1
Summary lines = 0

; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email

; No Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 1
  3   Wed Feb 26 09:38:43 2003 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chPersonal LogbookDemo LogbookMon Mar 22 15:21:42 2004 by Stefan Ritt
This is the configuration of the 'Demo' logbook coming in the distribution, 
it contains only the most basic options.
Attachment 1: elogd.txt
logbook tabs = 0
port = 8080

Theme = default
Comment = General linux tips & tricks
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other
Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type

  4   Wed Feb 26 09:45:23 2003 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chPublic LogbookForumWed Jul 14 21:49:36 2004 by Stefan Ritt
This is the configuration of the discussion forum on this server. Special 
things are:

- a guest menu so people without an account can read it
- an entry can only be edited by the original author ('restrict edit = 1')
- the author and email attributes are taken from the password file and
  cannot be changed by the author, thus to make sure who wrote a specific
- the email notification is sent to all people who registered for it, but
  their email address is not contained in the "To:" field 
  (Omit Email to = 1) so that they don't see each other's email address
  (for security reasons). For the 'from' field in the email, my address
  is used to that people can hit 'reply' on automatic notifications and
  they will reach me.
- The option "Format <attribute>" is used for a compact page display
Attachment 1: elogd.txt

; general options
Password file = forum.pwd
CSS = forum.css
Login expiration = 1000
Allow delete = stefan
Self register = 2
Comment = Discussion forum about ELOG
Display mode = threaded
Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
Number Attachments = 1
Message comment = <img src=icons/icon6.gif> Please enter only serious messages here, for testing use the <b>Linux</b> Logbook:
Filtered browsing = 0
Entries per page = 8
Reverse sort = 1
Restrict edit = 1

; Attributes
Attributes = Icon, Author, Author Email, Category, OS, ELOG Version, Subject
Options Category = Info, Bug report, Bug fix, Question, Request, Comment, Other
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, icon6.gif, icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
MOptions OS = Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, All, Other
Icon comment icon1.gif = Entry
Icon comment icon2.gif = Reply
Icon comment icon3.gif = Idea
Icon comment icon4.gif = Warning
Icon comment icon5.gif = Question
Icon comment icon6.gif = Cool
Icon comment icon7.gif = Smile
Icon comment icon8.gif = Angy
Icon comment icon12.gif = Blink
Icon comment icon13.gif = Disagree
Icon comment icon14.gif = Agree
Required Attributes = Author, Author Email, Subject, Icon
Subst on reply subject = Re: $subject
Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry time
Thread icon = Icon
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Date format = %B %d, %Y
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
Locked Attributes = Author
Quick filter = Date, Category

; Combine attributes into singles lines
Format Author = 1
Format Author email = 1
Format Category = 1
Format OS = 1
Format ELOG Version = 1
Format Subject = 0, subjname, subjvalue

; Email notification
Email message body = 1
Display Email recipients = 0
Omit Email to = 1
Use Email from =
Use Email subject = ELOG Forum: "$Subject" posted by $Author
  5   Wed Feb 26 10:09:54 2003 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chDatabase likeDemo DatabaseMon Mar 22 15:22:05 2004 by Stefan Ritt
This is the configuration of the demo database on this server. It is also 
very basic, with a few exceptions:

- no message text is used (show text = 0)
- no attachments are used (enable attachments = 0)
- in the message listing page, only certain attributes are displayed 
  (display search = ...)

This database like implementations work a bit like an Excel worksheet. 
Attributes are displayed in grid table, and one can click on the column 
titles to sort that column.
Attachment 1: elogd.txt
Comment = Demo of database-like elog
CSS = compact.css

Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status, Comment
Required Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status
Options Type = PC, Router, Bridge
Options Operating system = Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows ME, Embedded
Options Location = Building1, Building2, Building3
Options Status = working, defect, in repair
Quick Filter = Type, Location, Status
Display search = #, Type, Location, Status

Show text = 0
Summary lines = 0
Enable Attachments = 0
Suppress default = 2
Entries per page = 10
  6   Sat May 3 15:10:25 2003 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chCSS FileUpdated default CSS fileMon Mar 22 15:22:21 2004 by Stefan Ritt
I made a new CSS file, which simulated 3D cells using different border 
colors for the four sides of each cell. I plan to put this as the new 
default into the distribution. There is also a new ELOG icon. If anyone 
has a better one, please post it here!

The attached test.html (elog:/3) show the different classes in the CSS 
file, thanks to Etienne Van Caille <>.
Attachment 1: elog.gif
Attachment 2: default.css
/* default formatting */
body {
  /* background-image:url(elog.gif); */

/* standard link colors and decorations */
a:link { color:#0000FF; text-decoration:none }
a:visited { color:#800080; text-decoration:none }
a:hover { color:#0000FF; text-decoration:underline }
a:active { color:#0000FF; text-decoration:underline }
a:focus { color:#0000FF; text-decoration:underline }

td {

/* frame table */
.frame {

/* standard formatting for logbook tabs */
.tabs {

/* unselected and selected group tabs */

.gtab a {

.gtab {
  border-right:1px solid #409040;

.sgtab a {

.sgtab {
  border-right:1px solid #084070;

.sgtab a:visited { color:white; } /* buf for IE */

/* unselected and selected logbook tabs */

.ltab a {

.ltab {
  border-right:1px solid gray;

.sltab a {

.sltab {
  border-right:1px solid #084070;

.sltab a:visited { color:white; } /* bug for IE */

/* logbook title, left, middle and right cell */

.title1 {
  border-bottom:1px solid black;
  border-top:1px solid #E0E0E0;
  border-left:1px solid #E0E0E0;

.title2 {
  border-bottom:1px solid black;
  border-top:1px solid #E0E0E0;

.title3 {
  border-bottom:1px solid black;
  border-top:1px solid #E0E0E0;
  border-right:1px solid black;

/* main menu row */

.menuframe {
  border:1px solid #486090;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.menu1 {

.menu2a {

.menu2b {

.menu3 {

.menu4 {

/* frame table in listings */
.listframe {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1pc solid white;

/* title row in listing */
.listtitle {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

/* odd and even lines in message listing */

.list1 {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.list2 {
  border:1px solid #808040;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

/* attachment line */

.attachment {
  border:1px solid #808040;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

/* threaded listing */
.thread {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.threadreply {
  border:1px solid #808040;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

/* attribute names and values on single message page */
.attribname {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.attribvalue {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.attribvalue2 {
  border:1px solid #808040;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

/* message cell in listing */
.messagelist {
  border-right:1px solid gray;
  border-left:1px solid gray;
  border-bottom:1px solid gray;
  font-family:'lucida console',courier,monospace;

/* message display in single message page */
.messageframe {
  border:1px solid #486090;

.messagepre {
  font-family:'lucida console',courier,monospace;

/* attachment size */
.bytes {
  font-family:'lucida console',courier,monospace;

/* summary display (threaded mode expand) */
.summary {
  border:1px solid black;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;
  font-family:'lucida console',courier,monospace;

/* input forms */
.form1 {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.form2 {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;
... 61 more lines ...
Attachment 3: test.html
  7   Wed May 7 15:27:49 2003 Thomas SaleinnoneCSS FileCSS file with German commentsMay 07, 2003 by Thomas Salein
Hier noch eine schön einfache CSS-Datei mit deutschen Kommentaren zur 
Funktion der Objekte. Kann immerhin helfen, um zu verstehen, wo man etwas 
einstellen muss.
Attachment 1: beispiel.css
/* Standardformatierungen */
body {

/* A HREF-Farben und -Auszeichnungen */
a:link    { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
a:visited { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
a:hover   { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
a:active  { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
a:focus   { color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none }

/* Standardzelle einer Tabelle */
td {

/* Tabellenrahmen */
.frame {

/* Formatierung für Reiter zur Logbuch-Auswahl noch über der Titelzeile */
.tabs {

/* nicht-ausgewählte und ausgewählte Gruppen-Zeilen ??? */

.gtab, .gtab a {

.sgtab, .sgtab a {

.sgtab a:visited {
} /* bug for IE */

/* nicht-ausgewählte, ausgewählte und aktive Logbuch-Reiter */
.ltab, .ltab a {

.sltab, .sltab a {

.sltab a:visited {
} /* bug for IE */

/* Logbuch-Titelzeile, d.h. linke, mittlere und rechte Zelle */
.title1 {

.title2 {

.title3 {

/* Rahmen für die zwei Zeilen mit dem Hauptmenü */
.menuframe {
  border:1px solid #C0C0C0;

/* erste Menüzeile */
.menu1 {

/* zweite Menüzeile, linker Schriftteil */
.menu2a {

/* zweite Menüzeile, rechter Drop-Down-Felder-Teil */
.menu2b {

/* ??? Menüzeile */
.menu3 {

/* ??? Menüzeile */
.menu4 {

/* Tabellenrahmen der Nachrichtenübersichtstabelle */
.listframe {

/* Titelzeile der Nachrichtenübersichtstabelle */
/* Zur Einstellung der Farben bei der Logbuchauswahl muss die Datei
   \themes\default\default.css bei mind. des n„chsten drei Objekten
   definiert werden! Diese Datei hier zieht nicht! */
.listtitle {

/* Zeilen in der Nachrichtenübersichtstabelle,
   abwechselnd list1, list2, list1 ... */
.list1 {

.list2 {

.list1 a:link    { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.list1 a:visited { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.list1 a:hover   { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.list1 a:active  { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.list1 a:focus   { color:#0000FF; text-decoration:none }

.list2 a:link    { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.list2 a:visited { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.list2 a:hover   { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.list2 a:active  { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.list2 a:focus   { color:#0000FF; text-decoration:none }

/* Anhang-Zeilen in der Einzelansicht */
.attachment {

/* Darstellung mit Antwortketten (threaded) */
.thread, .thread a {

.threadreply, .threadreply a {

.thread a:link    { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.thread a:visited { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.thread a:hover   { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.thread a:active  { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.thread a:focus   { color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none }

.threadreply a:link    { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.threadreply a:visited { color:#003399; text-decoration:none }
.threadreply a:hover   { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.threadreply a:active  { color:#FF9900; text-decoration:none }
.threadreply a:focus   { color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none }

/* Attributnamen und -werte bei Einzelanzeige einer Nachricht */
/* ... in Spalte links */
.attribname {

.attribvalue {

.attribvalue2 {

/* ... Nachrichteninhalt */
.messagelist {
  font-family:'Courier New','Lucida Console',Courier,monospace;

/* Nachrichtenhintergrund und -rahmen bei Einzelanzeige einer Nachricht */
.messageframe {
  border:1px solid #C0C0C0;

/* dicktengleiche Schrift für Textnachricht bei Einzelanzeige einer Nachricht */
.messagepre {
  font-family:'Courier New','Lucida Console',Courier,monospace;

/* Schrift für Anhangsgröße */
.bytes {
  font-family:'Courier New','Lucida Console',Courier,monospace;

/* erste Nachrichtenzeilen bei Darstellung mit Antwortketten */
.summary {
  font-family:'Courier New','Lucida Console',Courier,monospace;

/* Eingabefelder für die Administration, also Änderung von Benutzerangaben */
.form1 {
  border:1px solid #C0C0C0;

.form2 {
  border:1px solid #C0C0C0;

/* Fehlermeldungen */
.errormsg {
  border:1px solid #000000;

/* Benachrichtigungen, Warnungen */
.notifymsg {

/* Dialog-Boxen (Einloggen, Löschen usw.) */
.dlgframe {
  border:1px solid #C0C0C0;

.dlgerror {

.dlgtitle {
... 16 more lines ...
  8   Tue May 27 07:43:01 2003 Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beCSS Fileelog css and class namesMon Feb 16 20:45:54 2004 by Stefan Ritt
sample of standard elog css and class name
  9   Mon Feb 16 21:10:18 2004 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chDatabase likeVisitor registrationTue Feb 17 09:41:07 2004 by Stefan Ritt
This configuration example shows a few of the newly developed advanced 
options. We use it at our institute as a visitor registration database. 
Before someone from our collaboration visits the institute, she/he has to 
register on this public logbook.

Following advanced functionality is used:

- The arrival and departure dates are attributes of type "date". This way 
a visitor can select the date from the date picker. In addition, the 
entries can be sorted according to the arrival date. Using a quick filter 
on arrival date, one can show the new arrivals for the next week, next 
month and so on. By adding a bookmark to the browser in the form


one can click on that bookmark to see who will come in the upcoming week. 
Using the find page, one can query the database for arbitrary arrival and 
departure dates, like "who was here last year between May and July?".

- The "visitor" and "email" attributes are preset with the name and email 
of the current user. Of course every user has to register on that logbook 
(enabled with "self register = 2")

- The attribute "Home Institute" can be chosen from a list of preset 
institutes. Using the home institute as a conditional attribute, the elogd 
server fills in automatically the fax number of the institute (see the 
list {1},{2}, ...) after it has been selected.

- Email notifications are set up such that on each new registration, an 
email is sent to, and an email is sent to if the check box "Radiation badge" is checked. Please 
change the smtp server host name to make email notifications work.

elog:/1 shows an example entry screen.
Attachment 1: visit.gif
Attachment 2: elogd.cfg
logbook tabs = 0
port = 80
smtp host = <>

[Visitor Registration]
Comment = Please register here if you want to visit PSI

; Access control
Password file = passwd
Self register = 2
Admin user = stefan

; Attributes
Attributes = Visitor, Email, Home Institute, Arrival date, Departure date, Home Address, FAX number
Preset Visitor = $long_name
Preset Email = $user_email
Preset Radiation badge = 0
Options Home Institute = INFN Pisa{1}, INFN Genova{2}, INFN Pavia{3}, INFN Lecce{4}, Univ. of Tokyo{5}, KEK{6}, Osaka Univ.{7}, Waseda Univ.{8}, Budker Institute{9}, Other{10}
Options Radiation badge = boolean
Required Attributes = Home Institute, Arrival date, Departure date
Type Arrival date = date
Type Departure date = date

Comment Radiation badge = Check if you need a temporary radiation badge (visit the experimental hall)
Comment Home Address = Enter home institute address only if this is your first visit to PSI
Comment FAX number = Please supply always your institute's fax number

Quick filter = Home Institute, Arrival date, Departure date

; institue faxes
{1} Preset Fax number = +39 050 2214 317
{2} Preset Fax number = +39 010 3133 58
{3} Preset Fax number = +39 0382 423241 
{4} Preset Fax number = +39 0832 325128
{5} Preset Fax number = +81 3 3814 8806 
{6} Preset Fax number = +81 298 64 2580 
{7} Preset Fax number = +81 ...
{8} Preset Fax number = +81 3 3203 4379
{9} Preset Fax number = +7 383 2 342 163
{10} Preset Fax number = +xx xxx xxxx xxx

; flags
Message comment = <i>Optional comment:</i>
List display = Visitor, Home Institute, Arrival date, Departure date, Radiation badge
Summary lines = 0
Message Height = 10
Message Width = 50
Enable Attachments = 0
HTML default = 2
Suppress default = 2
Resubmit default = 2
Last Submission = $date by $Visitor
Date format = %a, %d %b %Y

; email
Use Email subject = Visit of $Visitor from $Home Institute on $Arrival date
Use Email heading = A new visitor will arrive at PSI for the MEG experiment:
Use Email heading edit = An old visitor registration has been updated:
Suppress email to users = 1
Email all =
Email "Radiation badge" 1 =
Email format = 11
  10   Mon Mar 22 15:27:07 2004 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chDatabase likePersonal Address Book 
The attached simple elogd.cfg implements a personal address book. Since 
version 2.5.2, data can be incorporated into ELOG via the CSV format. This 
way I moved my address data from MS Outlook to ELOG.

The address book is sorted according to the attribute "LastName", and the 
EmailAddress field is converted into a "" link which can be clicked 
to start your email frontend directly. Using the CSV or XML export 
functionality, the address book contents can easily be exported to other 
programs through the "find" page.
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
Comment = Personal Address Book
Attributes = FirstName, LastName, Company, BusinessStreet, BusinessCity, BusinessState, BusinessPostalCode, BusinessCountry, HomeStreet, HomeCity, HomeState, HomePostalCode, HomeCountry, BusinessFax, BusinessPhone, BusinessPhone2, HomePhone, HomePhone2, MobilePhone, OtherPhone, Birthday, EmailAddress, Email2Address, Notes
Find menu commands = New, Find, Select, Config, Logout, CSV Import, Help
List display = LastName, FirstName, Company, BusinessPhone, HomePhone, MobilePhone, EmailAddress
Summary lines = 0
Start page = ?sort=LastName
Display EmailAddress = <a href="$EmailAddress">$EmailAddress</a>
  11   Wed May 19 00:03:48 2004 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chPublic LogbookExample for accelerator logbook 
This is a typical shift logbook, in this case for an accelerator. It
contains following features:

- public read access
- write access only for registered users
- typical attributes for shift logbook
- author and author email get automatically filled in
- no email notification
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg

; port under which server is listening
Port = 8080

Comment = Accelerator Logbook

; use user level password access
Password file = passwd
Login expiration = 1000
Admin user = ritt
Self register = 1

; look and feel
Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
Date format = %B %d, %Y

; attributes
Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable attributes = Category
Required Attributes = Category, Subject
Thread display = $Subject, entered by $author on $Entry date
Quick filter = Date, Category

; title as shown in the browser
Page Title = Accelerator Logbook - $subject

; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email

; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author, Author Email

; only author can change its own entry
Restrict edit = 1

; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email

; No Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 1
  12   Sat May 20 00:54:42 2006 Rajrajelio@yahoo.comPersonal LogbookPeronsal Worklist 
Theme = default
Password file = ######
CSS = tiny.css
Display mode = threaded
Suppress default = 3
Admin user = ######
Self register = 2
Entries per page = 100
Filtered browsing = 0
Entries per page = 8
Reverse sort = 1
Restrict edit = 1
Summary lines = 1
Display Email recipients = 0
Title image URL =
Comment = Raj's Worklist
List Display = Edit, ID, Job Description, Location, Status, Date Entered, Date Closed
Thread Display = $Location, $Job Description, $Date Entered, $Date Closed,
#Start Page = ?Status=2-Open&mode=threaded&sort=Location
Start Page = ?wpwd=1&mode=threaded&Status=2-Open&sort=Location
Date Format = %A, %B %d, %Y
Time Format = %A, %B %d, %Y, %H:%M
Message Height = 6
Attributes = Location, Status, Date Entered, Date Closed, Job Description, Author
Type To Do = Time
Type Date Entered = time
Type Date Closed = time
Options Status = 1-To Do{1}, 2-Open{2}, 3-Closed{3}, 4-Suspended{4}
{1} Preset To Do = $Date
{2} Preset Date Entered = $Date
{3} Preset Date Closed = $Date
{4} Preset Date Closed = $Date
Options Location = Sequim, Port Angeles, All, Secaira
Extendable options = Location,
Page Title = Roger's Worklist - $subject
Option Author = Filled In Automatically
Subst Author = $long_name
Menu Commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Find, Select, Copy to, Move to,

Reverse sort = 1
Quick Filter = Location, Status

Subst on reply subject = Re: $Job Description
Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry time
Thread icon = Icon
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Date format = %B %d, %Y
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
Locked Attributes = Author
Quick filter = Date, Category, Status
  13   Mon Jul 10 21:48:23 2006 Arno Personal Logbookwebmouse 
trying to write a time keeping system with elog. At work this is done with an Excel Sheet. Was just trying to see if it could be done with elog. And Yes it can be done. There is only one disadvantage : it's very slow in stating up. Has this to do with the large listings I've included into the configutation file , or is there something wrong in my config file.???

Is there somebody with an advice for this one ??
Attachment 1: webmouse.cfg
/* Logbook Tabs = 0
Time Format =   %d-%b-%y %H:%M
CSS = tiny.css
Password file = passwd
Admin user = Arnot
Self register = 1
Allow password change = 1


Attributes = Naam,EmpNum,Week,Dag,Soort,Klantnaam,SO,Uren,Werkzaamheden,Afdeling,Urensoort,Urencode,ULS,Controle
Link display = Naam,EmpNum
Preset Naam=$short_name
Hidden Attributes = Date
Required Attributes = Naam,EmpNum,Week,Dag,Afdeling,Uren,Urensoort,Urencode,ULS
subst Naam = $short_name
Roptions Dag = Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
Options Week = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,
options Soort = SLA{1},Service Order{2},PROJ{3},NEW{4}
{1}options Klantnaam  = SLA_Arag beheer Q3 2006{1_1},SLA_ASML BlackBerry Beheer Q3 2006{1_2},SLA_BAT Beheer Q3 2006{1_3},SLA_Beter Horen Acoudire WAN Beheer Q3 2006{1_4},SLA_Beter Horen Acoudire Server Beheer Q3 2006{1_5},SLA_Bodemsanering NS  Beheer Q3 2006{1_6},SLA_Breman  beheer Q3 2006{1_7},SLA_Compliance Beheer Q3 2006{1_8},SLA_DocData beheer Q3 2006{1_9},SLA_Edutel Beheer Q3 2006{1_10},SLA_Efteling Beheer Q3 2006{1_11},SLA_EMI Beheer Q3 2006{1_12},SLA_EPZ Borssele Beheer AS/400 Q3 2006{1_13},SLA_Combo/Essent  Beheer 2006{1_14},SLA_Combo/Essent Helpdesk 2006{1_15},SLA_Etam Retail Service beheer Q3 2006{1_16},SLA_Essent AS-400 Beheer Q3 2006{1_17},SLA_Expo Beheer Q3 2006{1_18},SLA_FM Beheerwerkz.CCx-operator-NOS  Q3 2006{1_19},SLA_FM Beheerwerkz.CCV-operator-LWT  Q3 2006{1_20},SLA_FM Change Office Q3 2006{1_21},SLA_FM Infrastructuur Q3 2006{1_22},SLA_FM Telecity geheel 2006{1_23},SLA_Fontys hogescholen Q3 2006{1_24},SLA_Frieslandbank LAN Q3 2006{1_25},SLA_Frieslandbank WAN Q3 2006{1_26},SLA_Frieslandbank  Citrix  Q3 2006{1_27},SLA_Frieslandbank Unix Q3 2006{1_28},SLA_The Greenery Q3 2006{1_29},SLA_Harcourt Q3 2006{1_30},SLA_Hema Beheer Ethernet Switch Q3 2006{1_31},SLA_Hymec Beheer Q3 2006{1_32},SLA_Hypotheker Helpdesk Q3 2006{1_33},SLA_Hypotheker DSL Beheer Q3 2006{1_34},SLA_Hypotheker Centrale Omgeving Q3 2006{1_35},SLA_Hypotheker Werkplek/Deskforce Q3 2006{1_36},SLA_Hypotheekshop Beheer Q3 2006{1_37},SLA_Interaccess NoLimit Beheer Q3 2006{1_38},SLA_Jamin Beheer Q3 2006{1_39},SLA_Kiwa beheer Q3 2006 Rijswijk{1_40},SLA_Kiwa beheer Q3 2006 Nieuwegein{1_41},SLA_Kiwa Wateropleidingen  Q3 2006{1_42},SLA_Kiwa Apeldoorn Q3 2006{1_43},SLA_Laurus Winkelnetwerk Q3 2006{1_44},SLA_Laurus Werkplekbeheer Q3 2006{1_45},SLA_Laurus Winkeltaken Q3 2006{1_46},SLA_Laurus Helpdesk Q3 2006{1_47},SLA_Laurus Incident Solving Winkels Q3 2006{1_48},SLA_Malmberg Beheer Q3 2006{1_49},SLA_Helpdesk Malmberg Q3 2006{1_50},SLA_MCB werkplekbeheer obv inspanning Q3 2006{1_51},SLA_MRG Beheer Q3 2006{1_52},SLA_MRG Belcompany Q3 2006{1_53},SLA_MRG Kwantum Beheer Q3 2006{1_54},SLA_MRG Piet klerkx Q3 2006{1_55},SLA_Neways Beheer Q3 2006{1_56},SLA_Gemeente Nijmegen  Q3 2006{1_57},SLA_NRE Beheer Q3 2006{1_58},SLA_Philips Beheer Q3 2006{1_59},SLA_Philips SC AS wkzh. Q3 2006{1_60},SLA_Pon beheer Q3 2006{1_61},SLA_PON Midrange Beheer Q3 2006{1_62},SLA_PON Datawarehouse beheer Q3 2006{1_63},SLA_Probiblio Beheer Q3 2006{1_64},SLA_RIBW Nijmegen Rivierenland  Beheer Q3 2006{1_65},SLA_RIBW Den Haag Beheer Q3 2006{1_66},SLA_Schoonenberg Beheer Q3 2006{1_67},SLA_Simac Broadcast Beheer Q3 2006{1_68},SLA_Simac ICT IT Shop Q3 2006{1_69},SLA_Simac ICT Telefonie Q3 2006{1_70},SLA_Simac ICT ERP Q3 2006{1_71},SLA_Simac: ICT KA Q3 2006{1_72},SLA_Simac Triangle Q3 2006{1_73},SLA_SNV Beheer Q3 2006{1_74},SLA_Twice Beheer Q3 2006{1_75},SLA_V&D Winkelwerkplek Beheer Q3 2006{1_76},SLA_Vendex KBB VKRN Vast Beheer Q3 2006{1_77},SLA_Vendex KBB - ADSL Beheer Q3 2006{1_78},SLA_VVAA Semic Beheer Q3 2006{1_79},SLA_VVAA LAN Beheer Q3 2006{1_80},SLA_VVAA Bureau Hufen Beheer Q3 2006{1_81},SLA_VVAA Reisbureau Beheer Q3 2006{1_82},SLA_VVAA Congres en Evenementen Q3 2006{1_83},SLA_VVAA Praktijk Adviseurs Q3 2006{1_84},SLA_Wagner & Partners Beheer Q3 2006{1_85},SLA_Watermark Beheer Q3 2006{1_86},SLA_Zeeman Beheer Q3 2006{1_87}
/* SLA_Arag beheer Q3 2006{1_1},SLA_ASML BlackBerry Beheer Q3 2006{1_2},SLA_BAT Beheer Q3 2006{1_3},SLA_Beter Horen Acoudire WAN Beheer Q3 2006{1_4},SLA_Beter Horen Acoudire Server Beheer Q3 2006{1_5},SLA_Bodemsanering NS  Beheer Q3 2006{1_6},SLA_Breman  beheer Q3 2006{1_7},SLA_Compliance Beheer Q3 2006{1_8},SLA_DocData beheer Q3 2006{1_9},SLA_Edutel Beheer Q3 2006{1_10},SLA_Efteling Beheer Q3 2006{1_11},SLA_EMI Beheer Q3 2006{1_12},SLA_EPZ Borssele Beheer AS/400 Q3 2006{1_13},SLA_Combo/Essent  Beheer 2006{1_14},SLA_Combo/Essent Helpdesk 2006{1_15},SLA_Etam Retail Service beheer Q3 2006{1_16},SLA_Essent AS-400 Beheer Q3 2006{1_17},SLA_Expo Beheer Q3 2006{1_18},SLA_FM Beheerwerkz.CCx-operator-NOS  Q3 2006{1_19},SLA_FM Beheerwerkz.CCV-operator-LWT  Q3 2006{1_20},SLA_FM Change Office Q3 2006{1_21},SLA_FM Infrastructuur Q3 2006{1_22},SLA_FM Telecity geheel 2006{1_23},SLA_Fontys hogescholen Q3 2006{1_24},SLA_Frieslandbank LAN Q3 2006{1_25},SLA_Frieslandbank WAN Q3 2006{1_26},SLA_Frieslandbank  Citrix  Q3 2006{1_27},SLA_Frieslandbank Unix Q3 2006{1_28},SLA_The Greenery Q3 2006{1_29},SLA_Harcourt Q3 2006{1_30},SLA_Hema Beheer Ethernet Switch Q3 2006{1_31},SLA_Hymec Beheer Q3 2006{1_32},SLA_Hypotheker Helpdesk Q3 2006{1_33},SLA_Hypotheker DSL Beheer Q3 2006{1_34},SLA_Hypotheker Centrale Omgeving Q3 2006{1_35},SLA_Hypotheker Werkplek/Deskforce Q3 2006{1_36},SLA_Hypotheekshop Beheer Q3 2006{1_37},SLA_Interaccess NoLimit Beheer Q3 2006{1_38},SLA_Jamin Beheer Q3 2006{1_39},SLA_Kiwa beheer Q3 2006 Rijswijk{1_40},SLA_Kiwa beheer Q3 2006 Nieuwegein{1_41},SLA_Kiwa Wateropleidingen  Q3 2006{1_42},SLA_Kiwa Apeldoorn Q3 2006{1_43},SLA_Laurus Winkelnetwerk Q3 2006{1_44},SLA_Laurus Werkplekbeheer Q3 2006{1_45},SLA_Laurus Winkeltaken Q3 2006{1_46},SLA_Laurus Helpdesk Q3 2006{1_47},SLA_Laurus Incident Solving Winkels Q3 2006{1_48},SLA_Malmberg Beheer Q3 2006{1_49},SLA_Helpdesk Malmberg Q3 2006{1_50},SLA_MCB werkplekbeheer obv inspanning Q3 2006{1_51},SLA_MRG Beheer Q3 2006{1_52},SLA_MRG Belcompany Q3 2006{1_53},SLA_MRG Kwantum Beheer Q3 2006{1_54},SLA_MRG Piet klerkx Q3 2006{1_55},SLA_Neways Beheer Q3 2006{1_56},SLA_Gemeente Nijmegen  Q3 2006{1_57},SLA_NRE Beheer Q3 2006{1_58},SLA_Philips Beheer Q3 2006{1_59},SLA_Philips SC AS wkzh. Q3 2006{1_60},SLA_Pon beheer Q3 2006{1_61},SLA_PON Midrange Beheer Q3 2006{1_62},SLA_PON Datawarehouse beheer Q3 2006{1_63},SLA_Probiblio Beheer Q3 2006{1_64},SLA_RIBW Nijmegen Rivierenland  Beheer Q3 2006{1_65},SLA_RIBW Den Haag Beheer Q3 2006{1_66},SLA_Schoonenberg Beheer Q3 2006{1_67},SLA_Simac Broadcast Beheer Q3 2006{1_68},SLA_Simac ICT IT Shop Q3 2006{1_69},SLA_Simac ICT Telefonie Q3 2006{1_70},SLA_Simac ICT ERP Q3 2006{1_71},SLA_Simac: ICT KA Q3 2006{1_72},SLA_Simac Triangle Q3 2006{1_73},SLA_SNV Beheer Q3 2006{1_74},SLA_Twice Beheer Q3 2006{1_75},SLA_V&D Winkelwerkplek Beheer Q3 2006{1_76},SLA_Vendex KBB VKRN Vast Beheer Q3 2006{1_77},SLA_Vendex KBB - ADSL Beheer Q3 2006{1_78},SLA_VVAA Semic Beheer Q3 2006{1_79},SLA_VVAA LAN Beheer Q3 2006{1_80},SLA_VVAA Bureau Hufen Beheer Q3 2006{1_81},SLA_VVAA Reisbureau Beheer Q3 2006{1_82},SLA_VVAA Congres en Evenementen Q3 2006{1_83},SLA_VVAA Praktijk Adviseurs Q3 2006{1_84},SLA_Wagner & Partners Beheer Q3 2006{1_85},SLA_Watermark Beheer Q3 2006{1_86},SLA_Zeeman Beheer Q3 2006{1_87}
{2}options Klantnaam  = SO_EPZ Borssele jaarorder Erwin de Kam 711447{2_1},SO_EPZ AS400 TAB /Chg./Inc.  Frans Mallens 711446{2_2},SO_Frieslandbank LAN  Changes 712276{2_3},SO_Frieslandbank Citrix Changes 712277{2_4},SO_Frieslandbank WAN Changes  712278{2_5},SO_Frieslandbank Unix Changes  712279{2_6},SO_Harcourt transformatie  711106{2_7},SO_Kiwa Apeldoorn laptop uitrol en niet-werkpl. Beheer 710424{2_8},SO_Laurus Transformatie 712608{2_9},SO_Philips Non standaard changes 712164{2_10},SO_Philip Morris Improvement werk Urenpotje 711602{2_11},SO_Philips Morris Extra werkzaamheden 711603{2_12},SO_Vendex VKRN Vast consultancy  709276{2_13}
{3}options Klantnaam  = PRJ_Laurus Pilot Retailix   900190{3_1}
{4}options Klantnaam  = SO_TMP{4_1}

{1_1}Roptions SO = 712702
{1_2}Roptions SO = 712703
{1_3}Roptions SO = 712706
{1_4}Roptions SO = 712704
{1_5}Roptions SO = 712705
{1_6}Roptions SO = 712707
{1_7}Roptions SO = 712708
{1_8}Roptions SO = 712709
{1_9}Roptions SO = 712710
{1_10}Roptions SO = 712711
{1_11}Roptions SO = 712712
{1_12}Roptions SO = 712713
{1_13}Roptions SO = 712714
{1_14}Roptions SO = 711437
{1_15}Roptions SO = 711442
{1_16}Roptions SO = 712715
{1_17}Roptions SO = 712716
{1_18}Roptions SO = 712312
{1_19}Roptions SO = 712717
{1_20}Roptions SO = 712718
{1_21}Roptions SO = 712311
{1_22}Roptions SO = 712719
{1_23}Roptions SO = 710530
{1_24}Roptions SO = 712720
{1_25}Roptions SO = 712722
{1_26}Roptions SO = 712721
{1_27}Roptions SO = 712724
{1_28}Roptions SO = 712723
{1_29}Roptions SO = 712773
{1_30}Roptions SO = 712778
{1_31}Roptions SO = 712725
{1_32}Roptions SO = 712726
{1_33}Roptions SO = 712728
{1_34}Roptions SO = 712729
{1_35}Roptions SO = 712730
{1_36}Roptions SO = 712727
{1_37}Roptions SO = 712731
{1_38}Roptions SO = 712732
{1_39}Roptions SO = 712733
{1_40}Roptions SO = 712734
{1_41}Roptions SO = 712736
{1_42}Roptions SO = 712737
{1_43}Roptions SO = 712735
{1_44}Roptions SO = 712738
{1_45}Roptions SO = 712609
{1_46}Roptions SO = 712610
{1_47}Roptions SO = 712611
{1_48}Roptions SO = 712612
{1_49}Roptions SO = 712739
{1_50}Roptions SO = 712740
{1_51}Roptions SO = 712826
{1_52}Roptions SO = 712742
{1_53}Roptions SO = 712741
{1_54}Roptions SO = 712743
{1_55}Roptions SO = 712744
{1_56}Roptions SO = 712745
{1_57}Roptions SO = 712746
{1_58}Roptions SO = 712747
{1_59}Roptions SO = 712748
{1_60}Roptions SO = 712749
{1_61}Roptions SO = 712771
{1_62}Roptions SO = 712845
{1_63}Roptions SO = 712846
{1_64}Roptions SO = 712750
{1_65}Roptions SO = 712751
{1_66}Roptions SO = 712752
{1_67}Roptions SO = 712753
{1_68}Roptions SO = 712754
{1_69}Roptions SO = 712758
{1_70}Roptions SO = 712755
{1_71}Roptions SO = 712756
{1_72}Roptions SO = 712757
{1_73}Roptions SO = 712776
{1_74}Roptions SO = 712759
{1_75}Roptions SO = 712777
{1_76}Roptions SO = 712760
{1_77}Roptions SO = 712761
{1_78}Roptions SO = 712762
{1_79}Roptions SO = 712764
{1_80}Roptions SO = 712765
{1_81}Roptions SO = 712766
{1_82}Roptions SO = 712768
{1_83}Roptions SO = 712763
{1_84}Roptions SO = 712767
{1_85}Roptions SO = 712769
{1_86}Roptions SO = 712770
{1_87}Roptions SO = 712772

{2_1}Roptions SO = 711447
{2_2}Roptions SO = 711446
{2_3}Roptions SO = 712276
{2_4}Roptions SO = 712277
{2_5}Roptions SO = 712278
{2_6}Roptions SO = 712279
{2_7}Roptions SO = 711106
{2_8}Roptions SO = 710424
{2_9}Roptions SO = 712608
{2_10}Roptions SO = 712164
{2_11}Roptions SO = 711602
{2_12}Roptions SO = 711603
{2_13}Roptions SO = 709276
{2_14}Roptions SO = 917443
{2_15}Roptions SO = 917446
{2_16}Roptions SO = 917445
{2_17}Roptions SO = 917453
{2_18}Roptions SO = 917461

{3_1}Roptions SO = 900190
{4_1} Preset SO = Enter SO here

; Urensoort is afhankelijk van CCV,CCE,Serv.Man.

options Afdeling = CCE{1a},ServiceManager{1c}

{1a}options Urensoort = Studie/Training{a_1},Parts Control{a_2},Verlof{a_3},Interne activiteiten{a_4},Ziek/bezoek arts{a_5},SM Activiteiten kleine klanten{a_6},SM Sales Ondersteuning{a_7},Engineer Sales Ondersteuning{a_8},Innovatie{a_9},Preventieve standby vrijgeroosterd{a_10},OR Werkzaamheden{a_11},Project HP ServiceDesk{a_12},&nbsp; ,SLA CCx Server Management{a_13},SLA CCx Network Management{a_14},SLA CCx Desktop Management{a_15},SLA CCx Telecom Management{a_16},SLA CCx Technisch Applicatie Beheer{a_17},SLA CCx Rapportage/overleg{a_18},SLA Reisuren{a_19},&nbsp; ,SLA SM Accountteam{a_20},SLA SM SLR Maken{a_21},SLA SM Pro/Chg/Inc coordinatie{a_22},SLA SM Proces verbetering{a_23},SLA SM Administratie/Facturatie{a_24},SLA SM Overleg{a_25},&nbsp; ,SO CCx Remote Support{a_26},SO CCx On-site Support{a_27},SO CCx Repair Intern{a_28},SO CCx Wvb (storing/change) planning{a_29},SO CCx Uitvoer non-standard change{a_30},SO CCx Reisuren{a_31},&nbsp; ,SO SM Voorbereiding{a_32},SO SM Concultancy{a_33},SO SM Nazorg/Overdracht{a_34},SO SM Reisuren{a_35},&nbsp; ,PRJ CCx Wvb Project{a_36},PRJ CCx Uitvoer Project{a_37},PRJ CCx Reisuren Project{a_38},&nbsp; ,PRJ SM Voorbereiding{a_39},PRJ SM Consultancy{a_40},PRJ SM Nazorg/overdracht{a_41},PRJ SM Reisuren{a_42},
{1c}options Urensoort = Studie/Training{c_1},Parts Control{c_2},Verlof{c_3},Interne activiteiten{c_4},Ziek/bezoek arts{c_5},SM Activiteiten kleine klanten{c_6},SM Sales Ondersteuning{c_7},Engineer Sales Ondersteuning{c_8},Innovatie{c_9},Preventieve standby vrijgeroosterd{c_10},OR Werkzaamheden{c_11},Project HP ServiceDesk{c_12},&nbsp; ,SLA CCx Server Management{c_13},SLA CCx Network Management{c_14},SLA CCx Desktop Management{c_15},SLA CCx Telecom Management{c_16},SLA CCx Technisch Applicatie Beheer{c_17},SLA CCx Rapportage/overleg{c_18},SLA Reisuren{c_19},&nbsp; ,SLA SM Accountteam{c_20},SLA SM SLR Maken{c_21},SLA SM Pro/Chg/Inc coordinatie{c_22},SLA SM Proces verbetering{c_23},SLA SM Administratie/Facturatie{c_24},SLA SM Overleg{c_25},&nbsp; ,SO CCx Remote Support{c_26},SO CCx On-site Support{c_27},SO CCx Repair Intern{c_28},SO CCx Wvb (storing/change) planning{c_29},SO CCx Uitvoer non-standard change{c_30},SO CCx Reisuren{c_31},&nbsp; ,SO SM Voorbereiding{c_32},SO SM Concultancy{c_33},SO SM Nazorg/Overdracht{c_34},SO SM Reisuren{c_35},&nbsp; ,PRJ CCx Wvb Project{c_36},PRJ CCx Uitvoer Project{c_37},PRJ CCx Reisuren Project{c_38},&nbsp; ,PRJ SM Voorbereiding{c_39},PRJ SM Consultancy{c_40},PRJ SM Nazorg/overdracht{c_41},PRJ SM Reisuren{c_42},

/* Please notice : below will link the activity to the SO number */
{a_1}Roptions Urencode = 8762
{a_2}Roptions Urencode = 8778
{a_3}Roptions Urencode = 8780
{a_4}Roptions Urencode = 8782
{a_5}Roptions Urencode = 8788
{a_6}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_7}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_8}Roptions Urencode = 8763
{a_9}Roptions Urencode = 8767
{a_10}Roptions Urencode = 8740
{a_11}Roptions Urencode = 8786
{a_12}Roptions Urencode = 8766
{a_13}Roptions Urencode = 8735
{a_14}Roptions Urencode = 8736
{a_15}Roptions Urencode = 8737
{a_16}Roptions Urencode = 8738
{a_17}Roptions Urencode = 8739
{a_18}Roptions Urencode = 8742
{a_19}Roptions Urencode = 8783
{a_20}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_21}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_22}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_23}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_24}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_25}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_26}Roptions Urencode = 8720
{a_27}Roptions Urencode = 8722
{a_28}Roptions Urencode = 8723
{a_29}Roptions Urencode = 8726
{a_30}Roptions Urencode = 8731
{a_31}Roptions Urencode = 8734
{a_32}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_33}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_34}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_35}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_36}Roptions Urencode = 8710
{a_37}Roptions Urencode = 8711
{a_38}Roptions Urencode = 8716
{a_39}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_40}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_41}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{a_42}Roptions Urencode = n.a.

{c_1}Roptions Urencode = 8462
{c_2}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_3}Roptions Urencode = 8480
{c_4}Roptions Urencode = 8464
{c_5}Roptions Urencode = 8488
{c_6}Roptions Urencode = 8465
{c_7}Roptions Urencode = 8463
{c_8}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_9}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_10}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_11}Roptions Urencode = 8486
{c_12}Roptions Urencode = 8466
{c_13}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_14}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_15}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_16}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_17}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_18}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_19}Roptions Urencode = 8410
{c_20}Roptions Urencode = 8411
{c_21}Roptions Urencode = 8412
{c_22}Roptions Urencode = 8413
{c_23}Roptions Urencode = 8414
{c_24}Roptions Urencode = 8415
{c_25}Roptions Urencode = 8439
{c_26}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_27}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_28}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_29}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_30}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_31}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_32}Roptions Urencode = 8401
{c_33}Roptions Urencode = 8403
{c_34}Roptions Urencode = 8404
{c_35}Roptions Urencode = 8405
{c_36}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_37}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_38}Roptions Urencode = n.a.
{c_39}Roptions Urencode = 8441
{c_40}Roptions Urencode = 8443
{c_41}Roptions Urencode = 8444
{c_42}Roptions Urencode = 8445

Roptions ULS=100,150,200
  14   Tue Jul 11 09:10:44 2006 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chPersonal Logbookwebmouse 

Arno Teunisse wrote:
There is only one disadvantage: it's very slow in stating up. Has this to do with the large listings I've included into the configutation file , or is there something wrong in my config file.?

This has to do with the extensive use of conditional attributes. It has been reported by someone else recently and there is a fix: Just upgrade to Version 2.6.1-7 (SVN revision 1696). Also read the note about List conditions in the documentation.
  15   Tue Jul 11 10:24:40 2006 Arno Teunissearno.teunisse@hetnet.nlPersonal Logbookwebmouse 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Arno Teunisse wrote:
There is only one disadvantage: it's very slow in stating up. Has this to do with the large listings I've included into the configutation file , or is there something wrong in my config file.?

This has to do with the extensive use of conditional attributes. It has been reported by someone else recently and there is a fix: Just upgrade to Version 2.6.1-7 (SVN revision 1696). Also read the note about List conditions in the documentation.

Thanks for you're quick answer. I'm running version SVN 1695 ( which is the latest ) on windows. SVN 1696 is not available for this Operating System.
  16   Tue Jul 11 10:38:44 2006 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chPersonal Logbookwebmouse 

Arno Teunisse wrote:
I'm running version SVN 1695 ( which is the latest ) on windows. SVN 1696 is not available for this Operating System.

It is. Just use Version 2.6.2 which I released just now.
  17   Tue Jul 11 22:27:25 2006 Arno Teunissearno.teunisse@hetnet.nlPersonal Logbookwebmouse 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Arno Teunisse wrote:
I'm running version SVN 1695 ( which is the latest ) on windows. SVN 1696 is not available for this Operating System.

It is. Just use Version 2.6.2 which I released just now.

Hello Stefan

Have some problem with elog. just upgraded to version 2.6.2. revision 1699 for windows

Below is the example from the "man-page"

List conditions = 1 /* for version 2.6.2 revision 1699 */

Attributes = PC Name, Operating System, Version, Location, Floor
Options Operating System = Linux{1}, Windows{2}
Options Location = Main Building{a}, New Building{b}, Old Building{c}
{1} Options Version = 2.2, 2.4, 2.6
{2} Options Version = ME, 2k, NT, XP
{a} Options Floor = Ground, First, Second
{b,c} Options Floor = Ground, First

If I use the above on version :
elogd 2.6.1 built Jul 5 2006, 12:49:34 revision 1695
Indexing logbooks ... done
Server listening on port 80 ...

All is working fine . But using verion 2.6.2 revision 1699 , No matter the option : List conditions = 1
The Floor options will not be displayed.

Maybe I'm missing something about the "list display" .

Can you show me a correct example. ??
  18   Thu Jul 13 15:13:04 2006 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chPersonal Logbookwebmouse 

Arno Teunisse wrote:
Have some problem with elog. But using verion 2.6.2 revision 1699 , No matter the option : List conditions = 1
The Floor options will not be displayed.

This does not have anything to do with List conditions but with a bug I introduced in 1696. I fixed it now in 1702. I will soon make a 2.6.2-2 containing that fix.
  19   Sat Nov 16 03:24:38 2019 Carl Makincarl@stagecraft.cxOthernginx proxy configurationSat Nov 16 03:27:21 2019 by Carl Makin
To put nginx as a proxy in front of elog you need to use the following proxy statements in the nginx config;

This will let you use <site>/elog/ as your URL.

    location /elog/ {
        proxy_pass_header Set-Cookie;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
  Draft   Sat Oct 7 16:22:15 2023 Ram Krishan Logbook  
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6