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Message ID: 18     Entry time: Mon Sep 25 11:24:05 2006
Author: Yoshio Imai 
Author Email:  
Category: Documentation 
Subject: securing of elog with stunnel v4 under Linux 
Status: Beta 
Last Revision:  
The following instructions should work in securing the elog using stunnel version 4 under Linux. The specific paths may have to be adapted to your distribution. A sample configuration file is attached.
Attachment 1: elog-stunnel4.howto  3 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: stunnel.conf  293 Bytes  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
cert = /etc/ssl/certs/abcdefgh.0
pid = /var/run/stunnel4/

; Some performance tunings
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

; Some debugging stuff useful for troubleshooting
debug = 4

; Service-level configuration
accept  = 443
connect = 8080
TIMEOUTclose = 0
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6