# ELOG weblog application # rpmbuild -ba --define 'elogver 3.1.4' --define 'elogrel 2' --with ssl --with pam --with ldap --with krb5 --define 'factorydate date' # define date of build for changelog and default release %define build_timestamp %(LC_TIME=C date '+%a %b %d %Y') %{!?factorydate: %define factorydate %build_timestamp} # default version and release %{!?elogver: %define elogver __ELOGVER__ } %{!?elogrel: %define elogrel __ELOGREL__ } # default release is build date %{!?elogrel: %define elogrel %{build_timestamp} } # Build options : # Read: If neither macro exists, then add the default definition. %{?_with_krb5: %define _with_krb5 USEKRB5=1} %{?_with_ldap: %define _with_ldap USELDAP=1} %{?_with_pam: %define _with_pam USEPAM=1} %{?_with_ssl: %define _with_ssl USESSL=1} # Default build options are with SSL %{!?_with_ssl: %{!?_without_ssl: %define _with_ssl USESSL=1}} # builder info %define whoami %(eval who am i | awk '{print $1}') %define HOSTNAME %(hostname) %{!?packager: %define packager %{whoami} %{whoami}@%{HOSTNAME}} Name: elog Summary: elog is a standalone electronic web logbook Version: %elogver Release: %elogrel%{?customrel}%{?dist} License: GPL Group: Applications/Networking Source: http://elog.psi.ch/elog/download/elog-%{elogver}-%{elogrel}.tar.gz Vendor: Stefan Ritt URL: http://elog.psi.ch/elog BuildRoot: /tmp/%{name}-root Prefix: /usr/local # Add build dependencies for pam, ssl and ldap features if enabled. # Note: Tag tokens must start at beginning-of-line. # # Read: If feature is enabled, then add the build dependency. %{?_with_krb5:BuildRequires: krb5-devel} %{?_with_krb5:Requires: krb5-libs} %{?_with_ldap:BuildRequires: openldap-devel >= 2.4.1} %{?_with_ldap:Requires: openldap >= 2.4.1} %{?_with_pam:BuildRequires: pam-devel >= 1.1.1} %{?_with_ssl:BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.8e} %description ELOG is part of a family of applications known as weblogs. Their general purpose is : 1. To make it easy for people to put information online in a chronological fashion, in the form of short, time-stamped text messages ("entries") with optional HTML markup for presentation, and optional file attachments (images, archives, etc.) 2. To make it easy for other people to access this information through a Web interface, browse entries, search, download files, and optionally add, update, delete or comment on entries. ELOG is a remarkable implementation of a weblog in at least two respects : - Its simplicity of use: you don't need to be a seasoned server operator and/or an experimented database administrator to run ELOG ; one executable file (under Unix or Windows), a simple configuration text file, and it works. No Web server or relational database required. It is also easy to translate the interface to the appropriate language for your users. - Its versatility: through its single configuration file, ELOG can be made to display an infinity of variants of the weblog concept. There are options for what to display, how to display it, what commands are available and to whom, access control, etc. Moreover, a single server can host several weblogs, and each weblog can be totally different from the rest. %changelog * %{build_timestamp} %{packager} %{version}-%{release} - rebuild with option(s): %{?_with_krb5:KRB5 }%{?_with_ldap:LDAP }%{?_with_pam:PAM }%{?_with_ssl:SSL} * %{factorydate} Stefan Ritt %{version}-%{release} - Updated from git * Wed Sep 26 2018 Stefan Ritt - Made adjustments for new elog server and RH7 * Fri Aug 29 2014 Stefan Ritt - Added BuildRequires, thanks to Stefan Roiser from CERN * Fri Oct 21 2005 Stefan Ritt - Added resources/ directory * Fri Mar 14 2003 Stefan Ritt - Added %post to change ownership of elog files * Thu Jan 30 2003 Stefan Ritt - Added installation of man pages, thanks to Serge Droz * Tue Aug 13 2002 Stefan Ritt - Added elog group and user, thanks to Nicolas Chuche [nchuche@teaser.fr] * Tue Jun 18 2002 Stefan Ritt - Put elogd.init into TAR file, add logbooks directory, put elogd in sbin/ * Tue Jun 18 2002 Serge Droz - Update to 2.0.0 * Mon Jun 3 2002 Serge Droz - Update to 1.3.6 * Fri May 31 2002 Serge Droz - Initial RPM %prep %setup -q %pre %{_sbindir}/groupadd -r elog 2>/dev/null || : %{_sbindir}/useradd -d / -s /bin/false \ -g elog -M -r elog 2>/dev/null || : %build make %{?_with_ssl} %{?_with_pam} %{?_with_ldap} %{?_with_krb5} CFLAGS='-O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Imxml -g' sed "s#\@PREFIX\@#%{prefix}#g" elogd.init_template > elogd.init %install make install ROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT MANDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir} %post chown -R elog:elog $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/elog %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/elogd %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_mandir}/man8/* %doc README COPYING doc %defattr(-,elog,elog) %prefix/bin/* %prefix/sbin/elogd %prefix/elog/resources %prefix/elog/ssl %prefix/elog/themes %prefix/elog/scripts %prefix/elog/logbooks %config(noreplace) %prefix/elog/elogd.cfg