/******************************************************************** Name: elogd.c Created by: Stefan Ritt Copyright 2000 + Stefan Ritt ELOG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ELOG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ELOG. If not, see . Contents: Web server program for Electronic Logbook ELOG \********************************************************************/ #include "elogd.h" #include "git-revision.h" const char *_git_revision = GIT_REVISION; BOOL running_as_daemon; /* Running as a daemon/service? */ int elog_tcp_port; /* Server's TCP port */ static void (*printf_handler)(const char *); /* Handler to printf for logging */ static void (*fputs_handler)(const char *); /* Handler to fputs for logging */ static FILE *current_output_stream = NULL; /* Currently used output stream */ char *return_buffer; int return_buffer_size; int strlen_retbuf; int keep_alive; char header_buffer[20000]; int return_length; char host_name[256]; char referer[256]; char browser[256]; char config_file[256]; char resource_dir[256]; char logbook_dir[256]; char listen_interface[256]; char theme_name[80]; char http_host[256]; char http_user[256]; char _param[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH]; char _value[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH]; char _mtext[TEXT_SIZE]; char _cmdline[CMD_SIZE]; char *_attachment_buffer; int _attachment_size; int _max_content_length = MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH; struct in_addr rem_addr; char rem_host[256]; char rem_host_ip[256]; int _sock; BOOL use_keepalive, enable_execute = FALSE; BOOL ckedit_exist, image_magick_exist; int _verbose_level, _current_message_id; int _logging_level, _ssl_flag; LOGBOOK *lb_list = NULL; #define VERBOSE_URL 1 #define VERBOSE_INFO 2 #define VERBOSE_DEBUG 3 #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL *_ssl_con; #endif char *mname[] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; char attr_list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; char attr_options[MAX_N_ATTR][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; int attr_flags[MAX_N_ATTR]; char attr_list_default[][NAME_LENGTH] = {"Author", "Type", "Category", "Subject", ""}; char attr_options_default[][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = {{""}, {"Routine", "Other"}, {"General", "Other"}, {""} }; int attr_flags_default[] = {AF_REQUIRED, 0, 0, 0}; struct { char ext[32]; char type[80]; } filetype[] = { { ".AI", "application/postscript"}, { ".ASC", "text/plain"}, { ".BZ2", "application/x-bzip2"}, { ".CFG", "text/plain"}, { ".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"}, { ".CONF", "text/plain"}, { ".CSH", "application/x-csh"}, { ".CSS", "text/css"}, { ".DOC", "application/msword"}, { ".DVI", "application/x-dvi"}, { ".EPS", "application/postscript"}, { ".GIF", "image/gif"}, { ".GZ", "application/x-gzip"}, { ".HTM", "text/html"}, { ".HTML", "text/html"}, { ".ICO", "image/x-icon"}, { ".JPEG", "image/jpeg"}, { ".JPG", "image/jpeg"}, { ".JS", "application/x-javascript"}, { ".KPR", "application/x-kpresenter"}, { ".KSP", "application/x-kspread"}, { ".KWD", "application/x-kword"}, { ".MP3", "audio/mpeg"}, { ".OGG", "application/x-ogg"}, { ".PDF", "application/pdf"}, { ".PNG", "image/png"}, { ".PS", "application/postscript"}, { ".RAM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, { ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, { ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, { ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, { ".RPM", "application/x-rpm"}, { ".RTF", "application/rtf"}, { ".SH", "application/x-sh"}, { ".SVG", "image/svg+xml"}, { ".TAR", "application/x-tar"}, { ".TCL", "application/x-tcl"}, { ".TEX", "application/x-tex"}, { ".TGZ", "application/x-gzip"}, { ".TIF", "image/tiff"}, { ".TIFF", "image/tiff"}, { ".TXT", "text/plain"}, { ".WAV", "audio/x-wav"}, { ".XLS", "application/x-msexcel"}, { ".XML", "text/xml"}, { ".XSL", "text/xml"}, { ".ZIP", "application/x-zip-compressed"}, { /* Open XML file types */ ".DOCM", "application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12"}, { ".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"}, { ".DOTM", "application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12"}, { ".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"}, { ".PPSM", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12"}, { ".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"}, { ".PPTM", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12"}, { ".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"}, { ".XLSB", "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12"}, { ".XLSM", "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12"}, { ".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}, { ".XPS", "application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument"}, { "", ""},}; struct { char language[32]; char abbrev[32]; } lang_table[] = { {"brazilian", "br"}, {"bulgarian", "bg"}, {"czech", "cz"}, {"danish", "dk"}, {"dutch", "nl"}, {"french", "fr"}, {"german", "de"}, {"indonesia", "id"}, {"italian", "it"}, {"japanese", "jp"}, {"polish", "pl"}, {"ru_CP1251", "ru"}, {"slowak", "sk"}, {"spanish", "es"}, {"swedish", "se"}, {"turkish", "tr"}, {"zh_CN-GB2314", "zh"}, {"zh_CN-UTF8", "zh"}, {"", ""} }; char _convert_cmd[256]; char _identify_cmd[256]; #ifdef OS_WINNT int run_service(void); #endif #ifdef OS_UNIX gid_t orig_gid; /* Original effective GID before dropping privilege */ uid_t orig_uid; /* Original effective UID before dropping privilege */ char pidfile[256]; /* Pidfile name */ #endif #ifdef __CYGWIN__ /* bug in cygwin, 'timezone' not linked automatically */ long _timezone; #endif /*---- Funcions from the MIDAS library -----------------------------*/ #define my_toupper(_c) ( ((_c)>='a' && (_c)<='z') ? ((_c)-'a'+'A') : (_c) ) #define my_tolower(_c) ( ((_c)>='A' && (_c)<='Z') ? ((_c)-'A'+'a') : (_c) ) BOOL strieq(const char *str1, const char *str2) { char c1, c2; if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL) return TRUE; if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL) return FALSE; if (strlen(str1) != strlen(str2)) return FALSE; while (*str1) { c1 = *str1++; c2 = *str2++; if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2)) return FALSE; } if (*str2) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL strnieq(const char *str1, const char *str2, int n) { char c1, c2; int i; if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL && n == 0) return TRUE; if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL) return FALSE; if ((int) strlen(str1) < n || (int) strlen(str2) < n) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < n && *str1; i++) { c1 = *str1++; c2 = *str2++; if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2)) return FALSE; } if (i < n) return FALSE; return TRUE; } char *stristr(const char *str, const char *pattern) { size_t i; if (!*pattern) return (char *) str; for (; *str; str++) { if (toupper(*str) == toupper(*pattern)) { for (i = 1;; i++) { if (!pattern[i]) return (char *) str; if (toupper(str[i]) != toupper(pattern[i])) break; } } } return NULL; } void strextract(const char *str, char delim, char *extr, int size) /* extract a substinr "extr" from "str" until "delim" is found */ { int i; for (i = 0; str[i] != delim && i < size - 1; i++) extr[i] = str[i]; extr[i] = 0; } static BOOL chkext(const char *str, const char *ext) { int extl, strl; char c1, c2; if (ext == NULL || str == NULL) return FALSE; extl = strlen(ext); strl = strlen(str); if (extl >= strl) return FALSE; str = str + strl - extl; while (*str) { c1 = *str++; c2 = *ext++; if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } int get_verbose(void) { return _verbose_level; } void set_verbose(int v) { _verbose_level = v; } /* workaround for some gcc versions bug for "%c" format (see strftime(3) */ size_t my_strftime(char *s, size_t max, const char *fmt, const struct tm *tm) { return strftime(s, max, fmt, tm); } /* signal save read function */ int my_read(int fh, void *buffer, unsigned int bytes) { #ifdef OS_UNIX int i, n = 0; do { i = read(fh, (char *) buffer + n, bytes - n); /* don't return if an alarm signal was cought */ if (i == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (i == -1) return -1; if (i == 0) return n; n += i; } while (n < (int) bytes); return n; #else return read(fh, buffer, bytes); #endif return 0; } /* workaround for wong timezone under MacOSX */ long my_timezone() { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) time_t tp; time(&tp); return -localtime(&tp)->tm_gmtoff; #elif defined(OS_WINNT) return _timezone; #else return timezone; #endif } /*---- Compose RFC2822 compliant date ---*/ void get_rfc2822_date(char *date, int size, time_t ltime) { time_t now; char buf[256]; int offset; struct tm *ts; /* switch locale temporarily back to english to comply with RFC2822 date format */ setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); if (ltime == 0) time(&now); else now = ltime; ts = localtime(&now); assert(ts); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", ts); offset = (-(int) my_timezone()); if (ts->tm_isdst) offset += 3600; snprintf(date, size - 1, "%s %+03d%02d", buf, (int) (offset / 3600), (int) ((abs((int) offset) / 60) % 60)); } /*---- Safe malloc wrappers with out of memory checking from GNU ---*/ static void memory_error_and_abort(char *func) { eprintf("%s: not enough memory\n", func); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Return a pointer to free()able block of memory large enough to hold BYTES number of bytes. If the memory cannot be allocated, print an error message and abort. */ void *xmalloc(size_t bytes) { char *temp; /* Align buffer on 4 byte boundery for HP UX and other 64 bit systems to prevent Bus error (core dump) */ if (bytes & 3) bytes += 4 - (bytes & 3); temp = (char *) malloc(bytes + 12); if (temp == 0) memory_error_and_abort("xmalloc"); /* put magic number around array and put array size */ *(unsigned int *) (temp + 0) = bytes; *(unsigned int *) (temp + 4) = 0xdeadc0de; *(unsigned int *) (temp + bytes + 8) = 0xdeadc0de; return (temp + 8); } void *xcalloc(size_t count, size_t bytes) { char *temp; /* Align buffer on 4 byte boundery for HP UX and other 64 bit systems to prevent Bus error (core dump) */ if (bytes & 3) bytes += 4 - (bytes & 3); temp = (char *) malloc(count * bytes + 12); if (temp == 0) memory_error_and_abort("xcalloc"); memset(temp, 0, count * bytes + 12); /* put magic number around array */ *(unsigned int *) (temp + 0) = count * bytes; *(unsigned int *) (temp + 4) = 0xdeadc0de; *(unsigned int *) (temp + count * bytes + 8) = 0xdeadc0de; return (temp + 8); } void *xrealloc(void *pointer, size_t bytes) { char *temp; int old_size; /* Align buffer on 4 byte boundery for HP UX and other 64 bit systems to prevent Bus error (core dump) */ if (bytes & 3) bytes += 4 - (bytes & 3); if (pointer == NULL) return xmalloc(bytes); /* check old magic number */ temp = pointer; assert(*((unsigned int *) (temp - 4)) == 0xdeadc0de); old_size = *((unsigned int *) (temp - 8)); assert(*((unsigned int *) (temp + old_size)) == 0xdeadc0de); temp = (char *) realloc(temp - 8, bytes + 12); if (temp == 0) memory_error_and_abort("xrealloc"); /* put magic number around array */ *(unsigned int *) (temp + 0) = bytes; *(unsigned int *) (temp + 4) = 0xdeadc0de; *(unsigned int *) (temp + bytes + 8) = 0xdeadc0de; return (temp + 8); } void xfree(void *pointer) { char *temp; int old_size; if (!pointer) return; /* check for magic byte */ temp = pointer; assert(*((unsigned int *) (temp - 4)) == 0xdeadc0de); old_size = *((unsigned int *) (temp - 8)); assert(*((unsigned int *) (temp + old_size)) == 0xdeadc0de); free(temp - 8); } char *xstrdup(const char *string) { char *s; s = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(string) + 1); strcpy(s, string); return s; } /*----------------------- Message handling -------------------------*/ /* Have vasprintf? (seems that only libc6 based Linux has this) */ #ifdef __linux__ #define HAVE_VASPRintF #endif #ifndef HAVE_VASPRintF /* vasprintf implementation taken (and adapted) from GNU libiberty */ static int int_vasprintf(char **result, const char *format, va_list args) { const char *p = format; /* Add one to make sure that it is never zero, which might cause malloc to return NULL. */ int total_width = strlen(format) + 1; va_list ap; #ifdef va_copy va_copy(ap, args); #else memcpy(&ap, &args, sizeof(va_list)); #endif while (*p != '\0') { if (*p++ == '%') { while (strchr("-+ #0", *p)) ++p; if (*p == '*') { ++p; total_width += abs(va_arg(ap, int)); } else total_width += strtoul(p, (char **) &p, 10); if (*p == '.') { ++p; if (*p == '*') { ++p; total_width += abs(va_arg(ap, int)); } else total_width += strtoul(p, (char **) &p, 10); } while (strchr("hlL", *p)) ++p; /* * Should be big enough for any format specifier * except %s and floats. */ total_width += 30; switch (*p) { case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': case 'c': (void) va_arg(ap, int); break; case 'f': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': (void) va_arg(ap, double); /* * Since an ieee double can have an exponent of 307, we'll * make the buffer wide enough to cover the gross case. */ total_width += 307; break; case 's': total_width += strlen(va_arg(ap, char *)); break; case 'p': case 'n': (void) va_arg(ap, char *); break; } p++; } } #ifdef va_copy va_end(ap); #endif *result = (char *) malloc(total_width); if (*result != NULL) return vsprintf(*result, format, args); else return -1; } #if defined (_BSD_VA_LIST_) && defined (__FreeBSD__) int vasprintf(char **result, const char *format, _BSD_VA_LIST_ args) #else int vasprintf(char **result, const char *format, va_list args) #endif { return int_vasprintf(result, format, args); } #endif /* ! HAVE_VASPRintF */ /* Safe replacement for vasprintf (adapted code from Samba) */ int xvasprintf(char **ptr, const char *format, va_list ap) { int n; va_list save; #ifdef va_copy va_copy(save, ap); #else #ifdef __va_copy __va_copy(save, ap); #else save = ap; #endif #endif n = vasprintf(ptr, format, save); if (n == -1 || !*ptr) { printf("Not enough memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return n; } /* Driver for printf_handler, drop-in replacement for printf */ void eprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; char *msg; va_start(ap, format); xvasprintf(&msg, format, ap); va_end(ap); (*printf_handler)(msg); free(msg); } /* Driver for fputs_handler, drop-in replacement for fputs(buf, fd) */ void efputs(const char *buf) { (*fputs_handler)(buf); } /* Dump with the newline, drop-in replacement for puts(buf) */ void eputs(const char *buf) { char *p; p = xmalloc(strlen(buf) + 2); strcpy(p, buf); strcat(p, "\n"); (*fputs_handler)(p); xfree(p); } /* Flush the current output stream */ void eflush(void) { /* Do this only for non-NULL streams (uninitiated stream or a syslog) */ if (current_output_stream != NULL) fflush(current_output_stream); } #ifdef OS_WINNT HANDLE hEventLog; #endif /* Print MSG to syslog */ void print_syslog(const char *msg) { char *p; /* strip trailing \r and \n */ p = xstrdup(msg); while (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\r' || p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\n') p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; #ifdef OS_UNIX syslog(SYSLOG_PRIORITY, "%s", p); #else ReportEvent(hEventLog, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0, &p, NULL); #endif xfree(p); } /* Print MSG to stderr */ void print_stderr(const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg); } /* Dump BUF to syslog */ void fputs_syslog(const char *buf) { char *p; /* strip trailing \r and \n */ p = xstrdup(buf); while (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\r' || p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\n') p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; #ifdef OS_UNIX syslog(SYSLOG_PRIORITY, "%s", p); #else ReportEvent(hEventLog, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0, &p, NULL); #endif xfree(p); } /* Dump BUF to stderr */ void fputs_stderr(const char *buf) { fputs(buf, stderr); } /* Redirect all messages handled with eprintf/efputs to syslog (Unix) or event log (Windows) */ void redirect_to_syslog(void) { static int has_inited = 0; /* initiate syslog */ if (!has_inited) { #ifdef OS_UNIX setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(SYSLOG_PRIORITY)); openlog("elogd", LOG_CONS | LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL1); #else hEventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, "ELOG"); #endif } has_inited = 1; printf_handler = print_syslog; fputs_handler = fputs_syslog; /* tells that the syslog facility is currently used as output */ current_output_stream = NULL; } /* Redirect all messages handled with eprintf/efputs to stderr */ void redirect_to_stderr(void) { printf_handler = print_stderr; fputs_handler = fputs_stderr; current_output_stream = stderr; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int my_shell(char *cmd, char *result, int size) { #ifdef OS_WINNT HANDLE hChildStdinRd, hChildStdinWr, hChildStdinWrDup, hChildStdoutRd, hChildStdoutWr, hChildStderrRd, hChildStderrWr, hSaveStdin, hSaveStdout, hSaveStderr; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saAttr; PROCESS_INFORMATION piProcInfo; STARTUPINFO siStartInfo; char buffer[10000]; DWORD dwRead, dwAvail, i; /* Set the bInheritHandle flag so pipe handles are inherited. */ saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; /* Save the handle to the current STDOUT. */ hSaveStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); /* Create a pipe for the child's STDOUT. */ if (!CreatePipe(&hChildStdoutRd, &hChildStdoutWr, &saAttr, 0)) return 0; /* Set a write handle to the pipe to be STDOUT. */ if (!SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hChildStdoutWr)) return 0; /* Save the handle to the current STDERR. */ hSaveStderr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); /* Create a pipe for the child's STDERR. */ if (!CreatePipe(&hChildStderrRd, &hChildStderrWr, &saAttr, 0)) return 0; /* Set a read handle to the pipe to be STDERR. */ if (!SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, hChildStderrWr)) return 0; /* Save the handle to the current STDIN. */ hSaveStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); /* Create a pipe for the child's STDIN. */ if (!CreatePipe(&hChildStdinRd, &hChildStdinWr, &saAttr, 0)) return 0; /* Set a read handle to the pipe to be STDIN. */ if (!SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hChildStdinRd)) return 0; /* Duplicate the write handle to the pipe so it is not inherited. */ if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hChildStdinWr, GetCurrentProcess(), &hChildStdinWrDup, 0, FALSE, /* not inherited */ DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) return 0; CloseHandle(hChildStdinWr); /* Now create the child process. */ memset(&siStartInfo, 0, sizeof(siStartInfo)); siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); siStartInfo.lpReserved = NULL; siStartInfo.lpReserved2 = NULL; siStartInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; siStartInfo.lpDesktop = NULL; siStartInfo.dwFlags = 0; /* command to execute */ sprintf(buffer, "cmd /q /c %s", cmd); if (!CreateProcess(NULL, buffer, /* command line */ NULL, /* process security attributes */ NULL, /* primary thread security attributes */ TRUE, /* handles are inherited */ 0, /* creation flags */ NULL, /* use parent's environment */ NULL, /* use parent's current directory */ &siStartInfo, /* STARTUPINFO pointer */ &piProcInfo)) /* receives PROCESS_INFORMATION */ return 0; /* After process creation, restore the saved STDIN and STDOUT. */ SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hSaveStdin); SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hSaveStdout); SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, hSaveStderr); memset(result, 0, size); do { /* query stdout */ do { if (!PeekNamedPipe(hChildStdoutRd, buffer, 256, &dwRead, &dwAvail, NULL)) break; if (dwRead > 0) { ReadFile(hChildStdoutRd, buffer, 256, &dwRead, NULL); buffer[dwRead] = 0; strlcat(result, buffer, size); } } while (dwAvail > 0); /* query stderr */ do { if (!PeekNamedPipe(hChildStderrRd, buffer, 256, &dwRead, &dwAvail, NULL)) break; if (dwRead > 0) { ReadFile(hChildStderrRd, buffer, 256, &dwRead, NULL); buffer[dwRead] = 0; strlcat(result, buffer, size); } } while (dwAvail > 0); /* check if subprocess still alive */ if (!GetExitCodeProcess(piProcInfo.hProcess, &i)) break; if (i != STILL_ACTIVE) break; /* give some CPU to subprocess */ Sleep(10); } while (TRUE); CloseHandle(hChildStdinWrDup); CloseHandle(hChildStdinRd); CloseHandle(hChildStderrRd); CloseHandle(hChildStdoutRd); /* strip trailing CR/LF */ while (strlen(result) > 0 && (result[strlen(result) - 1] == '\r' || result[strlen(result) - 1] == '\n')) result[strlen(result) - 1] = 0; return 1; #endif /* OS_WINNT */ #ifdef OS_UNIX pid_t child_pid; int fh, status, wait_status; char str[1024]; char tmp_filename[1024]; strlcpy(tmp_filename, "/tmp/elog_XXXXXX", sizeof(tmp_filename)); fh = mkstemp(tmp_filename); if (fh == 0) { eprintf("Error getting TMP file name.\n"); return 0; } close(fh); if ((child_pid = fork()) < 0) return 0; else if (child_pid > 0) { /* parent process waits for child */ do { wait_status = waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); } while (wait_status == -1 && errno == EINTR); /* read back result */ memset(result, 0, size); fh = open(tmp_filename, O_RDONLY); if (fh > 0) { read(fh, result, size - 1); close(fh); } /* remove temporary file */ remove(tmp_filename); /* strip trailing CR/LF */ while (strlen(result) > 0 && (result[strlen(result) - 1] == '\r' || result[strlen(result) - 1] == '\n')) result[strlen(result) - 1] = 0; } else { /* child process */ /* restore original UID/GID */ if (setregid(-1, orig_gid) < 0 || setreuid(-1, orig_uid) < 0) eprintf("Cannot restore original GID/UID.\n"); /* give up root privilege permanently */ if (geteuid() == 0) { if (!getcfg("global", "Grp", str, sizeof(str)) || setgroup(str) < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default group \"elog\"\n"); if (setgroup("elog") < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default group \"%s\"\n", DEFAULT_GROUP); if (setgroup(DEFAULT_GROUP) < 0) { eprintf("Refuse to run as setgid root.\n"); eprintf("Please consider to define a Grp statement in configuration file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Falling back to group \"%s\"\n", str); if (!getcfg("global", "Usr", str, sizeof(str)) || setuser(str) < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default user \"elog\"\n"); if (setuser("elog") < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default user \"%s\"\n", DEFAULT_USER); if (setuser(DEFAULT_USER) < 0) { eprintf("Refuse to run as setuid root.\n"); eprintf("Please consider to define a Usr statement in configuration file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Falling back to user \"%s\"\n", str); } /* execute shell with redirection to /tmp/elog-shell */ sprintf(str, "/bin/sh -c \"%s\" > %s 2>&1", cmd, tmp_filename); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { efputs("Going to execute: "); efputs(str); efputs("\n"); } system(str); _exit(0); } return 1; #endif /* OS_UNIX */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void strsubst_list(char *string, int size, char name[][NAME_LENGTH], char value[][NAME_LENGTH], int n) /* subsitute "$name" with value corresponding to name */ { int i, j; char tmp[2 * NAME_LENGTH], str[2 * NAME_LENGTH], uattr[2 * NAME_LENGTH], *ps, *pt, *p, result[10000]; pt = tmp; ps = string; for (p = strchr(ps, '$'); p != NULL; p = strchr(ps, '$')) { /* copy leading characters */ j = (int) (p - ps); if (j >= (int) sizeof(tmp)) return; memcpy(pt, ps, j); pt += j; p++; /* extract name */ strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(str); j++) str[j] = toupper(str[j]); /* do shell substituion at the end, so that shell parameter can contain substituted attributes */ if (strncmp(str, "SHELL(", 6) == 0) { strlcpy(pt, "$shell(", sizeof(tmp) - (pt - tmp)); ps += 7; pt += 7; continue; } /* search name */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strlcpy(uattr, name[i], sizeof(uattr)); for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(uattr); j++) uattr[j] = toupper(uattr[j]); if (strncmp(str, uattr, strlen(uattr)) == 0) break; } /* copy value */ if (i < n) { strlcpy(pt, value[i], sizeof(tmp) - (pt - tmp)); pt += strlen(pt); ps = p + strlen(uattr); } else { *pt++ = '$'; ps = p; } } /* copy remainder */ strlcpy(pt, ps, sizeof(tmp) - (pt - tmp)); strlcpy(string, tmp, size); /* check for $shell() subsitution */ pt = tmp; ps = string; for (p = strchr(ps, '$'); p != NULL; p = strchr(ps, '$')) { /* copy leading characters */ j = (int) (p - ps); if (j >= (int) sizeof(tmp)) return; memcpy(pt, ps, j); pt += j; p++; /* extract name */ strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(str); j++) str[j] = toupper(str[j]); if (strncmp(str, "SHELL(", 6) == 0) { ps += 7; if (strrchr(p, '\"')) { ps += strrchr(p, '\"') - p - 5; if (strchr(ps, ')')) ps = strchr(ps, ')') + 1; } else { if (strchr(ps, ')')) ps = strchr(ps, ')') + 1; } if (str[6] == '"') { strcpy(str, p + 7); if (strrchr(str, '\"')) *strrchr(str, '\"') = 0; } else { strcpy(str, p + 6); if (strrchr(str, ')')) *strrchr(str, ')') = 0; } if (!enable_execute) { strlcpy(result, loc("Shell execution not enabled via -x flag"), sizeof(result)); eprintf("Shell execution not enabled via -x flag.\n"); } else my_shell(str, result, sizeof(result)); strlcpy(pt, result, sizeof(tmp) - (pt - tmp)); pt += strlen(pt); } else { *pt++ = '$'; ps = p; } } /* copy remainder */ strlcpy(pt, ps, sizeof(tmp) - (pt - tmp)); /* return result */ strlcpy(string, tmp, size); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void strsubst(char *string, int size, char *pattern, char *subst) /* subsitute "pattern" with "subst" in "string" */ { char *tail, *p; int s; p = string; for (p = stristr(p, pattern); p != NULL; p = stristr(p, pattern)) { if (strlen(pattern) == strlen(subst)) { memcpy(p, subst, strlen(subst)); } else if (strlen(pattern) > strlen(subst)) { memcpy(p, subst, strlen(subst)); memmove(p + strlen(subst), p + strlen(pattern), strlen(p + strlen(pattern)) + 1); } else { tail = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(p) - strlen(pattern) + 1); strcpy(tail, p + strlen(pattern)); s = size - (p - string); strlcpy(p, subst, s); strlcat(p, tail, s); xfree(tail); } p += strlen(subst); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void url_decode(char *p) /********************************************************************\ Decode the given string in-place by expanding %XX escapes \********************************************************************/ { char *pD, str[3]; int i; pD = p; while (*p) { if (*p == '%') { /* Escape: next 2 chars are hex representation of the actual character */ p++; if (isxdigit(p[0]) && isxdigit(p[1])) { str[0] = p[0]; str[1] = p[1]; str[2] = 0; sscanf(str, "%02X", &i); *pD++ = (char) i; p += 2; } else *pD++ = '%'; } else if (*p == '+') { /* convert '+' to ' ' */ *pD++ = ' '; p++; } else { *pD++ = *p++; } } *pD = '\0'; } void url_encode(char *ps, int size) /********************************************************************\ Encode the given string in-place by adding %XX escapes \********************************************************************/ { unsigned char *pd, *p; unsigned char str[NAME_LENGTH]; pd = str; p = (unsigned char *) ps; while (*p && pd < str + 250) { if (strchr("%&=#?+<>", *p) || *p > 127) { sprintf((char *) pd, "%%%02X", *p); pd += 3; p++; } else if (*p == ' ') { *pd++ = '+'; p++; } else { *pd++ = *p++; } } *pd = '\0'; strlcpy(ps, (char *) str, size); } void url_slash_encode(char *ps, int size) /********************************************************************\ Do the same including '/' characters \********************************************************************/ { unsigned char *pd, *p; unsigned char str[NAME_LENGTH]; pd = str; p = (unsigned char *) ps; while (*p && pd < str + 250) { if (strchr("%&=#?+<>/", *p) || *p > 127) { sprintf((char *) pd, "%%%02X", *p); pd += 3; p++; } else if (*p == ' ') { *pd++ = '+'; p++; } else { *pd++ = *p++; } } *pd = '\0'; strlcpy(ps, (char *) str, size); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void str_escape(char *ps, int size) /********************************************************************\ Encode the given string in-place by adding \\ escapes for `$"\ \********************************************************************/ { unsigned char *pd, *p; unsigned char str[NAME_LENGTH]; pd = str; p = (unsigned char *) ps; while (*p && pd < str + 250) { if (strchr("'$\"\\", *p)) { *pd++ = '\\'; *pd++ = *p++; } else { *pd++ = *p++; } } *pd = '\0'; strlcpy(ps, (char *) str, size); } void btou(char *str) /* convert all blanks to underscores in a string */ { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) if (str[i] == ' ') str[i] = '_'; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void stou(char *str) /* convert all special characters to underscores in a string */ { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) if (!isalnum(str[i])) str[i] = '_'; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; int cind(char c) { int i; if (c == '=') return 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) if (map[i] == c) return i; return -1; } void base64_decode(char *s, char *d) { unsigned int t; while (s && *s) { t = cind(*s) << 18; s++; t |= cind(*s) << 12; s++; t |= cind(*s) << 6; s++; t |= cind(*s) << 0; s++; *(d + 2) = (char) (t & 0xFF); t >>= 8; *(d + 1) = (char) (t & 0xFF); t >>= 8; *d = (char) (t & 0xFF); d += 3; } *d = 0; } void base64_encode(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int size) { unsigned int t, pad; unsigned char *p; pad = 3 - strlen((char *) s) % 3; if (pad == 3) pad = 0; p = d; while (*s) { t = (*s++) << 16; if (*s) t |= (*s++) << 8; if (*s) t |= (*s++) << 0; *(d + 3) = map[t & 63]; t >>= 6; *(d + 2) = map[t & 63]; t >>= 6; *(d + 1) = map[t & 63]; t >>= 6; *(d + 0) = map[t & 63]; d += 4; if (d - p >= size - 3) return; } *d = 0; while (pad--) *(--d) = '='; } void base64_bufenc(unsigned char *s, int len, char *d) { unsigned int t, pad; int i; pad = 3 - len % 3; if (pad == 3) pad = 0; for (i = 0; i < len;) { t = s[i++] << 16; if (i < len) t |= s[i++] << 8; if (i < len) t |= s[i++] << 0; *(d + 3) = map[t & 63]; t >>= 6; *(d + 2) = map[t & 63]; t >>= 6; *(d + 1) = map[t & 63]; t >>= 6; *(d + 0) = map[t & 63]; d += 4; } *d = 0; while (pad--) *(--d) = '='; } char *sha256_crypt(const char *key, const char *salt); void do_crypt(const char *s, char *d, int size) { strlcpy(d, sha256_crypt(s, "$5$") + 4, size); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------* MD5 Checksum Routines \*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { unsigned int state[4]; // state (ABCD) unsigned int count[2]; // number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) unsigned char buffer[64]; // input buffer } MD5_CONTEXT; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* prototypes of the support routines */ void _MD5_update(MD5_CONTEXT *, const void *, unsigned int); void _MD5_transform(unsigned int[4], unsigned char[64]); void _MD5_encode(unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int); void _MD5_decode(unsigned int *, unsigned char *, unsigned int); /* F, G, H and I are basic MD5 functions */ #define F(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | ((~x) & (z))) #define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (~z))) #define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z)) #define I(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | (~z))) /* ROTATE_LEFT rotates x left n bits */ #define ROTATE_LEFT(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32-(n)))) /* FF, GG, HH, and II transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4 */ /* Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation */ #define FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \ (a) += F ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (unsigned int)(ac); \ (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \ (a) += (b); \ } #define GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \ (a) += G ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (unsigned int)(ac); \ (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \ (a) += (b); \ } #define HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \ (a) += H ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (unsigned int)(ac); \ (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \ (a) += (b); \ } #define II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \ (a) += I ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (unsigned int)(ac); \ (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \ (a) += (b); \ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* main MD5 checksum routine, returns digest from pdata buffer */ void MD5_checksum(const void *pdata, unsigned int len, unsigned char digest[16]) { MD5_CONTEXT ctx; unsigned char bits[8]; unsigned int i, padlen; /* to allow multithreading we have to locate the padding memory here */ unsigned char PADDING[64] = {0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(MD5_CONTEXT)); ctx.count[0] = ctx.count[1] = 0; /* load magic initialization constants */ ctx.state[0] = 0x67452301; ctx.state[1] = 0xefcdab89; ctx.state[2] = 0x98badcfe; ctx.state[3] = 0x10325476; _MD5_update(&ctx, pdata, len); // save number of bits _MD5_encode(bits, ctx.count, 8); // pad out to 56 mod 64 i = (unsigned int) ((ctx.count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); padlen = (i < 56) ? (56 - i) : (120 - i); _MD5_update(&ctx, PADDING, padlen); // append length (before padding) _MD5_update(&ctx, bits, 8); // store state in digest _MD5_encode(digest, ctx.state, 16); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void _MD5_update(MD5_CONTEXT *pctx, const void *pdata, unsigned int len) { unsigned char *pin; unsigned int i, index, partlen; pin = (unsigned char *) pdata; // compute number of bytes mod 64 index = (unsigned int) ((pctx->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); // update number of bits if ((pctx->count[0] += ((unsigned int) len << 3)) < ((unsigned int) len << 3)) pctx->count[1]++; pctx->count[1] += ((unsigned int) len >> 29); partlen = 64 - index; // transform as many times as possible. if (len >= partlen) { memcpy(&pctx->buffer[index], pin, partlen); _MD5_transform(pctx->state, pctx->buffer); for (i = partlen; i + 63 < len; i += 64) _MD5_transform(pctx->state, &pin[i]); index = 0; } else i = 0; /* buffer remaining input */ memcpy(&pctx->buffer[index], &pin[i], len - i); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* basic transformation, transforms state based on block */ void _MD5_transform(unsigned int state[4], unsigned char block[64]) { unsigned int lA = state[0], lB = state[1], lC = state[2], lD = state[3]; unsigned int x[16]; _MD5_decode(x, block, 64); /* round 1 */ FF(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[0], 7, 0xd76aa478); // 1 FF(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[1], 12, 0xe8c7b756); // 2 FF(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[2], 17, 0x242070db); // 3 FF(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[3], 22, 0xc1bdceee); // 4 FF(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[4], 7, 0xf57c0faf); // 5 FF(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[5], 12, 0x4787c62a); // 6 FF(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[6], 17, 0xa8304613); // 7 FF(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[7], 22, 0xfd469501); // 8 FF(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[8], 7, 0x698098d8); // 9 FF(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[9], 12, 0x8b44f7af); // 10 FF(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[10], 17, 0xffff5bb1); // 11 FF(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[11], 22, 0x895cd7be); // 12 FF(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[12], 7, 0x6b901122); // 13 FF(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[13], 12, 0xfd987193); // 14 FF(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[14], 17, 0xa679438e); // 15 FF(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[15], 22, 0x49b40821); // 16 /* round 2 */ GG(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[1], 5, 0xf61e2562); // 17 GG(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[6], 9, 0xc040b340); // 18 GG(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[11], 14, 0x265e5a51); // 19 GG(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[0], 20, 0xe9b6c7aa); // 20 GG(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[5], 5, 0xd62f105d); // 21 GG(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[10], 9, 0x2441453); // 22 GG(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[15], 14, 0xd8a1e681); // 23 GG(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[4], 20, 0xe7d3fbc8); // 24 GG(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[9], 5, 0x21e1cde6); // 25 GG(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[14], 9, 0xc33707d6); // 26 GG(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[3], 14, 0xf4d50d87); // 27 GG(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[8], 20, 0x455a14ed); // 28 GG(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[13], 5, 0xa9e3e905); // 29 GG(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[2], 9, 0xfcefa3f8); // 30 GG(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[7], 14, 0x676f02d9); // 31 GG(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[12], 20, 0x8d2a4c8a); // 32 /* round 3 */ HH(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[5], 4, 0xfffa3942); // 33 HH(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[8], 11, 0x8771f681); // 34 HH(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[11], 16, 0x6d9d6122); // 35 HH(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[14], 23, 0xfde5380c); // 36 HH(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[1], 4, 0xa4beea44); // 37 HH(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[4], 11, 0x4bdecfa9); // 38 HH(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[7], 16, 0xf6bb4b60); // 39 HH(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[10], 23, 0xbebfbc70); // 40 HH(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[13], 4, 0x289b7ec6); // 41 HH(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[0], 11, 0xeaa127fa); // 42 HH(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[3], 16, 0xd4ef3085); // 43 HH(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[6], 23, 0x4881d05); // 44 HH(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[9], 4, 0xd9d4d039); // 45 HH(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[12], 11, 0xe6db99e5); // 46 HH(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[15], 16, 0x1fa27cf8); // 47 HH(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[2], 23, 0xc4ac5665); // 48 /* round 4 */ II(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[0], 6, 0xf4292244); // 49 II(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[7], 10, 0x432aff97); // 50 II(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[14], 15, 0xab9423a7); // 51 II(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[5], 21, 0xfc93a039); // 52 II(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[12], 6, 0x655b59c3); // 53 II(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[3], 10, 0x8f0ccc92); // 54 II(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[10], 15, 0xffeff47d); // 55 II(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[1], 21, 0x85845dd1); // 56 II(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[8], 6, 0x6fa87e4f); // 57 II(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[15], 10, 0xfe2ce6e0); // 58 II(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[6], 15, 0xa3014314); // 59 II(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[13], 21, 0x4e0811a1); // 60 II(lA, lB, lC, lD, x[4], 6, 0xf7537e82); // 61 II(lD, lA, lB, lC, x[11], 10, 0xbd3af235); // 62 II(lC, lD, lA, lB, x[2], 15, 0x2ad7d2bb); // 63 II(lB, lC, lD, lA, x[9], 21, 0xeb86d391); // 64 state[0] += lA; state[1] += lB; state[2] += lC; state[3] += lD; /* lClear sensitive information */ memset(x, 0, sizeof(x)); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* encodes input (unsigned int) into output (unsigned char), assumes that lLen is a multiple of 4 */ void _MD5_encode(unsigned char *pout, unsigned int *pin, unsigned int len) { unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 4) { pout[j] = (unsigned char) (pin[i] & 0x0ff); pout[j + 1] = (unsigned char) ((pin[i] >> 8) & 0x0ff); pout[j + 2] = (unsigned char) ((pin[i] >> 16) & 0x0ff); pout[j + 3] = (unsigned char) ((pin[i] >> 24) & 0x0ff); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* encodes input (unsigned char) into output (unsigned int), assumes that lLen is a multiple of 4 */ void _MD5_decode(unsigned int *pout, unsigned char *pin, unsigned int len) { unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 4) pout[i] = ((unsigned int) pin[j]) | (((unsigned int) pin[j + 1]) << 8) | (((unsigned int) pin[j + 2]) << 16) | (((unsigned int) pin[j + 3]) << 24); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL file_exist(char *file_name) { int fh; fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY); if (fh < 0) return FALSE; close(fh); return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void serialdate2date(double days, int *day, int *month, int *year) /* convert days since 1.1.1900 to date */ { int i, j, l, n; l = (int) days + 68569 + 2415019; n = (int) ((4 * l) / 146097); l = l - (int) ((146097 * n + 3) / 4); i = (int) ((4000 * (l + 1)) / 1461001); l = l - (int) ((1461 * i) / 4) + 31; j = (int) ((80 * l) / 2447); *day = l - (int) ((2447 * j) / 80); l = (int) (j / 11); *month = j + 2 - (12 * l); *year = 100 * (n - 49) + i + l; } double date2serialdate(int day, int month, int year) /* convert date to days since 1.1.1900 */ { int serialdate; serialdate = (int) ((1461 * (year + 4800 + (int) ((month - 14) / 12))) / 4) + (int) ((367 * (month - 2 - 12 * ((month - 14) / 12))) / 12) - (int) ((3 * ((int) ((year + 4900 + (int) ((month - 14) / 12)) / 100))) / 4) + day - 2415019 - 32075; return serialdate; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Wrapper for setegid. */ int setegroup(char *str) { #ifdef OS_UNIX struct group *gr; gr = getgrnam(str); if (gr != NULL) { chown(logbook_dir, -1, gr->gr_gid); if (setregid(-1, gr->gr_gid) >= 0 && initgroups(gr->gr_name, gr->gr_gid) >= 0) return 0; else { eprintf("Cannot set effective GID to group \"%s\"\n", gr->gr_name); eprintf("setgroup: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } else eprintf("Group \"%s\" not found\n", str); return -1; #else return 0; #endif } /* Wrapper for seteuid. */ int seteuser(char *str) { #ifdef OS_UNIX struct passwd *pw; pw = getpwnam(str); if (pw != NULL) { chown(logbook_dir, pw->pw_uid, -1); if (setreuid(-1, pw->pw_uid) >= 0) { return 0; } else { eprintf("Cannot set effective UID to user \"%s\"\n", str); eprintf("setuser: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } else eprintf("User \"%s\" not found\n", str); return -1; #else return 0; #endif } /* Wrapper for setgid. */ int setgroup(char *str) { #ifdef OS_UNIX struct group *gr; gr = getgrnam(str); if (gr != NULL) if (setgid(gr->gr_gid) >= 0 && initgroups(gr->gr_name, gr->gr_gid) >= 0) return 0; else { eprintf("Cannot set effective GID to group \"%s\"\n", gr->gr_name); eprintf("setgroup: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else eprintf("Group \"%s\" not found\n", str); return -1; #else return 0; #endif } /* Wrapper for setuid. */ int setuser(char *str) { #ifdef OS_UNIX struct passwd *pw; pw = getpwnam(str); if (pw != NULL) if (setuid(pw->pw_uid) >= 0) return 0; else { eprintf("Cannot set effective UID to user \"%s\"\n", str); eprintf("setuser: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else eprintf("User \"%s\" not found\n", str); return -1; #else return 0; #endif } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int send_with_timeout(void *p, int sock, char *buf, int buf_size) { int status, sent, send_size, send_packet; time_t start, now; char *pbuf; #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL *ssl; #endif time(&start); sent = 0; send_size = buf_size; pbuf = p; // fix compiler warning pbuf = buf; do { if (send_size > 65536) send_packet = 65536; else send_packet = send_size; #ifdef HAVE_SSL ssl = (SSL *) p; if (ssl) status = SSL_write(ssl, pbuf, send_packet); else #endif status = send(sock, pbuf, send_packet, 0); // abort after 30 seconds time(&now); if (now > start + 30) { printf("Timeout after 30 seconds\n"); break; } // repeat if we were interrupted by alarm() signal if (status == -1 && errno == EINTR) { continue; } if (status == -1) break; if (status > 0) sent += status; if (status > 0 && sent < buf_size) { pbuf += status; send_size -= status; } } while (sent < buf_size); return sent; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int recv_string(int sock, char *buffer, int buffer_size, int millisec) { int i, n; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; n = 0; memset(buffer, 0, buffer_size); do { if (millisec > 0) { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sock, &readfds); timeout.tv_sec = millisec / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (millisec % 1000) * 1000; select(FD_SETSIZE, (void *) &readfds, NULL, NULL, (void *) &timeout); if (!FD_ISSET(sock, &readfds)) break; } i = recv(sock, buffer + n, 1, 0); if (i <= 0) break; n++; if (n >= buffer_size) break; } while (buffer[n - 1] && buffer[n - 1] != 10); return n - 1; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SESSION_ID *_sid = NULL; int _n_sid; int sid_new(LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *user, const char *host, char *sid) { double exp; time_t now; int i, new_i; char str[256]; time(&now); new_i = 0; if (_sid == NULL) { _sid = (SESSION_ID *) malloc(sizeof(SESSION_ID)); _n_sid = 1; new_i = 0; } else { exp = 24; str[0] = 0; if (lbs == NULL) getcfg("global", "Login expiration", str, sizeof(str)); else getcfg(lbs->name, "Login expiration", str, sizeof(str)); if (atof(str) > 0) exp = atof(str); if (exp < 24) exp = 24; /* one day minimum for dangling edit pages */ /* search for expired sid */ for (i = 0; i < _n_sid; i++) { if (_sid[i].time + exp * 3600 < now) { new_i = i; break; } } if (i == _n_sid) { _sid = (SESSION_ID *) realloc(_sid, sizeof(SESSION_ID) * (_n_sid + 1)); new_i = _n_sid; _n_sid++; } } strlcpy(_sid[new_i].user_name, user, sizeof(_sid[0].user_name)); strlcpy(_sid[new_i].host_ip, host, sizeof(_sid[0].host_ip)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) sprintf(sid + i * 4, "%04X", rand() % 0x10000); sid[16] = 0; strlcpy(_sid[new_i].session_id, sid, sizeof(_sid[0].session_id)); _sid[new_i].time = now; return 1; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sid_check(char *sid, char *user_name) { int i; time_t now; if (sid == NULL) return FALSE; time(&now); for (i = 0; i < _n_sid; i++) { if (strcmp(_sid[i].host_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr)) == 0 && strcmp(_sid[i].session_id, sid) == 0) { strcpy(user_name, _sid[i].user_name); _sid[i].time = now; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sid_remove(char *sid) { int i; if (sid == NULL) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < _n_sid; i++) { if (strcmp(_sid[i].session_id, sid) == 0) { memset(&_sid[i], 0, sizeof(SESSION_ID)); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void compose_email_header(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *subject, char *from, char *to, char *url, char *mail_text, int size, int mail_encoding, int n_attachments, char *multipart_boundary, int message_id, int reply_id) { char buffer[256], charset[256], subject_enc[5000]; char buf[80], str[256]; int i, offset, multipart; time_t now; struct tm *ts; i = 0; if (mail_encoding & 1) i++; if (mail_encoding & 2) i++; if (mail_encoding & 4) i++; multipart = i > 1; if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); /* switch locale temporarily back to english to comply with RFC2822 date format */ setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); time(&now); ts = localtime(&now); assert(ts); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", ts); offset = (-(int) my_timezone()); if (ts->tm_isdst) offset += 3600; if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { sprintf(str, "timezone: %d, offset: %d\n", (int) my_timezone(), (int) offset); efputs(str); } snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Date: %s %+03d%02d\r\n", buf, (int) (offset / 3600), (int) ((abs((int) offset) / 60) % 60)); getcfg("global", "Language", str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]) setlocale(LC_ALL, str); strlcat(mail_text, "To: ", size); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Omit Email to", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) strlcat(mail_text, "ELOG", size); else strlcat(mail_text, to, size); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "From: %s\r\n", from); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "User-Agent: Elog Version %s\r\n", VERSION); strlcat(mail_text, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n", size); memset(subject_enc, 0, sizeof(subject_enc)); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(subject); i++) if (subject[i] < 0) break; if (i < (int) strlen(subject)) { /* subject contains local characters, so encode it using charset */ for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(subject); i += 40) { strlcpy(buffer, subject + i, sizeof(buffer)); buffer[40] = 0; strlcat(subject_enc, "=?", sizeof(subject_enc)); strlcat(subject_enc, charset, sizeof(subject_enc)); strlcat(subject_enc, "?B?", sizeof(subject_enc)); base64_encode((unsigned char *) buffer, (unsigned char *) (subject_enc + strlen(subject_enc)), sizeof(subject_enc) - strlen(subject_enc)); strlcat(subject_enc, "?=", sizeof(subject_enc)); if (strlen(subject + i) < 40) break; strlcat(subject_enc, "\r\n ", sizeof(subject_enc)); // another encoded-word } } else strlcpy(subject_enc, subject, sizeof(subject_enc)); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Subject: %s\r\n", subject_enc); if (strchr(from, '@')) { strlcpy(str, strchr(from, '@') + 1, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '>')) *strchr(str, '>') = 0; } else strlcpy(str, "elog.org", sizeof(str)); if (message_id) snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Message-ID: <%s-%d@%s>\r\n", lbs->name_enc, message_id, str); if (reply_id) snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "In-Reply-To: <%s-%d@%s>\r\n", lbs->name_enc, reply_id, str); if (url) snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "X-Elog-URL: %s\r\n", url); strlcat(mail_text, "X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog\r\n", size); if (multipart) { sprintf(multipart_boundary, "------------%04X%04X%04X", rand(), rand(), rand()); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", multipart_boundary); strlcat(mail_text, "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n", size); } else { if (n_attachments) { sprintf(multipart_boundary, "------------%04X%04X%04X", rand(), rand(), rand()); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", multipart_boundary); strlcat(mail_text, "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n", size); } else { if (multipart_boundary) multipart_boundary[0] = 0; } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int check_smtp_error(char *str, int expected, char *error, int error_size) { if (atoi(str) != expected) { if (error) strlcpy(error, str + 4, error_size); return 0; } return 1; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sendmail(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *smtp_host, char *from, char *to, char *text, char *error, int error_size) { struct sockaddr_in bind_addr; struct hostent *phe; int i, n, s, strsize; char *str; char list[MAX_N_EMAIL][NAME_LENGTH], buffer[10000], decoded[256]; memset(error, 0, error_size); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("\n\nEmail from %s to %s, SMTP host %s:\n", from, to, smtp_host); sprintf(buffer, "Email from %s to ", from); strlcat(buffer, to, sizeof(buffer)); strlcat(buffer, ", SMTP host ", sizeof(buffer)); strlcat(buffer, smtp_host, sizeof(buffer)); strlcat(buffer, ":\n", sizeof(buffer)); write_logfile(lbs, buffer); /* create a new socket for connecting to remote server */ s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s == -1) return -1; strsize = MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1000; str = xmalloc(strsize); /* connect to remote node port on SMTP port */ int smtp_port = 25; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "SMTP port", str, strsize)) smtp_port = atoi(str); memset(&bind_addr, 0, sizeof(bind_addr)); bind_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; bind_addr.sin_port = htons((short) smtp_port); phe = gethostbyname(smtp_host); if (phe == NULL) { if (error) strlcpy(error, loc("Cannot lookup server name"), error_size); return -1; } memcpy((char *) &(bind_addr.sin_addr), phe->h_addr, phe->h_length); if (connect(s, (void *) &bind_addr, sizeof(bind_addr)) < 0) { closesocket(s); if (error) strlcpy(error, loc("Cannot connect to server"), error_size); return -1; } recv_string(s, str, strsize, 10000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); /* drain server messages */ do { str[0] = 0; recv_string(s, str, strsize, 300); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); } while (str[0]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "SMTP username", str, strsize)) { snprintf(str, strsize - 1, "EHLO %s\r\n", host_name); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); do { recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 250, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; } while (stristr(str, "250 ") == NULL); } else { snprintf(str, strsize - 1, "HELO %s\r\n", host_name); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 250, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; } /* optional authentication */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "SMTP username", str, strsize)) { snprintf(str, strsize - 1, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; if (atoi(str) != 334) { strcat(str, "\n"); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); } else { base64_decode(str + 4, decoded); strcat(decoded, "\n"); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(decoded); write_logfile(lbs, decoded); } if (!check_smtp_error(str, 334, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; getcfg(lbs->name, "SMTP username", decoded, sizeof(decoded)); base64_encode((unsigned char *) decoded, (unsigned char *) str, strsize); strcat(str, "\r\n"); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(decoded); write_logfile(lbs, decoded); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; base64_decode(str + 4, decoded); strcat(decoded, "\n"); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(decoded); write_logfile(lbs, decoded); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 334, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; getcfg(lbs->name, "SMTP password", str, strsize); strcat(str, "\r\n"); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 235, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; } snprintf(str, strsize - 1, "MAIL FROM: %s\r\n", from); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 250, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; /* break recipients into list */ n = strbreak(to, list, MAX_N_EMAIL, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (list[i] == 0 || strchr(list[i], '@') == NULL) continue; snprintf(str, strsize - 1, "RCPT TO: <%s>\r\n", list[i]); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); /* increased timeout for SMTP servers with long alias lists */ recv_string(s, str, strsize, 30000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 250, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; } snprintf(str, strsize - 1, "DATA\r\n"); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 354, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; /* replace "." at beginning of line by ".." */ strlcpy(str, text, strsize); strsubst(str, strsize, "\n.", "\n.."); /* add "." to signal end of message */ strlcat(str, ".\r\n", strsize); /* check if buffer exceeded */ if ((int) strlen(str) == strsize - 1) { strlcpy(error, loc("Entry size too large for email notification"), error_size); goto smtp_error; } send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 10000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 250, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; snprintf(str, strsize - 1, "QUIT\r\n"); send(s, str, strlen(str), 0); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); recv_string(s, str, strsize, 3000); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) efputs(str); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (!check_smtp_error(str, 221, error, error_size)) goto smtp_error; closesocket(s); xfree(str); return 1; smtp_error: closesocket(s); xfree(str); return -1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int elog_connect(char *host, int port) { int status, sock; struct hostent *phe; struct sockaddr_in bind_addr; /* create socket */ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("cannot create socket"); return -1; } /* compose remote address */ memset(&bind_addr, 0, sizeof(bind_addr)); bind_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; bind_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; bind_addr.sin_port = htons((unsigned short) port); phe = gethostbyname(host); if (phe == NULL) { perror("cannot get host name"); return -1; } memcpy((char *) &(bind_addr.sin_addr), phe->h_addr, phe->h_length); /* connect to server */ status = connect(sock, (void *) &bind_addr, sizeof(bind_addr)); if (status != 0) return -1; return sock; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef HAVE_SSL int ssl_connect(int sock, SSL **ssl_con) { SSL_METHOD *meth; SSL_CTX *ctx; X509 *cert = NULL; int i; SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x1010000fL meth = (SSL_METHOD *) TLS_method(); #else meth = (SSL_METHOD *) TLSv1_2_method(); #endif ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth); *ssl_con = SSL_new(ctx); SSL_set_fd(*ssl_con, sock); if (SSL_connect(*ssl_con) <= 0) return -1; cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(*ssl_con); if (cert == NULL) return -1; i = SSL_get_verify_result(*ssl_con); if (i != X509_V_OK) printf("Possibly invalid certificate, continue on your own risk!\n"); return 0; } #endif /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void split_url(const char *url, char *host, int *port, char *subdir, char *param) { const char *p; char str[256]; if (host) host[0] = 0; if (port) *port = 80; if (subdir) subdir[0] = 0; if (param) param[0] = 0; p = url; if (strncmp(url, "http://", 7) == 0) p += 7; if (strncmp(url, "https://", 8) == 0) p += 8; strncpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '/')) { if (subdir) strncpy(subdir, strchr(str, '/'), 256); *strchr(str, '/') = 0; } if (strchr(str, '?')) { if (subdir) strncpy(subdir, strchr(str, '?'), 256); *strchr(str, '?') = 0; } if (strchr(str, ':')) { if (port) *port = atoi(strchr(str, ':') + 1); *strchr(str, ':') = 0; } if (host) strcpy(host, str); if (subdir) { if (strchr(subdir, '?')) { strncpy(param, strchr(subdir, '?'), 256); *strchr(subdir, '?') = 0; } if (subdir[0] == 0) strcpy(subdir, "/"); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int retrieve_url(LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *url, int ssl, char **buffer, BOOL send_unm) { char str[1000], unm[256], upwd[256], host[256], subdir[256], param[256]; int port, bufsize; int i, n; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; UNUSED(ssl); #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL *ssl_con = NULL; #else void *ssl_con = NULL; #endif int sock; *buffer = NULL; split_url(url, host, &port, subdir, param); /* create a new socket for connecting to remote server */ sock = elog_connect(host, port); if (sock == -1) return -1; #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) if (ssl_connect(sock, &ssl_con) < 0) { SSL_free(ssl_con); printf("Error initiating SSL connection\n"); return -1; } #endif /* compose GET request, avoid chunked data in HTTP/1.1 protocol */ sprintf(str, "GET %s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: Close\r\n", subdir, param); /* add local username/password */ if (send_unm) { if (isparam("unm")) { strlcpy(unm, getparam("unm"), sizeof(unm)); if (isparam("upwd")) strlcpy(upwd, getparam("upwd"), sizeof(upwd)); else get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), upwd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(str + strlen(str), "Cookie: unm=%s; upwd=%s\r\n", unm, upwd); } } /* add host (RFC2616, Sec. 14) */ sprintf(str + strlen(str), "Host: %s:%d\r\n", host, port); strcat(str, "\r\n"); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, sock, (char *) str, strlen(str)); bufsize = TEXT_SIZE + 1000; *buffer = xmalloc(bufsize); memset(*buffer, 0, bufsize); n = 0; do { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sock, &readfds); timeout.tv_sec = 30; /* 30 sec. timeout */ timeout.tv_usec = 0; select(FD_SETSIZE, (void *) &readfds, NULL, NULL, (void *) &timeout); if (!FD_ISSET(sock, &readfds)) { closesocket(sock); sock = 0; xfree(*buffer); *buffer = NULL; return -1; } #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) i = SSL_read(ssl_con, *buffer + n, bufsize - n); else #endif i = recv(sock, *buffer + n, bufsize - n, 0); if (i <= 0) break; n += i; if (n >= bufsize) { /* increase buffer size */ bufsize += 10000; *buffer = (char *) xrealloc(*buffer, bufsize); if (*buffer == NULL) { closesocket(sock); return -1; } } } while (1); #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) SSL_free(ssl_con); #endif return n; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ss_daemon_init() { #ifdef OS_UNIX /* only implemented for UNIX */ int i, fd, pid; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) return FAILURE; else if (pid != 0) _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* parent finished, exit without atexit hook */ /* child continues here */ /* try and use up stdin, stdout and stderr, so other routines writing to stdout etc won't cause havoc. Copied from smbd */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { close(i); fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0); if (fd < 0) fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY, 0); if (fd < 0) { eprintf("Can't open /dev/null"); return FAILURE; } if (fd != i) { eprintf("Did not get file descriptor"); return FAILURE; } } setsid(); /* become session leader */ chdir("/"); /* change working direcotry (not on NFS!) */ umask(0); /* clear our file mode creation mask */ #endif return SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parameter extraction from configuration file similar to win.ini */ typedef struct { char *param; char *uparam; char *value; } CONFIG_PARAM; typedef struct { char *section_name; int n_params; CONFIG_PARAM *config_param; } LB_CONFIG; LB_CONFIG *lb_config = NULL; int n_lb_config = 0; char _topgroup[256]; char _condition[256]; time_t cfgfile_mtime = 0; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void check_config_file(BOOL force) { struct stat cfg_stat; if (force) { parse_config_file(config_file); return; } /* force re-read configuration file if changed */ if (stat(config_file, &cfg_stat) == 0) { if (cfgfile_mtime < cfg_stat.st_mtime) { cfgfile_mtime = cfg_stat.st_mtime; parse_config_file(config_file); } } else eprintf("Cannot stat() config file \"%s\": %s\n", config_file, strerror(errno)); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setcfg_topgroup(char *topgroup) { strcpy(_topgroup, topgroup); } char *getcfg_topgroup() { if (_topgroup[0]) return _topgroup; return NULL; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_logbook(char *logbook) { char str[256]; if (strieq(logbook, "global")) return 0; /* check for 'global group' or 'global_xxx' */ strlcpy(str, logbook, sizeof(str)); str[7] = 0; return !strieq(str, "global "); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void set_condition(char *c) { strlcpy(_condition, c, sizeof(_condition)); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void evaluate_conditions(LOGBOOK *lbs, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]) { char condition[256], str[256]; int index, i; condition[0] = 0; set_condition(""); for (index = 0; index < lbs->n_attr; index++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[index][i][0]; i++) { if (strchr(attr_options[index][i], '{') && strchr(attr_options[index][i], '}')) { strlcpy(str, attr_options[index][i], sizeof(str)); *strchr(str, '{') = 0; if (strieq(str, attrib[index])) { strlcpy(str, strchr(attr_options[index][i], '{') + 1, sizeof(str)); if (*strchr(str, '}')) *strchr(str, '}') = 0; if (condition[0] == 0) strlcpy(condition, str, sizeof(condition)); else { strlcat(condition, ",", sizeof(condition)); strlcat(condition, str, sizeof(condition)); } set_condition(condition); scan_attributes(lbs->name); } } } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL match_param(char *str, char *param, int conditional_only) { int ncl, npl, nand, i, j, k; char *p, pcond[256], clist[10][NAME_LENGTH], plist[10][NAME_LENGTH], alist[10][NAME_LENGTH]; if (conditional_only && str[0] != '{') return FALSE; if (!_condition[0] || str[0] != '{') return (stricmp(str, param) == 0); p = str; if (strchr(p, '}')) p = strchr(p, '}') + 1; while (*p == ' ') p++; strlcpy(pcond, str, sizeof(pcond)); if (strchr(pcond, '}')) *strchr(pcond, '}') = 0; if (strchr(pcond, '{')) *strchr(pcond, '{') = ' '; npl = strbreak(pcond, plist, 10, ",", FALSE); ncl = strbreak(_condition, clist, 10, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < ncl; i++) for (j = 0; j < npl; j++) if (stricmp(clist[i], plist[j]) == 0) { /* condition matches */ return stricmp(p, param) == 0; } /* check and'ed conditions */ for (i = 0; i < npl; i++) if (strchr(plist[i], '&')) { nand = strbreak(plist[i], alist, 10, "&", FALSE); for (j = 0; j < nand; j++) { for (k = 0; k < ncl; k++) if (stricmp(clist[k], alist[j]) == 0) break; if (k == ncl) return FALSE; } if (j == nand) return stricmp(p, param) == 0; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int param_compare(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return stricmp(((CONFIG_PARAM *) p1)->uparam, ((CONFIG_PARAM *) p2)->uparam); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void free_config() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < n_lb_config; i++) { for (j = 0; j < lb_config[i].n_params; j++) { xfree(lb_config[i].config_param[j].param); xfree(lb_config[i].config_param[j].uparam); xfree(lb_config[i].config_param[j].value); } if (lb_config[i].config_param) xfree(lb_config[i].config_param); xfree(lb_config[i].section_name); } xfree(lb_config); lb_config = NULL; n_lb_config = 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int parse_config_file(char *file_name) /* parse whole config file and store options in sorted list */ { char *str, *buffer, *p, *pstr; int index, i, j, fh, length; str = xmalloc(20000); /* open configuration file */ fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh < 0) return 0; length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = xmalloc(length + 1); read(fh, buffer, length); buffer[length] = 0; close(fh); /* release previously allocated memory */ if (lb_config) free_config(); /* search group */ p = buffer; index = 0; do { if (*p == '#' || *p == ';') { /* skip comment */ while (*p && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r') p++; } else if (*p == '[') { p++; pstr = str; while (*p && *p != ']' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && pstr - str < 10000) *pstr++ = *p++; *pstr = 0; /* allocate new group */ if (!lb_config) lb_config = xmalloc(sizeof(LB_CONFIG)); else lb_config = xrealloc(lb_config, sizeof(LB_CONFIG) * (n_lb_config + 1)); lb_config[n_lb_config].section_name = xmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); lb_config[n_lb_config].n_params = 0; lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param = NULL; strcpy(lb_config[n_lb_config].section_name, str); /* enumerate parameters */ i = 0; p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (p) p++; while (p && *p && *p != '[') { pstr = str; while (*p && *p != '=' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && pstr - str < 10000) *pstr++ = *p++; *pstr-- = 0; while (pstr > str && (*pstr == ' ' || *pstr == '\t' || *pstr == '=')) *pstr-- = 0; if (*p == '=') { if (lb_config[n_lb_config].n_params == 0) lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param = xmalloc(sizeof(CONFIG_PARAM)); else lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param = xrealloc(lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param, sizeof(CONFIG_PARAM) * (lb_config[n_lb_config].n_params + 1)); lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param[i].param = xmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param[i].uparam = xmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param[i].param, str); for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(str); j++) lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param[i].uparam[j] = toupper(str[j]); lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param[i].uparam[j] = 0; p++; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; pstr = str; while (*p && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && pstr - str < 10000) *pstr++ = *p++; *pstr-- = 0; while (*pstr == ' ' || *pstr == '\t') *pstr-- = 0; lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param[i].value = xmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param[i].value, str); i++; lb_config[n_lb_config].n_params = i; } /* search for next line beginning */ while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n') p++; while (*p && (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n')) p++; } /* sort parameter */ // outcommented: not needed, might screw up group ordering //qsort(lb_config[n_lb_config].config_param, lb_config[n_lb_config].n_params, sizeof(CONFIG_PARAM), // param_compare); n_lb_config++; index++; } /* search for next line beginning */ while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' && *p != '[') p++; while (*p && (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n')) p++; } while (*p); xfree(str); xfree(buffer); return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int getcfg_simple(char *group, char *param, char *value, int vsize, int conditional) { int i, j, status; char uparam[256]; if (strlen(param) >= sizeof(uparam)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(param); i++) uparam[i] = toupper(param[i]); uparam[i] = 0; value[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_lb_config; i++) if (strieq(lb_config[i].section_name, group)) break; if (i == n_lb_config) return 0; for (j = 0; j < lb_config[i].n_params; j++) if (match_param(lb_config[i].config_param[j].uparam, uparam, conditional)) { status = strchr(lb_config[i].config_param[j].uparam, '{') ? 2 : 1; strlcpy(value, lb_config[i].config_param[j].value, vsize); return status; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int enumgrp(int index, char *group) { if (index < n_lb_config) { strcpy(group, lb_config[index].section_name); return 1; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int getcfg(char *group, char *param, char *value, int vsize) /* Read parameter from configuration file. - if group == [global] and top group exists, read from [global ] - if parameter not in [global ], read from [global] - if group is logbook, read from logbook section - if parameter not in [], read from [global ] or [global] */ { char str[256]; int status; /* if group is [global] and top group exists, read from there */ if (strieq(group, "global") && getcfg_topgroup()) { sprintf(str, "global %s", getcfg_topgroup()); status = getcfg(str, param, value, vsize); if (status) return status; } /* first check if parameter is under condition */ if (_condition[0]) { status = getcfg_simple(group, param, value, vsize, TRUE); if (status) return status; } status = getcfg_simple(group, param, value, vsize, FALSE); if (status) return status; /* if parameter not found in logbook, look in [global] section */ if (!group || is_logbook(group)) return getcfg("global", param, value, vsize); return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *find_param(char *buf, char *group, char *param) { char *str, *p, *pstr, *pstart; /* search group */ str = xmalloc(10000); p = buf; do { if (*p == '[') { p++; pstr = str; while (*p && *p != ']' && *p != '\n') *pstr++ = *p++; *pstr = 0; if (strieq(str, group)) { /* search parameter */ p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (p) p++; while (p && *p && *p != '[') { pstr = str; pstart = p; while (*p && *p != '=' && *p != '\n') *pstr++ = *p++; *pstr-- = 0; while (pstr > str && (*pstr == ' ' || *pstr == '=' || *pstr == '\t')) *pstr-- = 0; if (match_param(str, param, FALSE)) { xfree(str); return pstart; } if (p) p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (p) p++; } } } if (p) p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (p) p++; } while (p); xfree(str); /* now search if in [global] section */ if (!strieq(group, "global")) return find_param(buf, "global", param); return NULL; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_group(char *group) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n_lb_config; i++) if (strieq(group, lb_config[i].section_name)) return 1; return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int enumcfg(char *group, char *param, int psize, char *value, int vsize, int index) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n_lb_config; i++) if (strieq(group, lb_config[i].section_name)) { if (index < lb_config[i].n_params) { strlcpy(param, lb_config[i].config_param[index].param, psize); strlcpy(value, lb_config[i].config_param[index].value, vsize); return 1; } return 0; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int exist_top_group() { int i; char str[256]; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enumcfg("global", str, sizeof(str), NULL, 0, i)) break; str[9] = 0; if (strieq(str, "top group")) return 1; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *_locbuffer = NULL; char **_porig, **_ptrans; time_t _locfile_mtime = 0; /* check if language file changed and if so reload it */ int check_language() { char language[256], file_name[256], *p; int fh, length, n; struct stat cfg_stat; getcfg("global", "Language", language, sizeof(language)); /* set locale for strftime */ if (language[0]) setlocale(LC_ALL, language); else setlocale(LC_ALL, "english"); /* force re-read configuration file if changed */ strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "resources", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "eloglang.", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, language, sizeof(file_name)); if (stat(file_name, &cfg_stat) == 0) { if (_locfile_mtime != cfg_stat.st_mtime) { _locfile_mtime = cfg_stat.st_mtime; if (_locbuffer) { xfree(_locbuffer); _locbuffer = NULL; } } } if (strieq(language, "english") || language[0] == 0) { if (_locbuffer) { xfree(_locbuffer); _locbuffer = NULL; } } else { if (_locbuffer == NULL) { fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh < 0) return -1; length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); _locbuffer = xmalloc(length + 1); read(fh, _locbuffer, length); _locbuffer[length] = 0; close(fh); /* scan lines, setup orig-translated pointers */ p = _locbuffer; n = 0; do { while (*p && (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n')) p++; if (*p && (*p == ';' || *p == '#' || *p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) { while (*p && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r') p++; continue; } if (n == 0) { _porig = xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * 2); _ptrans = xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * 2); } else { _porig = xrealloc(_porig, sizeof(char *) * (n + 2)); _ptrans = xrealloc(_ptrans, sizeof(char *) * (n + 2)); } _porig[n] = p; while (*p && (*p != '=' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n')) p++; if (*p && *p != '=') continue; _ptrans[n] = p + 1; while (*_ptrans[n] == ' ' || *_ptrans[n] == '\t') _ptrans[n]++; /* remove '=' and surrounding blanks */ while (*p == '=' || *p == ' ' || *p == '\t') *p-- = 0; p = _ptrans[n]; while (*p && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r') p++; if (p) *p++ = 0; n++; } while (p && *p); _porig[n] = NULL; _ptrans[n] = NULL; } } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* localization support */ char *loc(char *orig) { int n; char language[256]; static char result[256]; if (!_locbuffer) return orig; /* search string and return translation */ for (n = 0; _porig[n]; n++) if (strcmp(orig, _porig[n]) == 0) { if (*_ptrans[n]) return _ptrans[n]; return orig; } /* special case: "Change %s" */ if (strstr(orig, "Change ") && strcmp(orig, "Change %s") != 0) { sprintf(result, loc("Change %s"), orig + 7); return result; } /* special case: some intrinsic commands */ if (strstr(orig, "GetPwdFile")) { strcpy(result, orig); return result; } getcfg("global", "Language", language, sizeof(language)); eprintf("Language error: string \"%s\" not found for language \"%s\"\n", orig, language); return orig; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *month_name(int m) /* return name of month in current locale, m=0..11 */ { struct tm ts; static char name[32]; memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts)); ts.tm_mon = m; ts.tm_mday = 15; ts.tm_year = 2000; mktime(&ts); strftime(name, sizeof(name), "%B", &ts); return name; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ time_t date_to_ltime(char *date) { struct tm tms; int i, date_zone, local_zone; time_t ltime; memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); if (strlen(date) > 25) { /* RFC2822 compliant date */ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (strncmp(date + 8, mname[i], 3) == 0) break; tms.tm_mon = i; tms.tm_mday = atoi(date + 5); tms.tm_hour = atoi(date + 17); tms.tm_min = atoi(date + 20); tms.tm_sec = atoi(date + 23); tms.tm_year = atoi(date + 12) - 1900; tms.tm_isdst = -1; if (tms.tm_year < 90) tms.tm_year += 100; ltime = mktime(&tms); /* correct for difference between local time zone (used by mktime) and time zone of date */ date_zone = atoi(date + 26); /* correct for incorrect date_zone */ if (date_zone > 2400 || date_zone < -2400) date_zone = 0; date_zone = (abs(date_zone) % 100) * 60 + (date_zone) / 100 * 3600; local_zone = my_timezone(); if (tms.tm_isdst) local_zone -= 3600; ltime = ltime - local_zone - date_zone; } else { /* ctime() complient date */ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (strncmp(date + 4, mname[i], 3) == 0) break; tms.tm_mon = i; tms.tm_mday = atoi(date + 8); tms.tm_hour = atoi(date + 11); tms.tm_min = atoi(date + 14); tms.tm_sec = atoi(date + 17); tms.tm_year = atoi(date + 20) - 1900; tms.tm_isdst = -1; if (tms.tm_year < 90) tms.tm_year += 100; ltime = mktime(&tms); } return ltime; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void check_config() { check_config_file(FALSE); check_language(); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void retrieve_domain(char *ret, int size) { char smtp_host[80]; strlcpy(ret, "tmp.org", size); if (getcfg("global", "SMTP host", smtp_host, sizeof(smtp_host))) { if (strchr(smtp_host, '.')) strlcpy(ret, strchr(smtp_host, '.') + 1, size); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void retrieve_email_from(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *ret, char *ret_name, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]) { char email_from[256], email_from_name[256], str[256], *p, login_name[256], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], full_name[256], user_email[256]; int i; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email from", str, sizeof(str))) { if (str[0] != '<') { strlcpy(email_from, "<", sizeof(email_from)); strlcat(email_from, str, sizeof(email_from)); strlcat(email_from, ">", sizeof(email_from)); } else strlcpy(email_from, str, sizeof(email_from)); strlcpy(email_from_name, str, sizeof(email_from)); } else if (isparam("unm")) { get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), NULL, full_name, user_email, NULL, NULL, NULL); strlcpy(email_from_name, full_name, sizeof(email_from_name)); strlcat(email_from_name, " <", sizeof(email_from_name)); strlcat(email_from_name, user_email, sizeof(email_from_name)); strlcat(email_from_name, ">", sizeof(email_from_name)); strlcpy(email_from, "<", sizeof(email_from)); strlcat(email_from, user_email, sizeof(email_from)); strlcat(email_from, ">", sizeof(email_from)); } else if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Default Email from", str, sizeof(str))) { if (str[0] != '<') { strlcpy(email_from, "<", sizeof(email_from)); strlcat(email_from, str, sizeof(email_from)); strlcat(email_from, ">", sizeof(email_from)); } else strlcpy(email_from, str, sizeof(email_from)); strlcpy(email_from_name, str, sizeof(email_from)); } else { sprintf(email_from_name, "ELog ", host_name); sprintf(email_from, "", host_name); } if (attrib) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); strsubst_list(email_from_name, sizeof(email_from_name), slist, svalue, i); strsubst_list(email_from, sizeof(email_from), slist, svalue, i); /* remove possible 'mailto:' */ if ((p = strstr(email_from_name, "mailto:")) != NULL) memmove(p, p + 7, strlen(p + 7) + 1); if ((p = strstr(email_from, "mailto:")) != NULL) memmove(p, p + 7, strlen(p + 7) + 1); } /* if nothing available, figure out email from an administrator */ if (strchr(email_from, '@') == NULL) { for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, i, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; get_user_line(lbs, login_name, NULL, NULL, email_from, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(email_from_name, "%s <%s>", login_name, email_from); if (is_admin_user(lbs, login_name) && strchr(email_from, '@')) break; } } if (ret) strcpy(ret, email_from); if (ret_name) strcpy(ret_name, email_from_name); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void el_decode(char *message, char *key, char *result, int size) { char *pc, *ph; int i; if (result == NULL) return; *result = 0; ph = strstr(message, "========================================"); if (ph == NULL) return; do { if (ph[40] == '\r' || ph[40] == '\n') break; ph = strstr(ph + 40, "========================================"); if (ph == NULL) return; } while (1); /* go through all lines */ for (pc = message; pc < ph;) { if (strncmp(pc, key, strlen(key)) == 0) { pc += strlen(key); for (i = 0; *pc != '\n' && *pc != '\r' && i < size - 1; i++) result[i] = *pc++; result[i] = 0; return; } pc = strchr(pc, '\n'); if (pc == NULL) return; while (*pc && (*pc == '\n' || *pc == '\r')) pc++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void el_decode_int(char *message, char *key, char *result, int size) { char str[80]; if (result == NULL) return; *result = 0; el_decode(message, key, str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]) sprintf(str, "%d", atoi(str)); strlcpy(result, str, size); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void el_decode_intlist(char *message, char *key, char *result, int size) { int i; if (result == NULL) return; *result = 0; el_decode(message, key, result, size); /* remove any non allowed characters */ for (i = 0; i < size && i < (int) strlen(result); i++) if (!isdigit(result[i]) && result[i] != ' ' && result[i] != ',') result[i] = ' '; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void el_enum_attr(char *message, int n, char *attr_name, char *attr_value) { char *p, str[NAME_LENGTH], tmp[NAME_LENGTH]; int i; p = message; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '\n')) *strchr(str, '\n') = 0; if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; if (strcmp(str, "========================================") == 0) break; p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!p) { str[0] = 0; /* not a valid line */ break; } while (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') p++; if (strchr(str, ':')) { strcpy(tmp, str); *strchr(tmp, ':') = 0; if (strieq(tmp, "$@MID@$") || strieq(tmp, "Date") || strieq(tmp, "Attachment") || strieq(tmp, "Reply To") || strieq(tmp, "In Reply To") || strieq(tmp, "Encoding") || strieq(tmp, "Locked by")) i--; } } attr_name[0] = 0; attr_value[0] = 0; if (strchr(str, ':')) { strlcpy(attr_name, str, NAME_LENGTH); *strchr(attr_name, ':') = 0; strlcpy(attr_value, strchr(str, ':') + 2, NAME_LENGTH); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Simplified copy of fnmatch() for Cygwin where fnmatch is not defined */ #define EOS '\0' int fnmatch1(const char *pattern, const char *string) { char c, test; for (;;) switch (c = *pattern++) { case EOS: return (*string == EOS ? 0 : 1); case '?': if (*string == EOS) return (1); ++string; break; case '*': c = *pattern; /* Collapse multiple stars. */ while (c == '*') c = *++pattern; /* Optimize for pattern with * at end or before /. */ if (c == EOS) return (0); /* General case, use recursion. */ while ((test = *string) != EOS) { if (!fnmatch1(pattern, string)) return (0); ++string; } return (1); /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: if (c != *string) return (1); string++; break; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ss_file_find(const char *path, char *pattern, char **plist) /******************************************************************** Routine: ss_file_find Purpose: Return list of files matching 'pattern' from the 'path' location Input: char *path Name of a file in file system to check char *pattern pattern string (wildcard allowed) Output: char **plist pointer to the file list Function value: int Number of files matching request \********************************************************************/ { #ifdef OS_UNIX DIR *dir_pointer; struct dirent *dp; int i; if ((dir_pointer = opendir(path)) == NULL) return 0; *plist = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_PATH_LENGTH); i = 0; for (dp = readdir(dir_pointer); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dir_pointer)) { if (fnmatch1(pattern, dp->d_name) == 0) { *plist = (char *) xrealloc(*plist, (i + 1) * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strncpy(*plist + (i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH), dp->d_name, strlen(dp->d_name)); *(*plist + (i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH) + strlen(dp->d_name)) = '\0'; i++; } } closedir(dir_pointer); return i; #endif #ifdef OS_WINNT HANDLE pffile; LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpfdata; char str[255]; int i, first; strlcpy(str, path, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "\\", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, pattern, sizeof(str)); first = 1; i = 0; lpfdata = xmalloc(sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); *plist = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_PATH_LENGTH); pffile = FindFirstFile(str, lpfdata); if (pffile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; first = 0; *plist = (char *) xrealloc(*plist, (i + 1) * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strncpy(*plist + (i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH), lpfdata->cFileName, strlen(lpfdata->cFileName)); *(*plist + (i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH) + strlen(lpfdata->cFileName)) = '\0'; i++; while (FindNextFile(pffile, lpfdata)) { *plist = (char *) xrealloc(*plist, (i + 1) * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strncpy(*plist + (i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH), lpfdata->cFileName, strlen(lpfdata->cFileName)); *(*plist + (i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH) + strlen(lpfdata->cFileName)) = '\0'; i++; } xfree(lpfdata); return i; #endif } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int eli_compare(const void *e1, const void *e2) { if (((EL_INDEX *) e1)->file_time < ((EL_INDEX *) e2)->file_time) return -1; if (((EL_INDEX *) e1)->file_time >= ((EL_INDEX *) e2)->file_time) return 1; return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void generate_subdir_name(char *file_name, char *subdir, int size) { char fn[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; int year; // extract path from file_name strlcpy(path, file_name, size); if (strrchr(path, DIR_SEPARATOR)) *(strrchr(path, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1) = 0; // extract file name if (strrchr(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR)) strlcpy(fn, strrchr(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1, sizeof(fn)); else strlcpy(fn, file_name, sizeof(fn)); // create subdir from name year = (fn[0] - '0') * 10 + (fn[1] - '0'); // month = (fn[2]-'0')*10+(fn[3]-'0'); if (year < 80) sprintf(subdir, "20%02d", year); else sprintf(subdir, "19%02d", year); strlcat(subdir, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, size); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int restructure_dir(char *dir) { char *file_list; int n1, n2, index, status; char old_path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], new_path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], subdir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; static int first = TRUE; /* go through all entry files */ n1 = ss_file_find(dir, "??????a.log", &file_list); for (index = 0; index < n1; index++) { generate_subdir_name(file_list + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); // create new subdir strlcpy(new_path, dir, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strlcat(new_path, subdir, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); #ifdef OS_WINNT status = mkdir(new_path); #else status = mkdir(new_path, 0755); #endif if (status == 0) { if (first) { eprintf("\nFound old directory structure. Creating subdirectories and moving files...\n"); first = FALSE; } eprintf("Created directory \"%s\"\n", new_path); } else { if (errno != EEXIST) { eprintf("generate_subdir_name: %s\n", strerror(errno)); eprintf("Cannot create directory \"%s\"\n", new_path); } } strlcpy(old_path, dir, sizeof(old_path)); strlcat(old_path, file_list + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(old_path)); strlcpy(new_path, dir, sizeof(new_path)); strlcat(new_path, subdir, sizeof(new_path)); strlcat(new_path, file_list + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(new_path)); rename(old_path, new_path); } if (file_list) xfree(file_list); /* go through all attachment files */ n2 = ss_file_find(dir, "??????_??????_*", &file_list); for (index = 0; index < n2; index++) { generate_subdir_name(file_list + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); // create new subdir strlcpy(new_path, dir, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strlcat(new_path, subdir, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); #ifdef OS_WINNT status = mkdir(new_path); #else status = mkdir(new_path, 0755); #endif strlcpy(old_path, dir, sizeof(old_path)); strlcat(old_path, file_list + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(old_path)); strlcpy(new_path, dir, sizeof(new_path)); strlcat(new_path, subdir, sizeof(new_path)); strlcat(new_path, file_list + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(new_path)); rename(old_path, new_path); } if (file_list) xfree(file_list); return n1 + n2; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int parse_file(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *file_name) { char str[256], date[256], *buffer, *p, *pn, in_reply_to[80]; int length, i, fh, len; fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, "Cannot open file \"%s\"", file_name); eprintf("%s; %s\n", str, strerror(errno)); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } /* read file into buffer */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); if (length > 0) { buffer = xmalloc(length + 1); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); read(fh, buffer, length); buffer[length] = 0; close(fh); /* go through buffer */ p = buffer; do { p = strstr(p, "$@MID@$:"); if (p) { lbs->el_index = xrealloc(lbs->el_index, sizeof(EL_INDEX) * (*lbs->n_el_index + 1)); if (lbs->el_index == NULL) { eprintf("Not enough memory to allocate entry index\n"); return EL_MEM_ERROR; } strlcpy(lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].subdir, file_name + strlen(lbs->data_dir), 256); if (strrchr(lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].subdir, DIR_SEPARATOR)) *(strrchr(lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].subdir, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1) = 0; if (strrchr(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR)) strlcpy(str, strrchr(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); strcpy(lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].file_name, str); el_decode(p, "Date: ", date, sizeof(date)); el_decode_int(p, "In reply to: ", in_reply_to, sizeof(in_reply_to)); lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].file_time = date_to_ltime(date); lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].message_id = atoi(p + 8); lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].offset = p - buffer; lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].in_reply_to = atoi(in_reply_to); pn = strstr(p + 8, "$@MID@$:"); if (pn) len = pn - p; else len = strlen(p); MD5_checksum(p, len, lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].md5_digest); if (lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].message_id > 0) { if (get_verbose() == VERBOSE_DEBUG) { eprintf(" ID %3d, %s, ofs %5d, %s, MD5=", lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].message_id, str, lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].offset, lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].in_reply_to ? "reply" : "thead"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) eprintf("%02X", lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index].md5_digest[i]); eprintf("\n"); } /* valid ID */ (*lbs->n_el_index)++; } p += 8; } } while (p); xfree(buffer); } return SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int scan_dir_tree(LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *dir, char **file_list, int *n) { int index, n_files; char str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char *fl, *p; fl = NULL; n_files = ss_file_find(dir, "*", &fl); if (n_files == 0) { if (fl) xfree(fl); return 0; } if (*file_list == NULL) *file_list = (char *) xmalloc(n_files * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); else *file_list = (char *) xrealloc(*file_list, ((*n) + n_files) * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); /* go through all files */ for (index = 0; index < n_files; index++) { if (fnmatch1("??????a.log", &fl[index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH]) == 0) { p = *file_list + ((*n) * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strlcpy(p, dir, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); if (p[strlen(p) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(p, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strlcat(p, fl + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); (*n)++; } } /* go through all sub-directories */ for (index = 0; index < n_files; index++) { if (fnmatch1("????", &fl[index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH]) == 0 || fnmatch1("??", &fl[index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH]) == 0) { if (strieq(fl + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "..")) continue; strlcpy(str, dir, sizeof(str)); if (str[strlen(str) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, fl + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(str)); scan_dir_tree(lbs, str, file_list, n); } } if (fl) xfree(fl); return *n; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_build_index(LOGBOOK *lbs, BOOL rebuild) /* scan all ??????a.log files and build an index table in eli[] */ { char *file_list, error_str[256], base_dir[256], *buffer; int index, n; int i, status; unsigned char digest[16]; if (rebuild) { xfree(lbs->el_index); xfree(lbs->n_el_index); } lbs->n_el_index = xmalloc(sizeof(int)); *lbs->n_el_index = 0; lbs->el_index = xmalloc(0); /* get data directory */ strcpy(base_dir, lbs->data_dir); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_DEBUG) { /* show MD5 from config file */ load_config_section(lbs->name, &buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) eprintf(error_str); else { remove_crlf(buffer); MD5_checksum(buffer, strlen(buffer), digest); eprintf("\n\nConfig [%s], MD5=", lbs->name); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) eprintf("%02X", digest[i]); eprintf("\n\n"); } if (buffer) xfree(buffer); } if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_DEBUG) eprintf("Entries:\n"); // move files to directories if (new layout to reduce number of files per directory) restructure_dir(base_dir); file_list = NULL; n = 0; scan_dir_tree(lbs, base_dir, &file_list, &n); /* go through all files */ for (index = 0; index < n; index++) { status = parse_file(lbs, file_list + index * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); if (status != SUCCESS) { if (file_list) xfree(file_list); return status; } } if (file_list) xfree(file_list); /* sort entries according to date */ qsort(lbs->el_index, *lbs->n_el_index, sizeof(EL_INDEX), eli_compare); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_DEBUG) { eprintf("After sort:\n"); for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) eprintf(" ID %3d, %s, ofs %5d\n", lbs->el_index[i].message_id, lbs->el_index[i].file_name, lbs->el_index[i].offset); } if (rebuild && n == 0) { eprintf("Logbook files seem to have disappeared, aborting program.\n"); assert(rebuild && n > 0); } return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_index_logbooks() { char str[256], data_dir[256], logbook[256], cwd[256], *p; int i, j, n, status = 0; if (lb_list) { for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (lb_list[i].el_index != NULL) { xfree(lb_list[i].el_index); xfree(lb_list[i].n_el_index); /* check if other logbook uses same index */ for (j = i + 1; lb_list[j].name[0]; j++) { /* mark that logbook already freed */ if (lb_list[j].el_index == lb_list[i].el_index) lb_list[j].el_index = NULL; } } } xfree(lb_list); } /* count logbooks */ for (i = n = 0;; i++) { if (!enumgrp(i, str)) break; if (!is_logbook(str)) continue; n++; } lb_list = xcalloc(sizeof(LOGBOOK), n + 1); for (i = n = 0;; i++) { if (!enumgrp(i, logbook)) break; if (!is_logbook(logbook)) continue; /* check for duplicate name */ for (j = 0; j < i && lb_list[j].name[0]; j++) if (strieq(lb_list[j].name, logbook)) { eprintf("Error in configuration file: Duplicate logbook \"%s\"\n", logbook); return EL_DUPLICATE; } /* store logbook in list */ strcpy(lb_list[n].name, logbook); strcpy(lb_list[n].name_enc, logbook); url_encode(lb_list[n].name_enc, sizeof(lb_list[n].name_enc)); /* get data dir from configuration file (old method) */ if (getcfg(logbook, "Data dir", str, sizeof(str))) { if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strlcpy(data_dir, str, sizeof(data_dir)); else { strlcpy(data_dir, resource_dir, sizeof(data_dir)); strlcat(data_dir, str, sizeof(data_dir)); } } else { /* use logbook_dir + "Subdir" (new method) */ strlcpy(data_dir, logbook_dir, sizeof(data_dir)); if (data_dir[strlen(data_dir) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(data_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(data_dir)); if (getcfg(logbook, "Subdir", str, sizeof(str))) { if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcpy(data_dir, str, sizeof(data_dir)); else strlcat(data_dir, str, sizeof(data_dir)); } else strlcat(data_dir, logbook, sizeof(data_dir)); /* use logbook name as default */ } if (data_dir[strlen(data_dir) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(data_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(data_dir)); /* create data directory if not existing */ getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); j = chdir(data_dir); if (j < 0) { p = data_dir; if (*p == DIR_SEPARATOR) { chdir(DIR_SEPARATOR_STR); p++; } if (p[1] == ':') { strcpy(str, p); if (str[2] == DIR_SEPARATOR) str[3] = 0; else str[2] = 0; chdir(str); p += strlen(str); } do { if (strchr(p, DIR_SEPARATOR)) { strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); *strchr(str, DIR_SEPARATOR) = 0; p = strchr(p, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1; } else { strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); p = NULL; } j = chdir(str); if (j < 0) { #ifdef OS_WINNT j = mkdir(str); #else j = mkdir(str, 0755); #endif if (j == 0) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Created directory \"%s\"\n", str); } else { eprintf("el_index_logbooks: %s\n", strerror(errno)); eprintf("Cannot create directory \"%s\"\n", str); } chdir(str); } } while (p && *p); } chdir(cwd); strcpy(lb_list[n].data_dir, data_dir); lb_list[n].el_index = NULL; /* check if other logbook uses the same directory */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strcmp(lb_list[j].data_dir, lb_list[n].data_dir) == 0) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Logbook \"%s\" uses same directory as logbook \"%s\"\n", logbook, lb_list[j].name); lb_list[n].el_index = lb_list[j].el_index; lb_list[n].n_el_index = lb_list[j].n_el_index; break; } if (j == n) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Indexing logbook \"%s\" in \"%s\" ... ", logbook, lb_list[n].data_dir); eflush(); status = el_build_index(&lb_list[n], FALSE); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) if (status == EL_SUCCESS) eprintf("ok\n"); } if (status == EL_EMPTY) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Found empty logbook \"%s\"\n", logbook); } else if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { eprintf("Error generating index.\n"); return status; } n++; } /* if top groups defined, set top group in logbook */ if (exist_top_group()) { LBLIST phier; phier = get_logbook_hierarchy(); for (i = 0; i < phier->n_members; i++) if (phier->member[i]->is_top) for (j = 0; lb_list[j].name[0]; j++) if (is_logbook_in_group(phier->member[i], lb_list[j].name)) strcpy(lb_list[j].top_group, phier->member[i]->name); free_logbook_hierarchy(phier); } if (!load_password_files()) return EL_INVAL_FILE; return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_search_message(LOGBOOK *lbs, int mode, int message_id, BOOL head_only) /******************************************************************** Routine: el_search_message Purpose: Search for a specific message in a logbook Input: int mode Search mode, EL_FIRST, EL_LAST, EL_NEXT, EL_PREV int message_id Message id for EL_NEXT and EL_PREV Function value: int New message id \********************************************************************/ { int i; if (lbs->n_el_index == 0) return 0; if (mode == EL_FIRST) { if (head_only) { for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to == 0) return lbs->el_index[i].message_id; return 0; } if (*lbs->n_el_index == 0) return 0; return lbs->el_index[0].message_id; } if (mode == EL_LAST) { if (head_only) { for (i = *lbs->n_el_index - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to == 0) return lbs->el_index[i].message_id; return 0; } if (*lbs->n_el_index == 0) return 0; return lbs->el_index[*lbs->n_el_index - 1].message_id; } if (mode == EL_NEXT) { for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; if (i == *lbs->n_el_index) return 0; // message not found if (i == *lbs->n_el_index - 1) return 0; // last message if (head_only) { for (i++; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to == 0) return lbs->el_index[i].message_id; return 0; } return lbs->el_index[i + 1].message_id; } if (mode == EL_PREV) { for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; if (i == *lbs->n_el_index) return 0; // message not found if (i == 0) return 0; // first message if (head_only) { for (i--; i >= 0; i--) if (lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to == 0) return lbs->el_index[i].message_id; return 0; } return lbs->el_index[i - 1].message_id; } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_retrieve(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char *date, char attr_list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], int n_attr, char *text, int *textsize, char *in_reply_to, char *reply_to, char attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], char *encoding, char *locked_by, char *draft) /******************************************************************** Routine: el_retrieve Purpose: Retrieve an ELog entry by its message tab Input: LOGBOOK lbs Logbook structure int message_id Message ID to retrieve int *size Size of text buffer Output: char *tag tag of retrieved message char *date Date/time of message recording char attr_list Names of attributes char attrib Values of attributes int n_attr Number of attributes char *text Message text char *in_reply_to Original message if this one is a reply char *reply_to Replies for current message char *attachment[] File attachments char *encoding Encoding of message char *locked_by User/Host if locked for editing char *draft User who drafted that message int *size Actual message text size Function value: EL_SUCCESS Successful completion EL_EMPTY Logbook is empty EL_NO_MSG Message doesn't exist EL_FILE_ERROR Internal error \********************************************************************/ { int i, index, size, fh; char str[NAME_LENGTH], file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 3], *p; char *message, attachment_all[64 * MAX_ATTACHMENTS]; if (message_id == 0) /* open most recent message */ message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_LAST, 0, FALSE); if (message_id == 0) return EL_EMPTY; for (index = 0; index < *lbs->n_el_index; index++) if (lbs->el_index[index].message_id == message_id) break; if (index == *lbs->n_el_index) return EL_NO_MSG; snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s%s%s", lbs->data_dir, lbs->el_index[index].subdir, lbs->el_index[index].file_name); fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { /* file might have been deleted, rebuild index */ el_build_index(lbs, TRUE); return el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, n_attr, text, textsize, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); } message = xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE + 1000); lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset, SEEK_SET); i = my_read(fh, message, TEXT_SIZE + 1000 - 1); if (i <= 0) { xfree(message); close(fh); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } message[i] = 0; close(fh); if (strncmp(message, "$@MID@$:", 8) != 0) { xfree(message); /* file might have been edited, rebuild index */ el_build_index(lbs, TRUE); return el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, n_attr, text, textsize, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); } /* check for correct ID */ if (atoi(message + 8) != message_id) { xfree(message); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } /* decode message size */ p = strstr(message + 8, "$@MID@$:"); if (p == NULL) size = strlen(message); else size = p - message; message[size] = 0; /* decode message */ if (date) el_decode(message, "Date: ", date, 80); if (reply_to) el_decode_intlist(message, "Reply to: ", reply_to, MAX_REPLY_TO * 10); if (in_reply_to) el_decode_int(message, "In reply to: ", in_reply_to, 80); if (n_attr == -1) { /* derive attribute names from message */ for (i = 0;; i++) { el_enum_attr(message, i, attr_list[i], attrib[i]); if (!attr_list[i][0]) break; } n_attr = i; } else { if (attrib) for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { sprintf(str, "%s: ", attr_list[i]); el_decode(message, str, attrib[i], NAME_LENGTH); } } el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment_all, sizeof(attachment_all)); if (encoding) el_decode(message, "Encoding: ", encoding, 80); if (attachment) { /* break apart attachements */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment[i] != NULL) attachment[i][0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { if (attachment[i] != NULL) { if (i == 0) p = strtok(attachment_all, ","); else p = strtok(NULL, ","); if (p != NULL) strcpy(attachment[i], p); else break; } } } if (locked_by) el_decode(message, "Locked by: ", locked_by, 80); if (draft) el_decode(message, "Draft: ", draft, 80); p = strstr(message, "========================================\n"); /* check for \n -> \r conversion (e.g. zipping/unzipping) */ if (p == NULL) p = strstr(message, "========================================\r"); if (text) { if (p != NULL) { p += 41; if ((int) strlen(p) >= *textsize) { strlcpy(text, p, *textsize); show_error("Entry too long to display. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd."); xfree(message); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } else { strlcpy(text, p, *textsize); /* strip CR at end */ if (text[strlen(text) - 1] == '\n') { text[strlen(text) - 1] = 0; if (text[strlen(text) - 1] == '\r') text[strlen(text) - 1] = 0; } *textsize = strlen(text); } } else { text[0] = 0; *textsize = 0; } } xfree(message); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_submit_attachment(LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *afilename, const char *buffer, int buffer_size, char *full_name) { char file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], ext_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 100], str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], *p, subdir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], path_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; int fh; time_t now; struct tm tms; /* strip directory, add date and time to filename */ strlcpy(str, afilename, sizeof(str)); p = str; while (strchr(p, ':')) p = strchr(p, ':') + 1; while (strchr(p, '\\')) p = strchr(p, '\\') + 1; /* NT */ while (strchr(p, '/')) p = strchr(p, '/') + 1; /* Unix */ strlcpy(file_name, p, sizeof(file_name)); /* assemble ELog filename */ if (file_name[0]) { if (file_name[6] == '_' && file_name[13] == '_' && isdigit(file_name[0]) && isdigit(file_name[1])) strlcpy(ext_file_name, file_name, sizeof(ext_file_name)); else { time(&now); memcpy(&tms, localtime(&now), sizeof(struct tm)); sprintf(ext_file_name, "%02d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_%s", tms.tm_year % 100, tms.tm_mon + 1, tms.tm_mday, tms.tm_hour, tms.tm_min, tms.tm_sec, file_name); } strlcpy(path_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(str)); generate_subdir_name(ext_file_name, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(path_name, subdir, sizeof(str)); if (strlen(path_name) > 0 && path_name[strlen(path_name) - 1] == DIR_SEPARATOR) path_name[strlen(path_name) - 1] = 0; #ifdef OS_WINNT mkdir(path_name); #else mkdir(path_name, 0755); #endif strlcat(path_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(path_name)); /* test if file exists */ do { strlcpy(str, path_name, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, ext_file_name, sizeof(path_name)); fh = open(str, O_RDONLY, 0644); if (fh > 0) { close(fh); strlcpy(str, ext_file_name, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '.')) { *strchr(str, '.') = 0; strlcat(str, "_1", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, strchr(ext_file_name, '.'), sizeof(str)); strlcpy(ext_file_name, str, sizeof(ext_file_name)); } } } while (fh > 0); if (full_name) strlcpy(full_name, ext_file_name, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); strlcpy(str, path_name, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, ext_file_name, sizeof(path_name)); /* save attachment */ fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { strencode2(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); sprintf(str, "Cannot write attachment file \"%s\"", file_name); show_error(str); return -1; } else { write(fh, buffer, buffer_size); close(fh); } } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void el_delete_attachment(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *file_name) { int i; char str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], subdir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; strlcpy(str, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(str)); generate_subdir_name(file_name, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(str, subdir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); remove(str); strlcat(str, ".png", sizeof(str)); remove(str); for (i = 0;; i++) { strlcpy(str, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, subdir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); sprintf(str + strlen(str), "-%d.png", i); if (file_exist(str)) { remove(str); continue; } strlcpy(str, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, subdir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; sprintf(str + strlen(str), "-%d.png", i); if (file_exist(str)) { remove(str); continue; } break; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_retrieve_attachment(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, int n, char name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]) { int i, index, size, fh; char file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 3], *p; char message[TEXT_SIZE + 1000], attachment_all[64 * MAX_ATTACHMENTS]; if (message_id == 0) return EL_EMPTY; for (index = 0; index < *lbs->n_el_index; index++) if (lbs->el_index[index].message_id == message_id) break; if (index == *lbs->n_el_index) return EL_NO_MSG; snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s%s%s", lbs->data_dir, lbs->el_index[index].subdir, lbs->el_index[index].file_name); fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { /* file might have been deleted, rebuild index */ el_build_index(lbs, TRUE); return el_retrieve_attachment(lbs, message_id, n, name); } lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset, SEEK_SET); i = my_read(fh, message, sizeof(message) - 1); if (i <= 0) { close(fh); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } message[i] = 0; close(fh); if (strncmp(message, "$@MID@$:", 8) != 0) { /* file might have been edited, rebuild index */ el_build_index(lbs, TRUE); return el_retrieve_attachment(lbs, message_id, n, name); } /* check for correct ID */ if (atoi(message + 8) != message_id) return EL_FILE_ERROR; /* decode message size */ p = strstr(message + 8, "$@MID@$:"); if (p == NULL) size = strlen(message); else size = p - message; message[size] = 0; el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment_all, sizeof(attachment_all)); name[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if (i == 0) p = strtok(attachment_all, ","); else p = strtok(NULL, ","); if (p == NULL) break; } if (p) strlcpy(name, p, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_submit(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, BOOL bedit, char *date, char attr_name[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char attr_value[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], int n_attr, char *text, char *in_reply_to, char *reply_to, char *encoding, char afilename[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], BOOL mark_original, char *locked_by, char *draft) /******************************************************************** Routine: el_submit Purpose: Submit an ELog entry Input: LOGBOOK lbs Logbook structure int message_id Message id BOOL bedit TRUE for existing message, FALSE for new message char *date Message date char attr_name[][] Name of attributes char attr_value[][] Value of attributes int n_attr Number of attributes char *text Message text char *in_reply_to In reply to this message char *reply_to Replie(s) to this message char *encoding Text encoding, either HTML or plain char *afilename[] File name of attachments char *tag If given, edit existing message int *tag_size Maximum size of tag BOOL mark_original Tag original message for replies char *locked_by User/Host which locked message for edit char *draft User which drafted message Function value: int New message ID \********************************************************************/ { int n, i, j, size, fh, index, tail_size, orig_size, delta, reply_id; char file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 3], dir[256], str[NAME_LENGTH], date1[256], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], reply_to1[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], in_reply_to1[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], encoding1[80], *message, *p, *old_text, *buffer, locked_by1[256]; char attachment_all[64 * MAX_ATTACHMENTS], subdir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; time_t ltime; tail_size = orig_size = 0; buffer = NULL; message = xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE + 100); old_text = NULL; memcpy(attrib, attr_value, sizeof(attrib)); strlcpy(reply_to1, reply_to, sizeof(reply_to1)); strlcpy(in_reply_to1, in_reply_to, sizeof(in_reply_to1)); strlcpy(encoding1, encoding, sizeof(encoding1)); strlcpy(date1, date, sizeof(date1)); if (locked_by) strlcpy(locked_by1, locked_by, sizeof(locked_by1)); else locked_by1[0] = 0; /* generate new file name YYMMDD.log in data directory */ strcpy(dir, lbs->data_dir); if (bedit) { /* edit existing message */ for (index = 0; index < *lbs->n_el_index; index++) if (lbs->el_index[index].message_id == message_id) break; if (index == *lbs->n_el_index) { xfree(message); return -1; } snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s%s%s", lbs->data_dir, lbs->el_index[index].subdir, lbs->el_index[index].file_name); fh = open(file_name, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { xfree(message); return -1; } lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset, SEEK_SET); i = my_read(fh, message, TEXT_SIZE + 100 - 1); if (i >= 0) message[i] = 0; else message[0] = 0; /* check for valid message */ if (strncmp(message, "$@MID@$:", 8) != 0) { close(fh); xfree(message); /* file might have been edited, rebuild index */ el_build_index(lbs, TRUE); return el_submit(lbs, message_id, bedit, date, attr_name, attrib, n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, afilename, mark_original, locked_by, draft); } /* check for correct ID */ if (atoi(message + 8) != message_id) { close(fh); xfree(message); return -1; } /* decode message size */ p = strstr(message + 8, "$@MID@$:"); if (p == NULL) size = strlen(message); else size = p - message; message[size] = 0; if (strcmp(text, "") == 0) { p = strstr(message, "========================================\n"); /* check for \n -> \r conversion (e.g. zipping/unzipping) */ if (p == NULL) p = strstr(message, "========================================\r"); if (p) { p += 41; old_text = xmalloc(size + 1); strlcpy(old_text, p, size); if (old_text[strlen(old_text) - 1] == '\n' || old_text[strlen(old_text) - 1] == '\r') old_text[strlen(old_text) - 1] = 0; } } if (strieq(date1, "")) el_decode(message, "Date: ", date1, sizeof(date1)); else strlcpy(date1, date, sizeof(date1)); if (strieq(locked_by1, "")) el_decode_intlist(message, "Locked by: ", locked_by1, sizeof(locked_by1)); if (strieq(reply_to1, "")) el_decode_intlist(message, "Reply to: ", reply_to1, sizeof(reply_to1)); if (strieq(in_reply_to1, "")) el_decode_int(message, "In reply to: ", in_reply_to1, sizeof(in_reply_to1)); if (strieq(encoding1, "")) el_decode(message, "Encoding: ", encoding1, sizeof(encoding1)); el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment_all, sizeof(attachment_all)); for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { sprintf(str, "%s: ", attr_name[i]); if (strieq(attrib[i], "")) el_decode(message, str, attrib[i], NAME_LENGTH); } /* buffer tail of logfile */ lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); orig_size = size; tail_size = TELL(fh) - (lbs->el_index[index].offset + size); if (tail_size > 0) { buffer = xmalloc(tail_size); lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset + size, SEEK_SET); n = my_read(fh, buffer, tail_size); } lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset, SEEK_SET); } else { /* create new message */ if (!date[0]) { get_rfc2822_date(date1, sizeof(date1), 0); ltime = date_to_ltime(date1); } else { ltime = date_to_ltime(date); get_rfc2822_date(date1, sizeof(date1), ltime); } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (strncmp(date1 + 8, mname[i], 3) == 0) break; snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%c%c%02d%c%ca.log", date1[14], date1[15], i + 1, date1[5], date1[6]); generate_subdir_name(file_name, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); sprintf(str, "%s%s", dir, subdir); if (strlen(str) > 0 && str[strlen(str) - 1] == DIR_SEPARATOR) str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; #ifdef OS_WINNT mkdir(str); #else mkdir(str, 0755); #endif sprintf(str, "%s%s%s", dir, subdir, file_name); fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { xfree(message); if (old_text) xfree(old_text); return -1; } lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); /* new message id is old plus one */ if (message_id == 0) { message_id = 1; for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id >= message_id) message_id = lbs->el_index[i].message_id + 1; } /* enter message in index */ index = *lbs->n_el_index; (*lbs->n_el_index)++; lbs->el_index = xrealloc(lbs->el_index, sizeof(EL_INDEX) * (*lbs->n_el_index)); lbs->el_index[index].message_id = message_id; strlcpy(lbs->el_index[index].file_name, file_name, sizeof(lbs->el_index[index].file_name)); strlcpy(lbs->el_index[index].subdir, subdir, sizeof(lbs->el_index[index].subdir)); lbs->el_index[index].file_time = ltime; lbs->el_index[index].offset = TELL(fh); lbs->el_index[index].in_reply_to = atoi(in_reply_to1); /* if index not ordered, sort it */ i = *lbs->n_el_index; if (i > 1 && lbs->el_index[i - 1].file_time < lbs->el_index[i - 2].file_time) { qsort(lbs->el_index, i, sizeof(EL_INDEX), eli_compare); /* search message again, index could have been changed by sorting */ for (index = 0; index < *lbs->n_el_index; index++) if (lbs->el_index[index].message_id == message_id) break; } /* if other logbook has same index, update pointers */ for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (&lb_list[i] != lbs && lb_list[i].n_el_index == lbs->n_el_index) lb_list[i].el_index = lbs->el_index; } /* compose message */ sprintf(message, "$@MID@$: %d\n", message_id); sprintf(message + strlen(message), "Date: %s\n", date1); if (reply_to1[0]) sprintf(message + strlen(message), "Reply to: %s\n", reply_to1); if (in_reply_to1[0]) sprintf(message + strlen(message), "In reply to: %s\n", in_reply_to1); for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) sprintf(message + strlen(message), "%s: %s\n", attr_name[i], attrib[i]); sprintf(message + strlen(message), "Attachment: "); if (afilename) { sprintf(message + strlen(message), "%s", afilename[0]); for (i = 1; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (afilename[i][0]) sprintf(message + strlen(message), ",%s", afilename[i]); } sprintf(message + strlen(message), "\n"); sprintf(message + strlen(message), "Encoding: %s\n", encoding1); if (locked_by1[0]) sprintf(message + strlen(message), "Locked by: %s\n", locked_by1); if (draft && draft[0]) sprintf(message + strlen(message), "Draft: %s\n", draft); sprintf(message + strlen(message), "========================================\n"); if (strieq(text, "") && old_text) strlcat(message, old_text, TEXT_SIZE + 100); else strlcat(message, text, TEXT_SIZE + 100); strlcat(message, "\n", TEXT_SIZE + 100); if (old_text) xfree(old_text); n = write(fh, message, strlen(message)); if (n != (int) strlen(message)) { if (tail_size > 0) xfree(buffer); close(fh); return -1; } /* update MD5 checksum */ MD5_checksum(message, strlen(message), lbs->el_index[index].md5_digest); if (bedit) { if (tail_size > 0) { n = write(fh, buffer, tail_size); xfree(buffer); /* correct offsets for remaining messages in same file */ delta = strlen(message) - orig_size; for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; for (j = i + 1; j < *lbs->n_el_index && strieq(lbs->el_index[i].file_name, lbs->el_index[j].file_name); j++) lbs->el_index[j].offset += delta; } /* truncate file here */ TRUNCATE(fh); } close(fh); /* if reply, mark original message */ reply_id = atoi(in_reply_to); if (mark_original && in_reply_to[0] && !bedit && atoi(in_reply_to) > 0) { char date[80], attr[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], enc[80], att[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], in_reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], lock[256], draft[256]; /* retrieve original message */ size = TEXT_SIZE + 100; el_retrieve(lbs, reply_id, date, attr_list, attr, n_attr, message, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, att, enc, lock, draft); if (reply_to[0]) strcat(reply_to, ", "); sprintf(reply_to + strlen(reply_to), "%d", message_id); /* write modified message */ el_submit(lbs, reply_id, TRUE, date, attr_list, attr, n_attr, message, in_reply_to, reply_to, enc, att, TRUE, lock, draft); } xfree(message); return message_id; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void remove_reference(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, int remove_id, BOOL reply_to_flag) { char date[80], attr[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], enc[80], in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], att[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], lock[256], draft[256], *p, *ps, *message; int size, status; /* retrieve original message */ size = TEXT_SIZE + 1000; message = (char *) xmalloc(size); status = el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attr, lbs->n_attr, message, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, att, enc, lock, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) return; if (reply_to_flag) p = reply_to; else p = in_reply_to; while (*p) { while (*p && (*p == ',' || *p == ' ')) p++; ps = p; while (isdigit(*ps)) ps++; while (*ps && (*ps == ',' || *ps == ' ')) ps++; if (atoi(p) == remove_id) strcpy(p, ps); else while (isdigit(*p)) p++; } /* write modified message */ el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, date, attr_list, attr, lbs->n_attr, message, in_reply_to, reply_to, enc, att, TRUE, lock, NULL); xfree(message); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_delete_message(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, BOOL delete_attachments, char attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], BOOL delete_bw_ref, BOOL delete_reply_to) /******************************************************************** Routine: el_delete_message Purpose: Delete an ELog entry including attachments Input: LOGBOOK *lbs Pointer to logbook structure int message_id Message ID BOOL delete_attachments Delete attachments if TRUE char attachment Used to return attachments (on move) BOOL delete_bw_ref If true, delete backward references BOOL delete_reply_to If true, delete replies to this message Output: Function value: EL_SUCCESS Successful completion \********************************************************************/ { int i, index, size, fh, tail_size, old_offset; char str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 3], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], in_reply_to[256]; char *buffer, *p; char *message, attachment_all[64 * MAX_ATTACHMENTS]; char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; for (index = 0; index < *lbs->n_el_index; index++) if (lbs->el_index[index].message_id == message_id) break; if (index == *lbs->n_el_index) return -1; snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s%s%s", lbs->data_dir, lbs->el_index[index].subdir, lbs->el_index[index].file_name); fh = open(file_name, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) return EL_FILE_ERROR; message = xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE + 1000); lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset, SEEK_SET); i = my_read(fh, message, TEXT_SIZE + 1000 - 1); if (i <= 0) { xfree(message); close(fh); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "DELETE entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } message[i] = 0; if (strncmp(message, "$@MID@$:", 8) != 0) { close(fh); xfree(message); /* file might have been edited, rebuild index */ el_build_index(lbs, TRUE); return el_delete_message(lbs, message_id, delete_attachments, attachment, delete_bw_ref, delete_reply_to); } /* check for correct ID */ if (atoi(message + 8) != message_id) { close(fh); xfree(message); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } /* decode message size */ p = strstr(message + 8, "$@MID@$:"); if (p == NULL) size = strlen(message); else size = p - message; message[size] = 0; /* delete attachments */ el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment_all, sizeof(attachment_all)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { if (i == 0) p = strtok(attachment_all, ","); else p = strtok(NULL, ","); if (attachment != NULL) { if (attachment[i][0] && p) { /* delete old attachment if new one exists */ el_delete_attachment(lbs, p); } /* return old attachment if no new one */ if (!attachment[i][0] && p) strcpy(attachment[i], p); } if (delete_attachments && p) el_delete_attachment(lbs, p); } /* decode references */ el_decode_intlist(message, "Reply to: ", reply_to, sizeof(reply_to)); el_decode_int(message, "In reply to: ", in_reply_to, sizeof(in_reply_to)); /* decoded attributes */ for (i = 0;; i++) { el_enum_attr(message, i, attr_list[i], attrib[i]); if (!attr_list[i][0]) break; } /* buffer tail of logfile */ lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); tail_size = TELL(fh) - (lbs->el_index[index].offset + size); buffer = NULL; if (tail_size > 0) { buffer = xmalloc(tail_size); lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset + size, SEEK_SET); my_read(fh, buffer, tail_size); } lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset, SEEK_SET); if (tail_size > 0) { write(fh, buffer, tail_size); xfree(buffer); } /* truncate file here */ TRUNCATE(fh); /* if file length gets zero, delete file */ tail_size = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); close(fh); xfree(message); if (tail_size == 0) remove(file_name); /* remove message from index */ strcpy(str, lbs->el_index[index].file_name); old_offset = lbs->el_index[index].offset; for (i = index; i < *lbs->n_el_index - 1; i++) memcpy(&lbs->el_index[i], &lbs->el_index[i + 1], sizeof(EL_INDEX)); (*lbs->n_el_index)--; if (*lbs->n_el_index > 0) lbs->el_index = xrealloc(lbs->el_index, sizeof(EL_INDEX) * (*lbs->n_el_index)); /* correct all offsets after deleted message */ for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (strieq(lbs->el_index[i].file_name, str) && lbs->el_index[i].offset > old_offset) lbs->el_index[i].offset -= size; /* if other logbook has same index, update pointers */ for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (&lb_list[i] != lbs && lb_list[i].n_el_index == lbs->n_el_index) lb_list[i].el_index = lbs->el_index; /* delete also replies to this message */ if (delete_reply_to && reply_to[0]) { p = reply_to; if (isdigit(*p)) do { if (atoi(p)) el_delete_message(lbs, atoi(p), TRUE, NULL, FALSE, TRUE); while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; while (*p && (*p == ',' || *p == ' ')) p++; } while (*p); } /* delete backward references */ if (in_reply_to[0] && delete_bw_ref) { p = in_reply_to; do { if (atoi(p)) remove_reference(lbs, atoi(p), message_id, TRUE); while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; while (*p && (*p == ',' || *p == ' ')) p++; } while (*p); } /* execute shell if requested */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Execute delete", str, sizeof(str))) execute_shell(lbs, message_id, attrib, NULL, str); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_correct_links(LOGBOOK *lbs, int old_id, int new_id) /* If a message gets resubmitted, the links to that message are wrong. This routine corrects that. */ { int i, i1, n, n1, size; char date[80], *attrib, *text, in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256]; char list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], list1[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; char *att_file; attrib = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); text = (char *) xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); att_file = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_ATTACHMENTS * 256); el_retrieve(lbs, new_id, date, attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, NULL, 0, in_reply_to, reply_to, (char (*)[256]) att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); /* go through in_reply_to list */ n = strbreak(in_reply_to, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { size = TEXT_SIZE; el_retrieve(lbs, atoi(list[i]), date, attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, (char (*)[256]) att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); n1 = strbreak(reply_to, list1, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); reply_to[0] = 0; for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) { /* replace old ID by new ID */ if (atoi(list1[i1]) == old_id) sprintf(reply_to + strlen(reply_to), "%d", new_id); else strcat(reply_to, list1[i1]); if (i1 < n1 - 1) strcat(reply_to, ", "); } el_submit(lbs, atoi(list[i]), TRUE, date, attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, (char (*)[256]) att_file, TRUE, locked_by, draft); } el_retrieve(lbs, new_id, date, attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, NULL, 0, in_reply_to, reply_to, (char (*)[256]) att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); /* go through reply_to list */ n = strbreak(reply_to, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { size = sizeof(text); el_retrieve(lbs, atoi(list[i]), date, attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, (char (*)[256]) att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); n1 = strbreak(in_reply_to, list1, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); in_reply_to[0] = 0; for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) { /* replace old ID by new ID */ if (atoi(list1[i1]) == old_id) sprintf(in_reply_to + strlen(in_reply_to), "%d", new_id); else strcat(in_reply_to, list1[i1]); if (i1 < n1 - 1) strcat(in_reply_to, ", "); } el_submit(lbs, atoi(list[i]), TRUE, date, attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, (char (*)[256]) att_file, TRUE, locked_by, draft); } xfree(text); xfree(attrib); xfree(att_file); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_move_message_thread(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id) { int i, n, size, new_id; char date[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], *text, in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256]; char list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], str[256]; char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256]; /* retrieve message */ text = xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); size = TEXT_SIZE; el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); /* submit as new message */ date[0] = 0; new_id = el_submit(lbs, 0, FALSE, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, FALSE, locked_by, draft); xfree(text); /* correct links */ el_correct_links(lbs, message_id, new_id); /* delete original message */ el_delete_message(lbs, message_id, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); /* move all replies recursively */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Resubmit replies", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { if (reply_to[0]) { n = strbreak(reply_to, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) el_move_message_thread(lbs, atoi(list[i])); } } return new_id; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_move_message(LOGBOOK *lbs, int old_id, int new_id) { int status, size; char date[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], *text, in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256], att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256]; /* retrieve message */ text = xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); size = TEXT_SIZE; status = el_retrieve(lbs, old_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) return 0; /* submit as new message */ status = el_submit(lbs, new_id, FALSE, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, FALSE, locked_by, draft); xfree(text); if (status != new_id) return 0; /* correct links */ el_correct_links(lbs, old_id, new_id); /* delete original message */ el_delete_message(lbs, old_id, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_lock_message(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char *user, BOOL lock) /* lock message for editing */ { int size; char date[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], text[TEXT_SIZE], in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256]; char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256]; /* retrieve message */ size = sizeof(text); el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); /* submit message, unlocked if block == FALSE */ el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, FALSE, lock ? user : NULL, draft); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int el_draft_message(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char *user, BOOL bdraft) /* lock message for editing */ { int size; char date[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], text[TEXT_SIZE], in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256]; char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256]; /* retrieve message */ size = sizeof(text); el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, att_file, encoding, locked_by, draft); /* submit message, undraft if bdraft == FALSE */ el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, FALSE, locked_by, bdraft ? user : NULL); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void write_logfile(LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *text) { char file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], unm[256]; int fh; time_t now; char buf[10000]; if (lbs == NULL) { if (!getcfg("global", "logfile", str, sizeof(str))) return; } else if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "logfile", str, sizeof(str))) return; if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strlcpy(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } fh = open(file_name, O_RDWR | O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644); if (fh < 0) return; now = time(0); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now)); strcat(buf, " "); if (isparam("unm") && rem_host[0]) { strlcpy(unm, getparam("unm"), sizeof(unm)); if (rem_host_ip[0]) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "[%s@%s(%s)] ", unm, rem_host, rem_host_ip); else sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "[%s@%s] ", unm, rem_host); } else if (rem_host[0]) { if (rem_host_ip[0]) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "[%s(%s)] ", rem_host, rem_host_ip); else sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "[%s] ", rem_host); } else sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "[%s] ", rem_host_ip); if (lbs) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{%s} ", lbs->name); strlcat(buf, text, sizeof(buf) - 1); #ifdef OS_WINNT if (strlen(buf) > 0 && buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n') strlcat(buf, "\r\n", sizeof(buf)); else if (strlen(buf) > 1 && buf[strlen(buf) - 2] != '\r') strlcpy(buf + strlen(buf) - 2, "\r\n", sizeof(buf) - (strlen(buf) - 2)); #else if (strlen(buf) > 1 && buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n') strlcat(buf, "\n", sizeof(buf)); #endif write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); close(fh); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* void logd(const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; char str[10000]; FILE *f; time_t now; char buf[1000]; va_start(argptr, format); vsprintf(str, (char *) format, argptr); va_end(argptr); f = fopen("c:\\tmp\\elogd.log", "a"); if (!f) return; now = time(0); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now)); strcat(buf, " "); strlcat(buf, str, sizeof(buf)); if (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n') strlcat(buf, "\n", sizeof(buf)); fprintf(f, buf); fclose(f); } */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *html_tags[] = {"", "", "

", "
", "

", ""}; int is_html(char *s) { char *str, *p; int i; str = xstrdup(s); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(s); i++) str[i] = toupper(s[i]); str[i] = 0; for (i = 0; html_tags[i][0]; i++) { p = strstr(str, html_tags[i]); if (p && strchr(p, '>') && (p == str || (p > str && *(p - 1) != '\\'))) { xfree(str); return TRUE; } } if (strstr(str, "&#") && strchr(strstr(str, "&#"), ';')) { xfree(str); return TRUE; } xfree(str); return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int html_allowed(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[80]; return (getcfg(lbs->name, "Allow HTML", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *script_tags[] = {"onerror", "onabort", "onchange", "onclick", "ondblclick", "onfocus", "onkeydown", "onkeyup", "onload", "onmousedonw", "onmousemove", "onmouseover", "onmouseup", "onreset", "onselect", "onsubmit", "onunload", "javascript", NULL }; int is_script(char *s) { char *str; int i; str = xstrdup(s); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(s); i++) str[i] = tolower(s[i]); str[i] = 0; for (i = 0; script_tags[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strstr(str, script_tags[i])) { xfree(str); return TRUE; } } xfree(str); return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *full_html_tags[] = {"", "", "", ""}; int is_full_html(char *file_name) { char *str, *p; int i, fh, length; unsigned char *buf; fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh < 0) return FALSE; lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); length = TELL(fh); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); if (length > 1000) length = 1000; buf = xmalloc(length); read(fh, buf, length); close(fh); str = xstrdup((char *) buf); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen((char *) buf); i++) str[i] = toupper(buf[i]); str[i] = 0; xfree(buf); for (i = 0; full_html_tags[i][0]; i++) { p = strstr(str, full_html_tags[i]); if (p && strchr(p, '>') && (p == str || (p > str && *(p - 1) != '\\'))) { xfree(str); return TRUE; } } xfree(str); return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_ascii(char *file_name) { int i, fh, length; unsigned char *buf; fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh < 0) return FALSE; lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); length = TELL(fh); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); if (length > 1000) length = 1000; buf = xmalloc(length); read(fh, buf, length); close(fh); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (buf[i] < 32 && buf[i] != '\r' && buf[i] != '\n' && buf[i] != '\t') { xfree(buf); return FALSE; } } xfree(buf); return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_image(char *att) { return (stristr(att, ".GIF") != NULL) || (stristr(att, ".JPG") != NULL) || (stristr(att, ".JPEG") != NULL) || (stristr(att, ".PNG") != NULL) || (stristr(att, ".SVG") != NULL); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void strip_html(char *s) { char *p; while ((p = strchr(s, '<')) != NULL) { if (strchr(p, '>')) memmove(p, strchr(p, '>') + 1, strlen(strchr(p, '>') + 1) + 1); else *p = 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int line_break(char *str, char *encoding) { if (strieq(encoding, "plain") || strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) { return str[0] == '\n'; } // HTML encoding if (strncmp(str, "

", 4) == 0 || strncmp(str, "
", 4) == 0 || strncmp(str, "
", 6) == 0) return 1; return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void insert_breaks(char *str, int n, int size) { int i, j, i_last; i_last = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) { if (str[i] == '\r') i_last = i; /* if more than n chars without return, insert one */ if (i - i_last >= n && (int) strlen(str) + 3 < size) { /* find previous blank */ while (i > i_last && str[i] != ' ') i--; if (str[i] == ' ') i++; /* move trailing string one char further */ for (j = strlen(str) + 2; j > i; j--) str[j] = str[j - 2]; /* set CR */ str[i++] = '\r'; str[i++] = '\n'; i_last = i; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void replace_inline_img(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *str) { char *p, *pn, *pa, old[256], link[256], base_url[256], domain[256]; int index; p = str; do { p = strstr(p, "", index, domain); memmove(p + strlen(p), pn, strlen(pn) + 1); /* now change href to absolute link */ pa = p - 1; while (pa > str && *pa != '<') // search '
' pa--; pn = strstr(pa, "href="); if (pn && pn - pa < 10) { strlcpy(old, pn + 6, sizeof(old)); if (strchr(old, '\"')) *strchr(old, '\"') = 0; compose_base_url(lbs, base_url, sizeof(base_url), FALSE); strlcpy(link, base_url, sizeof(link)); strlcat(link, old, sizeof(link)); if (strchr(link, '?')) *strchr(link, '?') = 0; strsubst(pn + 6, TEXT_SIZE, old, link); if (strlen(link) > strlen(old)) p += strlen(link) - strlen(old); } p++; } else p++; } } while (p != NULL); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void convert_elog_link(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *link, char *link_text, char *result, int absolute_link, int message_id) { char str[256], base_url[256]; int i; strlcpy(str, link, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '/')) *strchr(str, '/') = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) if (!isdigit(str[i])) break; if (i < (int) strlen(str)) { /* if link contains reference to other logbook, put logbook explicitly */ if (absolute_link) compose_base_url(NULL, base_url, sizeof(base_url), FALSE); else strcpy(base_url, "../"); sprintf(result, "elog:%s", base_url, link, link_text); } else if (link[0] == '/') { if (absolute_link) compose_base_url(NULL, base_url, sizeof(base_url), FALSE); else base_url[0] = 0; sprintf(result, "elog:%s", base_url, lbs->name_enc, message_id, link, link_text); } else { if (absolute_link) compose_base_url(lbs, base_url, sizeof(base_url), FALSE); else base_url[0] = 0; sprintf(result, "elog:%s", base_url, link, link_text); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rsputs(const char *str) { while (strlen_retbuf + (int) strlen(str) + 1 >= return_buffer_size) { return_buffer = xrealloc(return_buffer, return_buffer_size + (int) strlen(str) + 100000); memset(return_buffer + return_buffer_size, 0, (int) strlen(str) + 100000); return_buffer_size += (int) strlen(str) + 100000; } strcpy(return_buffer + strlen_retbuf, str); strlen_retbuf += strlen(str); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *key_list[] = {"http://", "https://", "ftp://", "mailto:", "elog:", "file://", ""}; void rsputs2(LOGBOOK *lbs, int absolute_link, const char *str) { int i, j, k, l, n; char *p, *pd, link[1000], link_text[1000]; while (strlen_retbuf + (int) (2 * strlen(str) + 1000) >= return_buffer_size) { return_buffer = xrealloc(return_buffer, return_buffer_size + 100000); memset(return_buffer + return_buffer_size, 0, 100000); return_buffer_size += 100000; } j = strlen_retbuf; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) { for (l = 0; key_list[l][0]; l++) { if (strncmp(str + i, key_list[l], strlen(key_list[l])) == 0) { /* check for escape character */ if (i > 0 && *(str + i - 1) == '\\') { j--; *(return_buffer + j) = 0; continue; } p = (char *) (str + i + strlen(key_list[l])); i += strlen(key_list[l]); for (k = 0; *p && strcspn(p, " \t\n\r({[)}]\"") && k < (int) sizeof(link); k++, i++) link[k] = *p++; link[k] = 0; i--; /* link may not end with a '.'/',' (like in a sentence) */ if (link[k - 1] == '.' || link[k - 1] == ',') { link[k - 1] = 0; k--; i--; } /* check if link contains coloring */ p = strchr(link, '\001'); if (p != NULL) { strlcpy(link_text, link, sizeof(link_text)); /* skip everything between '<' and '>' */ pd = p; while (*pd && *pd != '\002') *p = *pd++; memmove(p, pd + 1, strlen(pd + 1) + 1); /* skip '' */ p = strchr(link, '\001'); if (p != NULL) { pd = p; while (*pd && *pd != '\002') *p = *pd++; memmove(p, pd + 1, strlen(pd + 1) + 1); } /* correct link text */ for (n = 0; n < (int) strlen(link_text); n++) { switch (link_text[n]) { /* the translation for the search highliting */ case '\001': link_text[n] = '<'; break; case '\002': link_text[n] = '>'; break; case '\003': link_text[n] = '\"'; break; case '\004': link_text[n] = ' '; break; } } } else strlcpy(link_text, link, sizeof(link_text)); if (strcmp(key_list[l], "elog:") == 0) { convert_elog_link(lbs, link, link_text, return_buffer + j, absolute_link, _current_message_id); } else if (strcmp(key_list[l], "mailto:") == 0) { sprintf(return_buffer + j, "%s", link, link_text); } else { sprintf(return_buffer + j, "%s", key_list[l]); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); strlen_retbuf = j; /* link_text can contain special characters */ rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, link_text); j = strlen_retbuf; sprintf(return_buffer + j, ""); } j += strlen(return_buffer + j); break; } } if (!key_list[l][0]) { if (strncmp(str + i, "
", 4) == 0) { strcpy(return_buffer + j, "
"); j += 4; i += 3; } else switch (str[i]) { case '&': strcat(return_buffer, "&"); j += 5; break; case '<': strcat(return_buffer, "<"); j += 4; break; case '>': strcat(return_buffer, ">"); j += 4; break; /* suppress escape character '\' in front of HTML or ELCode tag */ case '\\': if (str[i + 1] != '<' && str[i + 1] != '[') return_buffer[j++] = str[i]; break; /* the translation for the search highliting */ case '\001': strcat(return_buffer, "<"); j++; break; case '\002': strcat(return_buffer, ">"); j++; break; case '\003': strcat(return_buffer, "\""); j++; break; case '\004': strcat(return_buffer, " "); j++; break; default: return_buffer[j++] = str[i]; } } } return_buffer[j] = 0; strlen_retbuf = j; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rsputs3(const char *text) { int i; char str[2]; str[1] = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(text); i++) { switch (text[i]) { case '<': rsputs("<"); break; case '>': rsputs(">"); break; case '&': rsputs("&"); break; case '\"': rsputs("""); break; default: str[0] = text[i]; rsputs(str); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { char *pattern; char *subst; } PATTERN_LIST; PATTERN_LIST pattern_list[] = { /* smileys */ {":))", "\"Happy\""}, {":-))", "\"Happy\""}, {":)", "\"Smile\""}, {":-)", "\"Smile\""}, {":(", "\"Frown\""}, {":-(", "\"Frown\""}, {";)", "\"Wink\""}, {";-)", "\"Wink\""}, {":d", "\"Big"}, {"?-)", "\"Confused\""}, {";(", "\"Crying\""}, {";-(", "\"Crying\""}, {":]", "\"Pleased\""}, {":-]", "\"Pleased\""}, {":o", "\"Yawn\""}, {":-o", "\"Yawn\""}, {"8-)", "\"Cool\""}, {"8o", "\"Astonished\""}, {"x-(", "\"Mad\""}, {":p", "\"Tongue\""}, {":-p", "\"Tongue\""}, /* formatting */ {"[b]", ""}, {"[/b]", ""}, {"[u]", ""}, {"[/u]", ""}, {"[i]", ""}, {"[/i]", ""}, {"[center]", "
"}, {"[/center]", "
"}, {"[color=", ""}, {"[/color]", ""}, {"[size=", ""}, {"[/size]", ""}, {"[font=", ""}, {"[/font]", ""}, {"\r\n[code]", "
        {"[code]",       "
        {"[/code]\r\n",  "
"}, {"[/code]", "
"}, {"\r\n[code1]", "
        {"[code1]",      "
        {"[/code1]\r\n", "
"}, {"[/code1]", "
"}, /* lists */ {"[list]\r", "
    "}, {"[list]", "
      "}, {"[*]", "
    • "}, {"[/list]\r", ""}, // either
    or {"[/list]", ""}, {"[list=", "
      "}, /* headings */ {"[h1]", "

      "}, {"[/h1]", "

      "}, {"[h2]", "

      "}, {"[/h2]", "

      "}, {"[h3]", "

      "}, {"[/h3]", "

      "}, /* URLs */ {"[url=", "%s"}, {"[url]", "%s"}, {"[/url]", ""}, {"[email]", "%s"}, {"[/email]", ""}, {"[img]", ""}, {"[/img]", ""}, /* quote */ {"[quote=", "
      "}, {"[quote]", "
      "}, {"[/quote]\r", "

      \r\n"}, {"[/quote]", "
      \r\n"}, /* table */ {"[table]", "\n"); subtable = 0; } else rsprintf(""); } } if (bpreview && !fixed_text) { _current_message_id = message_id; rsprintf("\n"); } if (enc_selected == 0 && show_text && !fixed_text) { rsprintf("\n"); } if (enc_selected == 0) { rsprintf("\n"); } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Message comment", comment, sizeof(comment)) && !message_id) { rsprintf("\n", comment); } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Reply comment", comment, sizeof(comment)) && breply) { rsprintf("\n", comment); } rsprintf( "\n"); rsprintf("
      "}, {"[table ", "
      "}, {"|-", "
      "}, {"|", ""}, {"[/table]", "
      "}, /* horizontal line */ {"[line]", "
      "}, /* anchor */ {"[anchor]", ""}, {"[/anchor]", ""}, {"", ""} }; char *email_quote_table = "\n\n"); /*---- entry form ----*/ /* table for two-column items */ rsprintf("\n"); subtable = 0; } else rsprintf(""); } /* if last attribute, close row or subtable */ if (aindex == n_disp_attr - 1) { if (subtable) { rsprintf("
      "; void rsputs_elcode(LOGBOOK *lbs, BOOL email_notify, const char *str) { int i, j, k, l, m, elcode_disabled, elcode_disabled1, ordered_list, substituted, inside_table, smileys_enabled; char *p, *pd, link[1000], link_text[1000], tmp[1000], attrib[1000], hattrib[1000], value[1000], subst[1000], base_url[256], param[256], *lstr, domain[256]; while (strlen_retbuf + (int) (2 * strlen(str) + 1000) >= return_buffer_size) { return_buffer = xrealloc(return_buffer, return_buffer_size + 100000); memset(return_buffer + return_buffer_size, 0, 100000); return_buffer_size += 100000; } elcode_disabled = FALSE; elcode_disabled1 = FALSE; ordered_list = FALSE; smileys_enabled = TRUE; inside_table = 0; j = strlen_retbuf; m = 0; /* check for smileys */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Enable smileys", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) && atoi(tmp) == 0) smileys_enabled = FALSE; /* make lower case copy of str */ lstr = xmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); for (pd = lstr, p = (char *) str; *p; p++, pd++) *pd = tolower(*p); *pd = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) { for (l = 0; key_list[l][0]; l++) { if (strncmp(lstr + i, key_list[l], strlen(key_list[l])) == 0) { /* check for escape character */ if (i > 0 && *(str + i - 1) == '\\') { j--; *(return_buffer + j) = 0; continue; } p = (char *) (str + i + strlen(key_list[l])); i += strlen(key_list[l]); for (k = 0; *p && strcspn(p, " \t\n\r({[)}]\"") && k < (int) sizeof(link); k++, i++) link[k] = *p++; link[k] = 0; i--; /* link may not end with a '.'/',' (like in a sentence) */ if (link[k - 1] == '.' || link[k - 1] == ',') { link[k - 1] = 0; k--; i--; } strlcpy(link_text, link, sizeof(link_text)); /* check if link contains coloring */ while ((p = strchr(link, '\001')) != NULL) { /* skip everything between '<' and '>' */ pd = p; while (*pd && *pd != '\002') *p = *pd++; memmove(p, pd + 1, strlen(pd + 1) + 1); /* skip '' */ p = strchr(link, '\001'); if (p != NULL) { pd = p; while (*pd && *pd != '\002') *p = *pd++; memmove(p, pd + 1, strlen(pd + 1) + 1); } } if (strcmp(key_list[l], "elog:") == 0) { strlcpy(tmp, link, sizeof(tmp)); if (strchr(tmp, '/')) *strchr(tmp, '/') = 0; for (m = 0; m < (int) strlen(tmp); m++) if (!isdigit(tmp[m])) break; if (m < (int) strlen(tmp) && tmp[m] != '#') { /* if link contains reference to other logbook, put logbook explicitly */ if (email_notify) compose_base_url(NULL, base_url, sizeof(base_url), TRUE); else strcpy(base_url, "../"); sprintf(return_buffer + j, "elog:%s", base_url, link, link_text); } else if (link[0] == '/') { if (email_notify) compose_base_url(NULL, base_url, sizeof(base_url), TRUE); else base_url[0] = 0; sprintf(return_buffer + j, "elog:%s", base_url, lbs->name_enc, _current_message_id, link, link_text); } else { if (email_notify) compose_base_url(lbs, base_url, sizeof(base_url), TRUE); else base_url[0] = 0; sprintf(return_buffer + j, "elog:%s", base_url, link, link_text); } } else if (strcmp(key_list[l], "mailto:") == 0) { sprintf(return_buffer + j, "%s", link, link_text); } else { sprintf(return_buffer + j, "%s", key_list[l]); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); strlen_retbuf = j; /* link_text can contain special characters */ rsputs2(lbs, email_notify, link_text); j = strlen_retbuf; sprintf(return_buffer + j, ""); } j += strlen(return_buffer + j); break; } } if (key_list[l][0]) continue; substituted = FALSE; for (l = 0; pattern_list[l].pattern[0]; l++) { if (strncmp(lstr + i, pattern_list[l].pattern, strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern)) == 0) { if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[/code]")) elcode_disabled = FALSE; if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[/code1]")) elcode_disabled1 = FALSE; /* check for escape character */ if (i > 0 && str[i - 1] == '\\') { j--; strncpy(return_buffer + j, str + i, strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern)); j += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... substituted = TRUE; break; } /* check for blank before smiley and if smileys are allowed */ if (l <= 20 && ((str[i - 1] != ' ' && str[i - 1] != '\r' && str[i - 1] != '\n') || (smileys_enabled == FALSE))) { strncpy(return_buffer + j, str + i, strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern)); j += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... substituted = TRUE; break; } if (!elcode_disabled && !elcode_disabled1) { substituted = TRUE; if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[list=")) ordered_list = TRUE; if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[table")) inside_table++; if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[/table]")) inside_table--; if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[quote")) { if (pattern_list[l].pattern[strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1] == '=') { i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); strextract(str + i, ']', attrib, sizeof(attrib)); i += strlen(attrib); if (attrib[0] == '\"') memmove(attrib, attrib + 1, strlen(attrib + 1) + 1); if (attrib[strlen(attrib) - 1] == '\"') attrib[strlen(attrib) - 1] = 0; sprintf(value, loc("%s wrote"), attrib); if (email_notify) sprintf(return_buffer + j, email_quote_table, value); else sprintf(return_buffer + j, pattern_list[l].subst, value); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); } else { if (email_notify) sprintf(return_buffer + j, email_quote_table, loc("Quote")); else sprintf(return_buffer + j, pattern_list[l].subst, loc("Quote")); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... } } else if (strstr(pattern_list[l].subst, "%#")) { /* special substitutions */ if (pattern_list[l].pattern[strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1] == '=') { i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); strextract(str + i, ']', attrib, sizeof(attrib)); i += strlen(attrib) + 1; if (strncmp(attrib, "elog:", 5) == 0) { /* eval elog: */ strlcpy(tmp, attrib + 5, sizeof(tmp)); if (strchr(tmp, '/')) *strchr(tmp, '/') = 0; for (m = 0; m < (int) strlen(tmp); m++) if (!isdigit(tmp[m])) break; if (m < (int) strlen(tmp)) /* if link contains reference to other logbook, add ".." in front */ sprintf(hattrib, "../%s", attrib + 5); else if (attrib[5] == '/') sprintf(hattrib, "%d%s", _current_message_id, attrib + 5); else sprintf(hattrib, "%s", attrib + 5); } else if (strstr(attrib, "://") == 0 && attrib[0] != '#') { /* add http:// if missing */ if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(hattrib, "https://%s", attrib); else sprintf(hattrib, "http://%s", attrib); } else strlcpy(hattrib, attrib, sizeof(hattrib)); strextract(str + i, '[', value, sizeof(value)); i += strlen(value) - 1; strlcpy(subst, pattern_list[l].subst, sizeof(subst)); *strchr(subst, '#') = 's'; sprintf(return_buffer + j, subst, hattrib, value); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); } else if (pattern_list[l].pattern[strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1] != '=') { i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); strextract(str + i, '[', attrib, sizeof(attrib)); i += strlen(attrib) - 1; strlcpy(hattrib, attrib, sizeof(hattrib)); /* replace elog:x/x for images */ if (strnieq(attrib, "elog:", 5)) { if (email_notify) { retrieve_domain(domain, sizeof(domain)); char* xx = strchr(attrib, '/') + 1; char buffer[3]; memcpy(buffer, xx, strlen(attrib) - (xx - attrib)); sprintf(hattrib, "cid:att%d@%s", atoi(buffer) - 1, domain); } else { if (email_notify) compose_base_url(lbs, hattrib, sizeof(hattrib), TRUE); else hattrib[0] = 0; if (attrib[5] == '/') { if (_current_message_id == 0) { sprintf(param, "attachment%d", atoi(attrib + 6) - 1); if (isparam(param)) strlcat(hattrib, getparam(param), sizeof(hattrib)); } else sprintf(hattrib + strlen(hattrib), "%d%s", _current_message_id, attrib + 5); } else { strlcat(hattrib, attrib + 5, sizeof(hattrib)); } } } /* add http:// if missing */ else if ((!strnieq(attrib, "http://", 7) && !strnieq(attrib, "https://", 8)) && strstr(pattern_list[l].subst, "mailto") == NULL && strstr(pattern_list[l].subst, "img") == NULL && strncmp(pattern_list[l].subst, "", sizeof(subst)); strsubst(subst, sizeof(subst), "%#", hattrib); sprintf(return_buffer + j, subst, attrib); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); } } else if (pattern_list[l].pattern[strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1] == '=') { /* extract sting after '=' and put it into '%s' of subst */ i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); strextract(str + i, ']', attrib, sizeof(attrib)); i += strlen(attrib); sprintf(return_buffer + j, pattern_list[l].subst, attrib); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); } else if (pattern_list[l].pattern[strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1] == ' ') { /* extract sting after ' ' and put it into '%s' of subst */ i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); strextract(str + i, ']', attrib, sizeof(attrib)); i += strlen(attrib); sprintf(return_buffer + j, pattern_list[l].subst, attrib); j += strlen(return_buffer + j); } else if (strncmp(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[/list]", 7) == 0) { if (ordered_list) strcpy(subst, ""); else strcpy(subst, ""); ordered_list = FALSE; strcpy(return_buffer + j, subst); j += strlen(subst); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... } else if (strncmp(pattern_list[l].pattern, "|", 1) == 0) { if (inside_table) { strcpy(link, pattern_list[l].subst); if (strstr(link, "%s")) { strcpy(tmp, link); if (email_notify) compose_base_url(lbs, base_url, sizeof(base_url), TRUE); else base_url[0] = 0; sprintf(link, tmp, base_url); } strcpy(return_buffer + j, link); j += strlen(link); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... } else { strcpy(return_buffer + j, pattern_list[l].pattern); j += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... } } else { /* simple substitution */ strcpy(link, pattern_list[l].subst); if (strstr(link, "%s")) { strcpy(tmp, link); if (email_notify) compose_base_url(lbs, base_url, sizeof(base_url), TRUE); else base_url[0] = 0; sprintf(link, tmp, base_url); } strcpy(return_buffer + j, link); j += strlen(link); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... } } // !elcode_disabled && !elcode_disabled1 else if (!elcode_disabled) { substituted = TRUE; /* simple substitution */ strcpy(link, pattern_list[l].subst); if (strstr(link, "%s")) { strcpy(tmp, link); if (email_notify) compose_base_url(lbs, base_url, sizeof(base_url), TRUE); else base_url[0] = 0; sprintf(link, tmp, base_url); } strcpy(return_buffer + j, link); j += strlen(link); i += strlen(pattern_list[l].pattern) - 1; // 1 gets added in for loop... } if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[code]")) elcode_disabled = TRUE; if (stristr(pattern_list[l].pattern, "[code1]")) elcode_disabled1 = TRUE; break; } } /* don't output tags if already subsituted by HTML code */ if (substituted) continue; if (strnieq(str + i, "
      ", 4)) { strcpy(return_buffer + j, "
      "); j += 6; i += 3; } else switch (str[i]) { case '\r': if (!elcode_disabled && !elcode_disabled1 && !inside_table) { strcat(return_buffer, "
      \r\n"); j += 8; } else { strcat(return_buffer, "\r\n"); j += 2; } break; case '\n': break; case '&': strcat(return_buffer, "&"); j += 5; break; case '<': strcat(return_buffer, "<"); j += 4; break; case '>': strcat(return_buffer, ">"); j += 4; break; /* the translation for the search highliting */ case '\001': strcat(return_buffer, "<"); j++; break; case '\002': strcat(return_buffer, ">"); j++; break; case '\003': strcat(return_buffer, "\""); j++; break; case '\004': strcat(return_buffer, " "); j++; break; default: return_buffer[j++] = str[i]; } } xfree(lstr); return_buffer[j] = 0; strlen_retbuf = j; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rsprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; char str[10000]; va_start(argptr, format); vsprintf(str, (char *) format, argptr); va_end(argptr); while (strlen_retbuf + (int) strlen(str) + 1 >= return_buffer_size) { return_buffer = xrealloc(return_buffer, return_buffer_size + 100000); memset(return_buffer + return_buffer_size, 0, 100000); return_buffer_size += 100000; } strcpy(return_buffer + strlen_retbuf, str); strlen_retbuf += strlen(str); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void flush_return_buffer() { #ifdef HAVE_SSL send_with_timeout(_ssl_con, _sock, return_buffer, strlen_retbuf); #else send_with_timeout(NULL, _sock, return_buffer, strlen_retbuf); #endif memset(return_buffer, 0, return_buffer_size); strlen_retbuf = 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parameter handling functions similar to setenv/getenv */ void initparam() { memset(_param, 0, sizeof(_param)); memset(_value, 0, sizeof(_value)); _mtext[0] = 0; _cmdline[0] = 0; } int setparam(char *param, char *value) { int i; char str[10000]; if (strieq(param, "text")) { if (strlen(value) >= TEXT_SIZE) { sprintf(str, "Error: Entry text too big (%lu bytes). Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd\n", (unsigned long) strlen(value)); show_error(str); return 0; } strlcpy(_mtext, value, TEXT_SIZE); return 1; } if (strieq(param, "cmdline")) { if (strlen(value) >= CMD_SIZE) { sprintf(str, "Error: Command line too big (%lu bytes). Please increase CMD_SIZE and recompile elogd\n", (unsigned long) strlen(value)); show_error(str); return 0; } strlcpy(_cmdline, value, CMD_SIZE); return 1; } /* paremeters can be superseeded */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARAM; i++) if (_param[i][0] == 0 || strieq(param, _param[i])) break; if (i < MAX_PARAM) { if (strlen(param) >= NAME_LENGTH) { sprintf(str, "Error: Parameter name too big (%lu bytes).\n", (unsigned long) strlen(param)); show_error(str); return 0; } strlcpy(_param[i], param, NAME_LENGTH); if (strlen(value) >= NAME_LENGTH) { sprintf(str, "Error: Parameter value for parameter %s too big (%lu bytes). Please increase NAME_LENGTH and recompile elogd\n", param, (unsigned long) strlen(value)); show_error(str); return 0; } strlcpy(_value[i], value, NAME_LENGTH); } else { sprintf(str, "Error: Too many parameters (> %d). Cannot perform operation.\n", MAX_PARAM); show_error(str); return 0; } return 1; } char *getparam(char *param) { int i; if (strieq(param, "text")) return _mtext; if (strieq(param, "cmdline")) return _cmdline; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARAM && _param[i][0]; i++) if (strieq(param, _param[i])) break; if (i < MAX_PARAM && _param[i][0]) return _value[i]; return NULL; } BOOL enumparam(int n, char *param, char *value) { param[0] = value[0] = 0; if (n >= MAX_PARAM) return FALSE; if (_param[n][0] == 0) return FALSE; strcpy(param, _param[n]); strcpy(value, _value[n]); return TRUE; } BOOL isparam(char *param) { int i; if (strieq(param, "text")) return _mtext[0] != 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARAM && _param[i][0]; i++) if (strieq(param, _param[i])) break; if (i < MAX_PARAM && _param[i][0]) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void unsetparam(char *param) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARAM; i++) if (strieq(param, _param[i])) break; if (i < MAX_PARAM) { for (; i < MAX_PARAM - 1; i++) { strlcpy(_param[i], _param[i + 1], NAME_LENGTH); strlcpy(_value[i], _value[i + 1], NAME_LENGTH); } _param[MAX_PARAM - 1][0] = 0; _value[MAX_PARAM - 1][0] = 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void extract_path(char *str) { char *p, str2[256]; p = NULL; if (strstr(str, "http://")) p = str + 7; if (strstr(str, "https://")) p = str + 8; if (p) { while (*p && *p != '/') p++; if (*p == '/') p++; strcpy(str2, p); strcpy(str, str2); if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '/') str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void extract_host(char *str) { char *p, *ph, str2[256]; p = NULL; if (strstr(str, "http://")) p = str + 7; else if (strstr(str, "https://")) p = str + 8; if (p) { ph = p; while (*p && *p != '/' && *p != ':') p++; *p = 0; strcpy(str2, ph); strcpy(str, str2); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void compose_base_url(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *base_url, int size, BOOL email_notify) /* return URL for elogd with optional logbook subdirectory */ { if (email_notify) if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email URL", base_url, size)) return; if (!getcfg("global", "URL", base_url, size)) { if (referer[0]) { /* get URL from referer */ strlcpy(base_url, referer, size); if (strchr(base_url, '?')) *strchr(base_url, '?') = 0; if (strrchr(base_url, '/')) *(strrchr(base_url, '/') + 1) = 0; } else { if (_ssl_flag) strcpy(base_url, "https://"); else strcpy(base_url, "http://"); if (elog_tcp_port == 80) sprintf(base_url + strlen(base_url), "%s/", host_name); else sprintf(base_url + strlen(base_url), "%s:%d/", host_name, elog_tcp_port); if (lbs) { strlcat(base_url, lbs->name_enc, size); strlcat(base_url, "/", size); } } } else { if (base_url[strlen(base_url) - 1] != '/') strlcat(base_url, "/", size); if (lbs) { strlcat(base_url, lbs->name_enc, size); strlcat(base_url, "/", size); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void set_location(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *rp) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], group[NAME_LENGTH], list[NAME_LENGTH], *p, rel_path[NAME_LENGTH]; int i; /* remove any CR/LF from path */ strlcpy(rel_path, rp, sizeof(rel_path)); if (strchr(rel_path, '\r')) *strchr(rel_path, '\r') = 0; if (strchr(rel_path, '\n')) *strchr(rel_path, '\n') = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Relative redirect", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { if (rel_path[0]) strlcpy(str, rel_path, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, ".", sizeof(str)); rsputs("Location: "); rsputs(str); } else { /* Absolute redirect */ /* if path contains http(s), go directly there */ if (strncmp(rel_path, "http://", 7) == 0) { rsputs("Location: "); rsputs(rel_path); } else if (strncmp(rel_path, "https://", 8) == 0) { rsputs("Location: "); rsputs(rel_path); } else { /* check for URL options */ str[0] = 0; if (lbs) getcfg(lbs->name, "URL", str, sizeof(str)); else getcfg("global", "URL", str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == 0) { /* get redirection from referer and host */ if (referer[0]) { strlcpy(str, referer, sizeof(str)); /* strip any parameter */ if (strchr(str, '?')) *strchr(str, '?') = 0; /* strip rightmost '/' */ if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '/') str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; /* extract last subdir */ p = str + strlen(str); while (p > str && *p != '/') p--; if (*p == '/') p++; /* if last subdir equals any logbook name, strip it */ for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (stricmp(p, lb_list[i].name_enc) == 0) { *p = 0; break; } /* if last subdir equals any group, strip it */ snprintf(group, sizeof(group), "Group %s", p); if (getcfg("global", group, list, sizeof(list))) *p = 0; /* if last subdir equals any top group, strip it */ snprintf(group, sizeof(group), "Top group %s", p); if (getcfg("global", group, list, sizeof(list))) *p = 0; } else { /* assemble absolute path from host name and port */ if (_ssl_flag) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "https://%s", http_host); else snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "http://%s", http_host); if (elog_tcp_port != 80 && strchr(str, ':') == NULL) sprintf(str + strlen(str), ":%d", elog_tcp_port); strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); } /* add trailing '/' if not present */ if (str[strlen(str) - 1] != '/') strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); /* add top group if existing and not logbook */ if (!lbs && getcfg_topgroup()) { strlcat(str, getcfg_topgroup(), sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); } if (strncmp(rel_path, "../", 3) == 0) strlcat(str, rel_path + 3, sizeof(str)); else if (strcmp(rel_path, ".") == 0) { if (lbs) strlcat(str, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(str)); } else if (rel_path[0] == '/') strlcat(str, rel_path + 1, sizeof(str)); else { if (lbs) { strlcat(str, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, rel_path, sizeof(str)); } else strlcat(str, rel_path, sizeof(str)); } rsputs("Location: "); rsputs(str); } else { /* use redirection via URL */ /* if HTTP request comes from localhost, use localhost as absolute link (needed if running on DSL at home) */ if (!str[0] && strstr(http_host, "localhost")) { if (_ssl_flag) strlcpy(str, "https://localhost", sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, "http://localhost", sizeof(str)); if (elog_tcp_port != 80) sprintf(str + strlen(str), ":%d", elog_tcp_port); strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); } /* add trailing '/' if not present */ if (str[strlen(str) - 1] != '/') strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); /* add top group if existing and not logbook */ if (!lbs && getcfg_topgroup()) { strlcat(str, getcfg_topgroup(), sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); } if (strncmp(rel_path, "../", 3) == 0) strlcat(str, rel_path + 3, sizeof(str)); else if (strcmp(rel_path, ".") == 0) { if (lbs) strlcat(str, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(str)); } else if (rel_path[0] == '/') strlcat(str, rel_path + 1, sizeof(str)); else { if (lbs) { strlcat(str, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "/", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, rel_path, sizeof(str)); } else strlcat(str, rel_path, sizeof(str)); } rsputs("Location: "); rsputs(str); } } } rsprintf("\r\n\r\nredir\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void set_redir(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *redir) { char str[NAME_LENGTH]; str[0] = 0; /* prepare relative path */ if (redir[0]) strlcpy(str, redir, sizeof(str)); else { if (lbs) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "../%s/", lbs->name_enc); else if (getcfg_topgroup()) sprintf(str, "."); } set_location(lbs, str); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void set_cookie(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *name, char *value, BOOL global, char *expiration) { char lb_name[256], str[NAME_LENGTH], format[80]; double exp; time_t now; struct tm *gmt; if (lbs) strcpy(lb_name, lbs->name); else strcpy(lb_name, "global"); if (value != NULL) rsprintf("Set-Cookie: %s=%s;", name, value); else rsprintf("Set-Cookie: %s;", name); /* add path */ if (global) { /* path for all logbooks */ if (getcfg(lb_name, "URL", str, sizeof(str))) { extract_path(str); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); rsprintf(" path=/%s;", str); } else rsprintf(" path=/;"); } else { /* path for individual logbook */ if (getcfg(lb_name, "URL", str, sizeof(str))) { extract_path(str); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]) rsprintf(" path=/%s/%s;", str, lbs->name_enc); else rsprintf(" path=/%s;", lbs->name_enc); } else rsprintf(" path=/%s;", lbs->name_enc); } exp = atof(expiration); /* to clear a cookie, set expiration date to yesterday */ if (value != NULL && value[0] == 0) exp = -24; /* add expriation date */ if (exp != 0 && exp < 100000) { time(&now); now += (int) (3600 * exp); gmt = gmtime(&now); strcpy(format, "%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT"); strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, gmt); rsprintf(" expires=%s;", str); } rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *git_revision() { const char *p = _git_revision; if (strrchr(p, '-')) p = strrchr(p, '-') + 2; return p; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void redirect(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *rel_path) { /* redirect */ rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); if (keep_alive) { rsprintf("Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); rsprintf("Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10\r\n"); } set_location(lbs, rel_path); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int strbreak(char *str, char list[][NAME_LENGTH], int size, char *brk, BOOL ignore_quotes) /* break comma-separated list into char array, stripping leading and trailing blanks */ { int i, j; char *p; memset(list, 0, size * NAME_LENGTH); p = str; if (!p || !*p) return 0; while (*p == ' ') p++; for (i = 0; *p && i < size; i++) { if (*p == '"' && !ignore_quotes) { p++; j = 0; memset(list[i], 0, NAME_LENGTH); do { /* convert two '"' to one */ if (*p == '"' && *(p + 1) == '"') { list[i][j++] = '"'; p += 2; } else if (*p == '"') { break; } else list[i][j++] = *p++; } while (j < NAME_LENGTH - 1); list[i][j] = 0; /* skip second '"' */ p++; /* skip blanks and break character */ while (*p == ' ') p++; if (*p && strchr(brk, *p)) p++; while (*p == ' ') p++; } else { strlcpy(list[i], p, NAME_LENGTH); for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(list[i]); j++) if (strchr(brk, list[i][j])) { list[i][j] = 0; break; } p += strlen(list[i]); while (*p == ' ') p++; if (*p && strchr(brk, *p)) p++; while (*p == ' ') p++; } while (list[i][strlen(list[i]) - 1] == ' ') list[i][strlen(list[i]) - 1] = 0; if (!*p) break; } if (i == size) return size; return i + 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int scan_attributes(char *logbook) /* scan configuration file for attributes and fill attr_list, attr_options and attr_flags arrays */ { char list[10000], str[NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH], type[NAME_LENGTH], tmp_list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; int i, j, n, m, n_options; if (getcfg(logbook, "Attributes", list, sizeof(list))) { /* reset attribute flags */ memset(attr_flags, 0, sizeof(attr_flags)); /* get attribute list */ memset(attr_list, 0, sizeof(attr_list)); n = strbreak(list, attr_list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); /* check for forbidden attributes */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strieq(attr_list[i], "id") || strieq(attr_list[i], "text") || strieq(attr_list[i], "date") || strieq(attr_list[i], "encoding") || strieq(attr_list[i], "reply to") || strieq(attr_list[i], "locked by") || strieq(attr_list[i], "in reply to") || strieq(attr_list[i], "attachment")) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), loc("Attribute \"%s\" is not allowed in config file"), attr_list[i]); show_error(str); return -1; } } /* get options lists for attributes */ memset(attr_options, 0, sizeof(attr_options)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { n_options = 0; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Options %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(logbook, str, list, sizeof(list))) n_options = strbreak(list, attr_options[i], MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "MOptions %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(logbook, str, list, sizeof(list))) { n_options = strbreak(list, attr_options[i], MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); attr_flags[i] |= AF_MULTI; } snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "ROptions %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(logbook, str, list, sizeof(list))) { n_options = strbreak(list, attr_options[i], MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); attr_flags[i] |= AF_RADIO; } snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "IOptions %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(logbook, str, list, sizeof(list))) { n_options = strbreak(list, attr_options[i], MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); attr_flags[i] |= AF_ICON; } snprintf(str2, sizeof(str2), "Sort Attribute Options %s", attr_list[i]); if (n_options && getcfg(logbook, str2, str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { qsort(attr_options[i], n_options, NAME_LENGTH, ascii_compare2); } } /* check if attribute required */ getcfg(logbook, "Required Attributes", list, sizeof(list)); m = strbreak(list, tmp_list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], tmp_list[i])) attr_flags[j] |= AF_REQUIRED; } /* check if locked attribute */ getcfg(logbook, "Locked Attributes", list, sizeof(list)); m = strbreak(list, tmp_list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], tmp_list[i])) attr_flags[j] |= AF_LOCKED; } /* check if fixed attribute for Edit */ getcfg(logbook, "Fixed Attributes Edit", list, sizeof(list)); m = strbreak(list, tmp_list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], tmp_list[i])) attr_flags[j] |= AF_FIXED_EDIT; } /* check if fixed attribute for Reply */ getcfg(logbook, "Fixed Attributes Reply", list, sizeof(list)); m = strbreak(list, tmp_list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], tmp_list[i])) attr_flags[j] |= AF_FIXED_REPLY; } /* check for extendable options */ getcfg(logbook, "Extendable Options", list, sizeof(list)); m = strbreak(list, tmp_list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], tmp_list[i])) attr_flags[j] |= AF_EXTENDABLE; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Type %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(logbook, str, type, sizeof(type))) { if (strieq(type, "date")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_DATE; if (strieq(type, "datetime")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_DATETIME; if (strieq(type, "time")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_TIME; if (strieq(type, "numeric")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_NUMERIC; if (strieq(type, "userlist")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_USERLIST; if (strieq(type, "muserlist")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_MUSERLIST; if (strieq(type, "useremail")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_USEREMAIL; if (strieq(type, "museremail")) attr_flags[i] |= AF_MUSEREMAIL; } } } else { memcpy(attr_list, attr_list_default, sizeof(attr_list_default)); memcpy(attr_options, attr_options_default, sizeof(attr_options_default)); memcpy(attr_flags, attr_flags_default, sizeof(attr_flags_default)); n = 4; } return n; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_http_header(LOGBOOK *lbs, BOOL expires, char *cookie) { char str[256]; rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); if (getcfg("global", "charset", str, sizeof(str))) rsprintf("Content-Type: text/html;charset=%s\r\n", str); else rsprintf("Content-Type: text/html;charset=%s\r\n", DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); if (cookie && cookie[0]) set_cookie(lbs, cookie, NULL, FALSE, "99999"); /* ten years by default */ if (keep_alive) { rsprintf("Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); rsprintf("Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10\r\n"); } if (expires) { rsprintf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); rsprintf("Cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store\r\n"); } rsprintf("\r\n"); } void show_plain_header(int size, char *file_name) { /* header */ rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); rsprintf("Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"); if (keep_alive) { rsprintf("Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); rsprintf("Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10\r\n"); } rsprintf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); rsprintf("Cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store\r\n"); rsprintf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"); rsprintf("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\r\n", file_name); if (size) rsprintf("Content-Length: %d\r\n", size); rsprintf("\r\n"); } void show_html_header(LOGBOOK *lbs, BOOL expires, char *title, BOOL close_head, BOOL rss_feed, char *cookie, int embed_css, int refresh) { int i, n; char css[1000], css_base[1000], str[1000], media[1000], file_name[256]; char css_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; show_http_header(lbs, expires, cookie); /* DOCTYPE */ rsprintf("\n"); /* this code would be for XML files... rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); */ /* page title */ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); if (refresh) rsprintf("\n", refresh); rsprintf("%s\n", title); /* Cascading Style Sheet */ if (embed_css) { strlcpy(css, "elog.css", sizeof(css)); if (lbs != NULL && getcfg(lbs->name, "CSS", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(css, str, sizeof(css)); else if (lbs == NULL && getcfg("global", "CSS", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(css, str, sizeof(css)); strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "themes", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, theme_name, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, css, sizeof(file_name)); FILE *f = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (f != NULL) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); int size = TELL(fileno(f)); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); char *buf = xmalloc(size + 100); fread(buf, 1, size, f); buf[size] = 0; fclose(f); rsprintf("\n"); xfree(buf); } } else { rsprintf("\n"); } if (lbs != NULL && getcfg(lbs->name, "CSS", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(css, str, sizeof(css)); else if (lbs == NULL && getcfg("global", "CSS", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(css, str, sizeof(css)); else css[0] = 0; if (css[0]) { if (strchr(css, ',')) { n = strbreak(css, css_list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strlcpy(str, css_list[i], sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '&')) { strlcpy(media, strchr(str, '&') + 1, sizeof(media)); *strchr(str, '&') = 0; rsprintf("\n", str, media); } } } else rsprintf("\n", css_base, css); } if (!embed_css) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); } if (rss_feed && !embed_css) { rsprintf("name); rsprintf("href=\"elog.rdf\" />\n"); } if (close_head) rsprintf("\n"); } void show_browser(char *br) { if (stristr(br, "opera")) rsprintf("var browser = \"Opera\";\n"); else if (stristr(br, "konqueror")) rsprintf("var browser = \"Konqueror\";\n"); else if (stristr(br, "Safari")) rsprintf("var browser = \"Safari\";\n"); else if (stristr(br, "MSIE")) rsprintf("var browser = \"MSIE\";\n"); else if (stristr(br, "Mozilla")) rsprintf("var browser = \"Mozilla\";\n"); else rsprintf("var browser = \"Other\";\n"); } void show_standard_header(LOGBOOK *lbs, BOOL expires, char *title, char *path, BOOL rss_feed, char *cookie, char *script, int refresh) { if (script) { show_html_header(lbs, expires, title, FALSE, rss_feed, cookie, FALSE, refresh); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n"); } else show_html_header(lbs, expires, title, TRUE, rss_feed, cookie, FALSE, refresh); if (script) rsprintf("\n", script); else rsprintf("\n"); show_top_text(lbs); if (path && path[0]) rsprintf("
      \n\n", path); else rsprintf("\n\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_upgrade_page(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[1000]; show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, "ELOG Upgrade Information", TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      ELog Electronic Logbook Upgrade Information

      \n"); rsprintf("You probably use an %s configuration file for a ELOG version\n", CFGFILE); rsprintf("1.1.x, since it contains a \"Types = ...\" entry. From version\n"); rsprintf("1.2.0 on, the fixed attributes Type and Category have been\n"); rsprintf("replaced by arbitrary attributes. Please replace these two lines with the\n"); rsprintf("following entries:

      \n"); rsprintf("

         rsprintf("Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject\n");
         rsprintf("Required Attributes = Author\n");
         getcfg(lbs->name, "Types", str, sizeof(str));
         rsprintf("Options Type = %s\n", str);
         getcfg(lbs->name, "Categories", str, sizeof(str));
         rsprintf("Options Category = %s\n", str);
         rsprintf("Page title = $subject\n");
      \n"); rsprintf("

      \n"); rsprintf("It is of course possible to change the attributes or add new ones. The new\n"); rsprintf("options in the configuration file are described under https://elog.psi.ch/elog/config.html\n"); rsprintf(".\n"); rsprintf("

      \n\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("S. Ritt, 18 October 2001"); rsprintf("
      "); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LBLIST *get_subgroup(LBLIST pgrp, char *logbook) /* retrieve parent of group member "logbook" (which might be group by itself) */ { int i; for (i = 0; i < pgrp->n_members; i++) { /* check if logbook is current member */ if (strieq(logbook, pgrp->member[i]->name)) return &(pgrp->member[i]); /* check if logbook is in subgroup of current member */ if (pgrp->member[i]->n_members > 0 && get_subgroup(pgrp->member[i], logbook)) return get_subgroup(pgrp->member[i], logbook); } return NULL; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LBLIST get_logbook_hierarchy(void) { int i, j, n, m, flag; char str[1000], grpname[256], grpmembers[1000]; LBLIST root, *pgrp; char grplist[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; /* allocate root node */ root = xmalloc(sizeof(LBNODE)); memset(root, 0, sizeof(LBNODE)); /* enumerate groups */ for (i = n = 0;; i++) { if (!enumcfg("global", grpname, sizeof(grpname), grpmembers, sizeof(grpmembers), i)) break; /* flag indicates top group (2) or group (1) or other entry (0) */ flag = 0; strlcpy(str, grpname, sizeof(str)); str[9] = 0; if (strieq(str, "top group")) flag = 2; str[5] = 0; if (strieq(str, "group")) flag = 1; if (flag) { /* allocate new node, increase member pointer array by one */ if (n == 0) root->member = xmalloc(sizeof(void *)); else root->member = xrealloc(root->member, (n + 1) * sizeof(void *)); root->member[n] = xmalloc(sizeof(LBNODE)); if (strlen(grpname) < 7) strlcpy(root->member[n]->name, "Invalid group definition!", 256); else if (flag == 1) strlcpy(root->member[n]->name, grpname + 6, 256); else strlcpy(root->member[n]->name, grpname + 10, 256); m = strbreak(grpmembers, grplist, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); root->member[n]->n_members = m; root->member[n]->member = xcalloc(sizeof(void *), m); root->member[n]->n_members = m; for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { root->member[n]->member[j] = xcalloc(sizeof(LBNODE), 1); strlcpy(root->member[n]->member[j]->name, grplist[j], 256); } root->member[n]->is_top = (flag == 2); n++; } } root->n_members = n; /* populate nodes with logbooks or other groups */ for (i = 0; i < root->n_members; i++) if (root->member[i]) { for (j = 0; j < root->n_members; j++) { if (i != j && root->member[j] != NULL && (pgrp = get_subgroup(root->member[j], root->member[i]->name)) != NULL) { /* node is allocated twice, so free one... */ xfree(*pgrp); /* ... and reference the other */ *pgrp = root->member[i]; /* mark original pointer invalid */ root->member[i] = NULL; break; } } } /* remove empty slots */ for (i = 0; i < root->n_members; i++) if (root->member[i] == NULL) { for (j = i + 1; j < root->n_members; j++) if (root->member[j]) break; if (j < root->n_members && root->member[j]) { root->member[i] = root->member[j]; root->member[j] = NULL; } } for (i = 0; i < root->n_members; i++) if (root->member[i] == NULL) break; if (i < root->n_members) root->n_members = i; if (n == 0) { for (n = 0; lb_list[n].name[0]; n++); /* make simple list with logbooks */ root->member = xcalloc(n, sizeof(void *)); root->n_members = n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { root->member[i] = xcalloc(1, sizeof(LBNODE)); strlcpy(root->member[i]->name, lb_list[i].name, 256); } } return root; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void free_logbook_hierarchy(LBLIST root) { int i; for (i = 0; i < root->n_members; i++) { if (root->member[i]) { free_logbook_hierarchy(root->member[i]); root->member[i] = NULL; } } xfree(root->member); xfree(root); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL is_logbook_in_group(LBLIST pgrp, char *logbook) /* test if "logbook" is in group node plb */ { int i; if (strieq(logbook, pgrp->name)) return TRUE; for (i = 0; i < pgrp->n_members; i++) { if (strieq(logbook, pgrp->member[i]->name)) return TRUE; if (pgrp->member[i]->n_members > 0 && is_logbook_in_group(pgrp->member[i], logbook)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void change_logbook_in_group(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *new_name) { int i, j, n, flag; char str[1000], grpname[256], grpmembers[1000]; char grplist[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; /* enumerate groups */ for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enumcfg("global", grpname, sizeof(grpname), grpmembers, sizeof(grpmembers), i)) break; flag = 0; strlcpy(str, grpname, sizeof(str)); str[9] = 0; if (strieq(str, "top group")) flag = 2; str[5] = 0; if (strieq(str, "group")) flag = 1; if (flag) { n = strbreak(grpmembers, grplist, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (strieq(lbs->name, grplist[j])) { /* rename or remove logbook */ change_config_line(lbs, grpname, lbs->name, new_name); break; } } } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void add_logbook_to_group(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *new_name) { int i, j, n, flag; char str[1000], grpname[256], grpmembers[1000]; char grplist[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; /* enumerate groups */ for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enumcfg("global", grpname, sizeof(grpname), grpmembers, sizeof(grpmembers), i)) break; flag = 0; strlcpy(str, grpname, sizeof(str)); str[9] = 0; if (strieq(str, "top group")) flag = 2; str[5] = 0; if (strieq(str, "group")) flag = 1; if (flag) { n = strbreak(grpmembers, grplist, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (strieq(lbs->name, grplist[j])) { /* rename or remove logbook */ change_config_line(lbs, grpname, "", new_name); break; } } } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_standard_title(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *text, int printable) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], ref[256], sclass[32], comment[256], full_name[256], url[256], logbook[256]; int i, j, level; LBLIST phier, pnode, pnext, flb; char slist[20][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[20][NAME_LENGTH]; if (lbs == NULL) strlcpy(logbook, "global", sizeof(logbook)); else strlcpy(logbook, lbs->name, sizeof(logbook)); if (printable) rsprintf ("\n\n"); else rsprintf("
      \n\n"); /* scan logbook hierarchy */ phier = get_logbook_hierarchy(); /*---- logbook selection row ----*/ pnode = phier; /* start at root of tree */ pnext = NULL; if (!printable && (!getcfg(logbook, "logbook tabs", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1)) { for (level = 0;; level++) { rsprintf("\n\n"); pnode = pnext; pnext = NULL; if (pnode == NULL || pnode->n_members == 0) break; } } free_logbook_hierarchy(phier); /*---- title row ----*/ rsprintf("\n\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_top_text(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[NAME_LENGTH]; int size; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "top text", str, sizeof(str)) && str[0]) { FILE *f; char file_name[256], *buf; /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } f = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (f != NULL) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fileno(f)); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(size + 1); fread(buf, 1, size, f); buf[size] = 0; fclose(f); rsputs(buf); } else rsputs(str); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_bottom_text(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], slist[20][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[20][NAME_LENGTH]; int i, size; if (lbs == NULL) return; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "bottom text", str, sizeof(str))) { FILE *f; char file_name[256], *buf; if (str[0]) { /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } f = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (f != NULL) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fileno(f)); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(size + 100); fread(buf, 1, size, f); buf[size] = 0; fclose(f); i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, NULL, TRUE); strsubst_list(buf, size + 100, slist, svalue, i); rsputs(buf); xfree(buf); } else { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, NULL, TRUE); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), slist, svalue, i); rsputs(str); } } } else /* add little logo */ rsprintf ("
      ELOG V%s-%s
      ", loc("Goto ELOG home page"), VERSION, git_revision()); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_bottom_text_login(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], slist[20][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[20][NAME_LENGTH]; int i, size; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "bottom text login", str, sizeof(str))) { FILE *f; char file_name[256], *buf; if (str[0]) { /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } f = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (f != NULL) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fileno(f)); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(size + 100); fread(buf, 1, size, f); buf[size] = 0; fclose(f); if (lbs != NULL) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, NULL, TRUE); strsubst_list(buf, size + 100, slist, svalue, i); } rsputs(buf); xfree(buf); } else { if (lbs != NULL) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, NULL, TRUE); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), slist, svalue, i); } rsputs(str); } } } else /* add little logo */ rsprintf ("
      ELOG V%s-%s
      ", loc("Goto ELOG home page"), VERSION, git_revision()); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_error(char *error) { char str[256]; /* header */ rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); if (getcfg("global", "charset", str, sizeof(str))) rsprintf("Content-Type: text/html;charset=%s\r\n", str); else rsprintf("Content-Type: text/html;charset=%s\r\n", DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); rsprintf("\r\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("%s\n", loc("ELOG error")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (level == 0 && getcfg("global", "main tab", str, sizeof(str)) && !getcfg_topgroup()) { if (getcfg("global", "main tab url", url, sizeof(url))) rsprintf("%s\n", url, str); else rsprintf("%s\n", str); } if (level == 1 && getcfg("global", "main tab", str, sizeof(str)) && getcfg_topgroup()) { if (getcfg("global", "main tab url", url, sizeof(url))) rsprintf("%s\n", url, str); else rsprintf("%s\n", getcfg_topgroup(), str); } /* iterate through members of this group */ for (i = 0; i < pnode->n_members; i++) { if (getcfg(pnode->member[i]->name, "Hidden", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) continue; strlcpy(str, pnode->member[i]->name, sizeof(str)); /* build reference to first logbook in group */ comment[0] = 0; if (pnode->member[i]->member == NULL) { getcfg(pnode->member[i]->name, "Comment", comment, sizeof(comment)); strlcpy(ref, str, sizeof(ref)); // current node is logbook } else { flb = pnode->member[i]->member[0]; // current node is group while (flb->member) // so traverse hierarchy flb = flb->member[0]; strlcpy(ref, flb->name, sizeof(ref)); } url_encode(ref, sizeof(ref)); if (is_logbook_in_group(pnode->member[i], logbook)) { /* remember member list of this group for next row */ pnext = pnode->member[i]; if (pnode->member[i]->member == NULL) /* selected logbook */ strcpy(sclass, "sltab"); else /* selected group */ strcpy(sclass, "sgtab"); } else { if (pnode->member[i]->member == NULL) /* unselected logbook */ strcpy(sclass, "ltab"); else /* unselected group */ strcpy(sclass, "gtab"); } if (!pnode->member[i]->is_top) { rsprintf("", sclass); if (comment[0]) { rsprintf(""); } else rsprintf("", ref); strlcpy(str, pnode->member[i]->name, sizeof(str)); for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(str); j++) if (str[j] == ' ') rsprintf(" "); else rsprintf("%c", str[j]); rsprintf("\n"); } } rsprintf("
      \n"); /* left cell */ rsprintf("\n"); /* middle cell */ if (isparam("unm")) { get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), NULL, full_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rsprintf("\n", loc("Logged in as"), full_name); } else if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest menu commands", str, sizeof(str))) rsprintf("\n", loc("Not logged in")); /* right cell */ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      "); /* use comment as title if available, else logbook name */ if (!getcfg(logbook, "Comment", str, sizeof(str))) strcpy(str, logbook); rsprintf("  "); if (is_html(str)) rsputs(str); else rsputs3(str); rsputs3(text); rsprintf(" %s \"%s\"%s"); if (getcfg(logbook, "Title image URL", str, sizeof(str))) rsprintf("\n", str); if (getcfg(logbook, "Title image", str, sizeof(str))) { // allow $short_name for example to link to personal pictures i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, NULL, TRUE); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), slist, svalue, i); rsprintf("%s", str); } else rsprintf("\"ELOG"); if (getcfg(logbook, "Title image URL", str, sizeof(str))) rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n", error); rsprintf("\n
      "); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_query(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *title, char *query_string, char *button1, char *button1_url, char *button2, char *button2_url) { show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, "ELog query", title, FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", title); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("%s
      "); rsprintf("%s", query_string); rsprintf("
      "); rsprintf("\n", button1, button1_url); rsprintf("\n", button2, button2_url); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void set_sid_cookie(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *sid, char *full_name) { char str[256], lb_name[256], exp[80]; BOOL global; rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); if (keep_alive) { rsprintf("Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); rsprintf("Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10\r\n"); } if (lbs) strcpy(lb_name, lbs->name); else strcpy(lb_name, "global"); /* get optional expriation from configuration file */ if (getcfg(lb_name, "Login expiration", str, sizeof(str)) || atof(str) > 0) strcpy(exp, str); else if (isparam("remember")) { strcpy(exp, "744"); /* one month by default = 31*24 */ } else exp[0] = 0; /* check if cookies should be global */ global = getcfg("global", "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); /* set the session ID cookie */ set_cookie(lbs, "sid", sid, global, exp); /* set the use full name cookie */ set_cookie(lbs, "ufnm", full_name, global, exp); /* set "remember me" cookie on login */ if (isparam("remember")) set_cookie(lbs, "urem", "1", global, "8760"); /* one year = 24*365 */ else set_cookie(lbs, "urem", "0", global, "8760"); set_redir(lbs, isparam("redir") ? getparam("redir") : ""); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int exist_file(char *file_name) { int fh; fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { close(fh); return 1; } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void send_file_direct(char *file_name) { int fh, i, length, delta; char str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], charset[80]; getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir)); fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); length = TELL(fh); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); rsprintf("Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"); /* set expiration time to one day if no thumbnail */ if (isparam("thumb")) { rsprintf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); rsprintf("Cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store\r\n"); } else { rsprintf("Cache-control: public, max-age=86400\r\n"); } if (keep_alive) { rsprintf("Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); rsprintf("Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10\r\n"); } /* return proper header for file type */ for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(file_name); i++) str[i] = toupper(file_name[i]); str[i] = 0; for (i = 0; filetype[i].ext[0]; i++) if (chkext(str, filetype[i].ext)) break; if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); if (filetype[i].ext[0]) { if (strncmp(filetype[i].type, "text", 4) == 0) rsprintf("Content-Type: %s;charset=%s\r\n", filetype[i].type, charset); else if (strcmp(filetype[i].ext, ".SVG") == 0) { rsprintf("Content-Type: %s\r\n", filetype[i].type); if (strrchr(file_name, '/')) strlcpy(str, strrchr(file_name, '/')+1, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); if (str[6] == '_' && str[13] == '_') rsprintf("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\r\n", str+14); else rsprintf("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\r\n", str); } else rsprintf("Content-Type: %s\r\n", filetype[i].type); } else if (is_ascii(file_name)) rsprintf("Content-Type: text/plain;charset=%s\r\n", charset); else rsprintf("Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=%s\r\n", charset); rsprintf("Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", length); /* increase return buffer size if file too big */ while (length > return_buffer_size - (int) strlen(return_buffer)) { delta = length - (return_buffer_size - strlen(return_buffer)) + 1000; return_buffer = xrealloc(return_buffer, return_buffer_size + delta); memset(return_buffer + return_buffer_size, 0, delta); return_buffer_size += delta; } return_length = strlen(return_buffer) + length; read(fh, return_buffer + strlen(return_buffer), length); close(fh); } else { char encodedname[256], str[256]; show_html_header(NULL, FALSE, "404 Not Found", TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("

      404 Not Found

      \r\n"); rsprintf("The requested file "); strencode2(encodedname, file_name, sizeof(encodedname)); if (strrchr(encodedname, DIR_SEPARATOR)) rsprintf("%s", strrchr(encodedname, DIR_SEPARATOR)+1, sizeof(str)); else rsprintf("%s", encodedname); rsprintf(" was not found on this server

      \r\n"); return_length = strlen_retbuf; keep_alive = FALSE; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void strencode(char *text) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(text); i++) { switch (text[i]) { case '\n': rsprintf("
      \n"); break; case '<': rsprintf("<"); break; case '>': rsprintf(">"); break; case '&': rsprintf("&"); break; case '\"': rsprintf("""); break; case ' ': rsprintf(" "); break; /* the translation for the search highliting */ case '\001': rsprintf("<"); break; case '\002': rsprintf(">"); break; case '\003': rsprintf("\""); break; case '\004': rsprintf(" "); break; default: rsprintf("%c", text[i]); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void strencode_nouml(char *text) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(text); i++) { switch (text[i]) { case '\n': rsprintf("
      \n"); break; case '<': rsprintf("<"); break; case '>': rsprintf(">"); break; case '\"': rsprintf("""); break; case ' ': rsprintf(" "); break; /* the translation for the search highliting */ case '\001': rsprintf("<"); break; case '\002': rsprintf(">"); break; case '\003': rsprintf("\""); break; case '\004': rsprintf(" "); break; default: rsprintf("%c", text[i]); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void xmlencode(char *text) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(text); i++) { switch (text[i]) { case '<': rsprintf("<"); break; case '>': rsprintf(">"); break; case '&': rsprintf("&"); break; case '\"': rsprintf("""); break; default: rsprintf("%c", text[i]); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void strencode2(char *b, const char *text, int size) { int i; *b = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(text); i++) { switch (text[i]) { case '\n': if (strlen(b) + 5 >= (unsigned int) size) return; strcat(b, "
      \n"); break; case '<': if (strlen(b) + 4 >= (unsigned int) size) return; strcat(b, "<"); break; case '>': if (strlen(b) + 4 >= (unsigned int) size) return; strcat(b, ">"); break; case '\"': if (strlen(b) + 6 >= (unsigned int) size) return; strcat(b, """); break; default: if (strlen(b) + 1 >= (unsigned int) size) return; sprintf(b + strlen(b), "%c", text[i]); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int build_subst_list(LOGBOOK *lbs, char list[][NAME_LENGTH], char value[][NAME_LENGTH], char attrib[][NAME_LENGTH], BOOL format_date) { int i; char str[NAME_LENGTH], format[256], full_name[256], user_email[256]; time_t t; struct tm *ts; /* copy attribute list */ i = 0; if (attrib != NULL) for (; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { strcpy(list[i], attr_list[i]); if (attrib) { if ((attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) && format_date) { t = (time_t) atoi(attrib[i]); ts = localtime(&t); assert(ts); sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); my_strftime(value[i], NAME_LENGTH, format, ts); } else if ((attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) && format_date) { t = (time_t) atoi(attrib[i]); ts = localtime(&t); assert(ts); sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); my_strftime(value[i], NAME_LENGTH, format, ts); } else strcpy(value[i], attrib[i]); } else strlcpy(value[i], isparam(attr_list[i]) ? getparam(attr_list[i]) : "", NAME_LENGTH); } /* add remote host */ strcpy(list[i], "remote_host"); strlcpy(value[i++], rem_host, NAME_LENGTH); /* add local host */ strcpy(list[i], "host"); strlcpy(value[i++], host_name, NAME_LENGTH); /* add forwarded user */ strcpy(list[i], "http_user"); strlcpy(value[i++], http_user, NAME_LENGTH); /* add user names */ strcpy(list[i], "short_name"); if (isparam("unm")) { strlcpy(value[i++], getparam("unm"), NAME_LENGTH); get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), NULL, full_name, user_email, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { strlcpy(value[i++], loc("Anonymous"), NAME_LENGTH); strcpy(full_name, loc("Anonymous")); user_email[0] = 0; } strcpy(list[i], "long_name"); strlcpy(value[i++], full_name, NAME_LENGTH); /* add email */ if (user_email[0]) { strcpy(list[i], "user_email"); strcpy(value[i], "mailto:"); strlcat(value[i++], user_email, NAME_LENGTH); } /* add logbook */ if (lbs) { strcpy(list[i], "logbook"); strlcpy(value[i++], lbs->name, NAME_LENGTH); /* add logbook */ strcpy(list[i], "elogbook"); strlcpy(value[i++], lbs->name_enc, NAME_LENGTH); } /* add date */ strcpy(list[i], "date"); time(&t); if (format_date) { ts = localtime(&t); assert(ts); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, ts); } else sprintf(str, "%d", (int) t); strcpy(value[i++], str); /* add UTC date */ strcpy(list[i], "utcdate"); time(&t); if (format_date) { ts = gmtime(&t); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, ts); } else sprintf(str, "%d", (int) t); strcpy(value[i++], str); /* add ELOG version and revision */ strcpy(list[i], "version"); strcpy(value[i++], VERSION); strcpy(list[i], "revision"); sprintf(value[i++], "%s", git_revision()); return i; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void add_subst_list(char list[][NAME_LENGTH], char value[][NAME_LENGTH], char *item, char *str, int *i) { strlcpy(list[*i], item, NAME_LENGTH); strlcpy(value[(*i)++], str, NAME_LENGTH); } void add_subst_time(LOGBOOK *lbs, char list[][NAME_LENGTH], char value[][NAME_LENGTH], char *item, char *date, int *i, int flags) { char format[80], str[256]; time_t ltime; struct tm *pts; if (flags & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) { ltime = date_to_ltime(date); sprintf(str, "%d", (int) ltime); add_subst_list(list, value, item, str, i); } else { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = date_to_ltime(date); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); add_subst_list(list, value, item, str, i); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL get_password_file(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *file_name, int size) { char str[256]; getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (!str[0]) return FALSE; if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strlcpy(file_name, str, size); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, size); strlcat(file_name, str, size); } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_change_pwd_page(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[256], config[256], old_pwd[256], new_pwd[256], new_pwd2[256], user[256], auth[32], error_str[256]; int wrong_pwd; /* otherwise calls with null lbs which make this procedure crash */ if (lbs == NULL) lbs = get_first_lbs_with_global_passwd(); if (lbs == NULL) return; getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", auth, sizeof(auth)); old_pwd[0] = new_pwd[0] = new_pwd2[0] = 0; if (isparam("oldpwd")) strlcpy(old_pwd, getparam("oldpwd"), sizeof(old_pwd)); if (isparam("newpwd")) strlcpy(new_pwd, getparam("newpwd"), sizeof(new_pwd)); if (isparam("newpwd2")) strlcpy(new_pwd2, getparam("newpwd2"), sizeof(new_pwd2)); if (isparam("unm")) strlcpy(user, getparam("unm"), sizeof(user)); else user[0] = 0; if (isparam("config")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("config"), sizeof(str)); strencode2(user, str, sizeof(user)); } wrong_pwd = FALSE; error_str[0] = 0; if (isparam("fail")) { wrong_pwd = atoi(getparam("fail")); if (!wrong_pwd) { wrong_pwd = 3; strlcpy(error_str, getparam("fail"), sizeof(error_str)); } } if (old_pwd[0] || new_pwd[0]) { if (user[0]) { if (stristr(auth, "Kerberos") || stristr(auth, "Webserver") || stristr(auth, "PAM")) { if (strcmp(new_pwd, new_pwd2) != 0) wrong_pwd = 2; } else { /* administrator does not have to supply old password if changing other user's password */ if (isparam("unm") && is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm")) && stricmp(getparam("unm"), user) != 0) wrong_pwd = 0; else { if (!auth_verify_password(lbs, user, old_pwd, str, sizeof(str))) wrong_pwd = 1; } if (strcmp(new_pwd, new_pwd2) != 0) wrong_pwd = 2; } } if (new_pwd[0]) { /* replace password */ error_str[0] = 0; if (!wrong_pwd) wrong_pwd = (auth_change_password(lbs, user, old_pwd, new_pwd, error_str, sizeof(error_str)) == 0); if (!wrong_pwd && isparam("unm") && strcmp(user, getparam("unm")) == 0) { redirect(lbs, ""); return; } if (!wrong_pwd) { /* redirect back to configuration page */ if (isparam("config")) { strlcpy(config, getparam("config"), sizeof(config)); sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s&cfg_user=%s", loc("Config"), config); } else sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s", loc("Config")); redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* go though one redirection to avoid passwords to be shown in URL */ if (wrong_pwd) { if (error_str[0]) sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s&config=%s&fail=%s", loc("Change password"), getparam("unm"), error_str); else sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s&config=%s&fail=%d", loc("Change password"), getparam("unm"), wrong_pwd); redirect(lbs, str); return; } } } show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, loc("ELOG change password"), NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); if (wrong_pwd == 1) { if (error_str[0]) { strencode2(str, error_str, sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); } else rsprintf("\n", loc("Wrong password")); } if (wrong_pwd == 2) rsprintf("\n", loc("New passwords do not match, please retype")); if (wrong_pwd == 3) { strencode2(str, error_str, sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); } rsprintf("\n", loc("Change password for user"), user); /* do not ask for old pwasword if admin changes other user's password */ if (isparam("unm")) { if (!is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm")) || stricmp(getparam("unm"), user) == 0) { if (isparam("oldpwd") && !(wrong_pwd == 1)) // hidden password for password recovery rsprintf("\n"); } } } rsprintf("\n", loc("New password")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Retype new password")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("", loc("Submit")); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("", user); rsprintf("%s \"%s\"
      %s:\n", loc("Old password")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("

      \r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void get_auto_index(LOGBOOK *lbs, int index, char *format, char *retstr, int size) /* return value of specific attribute of last entry, can be used to auto-increment tags */ { int i, message_id, loc, len, old_index; char *p, attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], att[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], draft[256]; time_t now; if (strchr(format, '%') == NULL && strchr(format, '#') == NULL) { strlcpy(retstr, format, size); return; } time(&now); my_strftime(retstr, size, format, localtime(&now)); p = strchr(retstr, '#'); if (p == NULL) return; if (p > retstr && *(p - 1) == '\\') { // escape memmove(p - 1, p, strlen(p) + 1); return; } /* record location and length of ###'s */ for (i = loc = 0, len = 1; i < (int) strlen(retstr); i++) { if (retstr[i] == '#') { if (loc == 0) loc = i; if (i > 0 && retstr[i - 1] == '#') len++; } } /* get attribute from last entry */ message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_LAST, 0, FALSE); if (!message_id) { /* start with 1 */ sprintf(retstr + loc, "%0*d", len, 1); return; } /* search all entries to find largest index */ old_index = 0; do { el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, att, NULL, NULL, draft); /* if same date found, obtain largest index */ if (strlen(attrib[index]) > 0 && strncmp(attrib[index], retstr, loc) == 0) if (atoi(attrib[index] + loc) > old_index) old_index = atoi(attrib[index] + loc); message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_PREV, message_id, FALSE); } while (message_id); /* increment index */ sprintf(retstr + loc, "%0*d", len, old_index + 1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL is_author(LOGBOOK *lbs, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char *owner) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], preset[NAME_LENGTH], full_name[NAME_LENGTH]; int i; /* check if current user is admin */ if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) return TRUE; /* search attribute which contains short_name of author */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { sprintf(str, "Preset %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) { if (strstr(preset, "$short_name")) { if (!isparam("unm") || strstr(attrib[i], getparam("unm")) == NULL) { strcpy(owner, attrib[i]); return FALSE; } else break; } } } if (i == lbs->n_attr) { /* if not found, search attribute which contains full_name of author */ if (isparam("unm")) { get_full_name(lbs, getparam("unm"), full_name); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { sprintf(str, "Preset %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) { if (strstr(preset, "$long_name")) { if (strstr(attrib[i], full_name) == NULL) { strcpy(owner, attrib[i]); return FALSE; } else break; } } } } } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL get_author(LOGBOOK *lbs, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char *author) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], preset[NAME_LENGTH]; int i; /* search attribute which contains full_name of author */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { sprintf(str, "Preset %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) { if (stristr(preset, "$long_name")) { strcpy(author, attrib[i]); return TRUE; } } } /* if not found, search attribute which contains short_name of author */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { sprintf(str, "Preset %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) { if (stristr(preset, "$short_name")) { strcpy(author, attrib[i]); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL is_cond_attr(int index) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[index][i][0]; i++) if (strchr(attr_options[index][i], '{') && strchr(attr_options[index][i], '}')) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_date_selector(int day, int month, int year, char *index) { int i; rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf(" %s: ", loc("Year")); if (year) rsprintf("", index, year); else rsprintf("", index); rsprintf("\n  \n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_time_selector(int hour, int min, int sec, char *index) { int i; rsprintf(" : \n"); rsprintf(" : \n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void attrib_from_param(int n_attr, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]) { int i, j, first, year, month, day, hour, min, sec; char str[NAME_LENGTH], ua[NAME_LENGTH]; time_t ltime; struct tm ts; for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { strcpy(ua, attr_list[i]); stou(ua); if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) { attrib[i][0] = 0; first = 1; for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, j); if (isparam(str)) { if (first) first = 0; else strlcat(attrib[i], " | ", NAME_LENGTH); if (strlen(attrib[i]) + strlen(getparam(str)) < NAME_LENGTH - 2) strlcat(attrib[i], getparam(str), NAME_LENGTH); else break; } } } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { if (isparam(ua)) strlcpy(attrib[i], getparam(ua), NAME_LENGTH); else { sprintf(str, "y%d", i); year = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); if (year < 100) year += 2000; sprintf(str, "m%d", i); month = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); sprintf(str, "d%d", i); day = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); ts.tm_year = year - 1900; ts.tm_mon = month - 1; ts.tm_mday = day; ts.tm_hour = 12; if (month && day) { ltime = mktime(&ts); sprintf(attrib[i], "%d", (int) ltime); } else strcpy(attrib[i], ""); } } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { if (isparam(ua)) strlcpy(attrib[i], getparam(ua), NAME_LENGTH); else { sprintf(str, "y%d", i); year = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); if (year < 100) year += 2000; sprintf(str, "m%d", i); month = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); sprintf(str, "d%d", i); day = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); sprintf(str, "h%d", i); hour = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); sprintf(str, "n%d", i); min = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); sprintf(str, "c%d", i); sec = atoi(isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); ts.tm_year = year - 1900; ts.tm_mon = month - 1; ts.tm_mday = day; ts.tm_hour = hour; ts.tm_min = min; ts.tm_sec = sec; ts.tm_isdst = -1; if (month && day) { ltime = mktime(&ts); sprintf(attrib[i], "%d", (int) ltime); } else strcpy(attrib[i], ""); } } else { if (isparam(attr_list[i])) strlcpy(attrib[i], getparam(attr_list[i]), NAME_LENGTH); else if (isparam(ua)) strlcpy(attrib[i], getparam(ua), NAME_LENGTH); else attrib[i][0] = 0; if (attrib[i][0] == '^' && attrib[i][strlen(attrib[i])-1] == '$') { memmove(&attrib[i][0], &attrib[i][1], strlen(attrib[i])); attrib[i][strlen(attrib[i])-1] = 0; } } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ricon(char *name, char *comment, char *onclick) { rsprintf ("\"%s\"\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rsicon(char *name, char *comment, char *elcode) { rsprintf("\"%s\""); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void compare_attributes(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], int *n) { int status, i, n_reply; char reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], *attr, *list; attr = xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); assert(attr); status = el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, attr_list, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) attr, lbs->n_attr, NULL, NULL, NULL, reply_to, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { xfree(attr); return; } if (*n == 0) memcpy(attrib, attr, sizeof(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH)); else { for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) if (!strieq(attrib[i], attr + i * NAME_LENGTH)) sprintf(attrib[i], "- %s -", loc("keep original values")); } (*n)++; if (isparam("elmode") && strieq(getparam("elmode"), "threaded")) { list = xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); assert(list); // go through all replies in threaded mode n_reply = strbreak(reply_to, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_reply; i++) { compare_attributes(lbs, atoi(list + i * NAME_LENGTH), attrib, n); xfree(list); } } xfree(attr); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int check_drafts(LOGBOOK *lbs) { time_t now; char str[1000], draft[256], title[256], datetime[256], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; int i, n_draft, *draft_id = NULL; /* if we got here already and user clicked "Create new entry", ignore is set and we skip this */ if (isparam("ignore")) return 0; time(&now); /* check if any recent draft */ for (i = n_draft = 0; i < *(lbs->n_el_index); i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].file_time > now - 3600 * 24 * 7) { // only one week to reduce seek time el_retrieve(lbs, lbs->el_index[i].message_id, NULL, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, draft); if (draft[0] && is_author(lbs, attrib, draft)) { if (n_draft == 0) draft_id = (int *) xmalloc(sizeof(int)); else draft_id = (int *) xrealloc(draft_id, sizeof(int) * (n_draft + 1)); draft_id[n_draft] = lbs->el_index[i].message_id; n_draft++; } } if (n_draft == 0) return 0; if (n_draft == 1) sprintf(title, "%s", loc("Pending draft available")); else sprintf(title, loc("%d pending drafts available"), n_draft); show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, "Draft query", NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", title); for (i = 0; i < n_draft; i++) { el_retrieve(lbs, draft_id[i], datetime, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, draft); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      "); rsprintf("%s
      "); sprintf(str, loc("Draft entry created on %s by %s"), datetime, draft); rsprintf("%s"); rsprintf("", loc("Edit"), draft_id[i], loc("Edit")); rsprintf("
      "); rsprintf("\n", loc("Create new entry"), loc("New")); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); xfree(draft_id); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int check_edit_time(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id) { char str[256]; int i; if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Admin Restrict edit time", str, sizeof(str))) { for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; if (i < *lbs->n_el_index && time(NULL) > lbs->el_index[i].file_time + atof(str) * 3600 && atof(str) > 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Entry can only be edited %1.2lg hours after creation"), atof(str)); show_error(str); return 0; } } } else { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Restrict edit time", str, sizeof(str))) { for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; if (i < *lbs->n_el_index && time(NULL) > lbs->el_index[i].file_time + atof(str) * 3600) { sprintf(str, loc("Entry can only be edited %1.2lg hours after creation"), atof(str)); show_error(str); return 0; } } } return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_edit_form(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, BOOL breply, BOOL bedit, BOOL bupload, BOOL breedit, BOOL bduplicate, BOOL bpreview) { int i, j, n, index, aindex, size, width, height, fh, length, input_size, input_maxlen, format_flags[MAX_N_ATTR], year, month, day, hour, min, sec, n_attr, n_disp_attr, n_lines, attr_index[MAX_N_ATTR], enc_selected, show_text, n_moptions, display_inline, allowed_encoding, thumb_status, max_n_lines, fixed_text, autosave, new_entry, status; char str[2 * NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH], preset[2 * NAME_LENGTH], *p, *pend, star[80], comment[10000], reply_string[256], list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], file_name[256], *buffer, format[256], date[80], script_onload[256], script_onfocus[256], script_onunload[256], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], *text, orig_tag[80], reply_tag[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], att[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], encoding[80], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], owner[256], locked_by[256], class_value[80], class_name[80], ua[NAME_LENGTH], mid[80], title[256], login_name[256], full_name[256], orig_author[256], attr_moptions[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], ref[256], file_enc[256], tooltip[10000], enc_attr[NAME_LENGTH], user_email[256], cmd[256], thumb_name[256], thumb_ref[256], **user_list, fid[20], upwd[80], subdir[256], draft[256], page_title[300]; time_t now, ltime; char fl[8][NAME_LENGTH]; struct tm *pts; FILE *f; BOOL preset_text, subtable; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) att[i][0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) attrib[i][0] = 0; text = xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); text[0] = 0; orig_author[0] = 0; orig_tag[0] = 0; encoding[0] = 0; date[0] = 0; locked_by[0] = 0; new_entry = 0; if (!message_id || breply) new_entry = 1; if (isparam("new_entry")) new_entry = 1; /* check for custom form for new entries */ if (!bedit && getcfg(lbs->name, "Custom new form", str, sizeof(str))) { /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } send_file_direct(str); return; } /* check for custom form for editing an entry */ if (bedit && getcfg(lbs->name, "Custom edit form", str, sizeof(str))) { /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } send_file_direct(str); return; } /* check for file attachment (mhttpd) */ if (isparam("fa")) { strlcpy(att[0], getparam("fa"), 256); /* remove any leading directory, to accept only files in the logbook directory ! */ if (strchr(att[0], DIR_SEPARATOR)) { strlcpy(str, att[0], sizeof(str)); strlcpy(att[0], strrchr(str, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1, 256); } } if (breedit || bupload) { /* get date from parameter */ if (isparam("entry_date")) strlcpy(date, getparam("entry_date"), sizeof(date)); /* get attributes from parameters */ attrib_from_param(lbs->n_attr, attrib); strlcpy(text, getparam("text"), TEXT_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { sprintf(str, "attachment%d", i); if (isparam(str)) strlcpy(att[i], getparam(str), 256); } if (isparam("inlineatt")) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { sprintf(str, "attachment%d", i); if (!isparam(str) && isparam("inlineatt")) { strlcpy(att[i], getparam("inlineatt"), 256); break; } } } /* get encoding */ strlcpy(encoding, isparam("encoding") ? getparam("encoding") : "", sizeof(encoding)); if (!strieq(encoding, "plain") && !strieq(encoding, "ELCode") && !strieq(encoding, "HTML")) strcpy(encoding, "plain"); } else { if (message_id) { /* get message for reply/edit */ size = TEXT_SIZE; el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, orig_tag, reply_tag, att, encoding, locked_by, draft); get_author(lbs, attrib, orig_author); /* strip attachments on duplicate */ if (bduplicate) memset(att, 0, sizeof(att)); } else if (isparam("nsel")) { /* multi edit: get all entries and check if attributes are the same */ memset(attrib, 0, sizeof(attrib)); for (i = n = 0; i < atoi(getparam("nsel")); i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) compare_attributes(lbs, atoi(getparam(str)), attrib, &n); } } } if (message_id && getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Lock", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1 && locked_by[0] && !isparam("steal")) { sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); sprintf(text, "%s %s", loc("Entry is currently edited by"), locked_by); sprintf(cmd, "?cmd=%s&steal=1", loc("Edit")); show_query(lbs, loc("Entry is locked"), text, loc("Edit anyhow"), cmd, loc("Cancel"), str); return; } /* Determine encoding */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Allowed encoding", str, sizeof(str))) allowed_encoding = atoi(str); else allowed_encoding = 7; enc_selected = 2; /* Default is HTML */ if (allowed_encoding == 2) /* select ELCode if the only one allowed */ enc_selected = 0; else if (allowed_encoding == 1) /* select plain if the only one allowed */ enc_selected = 1; else if (allowed_encoding == 3) /* select ELCode if only plain and ELCode allowed */ enc_selected = 0; /* Overwrite from config file */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Default Encoding", str, sizeof(str))) enc_selected = atoi(str); /* Overwrite from current entry */ if (encoding[0]) { if (encoding[0] == 'E') enc_selected = 0; else if (encoding[0] == 'p') enc_selected = 1; else if (encoding[0] == 'H') enc_selected = 2; } show_text = !getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1; /* check for preset attributes without any condition */ set_condition(""); for (index = 0; index < lbs->n_attr; index++) { /* check for preset string */ sprintf(str, "Preset %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0) { if ((!bedit && !breply && !bduplicate) || /* don't subst on edit or reply */ (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && strchr(preset, '#')) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } sprintf(str, "Preset on first reply %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0 && breply) { if (orig_tag[0] == 0) { if (!breedit || (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && (strchr(preset, '%') || strchr(preset, '#'))) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } } sprintf(str, "Preset on reply %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0 && breply) { if (!breedit || (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && (strchr(preset, '%') || strchr(preset, '#'))) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } sprintf(str, "Preset on edit %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0 && bedit) { if (!breedit || (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && (strchr(preset, '%') || strchr(preset, '#'))) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } sprintf(str, "Preset on duplicate %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0 && bduplicate) { if (!breedit || (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && (strchr(preset, '%') || strchr(preset, '#'))) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } /* check for p */ sprintf(str, "p%s", attr_list[index]); if (isparam(str)) strlcpy(attrib[index], getparam(str), NAME_LENGTH); } /* evaluate conditional attributes */ evaluate_conditions(lbs, attrib); /* rescan attributes if condition set */ if (_condition[0]) { n_attr = scan_attributes(lbs->name); if (breedit || bupload) attrib_from_param(n_attr, attrib); /* now check again for conditional preset */ for (index = 0; index < lbs->n_attr; index++) { /* check for preset string */ sprintf(str, "Preset %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0) { if ((!bedit && !breply && !bduplicate) || /* don't subst on edit or reply */ (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && (strchr(preset, '%') || strchr(preset, '#'))) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } sprintf(str, "Preset on reply %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0 && breply) { if (!breedit || (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && (strchr(preset, '%') || strchr(preset, '#'))) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } sprintf(str, "Preset on duplicate %s", attr_list[index]); if ((i = getcfg(lbs->name, str, preset, sizeof(preset))) > 0 && bduplicate) { if (!breedit || (breedit && i == 2)) { /* subst on reedit only if preset is under condition */ /* check for index substitution */ if (!bedit && (strchr(preset, '%') || strchr(preset, '#'))) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, preset, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(preset, str); } /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(preset, sizeof(preset), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], preset); } } } } else // if (_condition[0]) n_attr = lbs->n_attr; /* check for maximum number of replies */ if (breply) { i = 0; p = strtok(reply_tag, ","); while (p) { i++; p = strtok(NULL, ","); } if (i >= MAX_REPLY_TO) { sprintf(str, loc("Maximum number of replies (%d) exceeded"), MAX_REPLY_TO); show_error(str); xfree(text); return; } } /* check for non-allowed branching */ if (breply && getcfg(lbs->name, "Allow branching", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) { if (reply_tag[0]) { show_error("Branches are not allowed in this logbook"); xfree(text); return; } } /* check for author */ if (bedit && getcfg(lbs->name, "Restrict edit", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { if (!is_author(lbs, attrib, owner)) { strencode2(str2, owner, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, loc("Only user %s can edit this entry"), str2); show_error(str); xfree(text); return; } } if (bedit) { if (isparam("nsel")) { for (i = n = 0; i < atoi(getparam("nsel")); i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { status = check_edit_time(lbs, atoi(getparam(str))); if (!status) { xfree(text); return; } } } } else if (message_id) { status = check_edit_time(lbs, message_id); if (!status) { xfree(text); return; } } } /* check for locking */ if (message_id && bedit && !breedit && !bupload) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Lock", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { if (isparam("unm")) get_full_name(lbs, getparam("unm"), str); else strlcpy(str, loc("user"), sizeof(str)); strcat(str, " "); strcat(str, loc("on")); strcat(str, " "); strcat(str, rem_host); el_lock_message(lbs, message_id, str, TRUE); } } /* remove attributes for replies */ if (breply) { getcfg(lbs->name, "Remove on reply", str, sizeof(str)); n = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < n_attr; j++) { if (strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) attrib[j][0] = 0; } } /* header */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Edit Page Title", str, sizeof(str))) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, NULL, TRUE); strsubst_list(page_title, sizeof(page_title), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, i); strip_html(page_title); } else sprintf(page_title, "ELOG %s", lbs->name); show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, page_title, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); /* java script for checking required attributes and to check for cancelled edits */ rsprintf("\n"); /* optionally load ImageMagic JavaScript code */ if (image_magick_exist) rsprintf("\n\n"); /* optionally load ELCode JavaScript code */ if (enc_selected == 0) rsprintf("\n\n"); show_text = !getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1; fixed_text = getcfg(lbs->name, "Fix text", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1 && bedit && message_id; if (enc_selected == 2 && ckedit_exist && show_text && !fixed_text) { rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); /* drag-and-drip script */ rsprintf("\n"); /* CKEDITOR */ if (enc_selected == 2 && ckedit_exist && show_text && !fixed_text) rsprintf("\n"); /* external script if requested */ if (isparam("js")) { rsprintf("\n\n"); } script_onload[0] = 0; script_onfocus[0] = 0; if ((isparam("inlineatt") && *getparam("inlineatt")) || bpreview) strcpy(script_onload, "document.form1.Text.focus();"); else strcpy(script_onload, "i=document.getElementById('fid');if(i)i.focus();"); if (enc_selected == 0) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Message height", str, sizeof(str)) && !getcfg(lbs->name, "Message width", str, sizeof(str))) { strcat(script_onload, "elKeyInit();init_resize();"); strcat(script_onfocus, "elKeyInit();"); } else strcat(script_onload, "elKeyInit();"); strcat(script_onfocus, "elKeyInit();"); } else if (enc_selected == 1) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Message height", str, sizeof(str)) && !getcfg(lbs->name, "Message width", str, sizeof(str))) strcat(script_onload, "init_resize();"); } strcat(script_onload, "checkText();dndInit();"); script_onunload[0] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Lock", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) strcat(script_onunload, "unload();"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n"); show_top_text(lbs); rsprintf("
      \n"); /*---- add password in case cookie expires during edit ----*/ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)) && isparam("unm")) { strencode2(str, getparam("unm"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); if (isparam("upwd")) strlcpy(upwd, getparam("upwd"), sizeof(upwd)); else get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), upwd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rsprintf("\n", upwd); } rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); if (new_entry) rsprintf("\n"); if (isparam("entry_modified") && atoi(getparam("entry_modified")) == 1) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); /*---- title row ----*/ show_standard_title(lbs, "", 0); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("
      \n"); /* default cmd */ rsprintf("\n", loc("Update")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Submit")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Save drafts", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf("\n", loc("Save")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf("\n", loc("Preview")); if (message_id && (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1)) rsprintf( "\n", loc("Restore")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Save drafts", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf("\n", loc("Delete")); else rsprintf("\n", loc("Back")); rsprintf( "  %s 00:00:00", loc("Draft saved at")); rsprintf("
      "); /* print required message if one of the attributes has it set */ for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { if (attr_flags[i] & AF_REQUIRED) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Fields marked with"), loc("are required")); break; } } if (!isparam("nsel")) { time(&now); if (bedit && date[0]) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = date_to_ltime(date); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); } else { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, localtime(&now)); strcpy(date, ctime(&now)); date[24] = 0; } rsprintf("", loc("Entry time")); rsprintf("\n", str); } if (_condition[0]) rsprintf("\n", _condition); /* retrieve attribute flags */ for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { format_flags[i] = 0; sprintf(str, "Format %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) { n = strbreak(format, fl, 8, ",", FALSE); if (n > 0) format_flags[i] = atoi(fl[0]); } } subtable = 0; /* generate list of attributes to show */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Show attributes edit", str, sizeof(str))) { n_disp_attr = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_disp_attr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n_attr; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) break; if (!strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) /* attribute not found */ j = 0; attr_index[i] = j; } } else { for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) attr_index[i] = i; n_disp_attr = n_attr; } strcpy(fid, "id=\"fid\" "); /* display attributes */ for (aindex = 0; aindex < n_disp_attr; aindex++) { index = attr_index[aindex]; strcpy(class_name, "attribname"); strcpy(class_value, "attribvalue"); input_size = 80; input_maxlen = NAME_LENGTH; strcpy(ua, attr_list[index]); stou(ua); sprintf(str, "Format %s", attr_list[index]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) { n = strbreak(format, fl, 8, ",", FALSE); if (n > 1) strlcpy(class_name, fl[1], sizeof(class_name)); if (n > 2) strlcpy(class_value, fl[2], sizeof(class_value)); if (n > 3 && atoi(fl[3]) > 0) input_size = atoi(fl[3]); if (n > 4 && atoi(fl[4]) > 0) input_maxlen = atoi(fl[4]); } if (format_flags[index] & AFF_SAME_LINE) /* if attribute on same line, do nothing */ rsprintf(""); else if (aindex < n_disp_attr - 1 && (format_flags[attr_index[aindex + 1]] & AFF_SAME_LINE)) { /* if next attribute on same line, start a new subtable */ rsprintf("\n"); } else { rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); /* display drop-down box */ rsprintf("\n"); if (is_cond_attr(index)) { /* show "update" button only of javascript is not enabled */ rsprintf("\n"); } if (attr_flags[index] & AF_EXTENDABLE) { sprintf(str, loc("Add %s"), attr_list[index]); rsprintf ("\n", index, str); } rsprintf("\n"); } } } } if (aindex < n_disp_attr - 1 && (format_flags[attr_index[aindex + 1]] & AFF_SAME_LINE) == 0) { /* if next attribute not on same line, close row or subtable */ if (subtable) { rsprintf("
      %s * %s
      %s:%s\n", str); strencode2(str, date, sizeof(str)); rsprintf("
      "); subtable = 1; } else /* for normal attribute, start new row */ rsprintf(""); strcpy(star, (attr_flags[index] & AF_REQUIRED) ? "*" : ""); /* display text box with optional tooltip */ sprintf(str, "Tooltip %s", attr_list[index]); title[0] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) sprintf(title, " title=\"%s\"", comment); rsprintf("", title, class_name); /* display attribute name */ rsprintf("%s%s:", attr_list[index], star); /* show optional comment */ sprintf(str, "Comment %s", attr_list[index]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) rsprintf("
      %s\n", comment); rsprintf("\n"); /* if attribute cannot be changed, just display text */ if ((attr_flags[index] & AF_LOCKED) || (message_id && bedit && (attr_flags[index] & AF_FIXED_EDIT)) || (message_id && !bedit && (attr_flags[index] & AF_FIXED_REPLY))) { if (attr_flags[index] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[index]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[index]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); } else strlcpy(str, attrib[index], sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); rsputs2(lbs, FALSE, str); rsprintf(" "); if (attr_flags[index] & AF_MULTI) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[index][i][0]; i++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, i); if (strstr(attrib[index], attr_options[index][i])) rsprintf("\n", str, attr_options[index][i]); } } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_MUSERLIST) { for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, i, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; get_user_line(lbs, login_name, NULL, full_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, i); if (strstr(attrib[index], full_name)) rsprintf("\n", str, full_name); } } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_MUSEREMAIL) { for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, i, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; get_user_line(lbs, login_name, NULL, NULL, user_email, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, i); if (strstr(attrib[index], user_email)) rsprintf("\n", str, user_email); } } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_ICON) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[index][i][0]; i++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, i); if (strstr(attrib[index], attr_options[index][i])) rsprintf("\n", str, attr_options[index][i]); } } else { strencode2(str, attrib[index], sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", ua, str); } } else { if (attr_options[index][0][0] == 0) { if (attr_flags[index] & AF_DATE) { year = month = day = 0; if (attrib[index][0]) { ltime = atoi(attrib[index]); if (ltime > 0) { pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); year = pts->tm_year + 1900; month = pts->tm_mon + 1; day = pts->tm_mday; } } rsprintf("", title); sprintf(str, "%d", index); show_date_selector(day, month, year, str); rsprintf("\n"); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_DATETIME) { year = month = day = 0; hour = min = sec = -1; if (attrib[index][0]) { ltime = atoi(attrib[index]); if (ltime > 0) { pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); year = pts->tm_year + 1900; month = pts->tm_mon + 1; day = pts->tm_mday; hour = pts->tm_hour; min = pts->tm_min; sec = pts->tm_sec; } } rsprintf("", title, class_value); sprintf(str, "%d", index); show_date_selector(day, month, year, str); rsprintf("  "); show_time_selector(hour, min, sec, str); rsprintf("\n"); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_USERLIST) { rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); /* display drop-down box with list of users */ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_MUSERLIST) { /* display multiple check boxes with user names */ rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); n_moptions = strbreak(attrib[index], attr_moptions, MAX_N_LIST, "|", FALSE); /* allocate list of users and populate it */ for (n = 0;; n++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, n, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; } user_list = xcalloc(sizeof(char *), n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) user_list[i] = xcalloc(NAME_LENGTH, 1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { enum_user_line(lbs, i, str, NAME_LENGTH); get_user_line(lbs, str, NULL, user_list[i], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* sort list */ qsort(user_list, n, sizeof(char *), ascii_compare); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, i); rsprintf("\n"); for (j = 0; j < n_moptions; j++) if (strcmp(attr_moptions[j], user_list[i]) == 0) break; if (j < n_moptions) rsprintf ("\n", str, str, user_list[i]); else rsprintf ("\n", str, str, user_list[i]); rsprintf("\n", str, user_list[i]); rsprintf("\n"); if (format_flags[index] & AFF_MULTI_LINE) rsprintf("
      "); } rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) xfree(user_list[i]); xfree(user_list); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_MUSEREMAIL) { /* display multiple check boxes with user emails */ rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); n_moptions = strbreak(attrib[index], attr_moptions, MAX_N_LIST, "|", FALSE); /* allocate list of users and populate it */ for (n = 0;; n++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, n, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; } user_list = xcalloc(sizeof(char *), n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) user_list[i] = xcalloc(NAME_LENGTH, 1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { enum_user_line(lbs, i, str, NAME_LENGTH); get_user_line(lbs, str, NULL, NULL, user_list[i], NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* sort list */ qsort(user_list, n, sizeof(char *), ascii_compare); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, i); rsprintf("\n"); for (j = 0; j < n_moptions; j++) if (strcmp(attr_moptions[j], user_list[i]) == 0 || strcmp(attr_moptions[j] + 7, user_list[i]) == 0) break; if (j < n_moptions) rsprintf ("\n", str, str, user_list[i]); else rsprintf ("\n", str, str, user_list[i]); rsprintf("\n", str, user_list[i]); rsprintf("\n"); if (format_flags[index] & AFF_MULTI_LINE) rsprintf("
      "); } rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) xfree(user_list[i]); xfree(user_list); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_USEREMAIL) { rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); /* display drop-down box with list of users */ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); } else { /* show normal edit field */ rsprintf("", title, class_value); strencode2(str, attrib[index], sizeof(str)); rsprintf ("\n", fid, input_size, input_maxlen, ua, str); fid[0] = 0; rsprintf("\n"); } } else { if (strieq(attr_options[index][0], "boolean")) { /* display three radio buttons instead of three-state check box for multi-edit */ sprintf(str, "- %s -", loc("keep original values")); if (isparam("nsel") && strieq(attrib[index], str)) { rsprintf("", title, class_value); sprintf(str, "%s_0", ua); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", str, ua); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); sprintf(str, "%s_1", ua); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", str, ua); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); sprintf(str, "%s_2", ua); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf ("\" checked onChange=\"mod();\">\n", str, ua); rsprintf("\n", str, loc("keep original values")); rsprintf("\n"); } /* display checkbox */ else if (atoi(attrib[index]) == 1) rsprintf ("\n", title, class_value, ua); else rsprintf ("\n", title, class_value, ua); } else { sprintf(str, "extend_%d", index); if (isparam(str)) { rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); rsprintf(""); rsprintf(loc("Add new option here"), attr_list[index]); rsprintf(" : \n"); if (attr_flags[index] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) rsprintf ("\n", input_maxlen, ua, attrib[index]); else rsprintf ("\n", input_maxlen, ua, attrib[index]); rsprintf("\n", index); rsprintf("\n"); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_MULTI) { /* display multiple check boxes */ rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); sprintf(str, "- %s -", loc("keep original values")); if (isparam("nsel") && strieq(attrib[index], str)) { rsprintf("\n"); sprintf(str, "%s_keep", ua); rsprintf ("\" checked onChange=\"mod();\">\n", str, ua); rsprintf("\n", str, loc("keep original values")); rsprintf("\n"); } n_moptions = strbreak(attrib[index], attr_moptions, MAX_N_LIST, "|", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[index][i][0]; i++) { /* display check box with optional tooltip */ sprintf(str, "Tooltip %s", attr_options[index][i]); tooltip[0] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) sprintf(tooltip, " title=\"%s\"", comment); sprintf(str, "Tooltip %s %s", attr_list[index], attr_options[index][i]); tooltip[0] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) sprintf(tooltip, " title=\"%s\"", comment); sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, i); rsprintf("\n", tooltip); for (j = 0; j < n_moptions; j++) if (strcmp(attr_moptions[j], attr_options[index][i]) == 0) break; if (j < n_moptions) rsprintf ("\n", str, str, attr_options[index][i]); else rsprintf ("\n", str, str, attr_options[index][i]); rsprintf("\n", str, attr_options[index][i]); rsprintf("\n"); if (format_flags[index] & AFF_MULTI_LINE) rsprintf("
      "); } rsprintf("\n", loc("Toggle all"), ua); if (attr_flags[index] & AF_EXTENDABLE) { sprintf(str, loc("Add %s"), attr_list[index]); rsprintf ("\n", index, str); } rsprintf("\n"); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_RADIO) { /* display radio buttons */ rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[index][i][0]; i++) { /* display check box with optional tooltip */ sprintf(str, "Tooltip %s", attr_options[index][i]); tooltip[0] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) sprintf(tooltip, " title=\"%s\"", comment); rsprintf("\n", tooltip); strencode2(str, attr_options[index][i], sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '{')) *strchr(str, '{') = 0; strencode2(enc_attr, attrib[index], sizeof(enc_attr)); if (strieq(attrib[index], attr_options[index][i]) || strieq(str, enc_attr)) rsprintf ("\n", str, ua, str); else rsprintf ("\n", str, ua, str); rsprintf("\n", str, str); rsprintf("\n"); if (format_flags[index] & AFF_MULTI_LINE) rsprintf("
      "); } if (attr_flags[index] & AF_EXTENDABLE) { sprintf(str, loc("Add %s"), attr_list[index]); rsprintf ("\n", index, str); } rsprintf("\n"); } else if (attr_flags[index] & AF_ICON) { /* display icons */ rsprintf("\n", title, class_value); rsprintf("
      \n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[index][i][0]; i++) { if (strstr(attrib[index], attr_options[index][i])) rsprintf ("\n"); if ((format_flags[index] & AFF_MULTI_LINE) && attr_options[index][i + 1][0]) { rsprintf("\n"); } } rsprintf("
      ", ua, attr_options[index][i]); else rsprintf("", ua, attr_options[index][i]); sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", attr_options[index][i]); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); if (comment[0]) rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", attr_options[index][i], comment, comment); else rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", attr_options[index][i], attr_options[index][i], attr_options[index][i]); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (strieq(encoding, "plain")) { rsputs("
               rsputs2(lbs, FALSE, text);
      "); } else if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) rsputs_elcode(lbs, FALSE, text); else rsputs(text); rsprintf("
      \n"); ricon("bold", loc("Bold text CTRL+B"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'B','')"); ricon("italic", loc("Italics text CTRL+I"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'I','')"); ricon("underline", loc("Underlined text CTRL+U"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'U','')"); rsprintf(" "); ricon("center", loc("Centered text"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'CENTER','')"); rsprintf(" "); ricon("url", loc("Insert hyperlink"), "queryURL(document.form1.Text)"); ricon("email", loc("Insert email"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'EMAIL','')"); sprintf(str, "window.open('upload.html', '',"); strlcat(str, "'top=280,left=350,width=500,height=120,dependent=yes,", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "menubar=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,resizable=yes')", sizeof(str)); ricon("image", loc("Insert image CTRL+M"), str); rsprintf(" "); ricon("quote", loc("Insert quote"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'QUOTE','')"); ricon("list", loc("Insert list CTRL+L"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'LIST','')"); ricon("table", loc("Insert table"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'TABLE','')"); ricon("heading", loc("Insert heading CTRL+H"), "queryHeading(document.form1.Text)"); ricon("line", loc("Insert horizontal line"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'LINE','')"); ricon("anchor", loc("Insert anchor point"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'ANCHOR','')"); rsprintf(" "); ricon("code", loc("Insert code CTRL+O"), "elcode(document.form1.Text, 'CODE','')"); rsprintf( " \"%s\"\n"); rsprintf(" \n"); rsprintf(" \n"); rsprintf(" "); rsprintf(" "); ricon("clock", loc("Insert current time/date"), "insertTime(document.form1.Text)"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsicon("smile", loc("smiling"), ":)"); rsicon("happy", loc("happy"), ":))"); rsicon("wink", loc("winking"), ";)"); rsicon("biggrin", loc("big grin"), ":D"); rsicon("crying", loc("crying"), ";("); rsicon("cool", loc("cool"), "8-)"); rsicon("frown", loc("frowning"), ":("); rsicon("confused", loc("confused"), "?-)"); rsicon("astonished", loc("astonished"), "8o"); rsicon("mad", loc("mad"), "X-("); rsicon("pleased", loc("pleased"), ":]"); rsicon("tongue", loc("tongue"), ":P"); rsicon("yawn", loc("yawn"), ":O"); rsprintf("
      \n"); /* set textarea width */ width = 112; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Message width", str, sizeof(str))) width = atoi(str); /* increased width according to longest line */ if (message_id && enc_selected == 1) { p = text; do { pend = strchr(p, '\n'); if (pend == NULL) pend = p + strlen(p); if (pend - p + 1 > width) width = pend - p + 1; if (*pend == 0) break; p = pend; while (*p && (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n')) p++; } while (1); /* leave space for '> ' */ if (!bedit && !bduplicate) width += 2; } /* set textarea height */ height = 20; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Message height", str, sizeof(str))) height = atoi(str); if (breply) /* hidden text for original message */ rsprintf("\n", message_id); if (breedit || bupload) /* hidden text for original message */ if (isparam("reply_to")) rsprintf("\n", getparam("reply_to")); if (bedit && message_id) rsprintf("\n", message_id); if (isparam("nsel")) { rsprintf("\n", getparam("nsel")); for (i = 0; i < atoi(getparam("nsel")); i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { rsprintf("\n", i, getparam(str)); } } } preset_text = getcfg(lbs->name, "Preset text", str, sizeof(str)); if (preset_text) { /* don't use preset text if editing or replying */ if (bedit || bduplicate || breply) preset_text = FALSE; /* user preset on reedit only if preset is under condition */ if (breedit && !bpreview && !bupload && getcfg(lbs->name, "Preset text", str, sizeof(str)) == 2) preset_text = TRUE; } if (show_text) { if (fixed_text) { rsprintf("\">\n"); rsprintf("\n", encoding); _current_message_id = message_id; rsprintf("
      \n"); if (strieq(text, "") && message_id) { size = TEXT_SIZE; el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, text, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (strieq(encoding, "plain")) { rsputs("
                  rsputs2(lbs, FALSE, text);
      "); } else if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) rsputs_elcode(lbs, FALSE, text); else rsputs(text); rsprintf("
      \n"); } else { if (enc_selected == 1) /* use hard wrapping only for plain text */ rsprintf("
      \n"); /* Encoding radio buttons */ if (allowed_encoding < 1 || allowed_encoding > 7) { rsprintf ("

      Invalid \"Allowed encoding\" in configuration file, value must be between 1 and 7

      \n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); return; } if (allowed_encoding == 1) rsprintf("\n"); else if (allowed_encoding == 2) rsprintf("\n"); else if (allowed_encoding == 4) rsprintf("\n"); else { if (allowed_encoding == 4) rsprintf("\n"); else if (allowed_encoding == 2) rsprintf("\n"); else if (allowed_encoding == 1) rsprintf("\n"); else { rsprintf("%s: ", loc("Encoding")); if (allowed_encoding & 4) { if (enc_selected == 2) rsprintf (""); else rsprintf (""); rsprintf("\n"); } if (allowed_encoding & 2) { if (enc_selected == 0) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf (""); rsprintf ("\n"); } if (allowed_encoding & 1) { if (enc_selected == 1) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf (""); rsprintf("\n"); } } } rsprintf("
      \n"); } } /* Suppress email check box */ if (message_id && bedit) getcfg(lbs->name, "Suppress Email on edit", str, sizeof(str)); else getcfg(lbs->name, "Suppress default", str, sizeof(str)); if (atoi(str) == 0) { rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress Email notification")); } else if (atoi(str) == 1) { rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress Email notification")); } else if (atoi(str) == 2) { rsprintf(""); } else if (atoi(str) == 3) { rsprintf(""); } /* Suppress execute shell check box */ if (!bedit && getcfg(lbs->name, "Execute new", str, sizeof(str))) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Suppress execute default", str, sizeof(str))) { if (atoi(str) == 0) { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress shell execution")); } else if (atoi(str) == 1) { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf (""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress shell execution")); } } else { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress shell execution")); } } if (bedit && getcfg(lbs->name, "Execute edit", str, sizeof(str))) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Suppress execute default", str, sizeof(str))) { if (atoi(str) == 0) { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress shell execution")); } else if (atoi(str) == 1) { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf (""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress shell execution")); } } else { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Suppress shell execution")); } } /* Resubmit check box */ if (bedit && message_id) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Resubmit default", str, sizeof(str))) { if (atoi(str) == 0) { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Resubmit as new entry")); } else if (atoi(str) == 1) { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Resubmit as new entry")); } } else { rsprintf("        \n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Resubmit as new entry")); } } rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (!att[i][0]) { /* put first free attachment for show_uploader_finished() */ rsprintf("\n", i + 1); break; } index = 0; if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Enable attachments", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) > 0) { if (bedit || bduplicate || isparam("fa")) { /* show existing attachments */ for (index = 0; index < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; index++) if (att[index][0]) { rsprintf("%s %d:\n", loc("Attachment"), index + 1); sprintf(str, "attachment%d", index); rsprintf("\n"); thumb_ref[0] = 0; if (strlen(att[index]) < 14 || att[index][6] != '_' || att[index][13] != '_') { strencode2(str, att[index], sizeof(str)); rsprintf("Error: Invalid attachment \"%s\"
      ", str); } else { strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(att[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, att[index], sizeof(file_name)); display_inline = is_image(file_name) || is_ascii(file_name); if (chkext(file_name, ".ps") || chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".eps") || chkext(file_name, ".svg")) display_inline = 0; if ((chkext(file_name, ".htm") || chkext(file_name, ".html")) && is_full_html(file_name)) display_inline = 0; thumb_status = create_thumbnail(lbs, file_name); if (thumb_status) display_inline = 1; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Preview attachments", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) display_inline = 0; if (thumb_status && display_inline) { get_thumb_name(file_name, thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), 0); if (strrchr(thumb_name, DIR_SEPARATOR)) strlcpy(str, strrchr(thumb_name, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, thumb_name, sizeof(str)); strlcpy(thumb_name, str, sizeof(thumb_name)); if (thumb_status == 2) strsubst(thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), "-0.png", ""); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); sprintf(str, "im('att'+'%d','%s','%s','smaller');", index, thumb_name, att[index]); ricon("smaller", loc("Make smaller"), str); sprintf(str, "im('att'+'%d','%s','%s','original');", index, thumb_name, att[index]); ricon("original", loc("Original size"), str); sprintf(str, "im('att'+'%d','%s','%s','larger');", index, thumb_name, att[index]); ricon("larger", loc("Make larger"), str); rsprintf(" \n"); sprintf(str, "im('att'+'%d','%s','%s','rotleft');", index, thumb_name, att[index]); ricon("rotleft", loc("Rotate left"), str); sprintf(str, "im('att'+'%d','%s','%s','rotright');", index, thumb_name, att[index]); ricon("rotright", loc("Rotate right"), str); rsprintf(" \n"); sprintf(str, "deleteAtt('%d','%s')", index, loc("Are you sure to delete the attachment?")); ricon("delatt", loc("Delete attachment"), str); rsprintf("  \n"); /* ImageMagick available, so get image size */ strencode2(str, att[index], sizeof(str)); rsprintf("%s \n", str + 14); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) sprintf(cmd, "%s -format '%%wx%%h' '%s[0]'", _identify_cmd, file_name); else sprintf(cmd, "%s -format '%%wx%%h' '%s'", _identify_cmd, file_name); #ifdef OS_WINNT for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(cmd); i++) if (cmd[i] == '\'') cmd[i] = '\"'; #endif my_shell(cmd, str, sizeof(str)); if (atoi(str) > 0) rsprintf("%s: %s\n", loc("Original size"), str); rsprintf("
      "); } else { rsprintf("%s\n", att[index] + 14); rsprintf("  "); rsprintf("
      \n"); } if (display_inline) { if (is_image(att[index]) || thumb_status) { if (thumb_status == 1) { get_thumb_name(file_name, thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), 0); strlcpy(str, att[index], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; if (strrchr(thumb_name, DIR_SEPARATOR)) strlcpy(file_enc, strrchr(thumb_name, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1 + 14, sizeof(file_enc)); else strlcpy(file_enc, thumb_name + 14, sizeof(file_enc)); url_encode(file_enc, sizeof(file_enc)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ sprintf(ref, "%s/%s?thumb=1", str, file_enc); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", ref, att[index] + 14, att[index] + 14, index); strlcpy(thumb_ref, ref, sizeof(thumb_ref)); } else if (thumb_status == 2) { for (i = 0;; i++) { get_thumb_name(file_name, thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), i); if (thumb_name[0]) { strlcpy(str, att[index], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; if (strrchr(thumb_name, DIR_SEPARATOR)) strlcpy(file_enc, strrchr(thumb_name, DIR_SEPARATOR) + 1 + 14, sizeof(file_enc)); else strlcpy(file_enc, thumb_name + 14, sizeof(file_enc)); url_encode(file_enc, sizeof(file_enc)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ sprintf(ref, "%s/%s?thumb=1", str, file_enc); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", ref, att[index] + 14, att[index] + 14, index, i); strlcpy(thumb_ref, ref, sizeof(thumb_ref)); } else break; } } else { strlcpy(str, att[index], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; strcpy(file_enc, att[index] + 14); url_encode(file_enc, sizeof(file_enc)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ sprintf(ref, "%s/%s", str, file_enc); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", ref, att[index] + 14, att[index] + 14, index); strlcpy(thumb_ref, ref, sizeof(thumb_ref)); } } else { if (is_ascii(file_name)) { if (!chkext(att[index], ".HTML")) rsprintf("
                                 f = fopen(file_name, "rt");
                                 n_lines = 0;
                                 if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Attachment lines", str, sizeof(str)))
                                    max_n_lines = atoi(str);
                                    max_n_lines = 300;
                                 if (f != NULL) {
                                    while (!feof(f)) {
                                       str[0] = 0;
                                       fgets(str, sizeof(str), f);
                                       if (n_lines < max_n_lines) {
                                          if (!chkext(att[index], ".HTML"))
                                             rsputs2(lbs, FALSE, str);
                                 if (!chkext(att[index], ".HTML"))
      "); rsprintf("\n"); if (max_n_lines == 0) rsprintf("%d lines\n", n_lines); else if (n_lines > max_n_lines) rsprintf("... %d more lines ...\n", n_lines - max_n_lines); } } } if (thumb_status && display_inline) rsprintf("
      \n"); } strencode2(str, att[index], sizeof(str)); if (thumb_ref[0]) rsprintf("\n", index, thumb_ref, str); else rsprintf("\n", index, str); rsprintf("\n"); } else break; } /* optional attachment comment */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Attachment comment", comment, sizeof(comment))) { rsprintf("\n"); rsputs(comment); rsputs("\n"); } /* field for add attachment */ if (att[MAX_ATTACHMENTS - 1][0]) { rsprintf("%s\n", loc("Maximum number of attachments reached")); rsprintf("\n"); } else { rsprintf("%s %d:\n", loc("Attachment"), index + 1); rsprintf( "\n"); rsprintf( "  \n", loc("Upload")); rsprintf("\n"); // print the holder for dropping attachments rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      ", loc("Drop attachments here...")); rsprintf(""); } } rsprintf("\n"); /*---- menu buttons again ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Submit")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Save drafts", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf("\n", loc("Save")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf("\n", loc("Preview")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Save drafts", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf("\n", loc("Delete")); else rsprintf("\n", loc("Back")); rsprintf( "  %s 00:00:00", loc("Draft saved at")); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); /* rescan unconditional attributes */ if (_condition[0]) scan_attributes(lbs->name); xfree(text); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_find_form(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i, j, year, month, day, flag; char str[NAME_LENGTH], mode[NAME_LENGTH], comment[NAME_LENGTH], option[NAME_LENGTH], login_name[256], full_name[256], user_email[256], enc_attr[NAME_LENGTH], whole_attr[NAME_LENGTH], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; /*---- header ----*/ show_standard_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("ELOG find"), NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); /*---- title ----*/ show_standard_title(lbs, "", 0); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Search")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Reset Form")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Back")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); /*---- evaluate conditional attributes ----*/ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) attrib[i][0] = 0; /* get attributes from parameters */ attrib_from_param(lbs->n_attr, attrib); evaluate_conditions(lbs, attrib); /*---- entry form ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("%s:
      ", loc("Mode")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Display mode", mode, sizeof(mode))) strcpy(mode, "Full"); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) { if (strieq(mode, "Full")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Display full entries")); if (strieq(mode, "Summary")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Summary only")); } else { if (strieq(mode, "Full") || strieq(mode, "Summary")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Summary")); } if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Display threads")); rsprintf("
      ", loc("Export to")); if (strieq(mode, "CSV1")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("CSV (\",\" separated)")); if (strieq(mode, "CSV2")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("CSV (\";\" separated)")); if (strieq(mode, "CSV3")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("CSV (\";\" separated) + Text")); if (strieq(mode, "XML")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (strieq(mode, "Raw")) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("
      ", loc("Options")); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Show attachments")); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Printable output")); /* put hidden reverse=0, which gets used if the reverse checkbox is unchecked and "reverse sort=1" is in elogd.cfg */ rsprintf("\n"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Reverse sort", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Sort in reverse order")); /* count logbooks */ for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enumgrp(i, str)) break; if (is_logbook(str)) continue; } if (i > 2) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Search all logbooks", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1 || atoi(str) == 2) { if (atoi(str) == 2) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Search all logbooks")); } } rsprintf(loc("Display")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Entries per page", str, sizeof(str))) strcpy(str, "20"); rsprintf(" ", str); rsprintf(loc("entries per page")); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("%s:", loc("Filters")); sprintf(str, ""); strcat(str, loc("regular expressions")); strcat(str, ""); rsprintf("  ("); rsprintf(loc("Text fields are treated as %s"), str); rsprintf(")
      "); /* table for two-column items */ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("", loc("Entry date")); rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { rsprintf("", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf("", loc("Text")); rsprintf("
      %s:\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      %s:", loc("Start")); year = month = day = 0; sprintf(str, "ya"); if (isparam(str)) year = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "ma"); if (isparam(str)) month = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "da"); if (isparam(str)) day = atoi(getparam(str)); show_date_selector(day, month, year, "a"); rsprintf("  "); show_time_selector(-1, -1, -1, "a"); rsprintf("  /  %s: ", loc("Show last")); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Show last default", str, sizeof(str))) i = atoi(str); else i = 0; rsprintf(" \n"); rsprintf("
      %s:", loc("End")); year = month = day = 0; sprintf(str, "yb"); if (isparam(str)) year = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "mb"); if (isparam(str)) month = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "db"); if (isparam(str)) day = atoi(getparam(str)); show_date_selector(day, month, year, "b"); rsprintf("  "); show_time_selector(-1, -1, -1, "b"); rsprintf("
      %s:"); if (attr_options[i][0][0] == 0) { if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      %s:", loc("Start")); year = month = day = 0; sprintf(str, "y%da", i); if (isparam(str)) year = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "m%da", i); if (isparam(str)) month = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "d%da", i); if (isparam(str)) day = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "%da", i); show_date_selector(day, month, year, str); if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { rsprintf("  "); show_time_selector(-1, -1, -1, str); } rsprintf("
      %s:", loc("End")); year = month = day = 0; sprintf(str, "y%db", i); if (isparam(str)) year = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "m%db", i); if (isparam(str)) month = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "d%db", i); if (isparam(str)) day = atoi(getparam(str)); sprintf(str, "%db", i); show_date_selector(day, month, year, str); if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { rsprintf("  "); show_time_selector(-1, -1, -1, str); } rsprintf("
      \n"); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_MUSERLIST) { for (j = 0;; j++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, j, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; get_user_line(lbs, login_name, NULL, full_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); rsprintf("\n", str, str, full_name); rsprintf("\n", str, full_name); } } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_MUSEREMAIL) { for (j = 0;; j++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, j, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; get_user_line(lbs, login_name, NULL, NULL, user_email, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); rsprintf("\n", str, str, user_email); rsprintf("\n", str, user_email); } } else { rsprintf("\n", attr_list[i], attrib[i]); } } else { if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean")) { if (isparam(attr_list[i]) && *getparam(attr_list[i])) flag = atoi(getparam(attr_list[i])); else flag = -1; sprintf(str, "%s_0", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n"); if (flag == 0) rsprintf("\n", str, attr_list[i]); else rsprintf("\n", str, attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); sprintf(str, "%s_1", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n"); if (flag == 1) rsprintf("\n", str, attr_list[i]); else rsprintf("\n", str, attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); sprintf(str, "%s_2", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n"); if (flag == -1) rsprintf("\n", str, attr_list[i]); else rsprintf("\n", str, attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n", str, loc("unspecified")); rsprintf("\n"); } /* display image for icon */ else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[i][j][0]; j++) { strcpy(option, attr_options[i][j]); if (strchr(option, '{')) *strchr(option, '{') = 0; sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", option); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); if (comment[0] == 0) strcpy(comment, option); rsprintf("", attr_list[i], comment); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", option, comment, comment); } } /* display check boxes (or'ed) */ else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_MULTI) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[i][j][0]; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(str)) rsprintf("\n", str, str, attr_options[i][j]); else rsprintf("\n", str, str, attr_options[i][j]); rsprintf("\n", str, attr_options[i][j]); } } else { rsprintf("\n"); } } rsprintf("
      %s:\n"); if (isparam("subtext")) strlcpy(str, getparam("subtext"), sizeof(str)); else str[0] = 0; rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Search text also in attributes")); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Case sensitive search", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str)) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Case sensitive")); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *find_section(const char *buf, const char *name) { const char *pstart; char *pstr, str[80]; do { if (*buf == '[') { pstart = buf; buf++; pstr = str; while (*buf && *buf != ']' && *buf != '\n' && *buf != '\r') *pstr++ = *buf++; *pstr = 0; if (strieq(str, name)) return pstart; } if (buf) buf = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (buf) buf++; if (buf && *buf == '\r') buf++; } while (buf); return NULL; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *find_next_section(const char *buf) { do { if (*buf == '[') return buf; if (buf) buf = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (buf) buf++; } while (buf); return NULL; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void load_config_section(char *section, char **buffer, char *error) { int fh, length; char *p; error[0] = 0; *buffer = NULL; fh = open(config_file, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(error, "Cannot read configuration file \"%s\": %s", config_file, strerror(errno)); return; } length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); *buffer = xmalloc(length + 1); read(fh, *buffer, length); (*buffer)[length] = 0; close(fh); if (section == NULL) return; if ((p = (char *) find_section(*buffer, section)) != NULL) { if (strchr(p, ']')) { p = strchr(p, ']') + 1; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r') p++; } memmove(*buffer, p, length); if ((p = (char *) find_next_section(*buffer + 1)) != NULL) { *p = 0; /* strip trailing newlines */ if (p) { p--; while (p > *buffer && (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) *p-- = 0; } } else { p = *buffer + strlen(*buffer) - 1; while (p > *buffer && (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) *p-- = 0; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_admin_page(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *top_group) { int rows, cols; char *buffer, error_str[256]; char section[NAME_LENGTH], str[NAME_LENGTH], grp[NAME_LENGTH]; /*---- header ----*/ sprintf(str, "ELOG %s", loc("Admin")); show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, str, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("
      \n"); /*---- title ----*/ show_standard_title(lbs, "", 0); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Save")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("\n"); if (lbs->top_group[0] && (!top_group || strieq(top_group, "global"))) { if (is_admin_user(NULL, getparam("unm"))) { if (lbs->top_group[0]) { sprintf(str, "global %s", lbs->top_group); if (is_group(str)) { sprintf(grp, "[global %s]", lbs->top_group); sprintf(str, loc("Change %s"), grp); rsprintf("\n", str); } } } } if (is_group("global") && !strieq(top_group, "global")) { if (is_admin_user_global(getparam("unm"))) { sprintf(str, loc("Change %s"), "[global]"); rsprintf("\n", str); } } if (top_group) { if (strieq(top_group, "global")) { rsprintf("\n"); strcpy(str, "[global]"); } else { rsprintf("\n", top_group); sprintf(str, "[global %s]", top_group); } rsprintf("
      ", str); } if (is_group("global") && !strieq(top_group, "global")) { if (is_admin_user(NULL, getparam("unm"))) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Delete this logbook")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Rename this logbook")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Create new logbook")); } } rsprintf("
      \n\n"); /*---- entry form ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); /* extract section of current logbook */ if (top_group) { if (strieq(top_group, "global")) strcpy(section, "global"); else sprintf(section, "global %s", top_group); } else strcpy(section, lbs->name); load_config_section(section, &buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) { rsprintf("


      \n", error_str); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\r\n"); return; } if (getcfg(section, "Admin textarea", str, sizeof(str)) && strchr(str, ',') != NULL) { cols = atoi(str); rows = atoi(strchr(str, ',') + 1); } else { cols = 120; rows = 30; } rsprintf("\n"); /* put link for config page */ rsprintf("
      Syntax Help"); rsprintf("\n"); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Save")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("
      \r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void remove_crlf(char *buffer) { char *p; /* convert \r\n -> \n */ p = buffer; while ((p = strstr(p, "\r\n")) != NULL) { memmove(p, p + 1, strlen(p + 1) + 1); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void adjust_crlf(char *buffer, int bufsize) { char *p; UNUSED(bufsize); #ifdef OS_UNIX /* convert \r\n -> \n */ p = buffer; while ((p = strstr(p, "\r\n")) != NULL) { memmove(p, p + 1, strlen(p + 1) + 1); // strcpy() gives error under Ubuntu } #else char *tmpbuf; assert(bufsize); tmpbuf = xmalloc(bufsize); /* convert \n -> \r\n */ p = buffer; while ((p = strstr(p, "\n")) != NULL) { if (p > buffer && *(p - 1) == '\r') { p++; continue; } if ((int) strlen(buffer) + 2 >= bufsize) { xfree(tmpbuf); return; } strlcpy(tmpbuf, p, bufsize); *(p++) = '\r'; strlcpy(p, tmpbuf, bufsize - (p - buffer)); p++; } xfree(tmpbuf); #endif } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int save_admin_config(char *section, char *buffer, char *error) { int fh, i, length; char *buf, *buf2, *p1, *p2; error[0] = 0; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(error, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(error, ": "); strcat(error, strerror(errno)); return 0; } /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(length + strlen(buffer) + 10); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; /* find previous logbook config */ p1 = (char *) find_section(buf, section); p2 = (char *) find_next_section(p1 + 1); /* save tail */ buf2 = NULL; if (p2) buf2 = xstrdup(p2); /* combine old and new config */ sprintf(p1, "[%s]\r\n", section); strcat(p1, buffer); strcat(p1, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p2) { strlcat(p1, buf2, length + strlen(buffer) + 1); xfree(buf2); } adjust_crlf(buf, length + strlen(buffer) + 10); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(error, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(error, ": "); strcat(error, strerror(errno)); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int change_config_line(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *option, char *old_value, char *new_value) { int fh, i, j, n, length, bufsize; char str[NAME_LENGTH], *buf, *buf2, *p1, *p2, *p3; char list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], line[NAME_LENGTH]; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); return 0; } /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); bufsize = 2 * (length + strlen(new_value) + 10); buf = xmalloc(bufsize); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; /* find location of option */ p1 = (char *) find_param(buf, lbs->name, option); if (p1 == NULL) return 0; p2 = strchr(p1, '='); if (p2 == 0) return 0; p2++; while (*p2 == ' ' || *p2 == '\t') p2++; strlcpy(line, p2, sizeof(line)); if (strchr(line, '\r')) *strchr(line, '\r') = 0; if (strchr(line, '\n')) *strchr(line, '\n') = 0; n = strbreak(line, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); /* save tail */ p3 = strchr(p2, '\n'); if (p3 && *(p3 - 1) == '\r') p3--; buf2 = NULL; if (p3) buf2 = xstrdup(p3); if (old_value[0]) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strieq(old_value, list[i])) { if (new_value[0]) { /* rename value */ strcpy(list[i], new_value); } else { /* delete value */ for (j = i; j < n - 1; j++) strcpy(list[j], list[j + 1]); n--; } break; } } } else { if (n < MAX_N_LIST) strcpy(list[n++], new_value); } /* write new option list */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strcpy(p2, list[i]); if (i < n - 1) strcat(p2, ", "); p2 += strlen(p2); } /* append tail */ if (buf2) { strlcat(p2, buf2, length + strlen(new_value) + 10); xfree(buf2); } adjust_crlf(buf, bufsize); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int delete_logbook(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *error) { int fh, i, length; char *buf, *p1, *p2; error[0] = 0; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(error, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(error, ": "); strcat(error, strerror(errno)); return 0; } /* remove logbook name in groups */ change_logbook_in_group(lbs, ""); /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(length + 1); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; /* find logbook config */ p1 = (char *) find_section(buf, lbs->name); p2 = (char *) find_next_section(p1 + 1); if (p2) { i = strlen(p2) + 1; strlcpy(p1, p2, i); } else *p1 = 0; lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(error, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(error, ": "); strcat(error, strerror(errno)); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); el_index_logbooks(); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int rename_logbook(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *new_name) { int fh, i, length, bufsize; char *buf, *buf2, *p1, *p2; char str[256], lb_dir[256], old_dir[256], new_dir[256]; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); return 0; } /* rename logbook file */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Subdir", str, sizeof(str))) { strlcpy(lb_dir, logbook_dir, sizeof(lb_dir)); if (lb_dir[strlen(lb_dir) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(lb_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(lb_dir)); sprintf(old_dir, "%s%s", lb_dir, lbs->name); sprintf(new_dir, "%s%s", lb_dir, new_name); rename(old_dir, new_dir); } /* change logbook name in groups */ change_logbook_in_group(lbs, new_name); /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); bufsize = 2 * (length + strlen(new_name) + 10); buf = xmalloc(bufsize); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; /* find logbook config */ p1 = (char *) find_section(buf, lbs->name); p2 = strchr(p1, ']'); if (p2 == NULL) { close(fh); xfree(buf); show_error(loc("Syntax error in config file")); return 0; } p2++; /* save tail */ buf2 = xstrdup(p2); /* replace logbook name */ sprintf(p1, "[%s]", new_name); strlcat(p1, buf2, length + strlen(new_name) + 1); xfree(buf2); adjust_crlf(buf, bufsize); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); el_index_logbooks(); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int create_logbook(LOGBOOK *oldlbs, char *logbook, char *templ) { int fh, i, length, bufsize, templ_length; char *buf, *p1, *p2, str[256]; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); return 0; } /* add logbook to current group */ add_logbook_to_group(oldlbs, logbook); /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); bufsize = 2 * (2 * length + 1); buf = (char *) xmalloc(bufsize); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; templ_length = 0; p2 = NULL; /* find template logbook */ if (templ[0]) { p1 = (char *) find_section(buf, templ); p2 = (char *) find_next_section(p1 + 1); } else p1 = NULL; if (p1) { p1 = strchr(p1, ']'); if (p1) while (*p1 == ']' || *p1 == '\r' || *p1 == '\n') p1++; if (p2) templ_length = p2 - p1; else templ_length = strlen(p1); } /* insert single blank line after last logbook */ p2 = buf + strlen(buf) - 1; while (p2 > buf && (*p2 == '\r' || *p2 == '\n' || *p2 == ' ' || *p2 == '\t')) { *p2 = 0; p2--; } if (p2 > buf) p2++; strcat(p2, "\r\n\r\n["); strcat(p2, logbook); strcat(p2, "]\r\n"); if (p1) { p2 = buf + strlen(buf); strncpy(p2, p1, templ_length); p2[templ_length] = 0; } adjust_crlf(buf, bufsize); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); el_index_logbooks(); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int save_config(char *buffer, char *error) { int fh, i; char *buf; error[0] = 0; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY | O_CREAT, 0644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(error, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(error, ": "); strcat(error, strerror(errno)); return 0; } buf = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(buffer) * 2); strlcpy(buf, buffer, strlen(buffer) * 2); adjust_crlf(buf, strlen(buffer) * 2); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(error, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(error, ": "); strcat(error, strerror(errno)); close(fh); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int save_user_config(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user, BOOL new_user) { char file_name[256], str[1000], *pl, user_enc[256], new_pwd[80], new_pwd2[80], smtp_host[256], email_addr[256], mail_from[256], mail_from_name[256], subject[256], mail_text[2000], str2[256], admin_user[80], url[256], error[2000], sid[32]; int i, self_register, code, first_user; PMXML_NODE node, subnode, npwd; /* if we outsourced the authentication, use external username */ getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "Webserver")) { /* do not allow HTML in user name */ strencode2(user_enc, http_user, sizeof(user_enc)); } else { strencode2(user_enc, user, sizeof(user_enc)); } /* check for user name */ if (!isparam("new_user_name") || *getparam("new_user_name") == 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Please enter \"%s\""), loc("Login name")); show_error(str); return 0; } /* check for full name */ if (!isparam("new_full_name") || *getparam("new_full_name") == 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Please enter \"%s\""), loc("Full name")); show_error(str); return 0; } /* check for valid email address */ if (!isparam("new_user_email") || *getparam("new_user_email") == 0) { show_error(loc("Please specify a valid email address")); return 0; } strlcpy(str, getparam("new_user_email"), sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '@') == NULL || strchr(str, '.') == NULL) { show_error(loc("Please specify a valid email address")); return 0; } /* check for blank character in user name */ strlcpy(str, getparam("new_user_name"), sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, ' ')) { show_error(loc("User name may not contain blanks")); return 0; } /* check for blank password if not external authentication */ if (isparam("newpwd")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("newpwd"), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == 0) { show_error(loc("Empty password not allowed")); return 0; } if (strchr(str, ' ')) { show_error(loc("Password may not contain blanks")); return 0; } } /* check self register flag */ self_register = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Self register", str, sizeof(str))) self_register = atoi(str); /* check if passwords match */ new_pwd[0] = 0; if (isparam("newpwd") && isparam("newpwd2")) { strlcpy(new_pwd, getparam("newpwd"), sizeof(new_pwd)); strlcpy(new_pwd2, getparam("newpwd2"), sizeof(new_pwd2)); if (strcmp(new_pwd, new_pwd2) != 0) { show_error(loc("New passwords do not match, please retype")); return 0; } } /* check if first user */ first_user = !enum_user_line(lbs, 0, str, sizeof(str)); /* check if user exists */ if (new_user) { if (get_user_line(lbs, user_enc, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 1) { sprintf(str, "%s \"%s\" %s", loc("Login name"), user_enc, loc("exists already")); show_error(str); return 0; } } /* if register through selection page, use first logbook with same password file */ if (lbs == NULL) { getcfg(NULL, "password file", file_name, sizeof(file_name)); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (strieq(file_name, str)) break; } if (lb_list[i].name[0] == 0) lbs = &lb_list[0]; else lbs = &lb_list[i]; } getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree == NULL) return 0; sprintf(str, "/list/user[name=%s]", user_enc); node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str); code = 0; if (new_user) { node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, "/list"); if (!node) { show_error(loc("Error accessing password file")); return 0; } node = mxml_add_node(node, "user", NULL); if (isparam("new_user_name")) { strencode2(str, getparam("new_user_name"), sizeof(str)); mxml_add_node(node, "name", str); } #ifdef HAVE_PAM getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (!stristr(str, "PAM")) { #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ do_crypt(new_pwd, str, sizeof(str)); npwd = mxml_add_node(node, "password", str); if (npwd) mxml_add_attribute(npwd, "encoding", "SHA256"); #ifdef HAVE_PAM } #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ if (isparam("new_full_name")) { strencode2(str, getparam("new_full_name"), sizeof(str)); mxml_add_node(node, "full_name", str); } mxml_add_node(node, "last_logout", "0"); mxml_add_node(node, "last_activity", "0"); if (isparam("new_user_email")) mxml_add_node(node, "email", getparam("new_user_email")); if (!first_user && (self_register == 3 || self_register == 4)) { code = rand() + (rand() << 16); sprintf(str, "%d", code); mxml_add_node(node, "inactive", str); } else mxml_add_node(node, "inactive", "0"); } else { /* replace record */ if (isparam("new_user_name")) { strencode2(str, getparam("new_user_name"), sizeof(str)); mxml_replace_subvalue(node, "name", str); } if (new_pwd[0]) mxml_replace_subvalue(node, "password", new_pwd); if (isparam("new_full_name")) { strencode2(str, getparam("new_full_name"), sizeof(str)); mxml_replace_subvalue(node, "full_name", str); } if (isparam("new_user_email")) mxml_replace_subvalue(node, "email", getparam("new_user_email")); if (isparam("active")) mxml_replace_subvalue(node, "inactive", "0"); else mxml_replace_subvalue(node, "inactive", "1"); } subnode = mxml_find_node(node, "email_notify"); if (subnode) mxml_delete_node(subnode); mxml_add_node(node, "email_notify", NULL); subnode = mxml_find_node(node, "email_notify"); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { sprintf(str, "sub_lb%d", i); if (isparam(str) && getparam(str) && atoi(getparam(str))) mxml_add_node(subnode, "logbook", lb_list[i].name); } if (get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) mxml_write_tree(file_name, lbs->pwd_xml_tree); /* if requested, send notification email to user or admin user */ if (new_user && !first_user && (self_register == 2 || self_register == 3 || self_register == 4) && !isparam("admin")) { if (!getcfg("global", "SMTP host", smtp_host, sizeof(smtp_host))) { show_error(loc("No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file")); return 0; } /* try to get URL from referer */ if (!getcfg("global", "URL", url, sizeof(url))) { if (referer[0]) strcpy(url, referer); else { if (elog_tcp_port == 80) { if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(url, "https://%s/", http_host); else sprintf(url, "http://%s/", http_host); } else { if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(url, "https://%s:%d/", http_host, elog_tcp_port); else sprintf(url, "http://%s:%d/", http_host, elog_tcp_port); } if (lbs) { strlcat(url, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(url)); strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); } } } else { if (url[strlen(url) - 1] != '/') strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); if (lbs) { strlcat(url, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(url)); strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); } } retrieve_email_from(lbs, mail_from, mail_from_name, NULL); /* send email to new user */ if (self_register == 4) { if (lbs) sprintf(subject, loc("Account activation for ELOG logbook \"%s\""), lbs->name); else sprintf(subject, loc("Account activation for ELOG on host \"%s\""), host_name); if (!isparam("new_user_email")) { show_error("A valid email address necessary for this ELOG account"); return 0; } strlcpy(email_addr, getparam("new_user_email"), sizeof(email_addr)); mail_text[0] = 0; compose_email_header(lbs, subject, mail_from_name, email_addr, NULL, mail_text, sizeof(mail_text), 1, 0, NULL, 0, 0); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n%s:\r\n\r\n", loc("Please click the URL below to activate following ELOG account")); if (lbs) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Logbook"), lbs->name); else sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Host"), host_name); if (isparam("new_user_name")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Login name"), getparam("new_user_name")); if (isparam("new_full_name")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Full name"), getparam("new_full_name")); if (isparam("new_user_email")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Email"), getparam("new_user_email")); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n%s:\r\n", loc("Activation URL")); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\nURL : %s", url); if (isparam("new_user_name")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "?cmd=%s", loc("Activate")); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "&code=%d&unm=%s\r\n", code, getparam("new_user_name")); if (sendmail(lbs, smtp_host, mail_from, email_addr, mail_text, error, sizeof(error)) == -1) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot send email notification to \"%s\""), getparam("new_user_email")); strlcat(str, " : ", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, error, sizeof(str)); strencode2(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); show_error(str2); return 0; }; show_standard_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("ELOG registration"), "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf(loc("An email has been sent to <%s>"), getparam("new_user_email")); rsprintf(".
      \n"); rsprintf(loc("Use that email to activate your account")); rsprintf(".
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\n"); return 0; } /* send email to admin user(s) */ if (self_register == 2 || self_register == 3) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Admin user", admin_user, sizeof(admin_user))) { pl = strtok(admin_user, " ,"); while (pl) { get_user_line(lbs, pl, NULL, NULL, email_addr, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (email_addr[0]) { /* compose subject */ if (self_register == 3) { if (lbs) sprintf(subject, loc("Registration request for ELOG logbook \"%s\""), lbs->name); else sprintf(subject, loc("Registration request for ELOG on host \"%s\""), host_name); sprintf(str, loc("A new ELOG user wants to register on \"%s\""), host_name); } else { if (isparam("new_user_name")) { if (lbs) sprintf(subject, loc("User \"%s\" registered on logbook \"%s\""), getparam("new_user_name"), lbs->name); else sprintf(subject, loc("User \"%s\" registered on host \"%s\""), getparam("new_user_name"), host_name); } sprintf(str, loc("A new ELOG user has been registered on %s"), host_name); } mail_text[0] = 0; compose_email_header(lbs, subject, mail_from_name, email_addr, NULL, mail_text, sizeof(mail_text), 1, 0, NULL, 0, 0); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n%s:\r\n\r\n", str); if (lbs) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Logbook"), lbs->name); else sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Host"), host_name); if (isparam("new_user_name")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Login name"), getparam("new_user_name")); if (isparam("new_full_name")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Full name"), getparam("new_full_name")); if (isparam("new_user_email")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Email"), getparam("new_user_email")); if (self_register == 3) { sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n%s:\r\n", loc("Hit following URL to activate that account")); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\nURL : %s", url); if (isparam("new_user_name")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "?cmd=%s&new_user_name=%s", loc("Activate"), getparam("new_user_name")); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "&code=%d&unm=%s\r\n", code, pl); } else { if (isparam("new_user_name")) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n%s URL : %s?cmd=Config&cfg_user=%s&unm=%s\r\n", loc("Logbook"), url, getparam("new_user_name"), pl); } if (sendmail(lbs, smtp_host, mail_from, email_addr, mail_text, error, sizeof(error)) == -1) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot send email notification to \"%s\""), getparam("new_user_email")); strlcat(str, " : ", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, error, sizeof(str)); strencode2(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); show_error(str2); return 0; }; } pl = strtok(NULL, " ,"); } } else { show_error(loc("No admin user has been defined in configuration file")); return 0; } if (self_register == 3) { sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s", loc("Requested")); redirect(lbs, str); return 0; } } } /* log in user automatically */ if (new_user && (self_register == 1 || self_register == 2)) { if (isparam("new_user_name")) { /* get a new session ID */ sid_new(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid); if (lbs) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "../%s/", lbs->name_enc); else sprintf(str, "."); if (isparam("new_user_name")) { sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?cmd=%s&cfg_user=", loc("Config")); strlcat(str, getparam("new_user_name"), sizeof(str)); } else if (isparam("cfg_user")) { sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?cmd=%s&cfg_user=", loc("Config")); strlcat(str, getparam("cfg_user"), sizeof(str)); } else if (getcfg(lbs->name, "password file", str2, sizeof(str2))) sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?cmd=%s", loc("Config")); setparam("redir", str); /* set SID cookie */ set_sid_cookie(lbs, sid, getparam("new_user_name")); return 0; } } return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int remove_user(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user) { char file_name[256], str[1000], str2[1000]; PMXML_NODE node; if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree == NULL) { show_error("No password file loaded"); return FALSE; } sprintf(str, "/list/user[name=%s]", user); node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str); if (node == NULL) { sprintf(str, loc("User \"%s\" not found in password file"), user); strencode2(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); show_error(str2); return FALSE; } mxml_delete_node(node); if (get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) { if (!mxml_write_tree(file_name, lbs->pwd_xml_tree)) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot write to file %s"), file_name); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ascii_compare(const void *s1, const void *s2) { return stricmp(*(char **) s1, *(char **) s2); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ascii_compare2(const void *s1, const void *s2) { return stricmp((char *) s1, (char *) s2); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_config_page(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[256], user[80], password[80], full_name[256], user_email[256], logbook[256], auth[32], **user_list; int i, j, n, cols, inactive; BOOL email_notify[1000], sort_email; if (lbs) strcpy(logbook, lbs->name); else strcpy(logbook, "global"); /* get user */ strcpy(user, isparam("unm") ? getparam("unm") : ""); if (isparam("cfg_user")) strcpy(user, getparam("cfg_user")); /* get sort_email flag */ sort_email = FALSE; if (isparam("sort_email") && atoi(getparam("sort_email")) > 0) sort_email = TRUE; /*---- header ----*/ show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, loc("ELOG user config"), ".", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); /*---- javascript to warn removal of user and of deactivation ----*/ rsprintf("\n\n"); /*---- title ----*/ show_standard_title(lbs, "", 0); /*---- activation notice ----*/ if (isparam("notice")) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf(getparam("notice")); rsprintf("\n"); } /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Config")); // for select javascript rsprintf("\n", loc("Save")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Back")); strencode2(str, user, sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); // needed for "Save" command rsprintf("\n\n"); /* table for two-column items */ rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n"); /*---- if admin user, show user list ----*/ if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Select user")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Active")); if (stricmp(user, getparam("unm")) == 0) rsprintf ("\n", inactive ? "" : "checked"); else rsprintf("\n", inactive ? "" : "checked"); } else { rsprintf("\n", loc("Active")); rsprintf("\n", inactive ? "" : "checked"); } rsprintf("\n", loc("Login name")); getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", auth, sizeof(auth)); strencode2(str, user, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(auth, "Kerberos") || stristr(auth, "Webserver") || stristr(auth, "PAM")) rsprintf("\n", str); else rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n", loc("Full name")); rsprintf("\n", full_name); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", user_email); for (i = n = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (!getcfg_topgroup() || strieq(getcfg_topgroup(), lb_list[i].top_group)) { /* check if user has access */ if (!isparam("unm") || check_login_user(&lb_list[i], getparam("unm"))) { /* check if emails are enabled for this logbook */ if (!getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Suppress email to users", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) n++; } } } if (n > 0) { for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) {} j = (int) (i / 16) + 1; cols = ((j > 5) ? 5 : j); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      %s:\n"); /* show "update" button only of javascript is not enabled */ rsprintf("\n"); if (sort_email) rsprintf( "Sort by email"); else rsprintf( "Sort by email"); } /*---- entry form ----*/ if (get_user_line(lbs, user, password, full_name, user_email, email_notify, NULL, &inactive) != 1) sprintf(str, loc("User [%s] has been deleted"), user); else strlcpy(str, user, sizeof(str)); if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { rsprintf("

      %s:\n", loc("Subscribe to logbooks")); rsprintf("
      (%s)\n", loc("enable automatic email notifications")); rsprintf("
      \n"); for (j = i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (!getcfg_topgroup() || strieq(getcfg_topgroup(), lb_list[i].top_group)) { /* check if user has access */ if (!isparam("unm") || check_login_user(&lb_list[i], getparam("unm"))) { /* check if emails are enabled for this logbook */ if (!getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Suppress email to users", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { if (email_notify[i]) rsprintf("\n", i, lb_list[i].name); j++; } } } if (j > 0 && (j % cols) == 0) rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf("
      \n", i, i); else rsprintf("\n", i, i); rsprintf("

      \n"); } if (n > 2) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Set all")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Set none")); } rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm")) || !getcfg(logbook, "allow password change", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) rsprintf("\n", loc("Change password")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Remove user")); if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { rsprintf("\n", loc("New user")); strlcpy(str, loc("Change config file"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); } rsprintf("\n\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int activate_user(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user_name, int code) { int inactive, self_register; char str[256], str2[256], smtp_host[256], url[256], mail_text[2000], error[256], mail_from_name[256], mail_from[256], user_email[256], logbook[256]; if (lbs == NULL) strlcpy(logbook, "global", sizeof(logbook)); else strlcpy(logbook, lbs->name, sizeof(logbook)); get_user_line(lbs, user_name, NULL, NULL, user_email, NULL, NULL, &inactive); if (code != inactive) { show_error(loc("Invalid activation code")); return FALSE; } if (!set_user_inactive(lbs, user_name, 0)) { show_error(loc("Error activating user")); return FALSE; } self_register = 0; if (getcfg(logbook, "Self register", str, sizeof(str))) self_register = atoi(str); if (self_register == 3) { if (!getcfg("global", "SMTP host", smtp_host, sizeof(smtp_host))) { show_error(loc("No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file")); return FALSE; } /* try to get URL from referer */ if (!getcfg("global", "URL", url, sizeof(url))) { if (referer[0]) strcpy(url, referer); else { if (elog_tcp_port == 80) { if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(url, "https://%s/", http_host); else sprintf(url, "http://%s/", http_host); } else { if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(url, "https://%s:%d/", http_host, elog_tcp_port); else sprintf(url, "http://%s:%d/", http_host, elog_tcp_port); } if (lbs) { strlcat(url, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(url)); strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); } } } else { if (url[strlen(url) - 1] != '/') strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); if (lbs) { strlcat(url, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(url)); strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); } } retrieve_email_from(lbs, mail_from, mail_from_name, NULL); mail_text[0] = 0; compose_email_header(lbs, loc("Your ELOG account has been activated"), mail_from_name, user_email, NULL, mail_text, sizeof(mail_text), 1, 0, NULL, 0, 0); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", sizeof(mail_text)); strlcat(mail_text, loc("Your ELOG account has been activated on host"), sizeof(mail_text)); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), " %s", http_host); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), ".\r\n\r\n"); sprintf(url + strlen(url), "?unm=%s", user_name); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s %s.\r\n\r\n", loc("You can access it at"), url); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s.\r\n", loc("To subscribe to any logbook, click on 'Config' in that logbook")); if (sendmail(lbs, smtp_host, mail_from, user_email, mail_text, error, sizeof(error)) == -1) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot send email notification to \"%s\""), user_email); strlcat(str, " : ", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, error, sizeof(str)); strencode2(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); show_error(str2); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_forgot_pwd_page(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i; char str[1000], str2[1000], login_name[256], full_name[256], user_email[256], name[256], pwd[256], redir[256], smtp_host[256], mail_from[256], mail_from_name[256], subject[256], mail_text[1000], url[1000], error[1000]; if (isparam("login_name")) { /* seach in pwd file */ strcpy(name, getparam("login_name")); for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, i, login_name, sizeof(login_name))) break; get_user_line(lbs, login_name, NULL, full_name, user_email, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (strieq(name, login_name) || strieq(name, full_name) || strieq(name, user_email)) { if (user_email[0] == 0) { sprintf(str, loc("No Email address registered with user name \"%s\""), name); strencode2(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); show_error(str2); return; } /* create random password */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) pwd[i] = 'A' + (rand() % 25); pwd[i] = 0; /* send email with new password */ if (!getcfg("global", "SMTP host", smtp_host, sizeof(smtp_host))) { show_error(loc("No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file")); return; } /* try to get URL from referer */ if (!getcfg("global", "URL", url, sizeof(url))) { if (referer[0]) strcpy(url, referer); else { if (elog_tcp_port == 80) { if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(url, "https://%s/", http_host); else sprintf(url, "http://%s/", http_host); } else { if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(url, "https://%s:%d/", http_host, elog_tcp_port); else sprintf(url, "http://%s:%d/", http_host, elog_tcp_port); } } } else { if (url[strlen(url) - 1] != '/') strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); if (lbs) { strlcat(url, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(url)); strlcat(url, "/", sizeof(url)); } } url_slash_encode(pwd, sizeof(pwd)); sprintf(redir, "?cmd=%s&oldpwd=%s", loc("Change password"), pwd); url_encode(redir, sizeof(redir)); strencode2(str2, redir, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "?redir=%s&uname=%s&upassword=%s", str2, login_name, pwd); strlcat(url, str, sizeof(url)); retrieve_email_from(lbs, mail_from, mail_from_name, NULL); if (lbs) sprintf(subject, loc("Password recovery for ELOG %s"), lbs->name); else sprintf(subject, loc("Password recovery for ELOG %s"), http_host); mail_text[0] = 0; compose_email_header(lbs, subject, mail_from_name, user_email, NULL, mail_text, sizeof(mail_text), 1, 0, NULL, 0, 0); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", sizeof(mail_text)); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), loc("This is an automatically generated account recovery email for host %s"), http_host); strlcat(mail_text, ".\r\n", sizeof(mail_text)); strlcat(mail_text, loc("Please click on following link to recover your account"), sizeof(mail_text)); strlcat(mail_text, ":\r\n\r\n", sizeof(mail_text)); strlcat(mail_text, url, sizeof(mail_text)); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n\r\n", sizeof(mail_text)); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "ELOG Version %s\r\n", VERSION); if (sendmail(lbs, smtp_host, mail_from, user_email, mail_text, error, sizeof(error)) != -1) { /* save new password */ auth_change_password(lbs, login_name, NULL, pwd, str, sizeof(str)); /* show notification web page */ show_standard_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("ELOG password recovery"), "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf(loc("Email notification")); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf(loc("A password recovery email for user \"%s\" has been sent to %s"), full_name, user_email); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\n"); return; } else { sprintf(str, loc("Error sending Email via \"%s\""), smtp_host); strlcat(str, ": ", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, error, sizeof(str)); show_error(str); return; } } } if (strchr(name, '@')) sprintf(str, loc("Email address \"%s\" not registered"), name); else sprintf(str, loc("User name \"%s\" not registered"), name); strencode2(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); show_error(str2); return; } else { /*---- header ----*/ getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "Kerberos") || stristr(str, "Webserver") || stristr(str, "PAM")) { show_error ("This installation of ELOG uses site authentication\nwhere password recovery is not possible"); return; } show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, loc("ELOG password recovery"), NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); /*---- entry form ----*/ rsprintf("\n", loc("Enter your user name or email address")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Forgot")); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Submit")); rsprintf("
      \n\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_new_user_page(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user) { char str[256]; /*---- header ----*/ show_html_header(lbs, TRUE, loc("ELOG new user"), TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("

      \n"); show_top_text(lbs); rsprintf("
      \n\n"); /*---- title ----*/ if (lbs) show_standard_title(lbs, "", 1); else show_standard_title(NULL, "", 1); /* table for two-column items */ rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n"); /*---- entry form ----*/ rsprintf("\n", loc("Login name")); if (user && user[0]) { strencode2(str, user, sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n"); } else { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("name may not contain blanks")); } rsprintf("\n", loc("Full name")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (!stristr(str, "Kerberos") && !stristr(str, "Webserver") && !stristr(str, "PAM")) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Password")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Retype password")); rsprintf("
      %s: (%s)
      %s:\n"); rsprintf("
      %s:\n"); } rsprintf("
      \n"); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Save")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      \r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_elog_delete(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id) { int i, status, reply = 0, next, nsel; char str[256], str2[256], in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], owner[256]; char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], mode[80]; /* check for editing interval */ if (isparam("nsel")) { for (i = 0; i < atoi(getparam("nsel")); i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { status = check_edit_time(lbs, atoi(getparam(str))); if (!status) { return; } } } } else if (message_id) { status = check_edit_time(lbs, message_id); if (!status) { return; } } /* redirect if confirm = NO */ if (isparam("confirm") && strcmp(getparam("confirm"), loc("No")) == 0) { if (message_id) { sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); redirect(lbs, str); } else { strlcpy(str, isparam("lastcmd") ? getparam("lastcmd") : "", sizeof(str)); url_decode(str); redirect(lbs, str); } return; } if (isparam("elmode")) strlcpy(mode, getparam("elmode"), sizeof(mode)); if (isparam("confirm")) { if (strcmp(getparam("confirm"), loc("Yes")) == 0) { if (message_id) { /* delete message */ status = el_delete_message(lbs, message_id, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { sprintf(str, "%s = %d", loc("Error deleting message: status"), status); show_error(str); return; } else { strlcpy(str, isparam("nextmsg") ? getparam("nextmsg") : "", sizeof(str)); if (atoi(str) == 0) sprintf(str, "%d", el_search_message(lbs, EL_LAST, 0, TRUE)); if (atoi(str) == 0) redirect(lbs, ""); else redirect(lbs, str); return; } } else { if (isparam("nsel")) { for (i = 0; i < atoi(getparam("nsel")); i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { if (strieq(mode, "threaded")) status = el_delete_message(lbs, atoi(getparam(str)), TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); else status = el_delete_message(lbs, atoi(getparam(str)), TRUE, NULL, TRUE, FALSE); } } } redirect(lbs, isparam("lastcmd") ? getparam("lastcmd") : ""); return; } } } else { /* check if at least one message is selected */ if (!message_id) { nsel = isparam("nsel") ? atoi(getparam("nsel")) : 0; for (i = 0; i < nsel; i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) break; } if (i == nsel) { show_error(loc("No entry selected for deletion")); return; } } /* check for author */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Restrict edit", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { /* get message for reply/edit */ el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!is_author(lbs, attrib, owner)) { strencode2(str2, owner, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, loc("Only user %s can delete this entry"), str2); show_error(str); return; } } /* header */ if (message_id) sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); else str[0] = 0; show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, "Delete ELog entry", str, FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Are you sure to delete these messages?")); rsprintf("\n"); if (reply && strieq(mode, "threaded")) rsprintf("\n", loc("and all their replies")); } else { rsprintf("%s\n", loc("Are you sure to delete this entry?")); /* check for replies */ /* retrieve original message */ el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, attr_list, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, in_reply_to, reply_to, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (reply_to[0]) rsprintf("\n", message_id, loc("and all its replies")); else rsprintf("\n", message_id); /* put link to next message */ next = el_search_message(lbs, EL_NEXT, message_id, TRUE); rsprintf("\n", next); } rsprintf("\n\n"); } rsprintf("
      \n"); /* define hidden field for command */ rsprintf("\n", loc("Delete")); if (!message_id) { rsprintf("%s
      \n"); if (isparam("nsel")) rsprintf("\n", getparam("nsel")); if (isparam("lastcmd")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("lastcmd"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); } if (isparam("nsel")) { reply = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < atoi(getparam("nsel")); i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { rsprintf("#%s ", getparam(str)); rsprintf("\n", str, getparam(str)); } if (!reply) { el_retrieve(lbs, isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0, NULL, attr_list, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, in_reply_to, reply_to, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (reply_to[0]) reply = TRUE; } } } rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Yes")); rsprintf("\n", loc("No")); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_logbook_delete(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[256]; /* redirect if confirm = NO */ if (isparam("confirm") && strcmp(getparam("confirm"), loc("No")) == 0) { redirect(lbs, "?cmd=Config"); return; } if (isparam("confirm")) { if (strcmp(getparam("confirm"), loc("Yes")) == 0) { /* delete logbook */ str[0] = 0; delete_logbook(lbs, str); if (str[0]) show_error(str); else redirect(NULL, "../"); return; } } else { strcpy(str, "Delete logbook"); show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, str, "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("\n\n"); } rsprintf("
      \n"); /* define hidden field for command */ rsprintf("\n", loc("Delete this logbook")); sprintf(str, loc("Are you sure to delete logbook \"%s\"?"), lbs->name); rsprintf("%s
      "); rsprintf("\n", loc("Yes")); rsprintf("\n", loc("No")); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_logbook_rename(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i; char str[256], lbn[256]; if (isparam("lbname")) { /* check if logbook name exists already */ strcpy(lbn, getparam("lbname")); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (strieq(lbn, lb_list[i].name)) { sprintf(str, loc("Logbook \"%s\" exists already, please choose different name"), lbn); show_error(str); return; } if (!rename_logbook(lbs, getparam("lbname"))) return; sprintf(str, "../%s/?cmd=Config", getparam("lbname")); redirect(NULL, str); return; } else { strcpy(str, loc("Rename logbook")); show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, str, "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Enter new logbook name")); rsprintf("\n\n"); } rsprintf("
      \n"); /* define hidden field for command */ rsprintf("\n", loc("Rename this logbook")); rsprintf("%s
      "); rsprintf("

      \n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Rename this logbook")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_logbook_new(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[256], lbn[256]; int i; if (isparam("lbname")) { /* check if logbook name exists already */ strcpy(lbn, getparam("lbname")); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (strieq(lbn, lb_list[i].name)) { sprintf(str, loc("Logbook \"%s\" exists already, please choose different name"), lbn); show_error(str); return; } /* create new logbook */ if (!create_logbook(lbs, getparam("lbname"), getparam("template"))) return; strcpy(lbn, getparam("lbname")); url_encode(lbn, sizeof(lbn)); sprintf(str, "../%s/?cmd=Config", lbn); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (strieq(lbn, lb_list[i].name)) break; if (lb_list[i].name[0]) redirect(&lb_list[i], str); else redirect(NULL, str); return; } show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, loc("Create new logbook"), "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Create new logbook")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); /* define hidden field for command */ rsprintf("\n", loc("Create new logbook")); rsprintf("%s
      \n"); rsprintf("%s :  ", loc("Logbook name")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("%s : \n", loc("Use existing logbook as template")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Create new logbook")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int show_download_page(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *path) { char file_name[256], error_str[256]; int index, message_id, fh, i, size, delta; char message[TEXT_SIZE + 1000], *p, *buffer; if (stricmp(path, "gbl") == 0) { /* return complete config file */ load_config_section(NULL, &buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) { rsprintf("


      ", error_str); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } size = strlen(buffer); strlcpy(message, buffer, sizeof(message)); xfree(buffer); } else { message_id = atoi(path); if (message_id == 0) { /* return config */ load_config_section(lbs->name, &buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) { rsprintf("


      ", error_str); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } size = strlen(buffer); strlcpy(message, buffer, sizeof(message)); xfree(buffer); } else { /* return entry */ if (message_id == -1) index = *lbs->n_el_index - 1; // last entry else { for (index = 0; index < *lbs->n_el_index; index++) if (lbs->el_index[index].message_id == message_id) break; } if (index == *lbs->n_el_index) return EL_NO_MSG; snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s%s%s", lbs->data_dir, lbs->el_index[index].subdir, lbs->el_index[index].file_name); fh = open(file_name, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) return EL_FILE_ERROR; lseek(fh, lbs->el_index[index].offset, SEEK_SET); i = my_read(fh, message, sizeof(message) - 1); if (i <= 0) { close(fh); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } message[i] = 0; close(fh); /* decode message size */ p = strstr(message + 8, "$@MID@$:"); if (p == NULL) size = strlen(message); else size = p - message; message[size] = 0; } } show_plain_header(size, "export.txt"); /* increase return buffer size if file too big */ while (size + 1 >= return_buffer_size - (int) strlen(return_buffer)) { delta = size - (return_buffer_size - strlen(return_buffer)) + 1000; return_buffer = (char *) xrealloc(return_buffer, return_buffer_size + delta); memset(return_buffer + return_buffer_size, 0, delta); return_buffer_size += delta; } return_length = strlen(return_buffer) + size; strlcat(return_buffer, message, return_buffer_size); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int download_config() { char error_str[256]; int size, delta; char message[TEXT_SIZE + 1000], *buffer; /* return complete config file */ load_config_section(NULL, &buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) { rsprintf("Error loading configuration file: %s", error_str); return EL_FILE_ERROR; } size = strlen(buffer); strlcpy(message, buffer, sizeof(message)); xfree(buffer); show_plain_header(size, "export.txt"); /* increase return buffer size if file too big */ while (size + 1 >= return_buffer_size - (int) strlen(return_buffer)) { delta = size - (return_buffer_size - strlen(return_buffer)) + 1000; return_buffer = (char *) xrealloc(return_buffer, return_buffer_size + delta); memset(return_buffer + return_buffer_size, 0, delta); return_buffer_size += delta; } return_length = strlen(return_buffer) + size; strlcat(return_buffer, message, return_buffer_size); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_import_page_csv(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[256], str2[256]; /*---- header ----*/ show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("ELOG CSV import"), TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("
      \n"); /*---- title ----*/ show_standard_title(lbs, "", 0); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Import")); rsprintf("\n\n"); /* table for two-column items */ rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n"); /*---- entry form ----*/ rsprintf("\n", loc("Field separator")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Options")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("CSV filename")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      %s:"); str[0] = 0; if (isparam("sep")) strlcpy(str, getparam("sep"), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == 0) rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Auto detect")); if (str[0] == ',') rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Comma")); if (str[0] == ';') rsprintf(""); else rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Semicolon")); rsprintf("
      %s:"); if (isparam("head")) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Derive attributes from CSV file")); if (isparam("notignore")) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Do not ignore first line")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Preview import")); if (isparam("filltext")) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); strcpy(str, loc("text")); sprintf(str2, loc("Column header '%s' must be present in CSV file"), str); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Fill text body"), str2); rsprintf("
      %s:"); if (isparam("csvfile")) rsprintf("%s:
      \n", loc("Please re-enter filename")); rsprintf("
      \n\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("
      \r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_import_page_xml(LOGBOOK *lbs) { /*---- header ----*/ show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("ELOG XML import"), TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("
      \n"); /*---- title ----*/ show_standard_title(lbs, "", 0); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Import")); rsprintf("\n\n"); /* table for two-column items */ rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n"); /*---- entry form ----*/ rsprintf("\n", loc("Options")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("XML filename")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      %s:"); if (isparam("head")) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Derive attributes from XML file")); if (isparam("keep")) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n", loc ("Keep original entry IDs (may overwrite existing entries, but is required if imported entries contain replies)")); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n", loc("Preview import")); rsprintf("
      %s:"); if (isparam("xmlfile")) rsprintf("%s:
      \n", loc("Please re-enter filename")); rsprintf("
      \n\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("
      \r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void csv_import(LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *csv, const char *csvfile) { const char *p; char *line, *list; char str[256], date[80], sep[80]; int i, j, n, n_attr, iline, n_imported, textcol, datecol, attr_offset; BOOL first, in_quotes, filltext; time_t ltime; list = (char *) xmalloc((MAX_N_ATTR + 2) * NAME_LENGTH); line = (char *) xmalloc(10000); first = TRUE; in_quotes = FALSE; iline = n_imported = 0; filltext = FALSE; textcol = -1; datecol = -1; attr_offset = 0; strcpy(sep, ","); if (isparam("sep")) strcpy(sep, getparam("sep")); if (sep[0] == 0) strcpy(sep, ","); if (strieq(sep, "auto")) { /* count commas */ for (i = 0, p = csv; p; i++) { p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) p++; } n = i; /* count semicolon */ for (i = 0, p = csv; p; i++) { p = strchr(p, ';'); if (p) p++; } strcpy(sep, i > n ? ";" : ","); } n_attr = lbs->n_attr; if (isparam("preview")) { /* title row */ sprintf(str, loc("CSV import preview of %s"), csvfile); show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, str, "./", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", str, str); /* menu buttons */ rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("\n", loc("CSV Import")); /* hidden fields */ rsprintf("\n", sep); if (isparam("head")) rsprintf("\n", getparam("head")); if (isparam("notignore")) rsprintf("\n", getparam("notignore")); if (isparam("filltext")) rsprintf("\n", getparam("filltext")); rsprintf("\n", csvfile); rsprintf("
      "); } p = csv; datecol = -1; attr_offset = 0; do { for (i = 0; i < 10000 && *p; i++) { if (!in_quotes && (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n')) break; line[i] = *p++; if (line[i] == '"') in_quotes = !in_quotes; } line[i] = 0; while (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') p++; if (!*p) break; memset(list, 0, MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); n = strbreak(line, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) list, MAX_N_ATTR, sep, FALSE); if (n == MAX_N_ATTR) { strlcpy(str, loc("Too many attributes in CSV file"), sizeof(str)); show_error(str); } /* check if text column is present */ if (first && isparam("filltext") && atoi(getparam("filltext"))) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strieq(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, loc("text"))) { filltext = TRUE; textcol = i; break; } } /* interprete date entries correctly */ if (!(first && isparam("head"))) { for (i = attr_offset; i < n; i++) { if (attr_flags[i - attr_offset] & AF_DATE) { /* convert to seconds in Unix format */ ltime = convert_date(list + i * NAME_LENGTH); if (ltime == 0) { show_error(loc("Invalid date format")); return; } sprintf(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, "%d", (int) ltime); } if (attr_flags[i - attr_offset] & AF_DATETIME) { /* convert to seconds in Unix format */ ltime = convert_datetime(list + i * NAME_LENGTH); if (ltime == 0) { show_error(loc("Invalid date format")); return; } sprintf(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, "%d", (int) ltime); } } } if (first) { /* check for date column */ for (i = attr_offset = 0; i < n; i++) if (strieq(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, "Date")) datecol = i; /* skip message ID */ for (i = attr_offset = 0; i < n; i++) if (strieq(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, "Message ID") || strieq(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, "Date")) attr_offset++; } /* derive attributes from first line */ if (first && isparam("head")) { if (isparam("preview")) { rsprintf("\n"); for (i = attr_offset; i < n; i++) if (i != textcol) rsprintf("\n", list + i * NAME_LENGTH); if (filltext) rsprintf("\n", loc("text")); rsprintf("\n"); if (filltext) n_attr = n - 1 - attr_offset; else n_attr = n - attr_offset; } else { for (i = j = attr_offset; i < n; i++) if (i != textcol) strlcpy(attr_list[j++ - attr_offset], list + i * NAME_LENGTH, NAME_LENGTH); if (filltext) { if (!set_attributes(lbs, attr_list, n - 1 - attr_offset)) return; lbs->n_attr = n - 1 - attr_offset; } else { if (!set_attributes(lbs, attr_list, n - attr_offset)) return; lbs->n_attr = n - attr_offset; } n_attr = lbs->n_attr; } } else { /* ignore first line */ if (first && !isparam("notignore")) { first = FALSE; continue; } if (isparam("preview")) { rsprintf("\n"); for (i = j = attr_offset; i < n_attr + attr_offset; i++) { if (iline % 2 == 0) rsputs("\n"); j++; } if (filltext) { rsputs("\n"); } rsputs("\n"); iline++; } else { /* get date and check it */ if (datecol != -1) { strlcpy(date, list + datecol * NAME_LENGTH, sizeof(date)); ltime = date_to_ltime(date); if (ltime <= 0) { /* try other date formats */ ltime = convert_datetime(date); if (ltime <= 0) ltime = convert_date(date); if (ltime <= 0) { strcpy(str, loc("Invalid date format")); strlcat(str, ": \"", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, date, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "\"", sizeof(str)); show_error(str); return; } /* convert back ltime to date */ get_rfc2822_date(date, sizeof(date), ltime); } } else date[0] = 0; if (!filltext) { /* submit entry */ if (el_submit (lbs, 0, FALSE, date, attr_list, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) (list + attr_offset * NAME_LENGTH), n_attr, "", "", "", "plain", NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL)) n_imported++; } else { strlcpy(line, list + textcol * NAME_LENGTH, 10000); insert_breaks(line, 78, 10000); for (i = textcol; i < n_attr + attr_offset; i++) strlcpy(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, list + (i + 1) * NAME_LENGTH, NAME_LENGTH); /* submit entry */ if (el_submit (lbs, 0, FALSE, date, attr_list, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) (list + attr_offset * NAME_LENGTH), n_attr, line, "", "", "plain", NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL)) n_imported++; } } } first = FALSE; } while (*p); xfree(line); xfree(list); if (isparam("preview")) { rsprintf("
      "); else rsputs(""); /* skip text column */ if (i == textcol) j++; if (i >= n || !list[j * NAME_LENGTH]) rsputs(" "); else rsputs(list + j * NAME_LENGTH); rsputs(""); if (list[textcol * NAME_LENGTH]) rsputs(list + textcol * NAME_LENGTH); else rsputs(" "); rsputs("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); return; } sprintf(str, loc("%d entries successfully imported"), n_imported); show_elog_list(lbs, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, str); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void xml_import(LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *xml, const char *xmlfile) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], date[80], error[256], encoding[256], *list, *p, in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], attachment_all[64 * MAX_ATTACHMENTS]; int i, j, index, n_attr, iline, n_imported, i_line, line_len, message_id, bedit; time_t ltime; PMXML_NODE root, entry; iline = n_imported = 0; n_attr = lbs->n_attr; root = mxml_parse_buffer(xml, error, sizeof(error), NULL); if (root == NULL) { strencode2(str, error, sizeof(str)); show_error(str); return; } root = mxml_find_node(root, "ELOG_LIST"); if (root == NULL) { sprintf(str, loc("XML file does not contain %s element"), "<ELOG_LIST>"); show_error(str); return; } entry = mxml_subnode(root, 0); if (mxml_find_node(entry, "MID") == NULL) { sprintf(str, loc("XML file does not contain %s element"), "<MID>"); show_error(str); return; } if (mxml_find_node(entry, "DATE") == NULL) { sprintf(str, loc("XML file does not contain %s element"), "<DATE>"); show_error(str); return; } if (mxml_find_node(entry, "ENCODING") == NULL) { sprintf(str, loc("XML file does not contain %s element"), "<ENCODING>"); show_error(str); return; } if (isparam("preview")) { /* title row */ sprintf(str, loc("XML import preview of %s"), xmlfile); show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, str, "./", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", str, str); /* menu buttons */ rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("\n", loc("XML Import")); /* hidden fields */ if (isparam("head")) rsprintf("\n", getparam("head")); if (isparam("keep")) rsprintf("\n", getparam("keep")); rsprintf("\n", xmlfile); rsprintf("
      "); } list = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); /* derive attributes from XML file */ if (isparam("head")) { if (isparam("preview")) { rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < mxml_get_number_of_children(entry); i++) { strlcpy(str, mxml_get_name(mxml_subnode(entry, i)), sizeof(str)); if (strieq(str, "MID")) strcpy(str, "ID"); if (strieq(str, "DATE")) strcpy(str, loc("Date")); if (strieq(str, "TEXT")) strcpy(str, loc("Text")); if (!strieq(str, "ENCODING") && !strieq(str, "IN_REPLY_TO") && !strieq(str, "REPLY_TO") && !strieq(str, "ATTACHMENT")) rsprintf("\n", str); } rsprintf("\n"); n_attr = i; } else { for (i = j = 0; i < mxml_get_number_of_children(entry); i++) { strlcpy(str, mxml_get_name(mxml_subnode(entry, i)), NAME_LENGTH); if (stricmp(str, "MID") != 0 && stricmp(str, "DATE") != 0 && stricmp(str, "ENCODING") != 0 && stricmp(str, "TEXT") != 0 && stricmp(str, "IN_REPLY_TO") != 0 && stricmp(str, "REPLY_TO") != 0 && stricmp(str, "ATTACHMENT") != 0) strlcpy(attr_list[j++], mxml_get_name(mxml_subnode(entry, i)), NAME_LENGTH); } if (!set_attributes(lbs, attr_list, j)) return; lbs->n_attr = n_attr = j; } } else { if (isparam("preview")) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", "ID"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Date")); for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) rsprintf("\n", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("\n", loc("Text")); rsprintf("\n"); } } for (index = 0; index < mxml_get_number_of_children(root); index++) { entry = mxml_subnode(root, index); if (isparam("preview")) { rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < mxml_get_number_of_children(entry); i++) { strlcpy(str, mxml_get_name(mxml_subnode(entry, i)), NAME_LENGTH); if (strieq(str, "ENCODING") || strieq(str, "IN_REPLY_TO") || strieq(str, "REPLY_TO") || strieq(str, "ATTACHMENT")) continue; if (strieq(str, "TEXT")) break; if (iline % 2 == 0) rsputs("\n"); } rsputs("\n"); rsputs("\n"); iline++; } else { message_id = 0; if (isparam("keep")) message_id = atoi(mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "MID"))); for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { strlcpy(str, attr_list[i], sizeof(str)); while (strchr(str, ' ')) *strchr(str, ' ') = '_'; if (mxml_find_node(entry, str) == NULL) *(list + (i * NAME_LENGTH)) = 0; else strlcpy(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, str)), NAME_LENGTH); } /* interprete date entries correctly */ for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { /* convert to seconds in Unix format */ ltime = convert_date(list + i * NAME_LENGTH); if (ltime == 0) { show_error(loc("Invalid date format")); return; } sprintf(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, "%d", (int) ltime); } if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { /* convert to seconds in Unix format */ ltime = convert_datetime(list + i * NAME_LENGTH); if (ltime == 0) { show_error(loc("Invalid date format")); return; } sprintf(list + i * NAME_LENGTH, "%d", (int) ltime); } } encoding[0] = 0; if (mxml_find_node(entry, "ENCODING")) strlcpy(encoding, mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "ENCODING")), sizeof(encoding)); else strcpy(encoding, "plain"); reply_to[0] = 0; if (mxml_find_node(entry, "REPLY_TO")) strlcpy(reply_to, mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "REPLY_TO")), sizeof(reply_to)); in_reply_to[0] = 0; if (mxml_find_node(entry, "IN_REPLY_TO")) strlcpy(in_reply_to, mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "IN_REPLY_TO")), sizeof(in_reply_to)); date[0] = 0; if (mxml_find_node(entry, "DATE")) strlcpy(date, mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "DATE")), sizeof(date)); attachment_all[0] = 0; if (mxml_find_node(entry, "ATTACHMENT")) strlcpy(attachment_all, mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "ATTACHMENT")), sizeof(attachment_all)); memset(attachment, 0, sizeof(attachment)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { if (i == 0) p = strtok(attachment_all, ","); else p = strtok(NULL, ","); if (p != NULL) strlcpy(attachment[i], p, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); else break; } str[0] = 0; if (mxml_find_node(entry, "TEXT")) p = mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "TEXT")); else p = str; bedit = FALSE; if (isparam("keep")) { for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) bedit = TRUE; } /* submit entry */ if (el_submit (lbs, message_id, bedit, date, attr_list, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) list, n_attr, p, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, attachment, FALSE, NULL, NULL)) n_imported++; } } xfree(list); if (isparam("preview")) { rsprintf("
      "); else rsputs(""); strlcpy(str, mxml_get_value(mxml_subnode(entry, i)), NAME_LENGTH); if (!str[0]) rsputs(" "); else rsputs(str); rsputs(""); if (mxml_find_node(entry, "TEXT")) { strlcpy(str, mxml_get_value(mxml_find_node(entry, "TEXT")), sizeof(str)); if (str[0]) { /* limit output to 3 lines */ for (i = i_line = line_len = 0; i < (int) sizeof(str) - 1; i++, line_len++) { if (str[i] == '\n') { i_line++; line_len = 0; } else /* limit line length to 150 characters */ if (line_len > 150 && str[i] == ' ') { str[i] = '\n'; i_line++; line_len = 0; } if (i_line == 3) break; } str[i] = 0; strip_html(str); if (str[0]) strencode(str); else rsputs(" "); } else rsputs(" "); } rsputs("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); return; } sprintf(str, loc("%d entries successfully imported"), n_imported); show_elog_list(lbs, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, str); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int show_md5_page(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i, j; char *buffer, error_str[256]; unsigned char digest[16]; /* header */ rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); rsprintf("Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"); rsprintf("Connection: close\r\n"); rsprintf("Content-Type: text/plain;charset=%s\r\n", DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); rsprintf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); rsprintf("Cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store\r\n\r\n"); /* calculate MD5 for logbook section in config file */ load_config_section(lbs->name, &buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) rsprintf("


      ", error_str); else { rsprintf("ID: %6d MD5:", 0); remove_crlf(buffer); MD5_checksum(buffer, strlen(buffer), digest); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) rsprintf("%02X", digest[i]); rsprintf("\n"); } xfree(buffer); /* show MD5's of logbook entries */ for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) { rsprintf("ID: %6d MD5:", lbs->el_index[i].message_id); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) rsprintf("%02X", lbs->el_index[i].md5_digest[j]); rsprintf("\n"); } keep_alive = FALSE; return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void combine_url(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *url, char *param, char *result, int size, int *ssl) { if (ssl) *ssl = 0; if (strstr(url, "http://")) strlcpy(result, url + 7, size); else if (strstr(url, "https://")) { if (ssl) *ssl = 1; strlcpy(result, url + 8, size); } else strlcpy(result, url, size); url_encode(result, size); if (result[strlen(result) - 1] != '/') strlcat(result, "/", size); if (lbs != NULL) { if (!strstr(result, lbs->name_enc)) { strlcat(result, lbs->name_enc, size); strlcat(result, "/", size); } } if (param) strlcat(result, param, size); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int retrieve_remote_md5(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *host, MD5_INDEX **md5_index, char *error_str) { int i, n, id, x, version, ssl; char *text, *p, url[256], str[1000]; *md5_index = NULL; combine_url(lbs, host, "?cmd=GetMD5", url, sizeof(url), &ssl); text = NULL; error_str[0] = 0; if (retrieve_url(lbs, url, ssl, &text, TRUE) < 0) { sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot connect to remote server \"%s\""), host); return -1; } p = strstr(text, "ELOG HTTP "); if (!p) { if (isparam("debug")) rsputs(text); strlcpy(error_str, loc("Remote server is not an ELOG server"), 256); xfree(text); return -1; } version = atoi(p + 10) * 100 + atoi(p + 12) * 10 + atoi(p + 14); if (version < 250) { if (isparam("debug")) rsputs(text); memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); strncpy(str, p + 10, 5); sprintf(error_str, loc("Incorrect remote ELOG server version %s"), str); xfree(text); return -1; } p = strstr(text, "Location: "); if (p) { if (isparam("debug")) rsputs(text); if (strstr(text, "?fail=")) sprintf(error_str, loc("Invalid user name \"%s\" or password for remote logbook"), isparam("unm") ? getparam("unm") : ""); else { strlcpy(str, p + 9, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '?')) *strchr(str, '?') = 0; strlcpy(error_str, loc("URL is redirected to:"), 256); strlcat(error_str, str, 256); } return -3; } p = strstr(text, "\r\n\r\n"); if (!p) { if (isparam("debug")) rsputs(text); strlcpy(error_str, loc("Invalid HTTP header"), 256); xfree(text); return -1; } for (n = 0;; n++) { p = strstr(p, "ID:"); if (!p) break; p += 3; id = atoi(p); p = strstr(p, "MD5:"); if (!p) break; p += 4; if (n == 0) *md5_index = (MD5_INDEX *) xmalloc(sizeof(MD5_INDEX)); else *md5_index = (MD5_INDEX *) xrealloc(*md5_index, (n + 1) * sizeof(MD5_INDEX)); (*md5_index)[n].message_id = id; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sscanf(p + 2 * i, "%02X", &x); (*md5_index)[n].md5_digest[i] = (unsigned char) x; } } if (n == 0) { if (isparam("debug")) rsputs(text); if (strstr(text, "Login")) { strlcpy(error_str, loc("No user name supplied to access remote logbook"), 256); xfree(text); return -2; } else strlcpy(error_str, loc("Error accessing remote logbook"), 256); } xfree(text); return n; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int submit_message(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *host, int message_id, char *error_str) { int size, i, n, status, fh, port, sock, content_length, header_length, remote_id, n_attr, ssl; char str[256], file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; char subdir[256], param[256], remote_host_name[256], url[256], upwd[80]; char date[80], *text, in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256], *buffer; char *content, *p, boundary[80], request[10000], response[10000]; #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL *ssl_con = NULL; #else void *ssl_con = NULL; #endif text = (char *) xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); error_str[0] = 0; /* get message with attribute list devied from database */ size = TEXT_SIZE; status = el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, -1, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { xfree(text); strcpy(error_str, loc("Cannot read entry from local logbook")); return -1; } /* count attributes */ for (n_attr = 0; attr_list[n_attr][0]; n_attr++); combine_url(lbs, host, "", url, sizeof(url), &ssl); split_url(url, remote_host_name, &port, subdir, param); sock = elog_connect(remote_host_name, port); if (sock == -1) { sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot connect to host %s, port %d"), remote_host_name, port); return -1; } #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) if (ssl_connect(sock, &ssl_con) < 0) { strcpy(error_str, "Error initiating SSL connection\n"); SSL_free(ssl_con); return -1; } #endif content_length = 100000; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment[i][0]) { strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment[i], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment[i], sizeof(file_name)); fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fh); close(fh); } else size = 0; content_length += size; } content = (char *) xmalloc(content_length); /* compose content */ sprintf(boundary, "---------------------------%04X%04X%04X", rand(), rand(), rand()); strcpy(content, boundary); strcat(content, "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"cmd\"\r\n\r\nSubmit\r\n"); sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"mirror_id\"\r\n\r\n%d\r\n", boundary, message_id); if (isparam("unm")) { sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"unm\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, getparam("unm")); if (isparam("upwd")) strlcpy(upwd, getparam("upwd"), sizeof(upwd)); else get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), upwd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upwd\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, upwd); } if (in_reply_to[0]) sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"in_reply_to\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, in_reply_to); if (reply_to[0]) sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"reply_to\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, reply_to); for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, attr_list[i], attrib[i]); sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"entry_date\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, date); sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"encoding\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, encoding); sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Text\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, text, boundary); content_length = strlen(content); p = content + content_length; /* read attachments */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment[i][0]) { strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment[i], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment[i], sizeof(file_name)); fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fh); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = (char *) xmalloc(size); read(fh, buffer, size); close(fh); /* submit attachment */ sprintf(p, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attfile%d\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", i + 1, attachment[i]); content_length += strlen(p); p += strlen(p); memcpy(p, buffer, size); p += size; strcpy(p, boundary); strcat(p, "\r\n"); content_length += size + strlen(p); p += strlen(p); xfree(buffer); } } /* compose request */ strcpy(request, "POST "); if (subdir[0]) { if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(request, "/"); strcat(request, subdir); if (request[strlen(request) - 1] != '/') strcat(request, "/"); } strcat(request, " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s\r\n", boundary); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host_name); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "User-Agent: ELOGD\r\n"); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Length: %d\r\n", content_length); if (isparam("wpwd")) sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Cookie: wpwd=%s\r\n", getparam("wpwd")); strcat(request, "\r\n"); header_length = strlen(request); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, sock, request, header_length); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, sock, content, content_length); #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) /* receive response */ i = SSL_read(ssl_con, response, 10000); else #endif /* receive response */ i = recv(sock, response, 10000, 0); if (i < 0) { closesocket(sock); xfree(text); strcpy(error_str, "Cannot receive response"); #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) SSL_free(ssl_con); #endif return -1; } /* discard remainder of response */ n = i; while (i > 0) { i = recv(sock, response + n, 10000, 0); if (i > 0) n += i; } response[n] = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_con); SSL_free(ssl_con); } #endif closesocket(sock); remote_id = -1; /* check response status */ if (strstr(response, "302 Found")) { if (strstr(response, "Location:")) { if (strstr(response, "fail")) sprintf(error_str, "Invalid user name or password\n"); strlcpy(str, strstr(response, "Location:") + 9, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '\n')) *strchr(str, '\n') = 0; if (strchr(str, '?')) *strchr(str, '?') = 0; if (strrchr(str, '/')) remote_id = atoi(strrchr(str, '/') + 1); else remote_id = atoi(str); } } else if (strstr(response, "Logbook Selection")) sprintf(error_str, "No logbook specified\n"); else if (strstr(response, "enter password")) sprintf(error_str, "Missing or invalid password\n"); else if (strstr(response, "form name=form1")) sprintf(error_str, "Missing or invalid user name/password\n"); else if (strstr(response, "Error: Attribute")) { strncpy(str, strstr(response, "Error: Attribute") + 20, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '<')) *strchr(str, '<') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Missing required attribute \"%s\"\n", str); } else sprintf(error_str, "Error transmitting message\n"); if (error_str[0] && isparam("debug")) rsputs(response); xfree(text); if (error_str[0]) return -1; return remote_id; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int receive_message(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *url, int message_id, char *error_str, BOOL bnew) { int i, status, size, n_attr, header_size, ssl; char str[NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH], *p, *p2, *message, date[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], encoding[80], locked_by[256], attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], attachment_all[64 * MAX_ATTACHMENTS]; error_str[0] = 0; combine_url(lbs, url, "", str, sizeof(str), &ssl); sprintf(str + strlen(str), "%d?cmd=%s", message_id, loc("Download")); retrieve_url(lbs, str, ssl, &message, TRUE); if (message == NULL) { sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot receive \"%s\""), str); return -1; } p = strstr(message, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p == NULL) { if (isparam("debug")) rsputs(message); xfree(message); sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot receive \"%s\""), str); return -1; } p += 4; /* check for correct ID */ if (atoi(p + 8) != message_id) { if (isparam("debug")) rsputs(message); sprintf(error_str, loc("Received wrong entry id \"%d\""), atoi(p + 8)); xfree(message); return -1; } /* decode entry */ el_decode(p, "Date: ", date, sizeof(date)); el_decode_intlist(p, "Reply to: ", reply_to, sizeof(reply_to)); el_decode_int(p, "In reply to: ", in_reply_to, sizeof(in_reply_to)); /* derive attribute names from message */ for (i = 0;; i++) { el_enum_attr(p, i, attr_list[i], attrib[i]); if (!attr_list[i][0]) break; } n_attr = i; el_decode(p, "Attachment: ", attachment_all, sizeof(attachment_all)); el_decode(p, "Encoding: ", encoding, sizeof(encoding)); /* break apart attachements */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) attachment[i][0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { if (i == 0) p2 = strtok(attachment_all, ","); else p2 = strtok(NULL, ","); if (p2 != NULL) strcpy(attachment[i], p2); else break; } el_decode(p, "Locked by: ", locked_by, sizeof(locked_by)); if (locked_by[0]) { xfree(message); sprintf(error_str, loc("Entry #%d is locked on remote server"), message_id); return -1; } p = strstr(message, "========================================\n"); /* check for \n -> \r conversion (e.g. zipping/unzipping) */ if (p == NULL) p = strstr(message, "========================================\r"); if (p != NULL) { p += 41; /* remove last CR */ if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\n') p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; status = el_submit(lbs, message_id, !bnew, date, attr_list, attrib, n_attr, p, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, attachment, FALSE, "", NULL); xfree(message); if (status != message_id) { strlcpy(error_str, loc("Cannot save remote entry locally"), 256); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { if (attachment[i][0]) { combine_url(lbs, url, "", str, sizeof(str), &ssl); strlcpy(str2, attachment[i], sizeof(str2)); str2[13] = '/'; strlcat(str, str2, sizeof(str)); size = retrieve_url(lbs, str, ssl, &message, TRUE); p = strstr(message, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p == NULL) { xfree(message); sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot receive \"%s\""), str); return -1; } p += 4; header_size = p - message; el_submit_attachment(lbs, attachment[i], p, size - header_size, NULL); xfree(message); } } } else { xfree(message); return -1; } return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void submit_config(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *server, char *buffer, char *error_str) { int i, n, port, sock, content_length, header_length, ssl; char str[256], upwd[80]; char subdir[256], param[256], remote_host_name[256]; char *content, boundary[80], request[10000], response[10000]; #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL *ssl_con = NULL; #else void *ssl_con = NULL; #endif error_str[0] = 0; combine_url(lbs, server, "", str, sizeof(str), &ssl); split_url(str, remote_host_name, &port, subdir, param); sock = elog_connect(remote_host_name, port); if (sock == -1) { sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot connect to host %s, port %d"), remote_host_name, port); return; } #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) if (ssl_connect(sock, &ssl_con) < 0) { strlcpy(error_str, "Error initiating SSL connection\n", 256); return; } #endif content_length = 100000; content = (char *) xmalloc(content_length); /* compose content */ sprintf(boundary, "---------------------------%04X%04X%04X", rand(), rand(), rand()); strcpy(content, boundary); strcat(content, "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"cmd\"\r\n\r\nSave\r\n"); if (isparam("unm")) { sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"unm\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, getparam("unm")); if (isparam("upwd")) strlcpy(upwd, getparam("upwd"), sizeof(upwd)); else get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), upwd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upwd\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, upwd); } sprintf(content + strlen(content), "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Text\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n", boundary, buffer, boundary); content_length = strlen(content); /* compose request */ strcpy(request, "POST "); if (subdir[0]) { if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(request, "/"); strcat(request, subdir); if (request[strlen(request) - 1] != '/') strcat(request, "/"); } strcat(request, " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s\r\n", boundary); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host_name); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "User-Agent: ELOGD\r\n"); sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Length: %d\r\n", content_length); if (isparam("wpwd")) sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Cookie: wpwd=%s\r\n", getparam("wpwd")); strcat(request, "\r\n"); header_length = strlen(request); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, sock, request, header_length); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, sock, content, content_length); #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) /* receive response */ i = SSL_read(ssl_con, response, 10000); else #endif /* receive response */ i = recv(sock, response, 10000, 0); if (i < 0) { closesocket(sock); strlcpy(error_str, "Cannot receive response", 256); #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) SSL_free(ssl_con); #endif return; } /* discard remainder of response */ n = i; while (i > 0) { i = recv(sock, response + n, 10000, 0); if (i > 0) n += i; } response[n] = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (ssl) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_con); SSL_free(ssl_con); } #endif closesocket(sock); /* check response status */ if (strstr(response, "302 Found")) { if (strstr(response, "Location:")) { if (strstr(response, "fail")) strlcpy(error_str, "Invalid usr name or password\n", 256); } } else if (strstr(response, "Logbook Selection")) strlcpy(error_str, "No logbook specified\n", 256); else if (strstr(response, "enter password")) strlcpy(error_str, "Missing or invalid password\n", 256); else if (strstr(response, "form name=form1")) strlcpy(error_str, "Missing or invalid user name/password\n", 256); else if (strstr(response, "Error: Attribute")) { strncpy(str, strstr(response, "Error: Attribute") + 20, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '<')) *strchr(str, '<') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Missing required attribute \"%s\"\n", str); } else strlcpy(error_str, "Error transmitting message\n", 256); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void receive_config(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *server, char *error_str) { char str[256], pwd[256], *buffer, *p; int status, version, ssl; error_str[0] = 0; do { combine_url(lbs, server, "", str, sizeof(str), &ssl); if (lbs == NULL) strcat(str, "?cmd=GetConfig"); // request complete config file else strcat(str, "?cmd=Download"); // request config section of logbook if (retrieve_url(lbs, str, ssl, &buffer, TRUE) < 0) { *strchr(str, '?') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Cannot contact elogd server at http://%s", str); return; } /* check version */ p = strstr(buffer, "ELOG HTTP "); if (!p) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) puts(buffer); sprintf(error_str, "Remote server is not an ELOG server"); xfree(buffer); return; } version = atoi(p + 10) * 100 + atoi(p + 12) * 10 + atoi(p + 14); if (version < 254) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) puts(buffer); strlcpy(str, p + 10, 10); if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Incorrect remote ELOG server version %s, must be 2.5.4 or later", str); xfree(buffer); return; } /* evaluate status */ p = strchr(buffer, ' '); if (p == NULL) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) puts(buffer); xfree(buffer); *strchr(str, '?') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Received invalid response from elogd server at http%s://%s", ssl ? "s" : "", str); xfree(buffer); return; } p++; status = atoi(p); if (status == 401) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) puts(buffer); xfree(buffer); eprintf("Please enter password to access remote elogd server: "); fgets(pwd, sizeof(pwd), stdin); while (pwd[strlen(pwd) - 1] == '\n' || pwd[strlen(pwd) - 1] == '\r') pwd[strlen(pwd) - 1] = 0; } else if (status != 200) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) puts(buffer); xfree(buffer); *strchr(str, '?') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Received invalid response from elogd server at http%s://%s", ssl ? "s" : "", str); return; } } while (status != 200); p = strstr(buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p == NULL) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) puts(buffer); xfree(buffer); sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot receive \"%s\""), str); return; } p += 4; if (strstr(p, "[global]") == NULL) { strlcpy(error_str, p, 256); xfree(buffer); return; } if (lbs == NULL) { if (!save_config(p, str)) rsprintf("%s", str); } else { if (!save_admin_config(lbs->name, p, str)) rsprintf("%s", str); } xfree(buffer); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int adjust_config(char *url) { int fh, i, length; char *buf, *buf2, *p1, *p2; char str[256]; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); eputs(str); return 0; } /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = (char *) xmalloc(2 * length + 1000); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; /* add mirror server */ p1 = stristr(buf, "Mirror server ="); if (p1 != NULL) { p2 = strchr(p1, '\n'); if (p2 && *(p2 - 1) == '\r') p2--; } else { p1 = strstr(buf, "[global]"); if (p1 == NULL) { eputs("Cannot find [global] section in config file."); return 0; } p1 = strchr(p1, '\n'); while (*p1 == '\n' || *p1 == '\r') p1++; p2 = p1; } /* save tail */ buf2 = NULL; if (p2) buf2 = xstrdup(p2); sprintf(p1, "Mirror server = %s\r\n", url); strlcat(p1, buf2, length + 1000); xfree(buf2); eprintf("Option \"Mirror server = %s\" added to config file.\n", url); /* outcomment "URL = xxx" */ p1 = strstr(buf, "URL ="); if (p1 != NULL) { /* save tail */ buf2 = xstrdup(p1); /* add comment */ sprintf(p1, "; Following line has been outcommented after cloning\r\n"); strlcat(p1, "; ", length + 1000); strlcat(p1, buf2, length + 1000); xfree(buf2); eputs("Option \"URL = xxx\" has been outcommented from config file."); } adjust_crlf(buf, 2 * length + 1000); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); eputs(str); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void receive_pwdfile(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *server, char *error_str) { char str[256], url[256], pwd[256], *buffer, *buf, *p; int i, status, version, fh, ssl; error_str[0] = 0; do { combine_url(lbs, server, "", url, sizeof(url), &ssl); strlcpy(str, url, sizeof(str)); strcat(str, "?cmd=GetPwdFile"); // request password file if (retrieve_url(lbs, str, ssl, &buffer, TRUE) < 0) { *strchr(str, '?') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Cannot contact elogd server at http://%s", str); return; } /* check version */ p = strstr(buffer, "ELOG HTTP "); if (!p) { sprintf(error_str, "Remote server is not an ELOG server"); xfree(buffer); return; } version = atoi(p + 10) * 100 + atoi(p + 12) * 10 + atoi(p + 14); if (version < 254) { strlcpy(str, p + 10, 10); if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Incorrect remote ELOG server version %s, must be 2.5.4 or later", str); xfree(buffer); return; } /* evaluate status */ p = strchr(buffer, ' '); if (p == NULL) { xfree(buffer); *strchr(str, '?') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Received invalid response from elogd server at http://%s", str); xfree(buffer); return; } p++; status = atoi(p); if (status != 200 && status != 302 && status != 404) { xfree(buffer); *strchr(str, '?') = 0; sprintf(error_str, "Received invalid response from elogd server at http://%s", str); return; } p = strstr(buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p == NULL) { xfree(buffer); sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot receive \"%s\""), str); return; } p += 4; /* check for logbook access */ if (strstr(p, loc("Please login")) || strstr(p, "GetPwdFile") || status == 302) { if (strstr(buffer, "?fail=")) eprintf("\nInvalid username or password."); if (strstr(p, loc("Please login")) == NULL && strstr(p, "GetPwdFile") && isparam("unm")) eprintf("\nUser \"%s\" has no admin rights on remote server.", getparam("unm")); /* ask for username and password */ eprintf("\nPlease enter admin username to access\n%s: ", url); fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); while (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\r' || str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; setparam("unm", str); eprintf("\nPlease enter admin password to access\n%s: ", url); read_password(str, sizeof(str)); eprintf("\n"); while (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\r' || str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; do_crypt(str, pwd, sizeof(pwd)); setparam("upwd", pwd); status = 0; } } while (status != 200); get_password_file(lbs, str, sizeof(str)); fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), str); strcat(error_str, ": "); strcat(error_str, strerror(errno)); return; } buf = (char *) xmalloc(2 * strlen(p)); strlcpy(buf, p, 2 * strlen(p)); adjust_crlf(buf, 2 * strlen(p)); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(error_str, loc("Cannot write to %s"), str); strcat(error_str, ": "); strcat(error_str, strerror(errno)); close(fh); xfree(buf); xfree(buffer); return; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); xfree(buffer); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int save_md5(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *server, MD5_INDEX *md5_index, int n) { char str[256], url[256], file_name[256]; int i, j; FILE *f; combine_url(lbs, server, "", url, sizeof(url), NULL); url_decode(url); if (strstr(url, "http://")) strlcpy(str, url + 7, sizeof(str)); else if (strstr(url, "https://")) strlcpy(str, url + 8, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, url, sizeof(str)); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) if (strchr(":/\\ ", str[i])) str[i] = '_'; while (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '_') str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, ".md5", sizeof(file_name)); f = fopen(file_name, "wt"); if (f == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fprintf(f, "ID%d: ", md5_index[i].message_id); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) fprintf(f, "%02X", md5_index[i].md5_digest[j]); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int load_md5(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *server, MD5_INDEX **md5_index) { char str[256], url[256], file_name[256], *p; int i, j, x; FILE *f; *md5_index = NULL; combine_url(lbs, server, "", url, sizeof(url), NULL); url_decode(url); if (strstr(url, "http://")) strlcpy(str, url + 7, sizeof(str)); else if (strstr(url, "https://")) strlcpy(str, url + 8, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, url, sizeof(str)); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) if (strchr(":/\\ ", str[i])) str[i] = '_'; while (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '_') str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, ".md5", sizeof(file_name)); f = fopen(file_name, "rt"); if (f == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; !feof(f); i++) { str[0] = 0; fgets(str, sizeof(str), f); if (!str[0]) break; if (i == 0) *md5_index = (MD5_INDEX *) xcalloc(sizeof(MD5_INDEX), 1); else *md5_index = (MD5_INDEX *) xrealloc(*md5_index, sizeof(MD5_INDEX) * (i + 1)); p = str + 2; (*md5_index)[i].message_id = atoi(p); while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { sscanf(p + j * 2, "%02X", &x); (*md5_index)[i].md5_digest[j] = (unsigned char) x; } } fclose(f); return i; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL equal_md5(unsigned char m1[16], unsigned char m2[16]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (m1[i] != m2[i]) break; return i == 16; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SYNC_HTML 1 #define SYNC_CRON 2 #define SYNC_CLONE 3 void mprint(LOGBOOK *lbs, int mode, char *str) { char line[1000]; if (mode == SYNC_HTML) rsprintf("%s\n", str); else if (mode == SYNC_CRON) { if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(line, "MIRROR: %s", str); write_logfile(lbs, line); } } else eputs(str); } void synchronize_logbook(LOGBOOK *lbs, int mode, BOOL sync_all) { int index, i, j, i_msg, i_remote, i_cache, n_remote, n_cache, nserver, remote_id, exist_remote, exist_cache, message_id, max_id, ssl; int all_identical, n_delete; char str[2000], url[256], loc_ref[256], rem_ref[256], pwd[256], locked_by[256], draft[256]; MD5_INDEX *md5_remote, *md5_cache; char list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], error_str[256], *buffer; unsigned char digest[16]; if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror server", str, sizeof(str))) { show_error(loc("No mirror server defined in configuration file")); return; } nserver = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (index = 0; index < nserver; index++) { if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { rsprintf("%s", lbs->name_enc, lbs->name); else if (sync_all) sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", lbs->name_enc, lbs->name); else sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", lbs->name); sprintf(str, loc("Synchronizing logbook %s with server \"%s\""), loc_ref, list[index]); rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf("

      \n"); rsprintf("

            } else if (mode == SYNC_CLONE) {
               if (list[index][strlen(list[index]) - 1] != '/')
                  eprintf("\nRetrieving entries from \"%s/%s\"...\n", list[index], lbs->name);
                  eprintf("\nRetrieving entries from \"%s%s\"...\n", list[index], lbs->name);
            /* send partial return buffer */
            do {
               n_remote = retrieve_remote_md5(lbs, list[index], &md5_remote, error_str);
               if (n_remote <= 0) {
                  if ((n_remote == -2 || n_remote == -3) && mode == SYNC_CLONE) {
                     if (n_remote == -3)
                        eprintf("\nInvalid username or password.");
                     combine_url(lbs, list[index], "", url, sizeof(url), NULL);
                     /* ask for username and password */
                     eprintf("\nPlease enter username to access\n%s: ", url);
                     fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin);
                     while (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\r' || str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n')
                        str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0;
                     setparam("unm", str);
                     eprintf("\nPlease enter password to access\n%s: ", url);
                     read_password(str, sizeof(str));
                     while (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\r' || str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n')
                        str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0;
                     do_crypt(str, pwd, sizeof(pwd));
                     setparam("upwd", pwd);
                  } else {
                     mprint(lbs, mode, error_str);
                     if (md5_remote)
                     if (mode == SYNC_HTML)
      \n"); break; } } } while (n_remote <= 0); if (n_remote <= 0) continue; /* load local copy of remote MD5s from file */ n_cache = load_md5(lbs, list[index], &md5_cache); all_identical = TRUE; /*---- check for configuration file ----*/ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror config", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1 && md5_cache && mode != SYNC_CLONE) { load_config_section(lbs->name, &buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) mprint(lbs, mode, error_str); else { remove_crlf(buffer); MD5_checksum(buffer, strlen(buffer), digest); } /* compare MD5s */ if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { eprintf("CONFIG : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", digest[j]); eprintf("\nCache : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_cache[0].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\nRemote : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_remote[0].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\n\n"); } if (n_remote > 0) { /* if config has been changed on this server, but not remotely, send it */ if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[0].md5_digest, digest) && equal_md5(md5_cache[0].md5_digest, md5_remote[0].md5_digest)) { all_identical = FALSE; if (_logging_level > 1) write_logfile(lbs, "MIRROR send config"); /* submit configuration section */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { submit_config(lbs, list[index], buffer, error_str); if (error_str[0]) mprint(lbs, mode, error_str); else mprint(lbs, mode, "Local config submitted"); md5_cache[0].message_id = -1; } else mprint(lbs, mode, "Local config should be submitted"); } else /* if config has been changed remotely, but not on this server, receive it */ if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[0].md5_digest, md5_remote[0].md5_digest) && equal_md5(md5_cache[0].md5_digest, digest)) { all_identical = FALSE; if (_logging_level > 1) write_logfile(lbs, "MIRROR receive config"); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { receive_config(lbs, list[index], error_str); if (error_str[0]) mprint(lbs, mode, error_str); else mprint(lbs, mode, "Remote config received"); md5_cache[0].message_id = -1; } else mprint(lbs, mode, loc("Remote config should be received")); } else /* if config has been changed remotely and on this server, show conflict */ if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[0].md5_digest, md5_remote[0].md5_digest) && !equal_md5(md5_cache[0].md5_digest, digest) && !equal_md5(md5_remote[0].md5_digest, digest)) { if (_logging_level > 1) write_logfile(lbs, "MIRROR config conflict"); sprintf(str, "%s. ", loc("Configuration has been changed locally and remotely")); strcat(str, loc("Please merge manually to resolve conflict")); strcat(str, "."); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } else { /* configs are identical */ md5_cache[0].message_id = -1; } } else { /* n_remote == 0 */ sprintf(str, loc("Logbook \"%s\" does not exist on remote server"), lbs->name); mprint(lbs, mode, str); continue; } flush_return_buffer(); if (buffer) xfree(buffer); } /*---- loop through logbook entries ----*/ n_delete = 0; for (i_msg = 0; i_msg < *lbs->n_el_index; i_msg++) { message_id = lbs->el_index[i_msg].message_id; /* check if message is locked */ el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, locked_by, draft); if (locked_by[0]) { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Entry is locked on local server and therefore skipped")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); all_identical = FALSE; continue; } /* look for message id in MD5s */ for (i_remote = 0; i_remote < n_remote; i_remote++) if (md5_remote[i_remote].message_id == message_id) break; exist_remote = i_remote < n_remote; for (i_cache = 0; i_cache < n_cache; i_cache++) if (md5_cache[i_cache].message_id == message_id) break; exist_cache = i_cache < n_cache; /* if message exists in both lists, compare MD5s */ if (exist_remote && exist_cache) { /* compare MD5s */ if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { eprintf("ID%-5d: ", message_id); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\nCache : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\nRemote : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\n\n"); } /* if message has been changed on this server, but not remotely, send it */ if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest) && equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest)) { all_identical = FALSE; if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR send entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } /* submit local message */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { submit_message(lbs, list[index], message_id, error_str); /* not that submit_message() may have changed attr_list !!! */ if (error_str[0]) sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Error sending local entry"), error_str); else sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Local entry submitted")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); md5_cache[i_cache].message_id = -1; } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Local entry should be submitted")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } else /* if message has been changed remotely, but not on this server, receive it */ if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest) && equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest)) { all_identical = FALSE; if (mode == SYNC_CLONE) { eprintf("ID%d:\t", message_id); } else if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { if (getcfg_topgroup()) rsprintf("ID%d:\t", lbs->name_enc, message_id, message_id); else if (sync_all) rsprintf("ID%d:\t", lbs->name_enc, message_id, message_id); else rsprintf("ID%d:\t", message_id, message_id); flush_return_buffer(); } if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR receive entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { receive_message(lbs, list[index], message_id, error_str, FALSE); if (error_str[0]) { sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Error receiving message"), error_str); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } else if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { rsprintf("%s\n", loc("Remote entry received")); } else if (mode == SYNC_CLONE) { eprintf("%s\n", loc("Remote entry received")); } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Remote entry received")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } if (!error_str[0]) md5_cache[i_cache].message_id = -1; } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Remote entry should be received")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } else /* if message has been changed remotely and on this server, show conflict */ if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest) && !equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest) && !equal_md5(md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest, lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest)) { all_identical = FALSE; if (mode == SYNC_CLONE) { eprintf("Warning: Entry #%d has been changed locally and remotely, will not be retrieved\n", message_id); } else { if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR conflict entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } combine_url(lbs, list[index], "", str, sizeof(str), NULL); if (getcfg_topgroup()) sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", lbs->name_enc, message_id, loc("local")); else if (sync_all) sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", lbs->name_enc, message_id, loc("local")); else sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", message_id, loc("local")); sprintf(rem_ref, "%s", str, message_id, loc("remote")); sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s. ", message_id, loc("Entry has been changed locally and remotely")); sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Please delete %s or %s entry to resolve conflict"), loc_ref, rem_ref); strcat(str, "."); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } else { /* messages are identical */ md5_cache[i_cache].message_id = -1; } } if (exist_cache && !exist_remote) { /* if message has been changed locally, send it */ if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest)) { /* compare MD5s */ if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { eprintf("ID%-5d: ", message_id); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\nCache : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\nRemote : none"); eprintf("\n\n"); } all_identical = FALSE; if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR send entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } /* submit local message */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { submit_message(lbs, list[index], message_id, error_str); /* not that submit_message() may have changed attr_list !!! */ if (error_str[0]) sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Error sending local message"), error_str); else sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Local entry submitted")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); md5_cache[i_cache].message_id = -1; } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Local entry should be submitted")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } else { /* if message exists only in cache, but not remotely, it must have been deleted remotely, so remove it locally */ if (!isparam("confirm") && mode == SYNC_HTML) { combine_url(lbs, list[index], "", str, sizeof(str), NULL); if (getcfg_topgroup()) sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", lbs->name_enc, message_id, loc("local")); else if (sync_all) sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", lbs->name_enc, message_id, loc("Local entry")); else sprintf(loc_ref, "%s", message_id, loc("Local entry")); sprintf(str, loc("%s should be deleted"), loc_ref); rsprintf("ID%d:\t%s\n", message_id, str); n_delete++; } if (!isparam("confirm") && mode == SYNC_CLONE) { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Entry should be deleted locally")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } else { all_identical = FALSE; if (mode == SYNC_CLONE) { el_delete_message(lbs, message_id, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Entry deleted locally")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); /* message got deleted from local message list, so redo current index */ i_msg--; } else { if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR delete local entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { el_delete_message(lbs, message_id, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Entry deleted locally")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); /* message got deleted from local message list, so redo current index */ i_msg--; } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Entry should be deleted locally")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } /* mark message non-conflicting */ md5_cache[i_cache].message_id = -1; } } } /* if message does not exist in cache and remotely, it must be new, so send it */ if (!exist_cache && !exist_remote) { all_identical = FALSE; if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR send entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } remote_id = 0; if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { remote_id = submit_message(lbs, list[index], message_id, error_str); if (error_str[0]) sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Error sending local entry"), error_str); else if (remote_id != message_id) sprintf(str, "Error: Submitting entry #%d resulted in remote entry #%d\n", message_id, remote_id); else sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Local entry submitted")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Local entry should be submitted")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } /* if message does not exist in cache but remotely, messages were added on both sides, so resubmit local one and retrieve remote one if messages are different */ if (!exist_cache && exist_remote && !equal_md5(md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest, lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest)) { /* compare MD5s */ if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { eprintf("ID%-5d: ", message_id); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", lbs->el_index[i_msg].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\nCache : none"); eprintf("\nRemote : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\n\n"); } all_identical = FALSE; /* find max id both locally and remotely */ max_id = 1; for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id > max_id) max_id = lbs->el_index[i].message_id; for (i = 0; i < n_remote; i++) if (md5_remote[i].message_id > max_id) max_id = md5_remote[i].message_id; if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR change entry #%d to #%d", message_id, max_id + 1); write_logfile(lbs, str); } /* rearrange local message not to conflict with remote message */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { el_move_message(lbs, message_id, max_id + 1); sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t", message_id); sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Changed local entry ID to %d"), max_id + 1); mprint(lbs, mode, str); /* current message has been changed, so start over */ i_msg--; } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t", message_id); sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Local entry ID should be changed to %d"), max_id + 1); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } flush_return_buffer(); } /* go through remote message which do not exist locally */ for (i_remote = 0; i_remote < n_remote; i_remote++) if (md5_remote[i_remote].message_id) { message_id = md5_remote[i_remote].message_id; for (i_msg = 0; i_msg < *lbs->n_el_index; i_msg++) if (message_id == lbs->el_index[i_msg].message_id) break; if (i_msg == *lbs->n_el_index) { for (i_cache = 0; i_cache < n_cache; i_cache++) if (md5_cache[i_cache].message_id == message_id) break; exist_cache = i_cache < n_cache; if (!exist_cache) { all_identical = FALSE; if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { if (getcfg_topgroup()) rsprintf("ID%d:\t", lbs->name_enc, message_id, message_id); else if (sync_all) rsprintf("ID%d:\t", lbs->name_enc, message_id, message_id); else rsprintf("ID%d:\t", message_id, message_id); flush_return_buffer(); } else if (mode == SYNC_CLONE) { eprintf("ID%d:\t", message_id); } /* if message does not exist locally and in cache, it is new, so retrieve it */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { receive_message(lbs, list[index], message_id, error_str, TRUE); if (error_str[0]) { sprintf(str, "Error receiving message: %s", error_str); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } else if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { rsprintf("%s\n", loc("Remote entry received")); } else if (mode == SYNC_CLONE) { eprintf("%s\n", loc("Remote entry received")); } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Remote entry received")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Remote entry should be received")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } else { if (!equal_md5(md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest, md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest)) { /* compare MD5s */ if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { eprintf("ID-%5: none", message_id); eprintf("\nCache : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_cache[i_cache].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\nRemote : "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) eprintf("%02X", md5_remote[i_remote].md5_digest[j]); eprintf("\n\n"); } all_identical = FALSE; /* if message has changed remotely, receive it */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { receive_message(lbs, list[index], message_id, error_str, TRUE); if (error_str[0]) { sprintf(str, "Error receiving message: %s", error_str); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } else if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { if (getcfg_topgroup()) rsprintf("ID%d:\t", lbs->name_enc, message_id, message_id); else if (sync_all) rsprintf("ID%d:\t", lbs->name_enc, message_id, message_id); else rsprintf("ID%d:\t", message_id, message_id); rsprintf("%s\n", loc("Remote entry received")); } } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Remote entry should be received")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } else { /* if message does not exist locally but in cache, delete remote message */ all_identical = FALSE; if (!isparam("confirm") && mode == SYNC_HTML) { combine_url(lbs, list[index], "", str, sizeof(str), NULL); sprintf(rem_ref, "%s", str, message_id, loc("Remote entry")); sprintf(str, loc("%s should be deleted"), rem_ref); rsprintf("ID%d:\t%s\n", message_id, str); n_delete++; } else if (!isparam("confirm") && mode == SYNC_CLONE) { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Entry should be deleted remotely")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } else { if (_logging_level > 1) { sprintf(str, "MIRROR delete remote entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } sprintf(str, "%d?cmd=%s&confirm=%s", message_id, loc("Delete"), loc("Yes")); combine_url(lbs, list[index], str, url, sizeof(url), &ssl); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { retrieve_url(lbs, url, ssl, &buffer, TRUE); if (strstr(buffer, "Location: ")) { if (mode == SYNC_HTML) rsprintf("ID%d:\t%s\n", message_id, loc("Entry deleted remotely")); } else { if (mode == SYNC_HTML && isparam("debug")) rsputs(buffer); mprint(lbs, mode, loc("Error deleting remote entry")); } md5_cache[i_cache].message_id = -1; xfree(buffer); } else { sprintf(str, "ID%d:\t%s", message_id, loc("Entry should be deleted remotely")); mprint(lbs, mode, str); } } } } } flush_return_buffer(); } xfree(md5_remote); /* save remote MD5s in file */ if (!all_identical) { n_remote = retrieve_remote_md5(lbs, list[index], &md5_remote, error_str); if (n_remote < 0) rsprintf("%s\n", error_str); /* keep conflicting messages in cache */ for (i = 0; i < n_cache; i++) if (md5_cache[i].message_id != -1) { if (i == 0) memcpy(md5_remote[0].md5_digest, md5_cache[0].md5_digest, 16); else for (j = 0; j < n_remote; j++) if (md5_remote[j].message_id == md5_cache[i].message_id) { memcpy(md5_remote[j].md5_digest, md5_cache[i].md5_digest, 16); break; } } if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror simulate", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) save_md5(lbs, list[index], md5_remote, n_remote); if (md5_remote) xfree(md5_remote); } if (md5_cache) xfree(md5_cache); if (mode == SYNC_HTML && n_delete) { if (getcfg_topgroup()) rsprintf("
      ", lbs->name_enc); else if (sync_all) rsprintf("
      ", lbs->name_enc); else rsprintf("
      ", lbs->name_enc); if (n_delete > 1) rsprintf(loc("Click here to delete %d entries"), n_delete); else rsprintf(loc("Click here to delete this entry")); rsprintf("\n"); } if (mode == SYNC_HTML && all_identical) rsprintf(loc("All entries identical")); if (mode == SYNC_CLONE && all_identical) mprint(lbs, mode, loc("All entries identical")); if (mode == SYNC_HTML) rsprintf("\n"); } flush_return_buffer(); keep_alive = FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void synchronize(LOGBOOK *lbs, int mode) { int i; char str[256], pwd[256]; if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { show_html_header(NULL, FALSE, loc("Synchronization"), TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("\n"); } if (lbs == NULL) { for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "mirror server", str, sizeof(str))) { if (exist_top_group() && getcfg_topgroup()) if (lb_list[i].top_group[0] && !strieq(lb_list[i].top_group, getcfg_topgroup())) continue; /* skip if excluded */ if (getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Mirror exclude", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) continue; /* if called by cron, set user name and password */ if (mode == SYNC_CRON && getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "mirror user", str, sizeof(str))) { if (get_user_line(&lb_list[i], str, pwd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == EL_SUCCESS) { setparam("unm", str); setparam("upwd", pwd); } } synchronize_logbook(&lb_list[i], mode, TRUE); } } else synchronize_logbook(lbs, mode, FALSE); if (mode == SYNC_HTML) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Back")); rsprintf("

      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); flush_return_buffer(); keep_alive = FALSE; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_line(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, int number, char *mode, int expand, int level, BOOL printable, int n_line, int show_attachments, int show_att_column, char *date, char *in_reply_to, char *reply_to, int n_attr_disp, char disp_attr[MAX_N_ATTR + 4][NAME_LENGTH], BOOL disp_attr_link[MAX_N_ATTR + 4], char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], int n_attr, char *text, BOOL show_text, char attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], char *encoding, BOOL select, int *n_display, char *locked_by, int highlight, regex_t *re_buf, int highlight_mid, int absolute_link, char *draft) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], ref[256], *nowrap, rowstyle[80], tdstyle[80], format[256], file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], *slist, *svalue, comment[256], param[80], subdir[256]; char display[NAME_LENGTH], attr_icon[80]; int i, j, n, i_line, index, colspan, n_attachments, line_len, thumb_status, max_line_len, n_lines, max_n_lines; BOOL skip_comma; FILE *f; struct tm *pts; time_t ltime; slist = (char *) xmalloc((MAX_N_ATTR + 10) * NAME_LENGTH); svalue = (char *) xmalloc((MAX_N_ATTR + 10) * NAME_LENGTH); _current_message_id = message_id; ref[0] = 0; if (absolute_link) compose_base_url(lbs, ref, sizeof(ref), FALSE); sprintf(ref + strlen(ref), "../%s/%d", lbs->name_enc, message_id); if (strieq(mode, "Summary")) { if (draft && draft[0]) strcpy(rowstyle, "listdraft"); else if (highlight_mid == message_id) { if (number % 2 == 1) strcpy(rowstyle, "list1h"); else strcpy(rowstyle, "list2h"); } else { if (number % 2 == 1) strcpy(rowstyle, "list1"); else strcpy(rowstyle, "list2"); } } else if (strieq(mode, "Full")) { if (highlight_mid == message_id) strcpy(rowstyle, "list1h"); else strcpy(rowstyle, "list1"); } else if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { if (draft && draft[0]) strcpy(rowstyle, "threaddraft"); else if (highlight) { if (highlight == message_id) strcpy(rowstyle, "thread"); else strcpy(rowstyle, "threadreply"); } else { if (highlight_mid == message_id) { if (level == 0) strcpy(rowstyle, "threadh"); else strcpy(rowstyle, "threadreply"); } else { if (level == 0) strcpy(rowstyle, "thread"); else strcpy(rowstyle, "threadreply"); } } } rsprintf(""); /* check attributes for row style */ for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { if (attrib[i][0] == 0) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Style %s \"\"", attr_list[i]); else snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Style %s %s", attr_list[i], attrib[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, display, sizeof(display))) { sprintf(str, "%s\" style=\"%s", rowstyle, display); strlcpy(rowstyle, str, sizeof(rowstyle)); break; } } /* only single cell for threaded display */ if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { rsprintf("", rowstyle); if (locked_by && locked_by[0]) { sprintf(str, "%s %s", loc("Entry is currently edited by"), locked_by); rsprintf("\"%s\" ", str, str); } /* show select box */ if (select && level == 0) rsprintf("\n", (*n_display)++, message_id); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) rsprintf("   "); /* display "+" if expandable */ if (expand == 0 && (reply_to[0] || in_reply_to[0])) rsprintf("+ "); } nowrap = printable ? "" : "nowrap"; skip_comma = FALSE; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "List conditions", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) evaluate_conditions(lbs, attrib); if (strieq(mode, "Threaded") && getcfg(lbs->name, "Thread display", display, sizeof(display))) { /* check if to use icon from attributes */ attr_icon[0] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Thread icon", attr_icon, sizeof(attr_icon))) { for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) if (strieq(attr_list[i], attr_icon)) break; if (i < n_attr && attrib[i][0]) strcpy(attr_icon, attrib[i]); else attr_icon[0] = 0; } if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("\n", ref); if (attr_icon[0]) rsprintf("\n\"%s\"\n ", attr_icon, attr_icon, attr_icon); else { /* display standard icons */ if (level == 0) rsprintf("\n\"%s\"\n ", loc("Entry"), loc("Entry")); else rsprintf("\n\"%s\"\n ", loc("Reply"), loc("Reply")); } if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("\n"); j = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list((char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "message id", str, &j); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &j, 0); strsubst_list(display, sizeof(display), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, j); if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("\n\n", ref); else rsprintf("\n"); if (is_html(display) && !is_script(display) && html_allowed(lbs)) rsputs(display); else rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, display); rsputs(" "); for (i = n = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment && attachment[i][0]) n++; if (n > 5) { if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("", ref); rsprintf("%dx", n); rsprintf(""); } else { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment && attachment[i][0]) { strlcpy(str, attachment[i], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; sprintf(ref, "../%s/%s/%s", lbs->name, str, attachment[i] + 14); url_encode(ref, sizeof(ref)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ rsprintf("", ref); rsprintf ("\"%s\"", attachment[i] + 14, attachment[i] + 14); } } if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("\n", ref); else rsprintf("\n"); } else { /* show select box */ if (select && !strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { rsprintf("", rowstyle); rsprintf("\n", (*n_display)++, message_id); rsprintf("\n"); } if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("\n\n", ref); else rsprintf("\n"); } skip_comma = TRUE; for (index = 0; index < n_attr_disp; index++) { if (strieq(disp_attr[index], loc("ID"))) { if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { if (level == 0) rsprintf("\n\"%s\" ", loc("Entry"), loc("Entry")); else rsprintf("\n\"%s\" ", loc("Reply"), loc("Reply")); } else { rsprintf("", rowstyle); if (locked_by && locked_by[0]) { sprintf(str, "%s %s", loc("Entry is currently edited by"), locked_by); rsprintf("\n\"%s\" ", str, str); } if (draft && draft[0]) { strlcpy(display, loc("Draft"), sizeof(display)); } else { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "ID display", display, sizeof(display))) { j = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list((char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "message id", str, &j); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &j, 0); strsubst_list(display, sizeof(display), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, j); } else sprintf(display, "%d", message_id); } rsprintf("\n  %s  \n", ref, display); rsprintf("\n"); } } if (strieq(disp_attr[index], loc("Logbook"))) { if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { if (skip_comma) { rsprintf(" %s", lbs->name); skip_comma = FALSE; } else rsprintf(", %s", lbs->name); } else { if (disp_attr_link == NULL || disp_attr_link[index]) rsprintf("\n%s\n", rowstyle, nowrap, ref, lbs->name); else rsprintf("\n%s\n", rowstyle, nowrap, lbs->name); } } if (strieq(disp_attr[index], loc("Edit"))) { if (!strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { rsprintf("\n", rowstyle, nowrap, ref, loc("Edit")); rsprintf("\n\"%s\"\n", loc("Edit entry"), loc("Edit entry")); } } if (strieq(disp_attr[index], loc("Delete"))) { if (!strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { rsprintf("\n", rowstyle, nowrap, ref, loc("Delete")); rsprintf("\n\"%s\"\n", loc("Delete entry"), loc("Delete entry")); } } if (strieq(disp_attr[index], loc("Date"))) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = date_to_ltime(date); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { if (skip_comma) { rsprintf(" %s", str); skip_comma = FALSE; } else rsprintf(", %s", str); } else { if (disp_attr_link == NULL || disp_attr_link[index]) rsprintf("\n%s\n", rowstyle, nowrap, ref, str); else rsprintf("\n%s\n", rowstyle, nowrap, str); } } for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) if (strieq(disp_attr[index], attr_list[i])) { /* check attributes for cell style */ strlcpy(tdstyle, rowstyle, sizeof(tdstyle)); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Cell Style %s %s", attr_list[i], attrib[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, display, sizeof(display))) { sprintf(str, "%s\" style=\"%s", rowstyle, display); strlcpy(tdstyle, str, sizeof(rowstyle)); } if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean")) { if (atoi(attrib[i]) == 1) { if (skip_comma) { rsprintf(" "); skip_comma = FALSE; } else rsprintf(", "); if (is_html(attrib[i]) && !is_script(attrib[i]) && html_allowed(lbs)) rsputs(attrib[i]); else rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, attrib[i]); rsprintf(" "); } } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { if (skip_comma) { rsprintf(" "); skip_comma = FALSE; } else rsprintf(", "); sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); rsputs(str); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { if (skip_comma) { rsprintf(" "); skip_comma = FALSE; } else rsprintf(", "); sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); rsputs(str); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", attrib[i]); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); if (!comment[0]) strcpy(comment, attrib[i]); if (attrib[i][0]) rsprintf(" \n\"%s\" ", attrib[i], comment, comment); } else { if (skip_comma) { rsprintf(" "); skip_comma = FALSE; } else rsprintf(", "); if (is_html(attrib[i]) && !is_script(attrib[i]) && html_allowed(lbs)) rsputs(attrib[i]); else rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, attrib[i]); } } else { if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean")) { if (atoi(attrib[i]) == 1) rsprintf("\n\n", tdstyle); else rsprintf("\n\n", tdstyle); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); if (disp_attr_link == NULL || disp_attr_link[index]) rsprintf("\n%s\n", tdstyle, nowrap, ref, str); else rsprintf("\n%s\n", tdstyle, nowrap, str); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); if (disp_attr_link == NULL || disp_attr_link[index]) rsprintf("\n%s\n", tdstyle, nowrap, ref, str); else rsprintf("\n%s\n", tdstyle, nowrap, str); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { rsprintf("", rowstyle); sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", attrib[i]); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); if (!comment[0]) strcpy(comment, attrib[i]); if (attrib[i][0]) rsprintf("\n\"%s\"", attrib[i], comment, comment); rsprintf(" "); } else { rsprintf("", tdstyle); if (disp_attr_link == NULL || disp_attr_link[index]) rsprintf("", ref); sprintf(str, "List Change %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, display, sizeof(display))) { j = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list((char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "message id", str, &j); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &j, 0); strsubst_list(display, sizeof(display), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, j); } else strcpy(display, attrib[i]); if (is_html(display) && !is_script(display) && html_allowed(lbs)) rsputs(display); else { if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { highlight_searchtext(re_buf + 1 + i, display, str, TRUE); strlcpy(display, str, sizeof(display)); } else if (isparam("subtext") && isparam("sall") && atoi(getparam("sall"))) { highlight_searchtext(re_buf, display, str, TRUE); strlcpy(display, str, sizeof(display)); } rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, display); } if (disp_attr_link == NULL || disp_attr_link[index]) rsprintf(""); /* at least one space to produce non-empty table cell */ if (!display[0]) rsprintf(" "); rsprintf(""); } } } } if (strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { rsputs(" "); for (i = n = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment && attachment[i][0]) n++; if (n > 5) { if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("", ref); rsprintf("%dx", n); rsprintf(""); } else { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment && attachment[i][0]) { strlcpy(str, attachment[i], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; sprintf(ref, "../%s/%s/%s", lbs->name, str, attachment[i] + 14); url_encode(ref, sizeof(ref)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ rsprintf("", ref); rsprintf ("\"%s\"", attachment[i] + 14, attachment[i] + 14); } } if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); } } if (strieq(mode, "Threaded") && expand > 1 && show_text) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf(""); if (expand == 2) { for (i = i_line = line_len = 0; i < (int) sizeof(str) - 1; i++, line_len++) { str[i] = text[i]; if (line_break(text + i, encoding)) { i_line++; line_len = 0; } else /* limit line length to 150 characters */ if (line_len > 150 && text[i] == ' ') { str[i] = '\n'; i_line++; line_len = 0; } if (i_line == n_line) break; } str[i] = 0; /* only show text, not to rip apart HTML documents, e.g. only the start of a table */ if (strieq(encoding, "HTML")) strip_html(str); if (str[0]) strencode_nouml(str); else rsputs(" "); } else { if (strieq(encoding, "plain")) { rsputs("

                  if (text[0])
                     rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, text);
                     rsputs(" ");
      "); } else if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) rsputs_elcode(lbs, FALSE, text); else if (text[0]) rsputs(text); else rsputs(" "); } rsprintf("\n"); } if (strieq(mode, "Summary") && n_line > 0 && show_text) { rsprintf(""); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Summary line length", param, sizeof(param))) max_line_len = atoi(param); else max_line_len = n_line >= 10 ? 140 : 40; for (i = i_line = line_len = 0; i < (int) sizeof(str) - 1; line_len++, i++) { str[i] = text[i]; if (line_break(text + i, encoding)) { i_line++; line_len = 0; } else /* limit line length to max_line_len characters */ if (line_len > max_line_len && text[i] == ' ') { str[i] = '\n'; i_line++; line_len = 0; } if (i_line == n_line) break; } str[i] = 0; /* only show text, not to rip apart HTML documents, e.g. only the start of a table */ if (strieq(encoding, "HTML")) strip_html(str); if (str[0]) strencode_nouml(str); else rsputs(" "); rsputs("\n"); } if (show_att_column) { /* show attachment icons */ rsputs(" "); for (i = n = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment && attachment[i][0]) n++; if (n > 5) { if (highlight != message_id) rsprintf("", ref); rsprintf("%dx", n); rsprintf(""); } else { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment && attachment[i][0]) { strlcpy(str, attachment[i], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; sprintf(ref, "../%s/%s/%s", lbs->name, str, attachment[i] + 14); url_encode(ref, sizeof(ref)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ rsprintf("", ref); rsprintf ("\"%s\"", attachment[i] + 14, attachment[i] + 14); } } rsputs(" "); } colspan = n_attr_disp; if (select) colspan++; if (strieq(mode, "Full") && show_text) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) { rsprintf("", colspan); if (strieq(encoding, "plain")) { rsputs("
                  rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, text);
      "); } else if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) rsputs_elcode(lbs, FALSE, text); else rsputs(text); rsprintf("\n"); } /* count number of attachments */ n_attachments = 0; if (show_attachments) { for (index = 0; index < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; index++) { if (attachment[index][0]) { /* check if attachment is inlined */ sprintf(str, "[img]elog:/%d[/img]", index + 1); if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode") && stristr(text, str)) continue; n_attachments++; } } } for (index = 0; index < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; index++) { if (show_attachments && attachment[index][0]) { /* check if attachment is inlined */ if (is_inline_attachment(encoding, message_id, text, index, attachment[index])) continue; strlcpy(str, attachment[index], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; sprintf(ref, "../%s/%s/%s", lbs->name, str, attachment[index] + 14); url_encode(ref, sizeof(ref)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment[index], sizeof(file_name)); thumb_status = create_thumbnail(lbs, file_name); if (!show_attachments) { rsprintf("%s     ", ref, attachment[index] + 14); } else { if (thumb_status) { rsprintf ("%s %d: %s\n", colspan, loc("Attachment"), index + 1, ref, attachment[index] + 14); if (show_attachments) { rsprintf("\n", colspan); if (thumb_status == 2) { for (i = 0;; i++) { strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(str, ".pdf") || chkext(str, ".ps")) if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; sprintf(str + strlen(str), "-%d.png", i); if (file_exist(str)) { strlcpy(str, ref, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; sprintf(str + strlen(str), "-%d.png", i); rsprintf("\n", index + 1, ref); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", str, attachment[index] + 14, attachment[index] + 14); } else break; } } else { rsprintf("\n", index + 1, ref); strlcpy(str, ref, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(str, ".pdf") || chkext(str, ".ps")) if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; strlcat(str, ".png", sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", str, attachment[index] + 14, attachment[index] + 14); } rsprintf("\n\n"); } } else { if (is_image(attachment[index])) { rsprintf ("%s %d: %s\n", colspan, loc("Attachment"), index + 1, ref, attachment[index] + 14); if (show_attachments) { rsprintf(""); rsprintf("", colspan); rsprintf("\"%s\"", ref, attachment[index] + 14, attachment[index] + 14); rsprintf("\n"); } } else { rsprintf ("%s %d: %s\n", colspan, loc("Attachment"), index + 1, ref, attachment[index] + 14); strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment[index], sizeof(file_name)); if (is_ascii(file_name) && !chkext(attachment[index], ".PS") && !chkext(attachment[index], ".PDF") && !chkext(attachment[index], ".EPS") && !chkext(attachment[index], ".SVG") && !chkext(attachment[index], ".HTM") && !chkext(attachment[index], ".HTML") && show_attachments) { rsprintf("\n"); /* display attachment */ rsprintf("\n", colspan); /* anchor for references */ rsprintf("\n", index + 1); /* display attachment */ if (!chkext(attachment[index], ".HTML")) rsprintf("
                              strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name));
                              generate_subdir_name(attachment[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir));
                              strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name));
                              strlcat(file_name, attachment[index], sizeof(file_name));
                              f = fopen(file_name, "rt");
                              n_lines = 0;
                              if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Attachment lines", str, sizeof(str)))
                                 max_n_lines = atoi(str);
                                 max_n_lines = 300;
                              if (f != NULL) {
                                 while (!feof(f)) {
                                    str[0] = 0;
                                    fgets(str, sizeof(str), f);
                                    if (n_lines < max_n_lines) {
                                       if (!chkext(attachment[index], ".HTML"))
                                          rsputs2(lbs, absolute_link, str);
                              if (!chkext(attachment[index], ".HTML"))
      "); rsprintf("\n"); if (max_n_lines == 0) rsprintf("%d lines\n", n_lines); else if (n_lines > max_n_lines) rsprintf("... %d more lines ...\n", n_lines - max_n_lines); } rsprintf("\n"); } } } } } } xfree(slist); xfree(svalue); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_reply(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, int printable, int expand, int n_line, int n_attr_disp, char disp_attr[MAX_N_ATTR + 4][NAME_LENGTH], BOOL show_text, int level, int highlight, regex_t *re_buf, int highlight_mid, int absolute_link) { char *date, *text, *in_reply_to, *reply_to, *encoding, *attachment, *locked_by, *draft, *attrib, *p; int status, size; text = (char *) xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); attachment = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_PATH_LENGTH * MAX_ATTACHMENTS); attrib = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); date = (char *) xmalloc(80); in_reply_to = (char *) xmalloc(80); reply_to = (char *) xmalloc(256); encoding = (char *) xmalloc(80); locked_by = (char *) xmalloc(256); draft = (char *) xmalloc(256); if (draft == NULL) return; reply_to[0] = 0; size = TEXT_SIZE; status = el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, (char (*)[256]) attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS || draft[0]) { xfree(text); xfree(attachment); xfree(attrib); xfree(date); xfree(in_reply_to); xfree(reply_to); xfree(encoding); xfree(locked_by); xfree(draft); return; } display_line(lbs, message_id, 0, "threaded", expand, level, printable, n_line, FALSE, FALSE, date, in_reply_to, reply_to, n_attr_disp, disp_attr, NULL, (char (*)[1500]) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, show_text, (char (*)[256]) attachment, encoding, 0, NULL, locked_by, highlight, &re_buf[0], highlight_mid, absolute_link, draft); if (reply_to[0]) { p = reply_to; do { display_reply(lbs, atoi(p), printable, expand, n_line, n_attr_disp, disp_attr, show_text, level + 1, highlight, &re_buf[0], highlight_mid, absolute_link); while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; while (*p && (*p == ',' || *p == ' ')) p++; } while (*p); } xfree(text); xfree(attachment); xfree(attrib); xfree(date); xfree(in_reply_to); xfree(reply_to); xfree(encoding); xfree(locked_by); xfree(draft); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int msg_compare(const void *m1, const void *m2) { return strcoll(((MSG_LIST *) m1)->string, ((MSG_LIST *) m2)->string); } int msg_compare_reverse(const void *m1, const void *m2) { return strcoll(((MSG_LIST *) m2)->string, ((MSG_LIST *) m1)->string); } int msg_compare_numeric(const void *m1, const void *m2) { return ((MSG_LIST *) m1)->number - ((MSG_LIST *) m2)->number; } int msg_compare_reverse_numeric(const void *m1, const void *m2) { return ((MSG_LIST *) m2)->number - ((MSG_LIST *) m1)->number; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *param_in_str(char *str, char *param) { char *p; p = str; do { if (stristr(p, param) == NULL) return NULL; p = stristr(p, param); /* if parameter not followed by '=', skip it */ if (*(p + strlen(param)) != '=') { p += strlen(param); continue; } /* if parameter is value of another parameter, skip it */ if (p > str + 1 && *(p - 1) == '=') { p += strlen(param); continue; } if (*p == 0) return NULL; return p; } while (1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL subst_param(char *str, int size, char *param, char *value) { int len; char *p1, *p2, *s, param_enc[256], str2[256]; strlcpy(param_enc, param, sizeof(param_enc)); url_slash_encode(param_enc, sizeof(param_enc)); if (!value[0]) { /* remove parameter */ s = param_in_str(str, param_enc); if (s == NULL) return FALSE; /* remove parameter */ p1 = s - 1; for (p2 = p1 + strlen(param_enc) + 1; *p2 && *p2 != '&'; p2++); strlcpy(str2, p2, sizeof(str2)); strlcpy(p1, str2, size - (p1 - str)); if (!strchr(str, '?') && strchr(str, '&')) *strchr(str, '&') = '?'; return TRUE; } if ((p1 = param_in_str(str, param_enc)) == NULL) { if (strchr(str, '?')) strlcat(str, "&", size); else strlcat(str, "?", size); strlcat(str, param_enc, size); strlcat(str, "=", size); strlcat(str, value, size); return FALSE; } p1 += strlen(param_enc) + 1; for (p2 = p1; *p2 && *p2 != '&'; p2++); len = p2 - p1; if (len > (int) strlen(value)) { /* new value is shorter than old one */ strlcpy(str2, value, size - (p1 - str)); strlcpy(str2 + strlen(value), p2, size - (p1 + strlen(value) - str)); strlcpy(p1, str2, size - (p1 - str)); } else { /* new value is longer than old one */ s = (char *) xmalloc(size); strlcpy(s, p2, size); strlcpy(str2, value, size - (p1 - str)); strlcat(str2, s, size - (p1 + strlen(value) - str)); strlcpy(p1, str2, size - (p1 - str)); xfree(s); } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL logged_in(LOGBOOK *lbs) { if (isparam("unm")) { if (check_login_user(lbs, getparam("unm")) && check_login(lbs, getparam("sid"))) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL is_user_allowed(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *command) { char str[1000], users[2000]; char list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; int i, n; /* check for user level access */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) return TRUE; /* check for deny */ sprintf(str, "Deny %s", command); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, users, sizeof(users))) { if (!isparam("unm")) return FALSE; /* check if current user in list */ n = strbreak(users, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strieq(list[i], getparam("unm"))) break; if (i < n) return FALSE; } /* check admin command */ if (strieq(command, loc("Admin"))) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Admin user", str, sizeof(str))) { return is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm")); } } /* check for allow */ sprintf(str, "Allow %s", command); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, users, sizeof(users))) return TRUE; /* check if current user in list */ if (!isparam("unm")) return FALSE; n = strbreak(users, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strieq(list[i], getparam("unm"))) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_draft(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id) { char draft[256]; el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, draft); return draft[0]; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL is_command_allowed(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *command, int message_id) { char str[1000], menu_str[1000], other_str[1000]; char menu_item[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; int i, n; if (command[0] == 0) return TRUE; /* check for guest access */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest Menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)) || logged_in(lbs)) getcfg(lbs->name, "Menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)); /* default menu commands */ if (menu_str[0] == 0) { strcpy(menu_str, "List, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Duplicate, Synchronize, Find, "); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) { if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { strcat(menu_str, "Admin, "); strcat(menu_str, "Change config file, "); strcat(menu_str, "Delete this logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "Rename this logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "Create new logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "GetPwdFile, "); if (is_admin_user(NULL, getparam("unm"))) { if (lbs->top_group[0]) { sprintf(str, "Change [global %s]", lbs->top_group); strcat(menu_str, str); strcat(menu_str, ", "); } if (!lbs->top_group[0] || (is_admin_user(NULL, getparam("unm")))) { strcat(menu_str, "Change [global]"); strcat(menu_str, ", "); } } } strcat(menu_str, "Config, Logout, "); } else { strcat(menu_str, "Config, "); strcat(menu_str, "Change [global], "); strcat(menu_str, "Delete this logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "Rename this logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "Create new logbook, "); } strcat(menu_str, "Help, HelpELCode, "); } else { /* check for admin command */ n = strbreak(menu_str, menu_item, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); menu_str[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strcmp(menu_item[i], "Admin") == 0) { if (!is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) continue; } strcat(menu_str, menu_item[i]); strcat(menu_str, ", "); } strcat(menu_str, "HelpELCode, Synchronize, "); if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { strcat(menu_str, "Change config file, "); strcat(menu_str, "Delete this logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "Rename this logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "Create new logbook, "); strcat(menu_str, "GetPwdFile, "); if (is_admin_user(NULL, getparam("unm"))) { if (lbs->top_group[0]) { sprintf(str, "Change [global %s]", lbs->top_group); strcat(menu_str, str); strcat(menu_str, ", "); } if (!lbs->top_group[0] || (is_admin_user(NULL, getparam("unm")))) { strcat(menu_str, "Change [global]"); strcat(menu_str, ", "); } } } } /* check list menu commands */ str[0] = 0; if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest List Menu commands", str, sizeof(str)) || logged_in(lbs)) getcfg(lbs->name, "list menu commands", str, sizeof(str)); if (!str[0]) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest Find Menu commands", str, sizeof(str)) || logged_in(lbs)) getcfg(lbs->name, "Find Menu commands", str, sizeof(str)); } if (str[0]) strlcat(menu_str, str, sizeof(menu_str)); else { strlcat(menu_str, "New, Find, Select, Last x, Help, HelpELCode, ", sizeof(menu_str)); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) strlcat(menu_str, "Admin, Config, Logout, ", sizeof(menu_str)); else strlcat(menu_str, "Config, ", sizeof(menu_str)); } strlcpy(other_str, "Preview, Back, Search, Download, Import, CSV Import, XML Import, ", sizeof(other_str)); strlcat(other_str, "Cancel, First, Last, Previous, Next, Requested, Forgot, ", sizeof(other_str)); /* only allow Submit & Co if "New" is allowed */ if (stristr(menu_str, "New,") || stristr(menu_str, "Edit")) strlcat(other_str, "Update, Upload, Submit, Save, ", sizeof(other_str)); /* add save for new user registration */ if (isparam("new_user_name")) strlcat(other_str, "Save, ", sizeof(other_str)); /* admin commands */ if (is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { strlcat(other_str, "Remove user, New user, Activate, ", sizeof(other_str)); } else if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Self register", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) > 0) { strlcat(other_str, "Remove user, New user, ", sizeof(other_str)); } /* allow always edit of draft messages */ if (is_draft(lbs, message_id)) strlcat(other_str, "Edit, ", sizeof(other_str)); /* allow change password if "config" possible */ if (strieq(command, loc("Change password")) && stristr(menu_str, "Config")) { return TRUE; } /* exclude non-localized submit for elog */ else if (command[0] && strieq(command, "Submit") && (stristr(menu_str, "New,") || stristr(menu_str, "Edit"))) { return TRUE; } /* exclude other non-localized commands */ else if (command[0] && strieq(command, "GetMD5")) { return TRUE; } else if (command[0] && strieq(command, "IM")) { return TRUE; } /* check if command is present in the menu list */ else if (command[0]) { n = strbreak(menu_str, menu_item, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strieq(command, menu_item[i]) || strieq(command, loc(menu_item[i]))) break; if (i == n) { n = strbreak(other_str, menu_item, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strieq(command, menu_item[i]) || strieq(command, loc(menu_item[i]))) break; if (i == n) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void build_ref(char *ref, int size, char *mode, char *expand, char *attach, char *new_entries) { char str[1000], *p; if (strchr(getparam("cmdline"), '?')) strlcat(ref, strchr(getparam("cmdline"), '?'), size); /* eliminate old search */ if (strstr(ref, "cmd=Search&")) { strlcpy(str, strstr(ref, "cmd=Search&") + 11, sizeof(str)); p = strstr(ref, "cmd=Search&"); strlcpy(p, str, size - (p - ref)); } /* eliminate id=xxx */ if (strstr(ref, "id=")) { strlcpy(str, ref, sizeof(str)); p = strstr(str, "id=") + 3; while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; strlcpy(strstr(ref, "id="), p, size); if (strlen(ref) > 0 && ref[strlen(ref) - 1] == '?') ref[strlen(ref) - 1] = 0; } /* eliminate old mode if new one is present */ if (mode[0]) subst_param(ref, size, "mode", mode); /* eliminate old expand if new one is present */ if (expand[0]) subst_param(ref, size, "expand", expand); /* eliminate old attach if new one is present */ if (attach[0]) subst_param(ref, size, "attach", attach); /* eliminate old new_entries if new one is present */ if (new_entries[0]) subst_param(ref, size, "new_entries", new_entries); /* eliminate old last= */ if (isparam("last")) subst_param(ref, size, "last", getparam("last")); /* replace any '&' by '&' */ strlcpy(str, ref, sizeof(str)); strencode2(ref, str, size); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_page_filters(LOGBOOK *lbs, int n_msg, int page_n, BOOL mode_commands, char *mode) { int cur_exp, n, i, j, i1, i2, index, attr_index, size; char ref[256], str[NAME_LENGTH], comment[NAME_LENGTH], list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], option[NAME_LENGTH], option_whole[NAME_LENGTH]; rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); if (mode_commands) { rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf("
      \n"); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) { if (page_n != 1) sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n); else ref[0] = 0; build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "full", "", "", ""); if (strieq(mode, "full")) rsprintf(" %s |", loc("Full")); else rsprintf(" %s |", ref, loc("Full")); } if (page_n != 1) sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n); else ref[0] = 0; build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "summary", "", "", ""); if (strieq(mode, "summary")) rsprintf(" %s |", loc("Summary")); else rsprintf(" %s |", ref, loc("Summary")); if (page_n != 1) sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n); else ref[0] = 0; build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "threaded", "", "", ""); if (strieq(mode, "threaded")) rsprintf(" %s ", loc("Threaded")); else rsprintf(" %s ", ref, loc("Threaded")); if (strieq(mode, "full")) { if (page_n != 1) sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n); else ref[0] = 0; cur_exp = 0; if (strieq(mode, "full")) cur_exp = 1; if (isparam("elattach")) cur_exp = atoi(getparam("elattach")); if (isparam("attach")) cur_exp = atoi(getparam("attach")); if (cur_exp) { build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "0", ""); rsprintf("| %s ", ref, loc("Hide attachments")); } else { build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "1", ""); rsprintf("| %s ", ref, loc("Show attachments")); } } if (strieq(mode, "threaded")) { if (page_n != 1) sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n); else ref[0] = 0; cur_exp = 1; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Expand default", str, sizeof(str))) cur_exp = atoi(str); if (isparam("expand")) cur_exp = atoi(getparam("expand")); if (cur_exp > 0) { sprintf(str, "%d", cur_exp > 0 ? cur_exp - 1 : 0); build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", str, "", ""); rsprintf("| %s ", ref, loc("Collapse")); } else rsprintf("| %s ", loc("Collapse")); if (cur_exp < 3) { if (page_n != 1) sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n); else ref[0] = 0; sprintf(str, "%d", cur_exp < 3 ? cur_exp + 1 : 3); build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", str, "", ""); rsprintf("| %s ", ref, loc("Expand")); } else rsprintf("| %s ", loc("Expand")); } rsprintf("\n"); /*---- filter menu text ----*/ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "filter menu text", str, sizeof(str))) { FILE *f; char file_name[256], *buf; /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } f = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (f != NULL) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fileno(f)); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = (char *) xmalloc(size + 1); fread(buf, 1, size, f); buf[size] = 0; fclose(f); rsputs(buf); } else rsprintf("
      Error: file \"%s\" not found
      ", file_name); } ref[0] = 0; if (!isparam("new_entries") || atoi(getparam("new_entries")) == 0) { build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "", "1"); rsprintf ("\"%s\"  ", ref, loc("Show only new entries"), loc("Show only new entries")); } else { build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "", "0"); rsprintf ("\"%s\"  ", ref, loc("Show all entries"), loc("Show all entries")); } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Quick filter", str, sizeof(str))) { n = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Case sensitive search", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str)) rsprintf("\n"); for (index = 0; index < n; index++) { /* find according attribute index */ for (attr_index = 0; attr_index < lbs->n_attr; attr_index++) if (strieq(list[index], attr_list[attr_index])) break; if (attr_index == lbs->n_attr && !strieq(list[index], "Date") && !strieq(list[index], "Subtext") && !strieq(list[index], "ID")) { rsprintf("Error: Attribute \"%s\" for quick filter not found", list[index]); attr_index = 0; } if (strieq(list[index], "Date")) { i = isparam("last") ? atoi(getparam("last")) : 0; if (i == 0 && getcfg(lbs->name, "Last default", str, sizeof(str))) { i = atoi(str); setparam("last", str); } rsprintf("\n"); } else if (strieq(attr_options[attr_index][0], "boolean")) { sprintf(str, loc("Select %s"), list[index]); rsprintf("\n"); } else { /* check if attribute has options */ if (attr_list[attr_index][0] == 0 || attr_options[attr_index][0][0] == 0) { if (attr_flags[attr_index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) { rsprintf("\n"); } else { if (strieq(list[index], "Subtext")) { rsprintf ("\n", str); } else { sprintf(str, loc("Enter %s"), list[index]); rsprintf ("\n", list[index], str); } } } else { sprintf(str, loc("Select %s"), list[index]); rsprintf(" \n"); } } } /* show button if JavaScript is switched off */ rsprintf("\n"); /* show submit button for IE (otherwise will not work) */ if (strstr(browser, "MSIE")) rsprintf("\n", loc("Search")); } rsprintf(" %d %s ", n_msg, loc("Entries")); rsprintf("
      \n\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_page_navigation(LOGBOOK *lbs, int n_msg, int page_n, int n_page) { int i, num_pages, skip, max_n_msg; char ref[256], str[256]; if (!page_n || n_msg <= n_page) return; rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("%s \n", loc("Goto page")); if (page_n > 1) { sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n - 1); build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "", ""); rsprintf("%s  ", ref, loc("Previous")); } if (page_n && n_msg > n_page) { /* number of pages */ num_pages = (n_msg - 1) / n_page + 1; skip = FALSE; for (i = 1; i <= num_pages; i++) { sprintf(ref, "page%d", i); build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "", ""); if (i <= 3 || (i >= page_n - 1 && i <= page_n + 1) || i >= num_pages - 2) { if (i > 1 && !skip) rsprintf(", \n"); skip = FALSE; } else { if (!skip) rsprintf(" ... "); skip = TRUE; } if (skip) continue; if (page_n == i) rsprintf("%d", i); else rsprintf("%d", ref, i); /* if (i == num_pages ) rsprintf("  \n"); else rsprintf(", "); */ } rsprintf("  \n"); } if (page_n != -1 && n_page < n_msg && page_n * n_page < n_msg) { sprintf(ref, "page%d", page_n + 1); build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "", ""); rsprintf("%s  ", ref, loc("Next")); } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "All display limit", str, sizeof(str))) max_n_msg = atoi(str); else max_n_msg = 500; if (page_n != -1 && n_page < n_msg && n_msg < max_n_msg) { sprintf(ref, "page"); build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "", ""); rsprintf("%s\n", ref, loc("All")); } rsprintf("\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_select_navigation(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i, n_log; char str[NAME_LENGTH]; char lbk_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("%s: \n", loc("Selected entries")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Toggle all")); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Menu commands", str, sizeof(str)) || stristr(str, "Delete")) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Delete")); } if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Menu commands", str, sizeof(str)) || stristr(str, "Edit")) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Edit")); } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Menu commands", str, sizeof(str)) && stristr(str, "Copy to")) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Copy to")); rsprintf("\n"); } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Menu commands", str, sizeof(str)) && stristr(str, "Move to")) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Move to")); rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf("\n\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ time_t retrieve_date(char *index, BOOL bstart) { int year, month, day, hour, min, sec, current_year, current_month; char pm[10], py[10], pd[10], ph[10], pn[10], ps[10], str[NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH]; struct tm tms; time_t ltime; sprintf(pm, "m%s", index); sprintf(py, "y%s", index); sprintf(pd, "d%s", index); sprintf(ph, "h%s", index); sprintf(pn, "n%s", index); sprintf(ps, "c%s", index); time(<ime); memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime), sizeof(tms)); current_year = tms.tm_year + 1900; current_month = tms.tm_mon + 1; if (!isparam(pm) && !isparam(py) && !isparam(pd)) return 0; /* if year not given, use current year */ if (!isparam(py)) year = current_year; else year = atoi(getparam(py)); if (year < 1970) { sprintf(str, "Error: Year %s out of range", getparam(py)); strencode2(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); show_error(str2); return -1; } /* if month not given, use current month */ if (isparam(pm)) { month = atoi(getparam(pm)); } else month = current_month; if (isparam(pd)) day = atoi(getparam(pd)); else { /* if day not given, use 1 if start date */ if (bstart) day = 1; else { /* use last day of month */ memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = year - 1900; tms.tm_mon = month - 1 + 1; tms.tm_mday = 1; tms.tm_hour = 12; if (tms.tm_year < 90) tms.tm_year += 100; ltime = mktime(&tms); ltime -= 3600 * 24; memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime), sizeof(struct tm)); day = tms.tm_mday; } } /* if hour not given, use 0 */ if (isparam(ph)) { hour = atoi(getparam(ph)); } else hour = 0; /* if minute not given, use 0 */ if (isparam(pn)) { min = atoi(getparam(pn)); } else min = 0; /* if second not given, use 0 */ if (isparam(ps)) { sec = atoi(getparam(ps)); } else sec = 0; memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = year - 1900; tms.tm_mon = month - 1; tms.tm_mday = day; tms.tm_hour = hour; tms.tm_min = min; tms.tm_sec = sec; tms.tm_isdst = -1; if (tms.tm_year < 90) tms.tm_year += 100; ltime = mktime(&tms); if (!bstart && isparam(ph) == 0) /* end time is first second of next day */ ltime += 3600 * 24; return ltime; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ time_t convert_date(char *date_string) { /* convert date string in MM/DD/YY or DD.MM.YY format into Unix time */ int year, month, day; char *p, str[256]; struct tm tms; time_t ltime; strlcpy(str, date_string, sizeof(str)); month = day = year = 0; if (strchr(str, '[')) { ltime = atoi(strchr(str, '[') + 1); return ltime; } else if (strchr(str, '/')) { /* MM/DD/YY format */ p = strtok(str, "/"); if (p) { month = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "/"); if (p) { day = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "/"); if (p) year = atoi(p); } } } else if (strchr(str, '.')) { /* DD.MM.YY format */ p = strtok(str, "."); if (p) { day = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "."); if (p) { month = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "."); if (p) year = atoi(p); } } } else return 0; /* calculate years */ if (year > 1900) /* 1900-2100 */ year += 0; else if (year < 70) /* 00-69 */ year += 2000; else if (year < 100) /* 70-99 */ year += 1900; /* use last day of month */ memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = year - 1900; tms.tm_mon = month - 1; tms.tm_mday = day; tms.tm_hour = 12; ltime = mktime(&tms); return ltime; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ time_t convert_datetime(char *date_string) { /* convert date string in MM/DD/YY h:m:s AM/PM or DD.MM.YY hh:m:s format into Unix time */ int year, month, day, hour, min = 0, sec = 0; char *p, str[256]; struct tm tms; time_t ltime; strlcpy(str, date_string, sizeof(str)); month = day = year = 0; if (strchr(str, '[')) { ltime = atoi(strchr(str, '[') + 1); return ltime; } else if (strchr(str, '/')) { /* MM/DD/YY format */ p = strtok(str, "/"); if (p) { month = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "/"); if (p) { day = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "/"); if (p) year = atoi(p); } } } else if (strchr(str, '.')) { /* DD.MM.YY format */ p = strtok(str, "."); if (p) { day = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "."); if (p) { month = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "."); if (p) year = atoi(p); } } } else return 0; if (!strchr(p, ' ')) return 0; p = strchr(p, ' ') + 1; strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); p = strtok(str, ":"); if (p) { hour = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, ":"); if (p) { min = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, ":"); if (p) sec = atoi(p); } } else return 0; if (stristr(p, "PM") && hour < 12) hour += 12; /* calculate years */ if (year > 1900) /* 1900-2100 */ year += 0; else if (year < 70) /* 00-69 */ year += 2000; else if (year < 100) /* 70-99 */ year += 1900; /* use last day of month */ memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = year - 1900; tms.tm_mon = month - 1; tms.tm_mday = day; tms.tm_hour = hour; tms.tm_min = min; tms.tm_sec = sec; ltime = mktime(&tms); return ltime; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_rss_feed(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i, n, size, index, message_id, offset; char str[256], charset[256], url[256], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], date[80], *text, title[2000], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], draft[1000]; time_t ltime; struct tm *ts; rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); rsprintf("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=%s\r\n", charset); rsprintf("\r\n"); rsprintf("\n", charset); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("ELOG %s\n", lbs->name); /* retrive URL */ getcfg(lbs->name, "URL", url, sizeof(url)); /* if HTTP request comes from localhost, use localhost as absolute link (needed if running on DSL at home) */ if (!url[0] && strstr(http_host, "localhost")) { if (_ssl_flag) strcpy(url, "https://localhost"); else strcpy(url, "http://localhost"); if (elog_tcp_port != 80) sprintf(url + strlen(url), ":%d", elog_tcp_port); strcat(url, "/"); } if (!url[0]) { /* assemble absolute path from host name and port */ if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(url, "https://%s", host_name); else sprintf(url, "http://%s", host_name); if (elog_tcp_port != 80) sprintf(url + strlen(url), ":%d", elog_tcp_port); strcat(url, "/"); } /* add trailing '/' if not present */ if (url[strlen(url) - 1] != '/') strcat(url, "/"); strlcat(url, lbs->name_enc, sizeof(url)); rsprintf("%s\n", url); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Comment", str, sizeof(str))) { rsprintf(""); xmlencode(str); rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf("ELOG V%s\n", VERSION); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("%s/elog.png\n", url); rsprintf("ELOG %s\n", lbs->name_enc); rsprintf("%s\n", url); rsprintf("\n"); /*---- show last items ----*/ n = 15; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "RSS Entries", str, sizeof(str))) n = atoi(str); text = (char *) xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_LAST, 0, FALSE); for (index = 0; index < n && message_id; index++) { size = TEXT_SIZE; el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, draft); /* skip drafts */ if (draft[0]) { message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_PREV, message_id, FALSE); continue; } /* limit text size to 2k */ text[2048] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "RSS Title", title, sizeof(title))) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list((char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "message id", str, &i); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &i, 0); strsubst_list(title, sizeof(title), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, i); } else { title[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { if (attrib[i][0]) { strlcat(title, attrib[i], sizeof(title)); if (i < lbs->n_attr - 1) strlcat(title, ", ", sizeof(title)); } } } rsprintf("\n"); /* convert date to RFC-822 date */ setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); ltime = date_to_ltime(date); ts = localtime(<ime); assert(ts); strftime(str, sizeof(str), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", ts); offset = (-(int) my_timezone()); if (ts->tm_isdst) offset += 3600; snprintf(date, sizeof(date) - 1, "%s %+03d%02d", str, (int) (offset / 3600), (int) ((abs((int) offset) / 60) % 60)); getcfg("global", "Language", str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]) setlocale(LC_ALL, str); rsprintf(""); xmlencode(title); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf(""); strlcpy(str, url, sizeof(str)); sprintf(str + strlen(str), "/%d", message_id); xmlencode(str); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); xmlencode(text); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("%s", date); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_PREV, message_id, FALSE); } xfree(text); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void highlight_searchtext(regex_t *re_buf, char *src, char *dst, int hidden) { char *pt, *pt1; int size, status; regmatch_t pmatch[10]; dst[0] = 0; pt = src; /* original text */ pt1 = dst; /* text with inserted coloring */ do { status = regexec(re_buf, pt, 10, pmatch, 0); if (status != REG_NOMATCH) { size = pmatch[0].rm_so; /* abort if zero length match, for example from "m*" */ if (pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so == 0) { status = REG_NOMATCH; strcpy(pt1, pt); break; } /* copy first part original text */ memcpy(pt1, pt, size); pt1 += size; pt += size; /* add coloring 1st part */ /* here: \001='<', \002='>', /003='"', and \004=' ' */ /* see also rsputs2(char* ) */ if (hidden) strcpy(pt1, "\001B\004style=\003color:black;background-color:#ffff66\003\002"); else strcpy(pt1, ""); pt1 += strlen(pt1); /* copy origial search text */ size = pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so; memcpy(pt1, pt, size); pt1 += size; pt += size; /* add coloring 2nd part */ if (hidden) strcpy(pt1, "\001/B\002"); else strcpy(pt1, ""); pt1 += strlen(pt1); } } while (status != REG_NOMATCH); strcpy(pt1, pt); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ time_t search_last_reply(LOGBOOK *lbs, int *message_id) { char reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], date[80]; int n_reply, i, id; char *list; time_t lt, last; list = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_REPLY_TO * NAME_LENGTH); el_retrieve(lbs, *message_id, date, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, reply_to, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); lt = date_to_ltime(date); /* if no reply, this is the last message in thread */ if (reply_to[0] == 0) { xfree(list); return lt; } n_reply = strbreak(reply_to, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) list, MAX_REPLY_TO, ",", FALSE); last = lt; for (i = 0; i < n_reply; i++) { id = atoi(list + i * NAME_LENGTH); lt = search_last_reply(lbs, &id); if (lt > last) { last = lt; *message_id = id; } } xfree(list); return last; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_elog_list(LOGBOOK *lbs, int past_n, int last_n, int page_n, BOOL default_page, char *info) { int i, j, n, index, size, status, d1, m1, y1, h1, n1, c1, d2, m2, y2, h2, n2, c2, n_line, flags, printable, n_logbook, n_display, reverse, numeric, n_attr_disp, n_msg, search_all, message_id, n_page, i_start, i_stop, in_reply_to_id, page_mid, page_mid_head, level, refresh, disp_attr_flags[MAX_N_ATTR + 4]; char date[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], disp_attr[MAX_N_ATTR + 4][NAME_LENGTH], *list, *text, *text1, in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], encoding[80], locked_by[256], str[NAME_LENGTH], ref[256], img[80], comment[NAME_LENGTH], mode[80], mid[80], menu_str[1000], menu_item[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], param[NAME_LENGTH], format[80], sort_attr[MAX_N_ATTR + 4][NAME_LENGTH], mode_cookie[80], charset[25], sort_item[NAME_LENGTH], refr[80], str2[80], draft[256]; char *p, *pt1, *pt2, *slist, *svalue, *gattr, line[1024], iattr[256]; BOOL show_attachments, threaded, csv, xml, raw, mode_commands, expand, filtering, date_filtering, disp_filter, show_text, text_in_attr, searched, found, disp_attr_link[MAX_N_ATTR + 4], sort_attributes, show_att_column = 0; time_t ltime, ltime_start, ltime_end, now, ltime1, ltime2, entry_ltime; struct tm tms, *ptms; MSG_LIST *msg_list; LOGBOOK *lbs_cur; regex_t re_buf[MAX_N_ATTR + 1]; regmatch_t pmatch[10]; /* redirect if empty parameters */ if (strstr(_cmdline, "=&")) { while ((pt1 = strstr(_cmdline, "=&")) != NULL) { pt2 = pt1; while (*pt1 != '&' && *pt1 != '?') pt1--; pt1++; strcpy(param, pt1); param[pt2 - pt1] = 0; memmove(pt1, pt2 + 2, strlen(pt2 + 2) + 1); /* remove param from lastcmd if present */ if ((pt1 = strstr(_cmdline, "lastcmd=")) != NULL) { sprintf(str, "%s%%3D", param); if ((pt1 = strstr(_cmdline, str)) != NULL) { pt2 = pt1 + strlen(str); while (*pt2 && *pt2 != '%') pt2++; if (*pt2 == '%') pt2 += 3; memmove(pt1, pt2, strlen(pt2) + 1); } } } if (_cmdline[strlen(_cmdline) - 1] == '=') { pt1 = _cmdline + strlen(_cmdline) - 1; while (*pt1 != '&' && *pt1 != '?') pt1--; pt1++; strcpy(param, pt1); if (param[strlen(param) - 1] == '=') param[strlen(param) - 1] = 0; *pt1 = 0; /* remove param from lastcmd if present */ if ((pt1 = strstr(_cmdline, "lastcmd=")) != NULL) { sprintf(str, "%s%%3D", param); if ((pt1 = strstr(_cmdline, str)) != NULL) { pt2 = pt1 + strlen(str); while (*pt2 && *pt2 != '%' && *pt2 != '&') pt2++; if (*pt2 == '%') pt2 += 3; memmove(pt1, pt2, strlen(pt2) + 1); } } } if (_cmdline[strlen(_cmdline) - 1] == '&') _cmdline[strlen(_cmdline) - 1] = 0; redirect(lbs, _cmdline); return; } /* redirect "go" command */ if (isparam("lastcmd")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("lastcmd"), sizeof(str)); url_decode(str); /* subsitute "last" in command line from new parameter */ if (isparam("last")) { if (strieq(getparam("last"), "_all_")) subst_param(str, sizeof(str), "last", ""); else subst_param(str, sizeof(str), "last", getparam("last")); } /* subsitute attributes in command line from new parameter */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_ATTR; i++) if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { if (strieq(getparam(attr_list[i]), "_all_")) subst_param(str, sizeof(str), attr_list[i], ""); else subst_param(str, sizeof(str), attr_list[i], getparam(attr_list[i])); } /* do the same for subtext */ if (isparam("subtext")) subst_param(str, sizeof(str), "subtext", getparam("subtext")); redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* remove remaining "_all_" in parameters */ if (isparam("last") && strieq(getparam("last"), "_all_")) { strlcpy(str, _cmdline, sizeof(str)); subst_param(str, sizeof(str), "last", ""); redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* remove remaining "_all_" or empty or "--++--" parameters */ strlcpy(str, _cmdline, sizeof(str)); found = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_N_ATTR; i++) { if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { if (strieq(getparam(attr_list[i]), "_all_")) { subst_param(str, sizeof(str), attr_list[i], ""); found = 1; } if (*getparam(attr_list[i]) == 0) { subst_param(str, sizeof(str), attr_list[i], ""); found = 1; } sprintf(ref, "-- %s --", attr_list[i]); if (strieq(getparam(attr_list[i]), ref)) { subst_param(str, sizeof(str), attr_list[i], ""); found = 1; } } } if (isparam("subtext")) { if (*getparam("subtext") == 0) { subst_param(str, sizeof(str), "subtext", ""); found = 1; } sprintf(ref, "-- %s --", loc("Text")); if (strieq(getparam("subtext"), ref)) { subst_param(str, sizeof(str), "subtext", ""); found = 1; } } if (found) { redirect(lbs, str); return; } slist = (char *) xmalloc((MAX_N_ATTR + 10) * NAME_LENGTH); svalue = (char *) xmalloc((MAX_N_ATTR + 10) * NAME_LENGTH); gattr = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); list = (char *) xmalloc(10000); printable = isparam("Printable") ? atoi(getparam("Printable")) : 0; /* in printable mode, display all pages */ if (printable) page_n = -1; if (isparam("Reverse")) reverse = atoi(getparam("Reverse")); else { reverse = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Reverse sort", str, sizeof(str))) reverse = atoi(str); } /* get message ID from "list" command */ if (isparam("id")) page_mid = atoi(getparam("id")); else page_mid = 0; page_mid_head = 0; /* default mode */ strlcpy(mode, "Summary", sizeof(mode)); show_attachments = FALSE; /* check for valid page_n */ if (page_n < -1) page_n = 0; if (past_n || last_n || page_n || page_mid || default_page) { /* for page display, get mode from config file */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Display Mode", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(mode, str, sizeof(mode)); /* supersede mode from cookie */ if (isparam("elmode")) strlcpy(mode, getparam("elmode"), sizeof(mode)); /* supersede mode from direct parameter */ if (isparam("mode")) strlcpy(mode, getparam("mode"), sizeof(mode)); } else { /* for find result, get mode from find form */ if (isparam("mode")) strlcpy(mode, getparam("mode"), sizeof(mode)); else strlcpy(mode, "Full", sizeof(mode)); } /* set cookie if mode changed */ mode_cookie[0] = 0; if (strieq(mode, "Summary") || strieq(mode, "Full") || strieq(mode, "Threaded")) { if (!isparam("elmode") || !strieq(getparam("elmode"), mode)) sprintf(mode_cookie, "elmode=%s", mode); } threaded = strieq(mode, "threaded"); csv = strieq(mode, "CSV1") || strieq(mode, "CSV2") || strieq(mode, "CSV3"); xml = strieq(mode, "XML"); raw = strieq(mode, "Raw"); if (csv || xml || raw) { page_n = -1; /* display all pages */ show_attachments = FALSE; /* hide attachments */ } /* show attachments in full mode by default */ if (strieq(mode, "Full")) show_attachments = TRUE; /* supersede attachment mode if in cookie */ if (isparam("elattach")) show_attachments = atoi(getparam("elattach")); /* supersede attachment mode if in parameter */ if (isparam("attach")) show_attachments = atoi(getparam("attach")); /* set cookie if attachment mode changed in full view */ if (mode_cookie[0] == 0 && strieq(mode, "Full")) { if (!isparam("elattach") || atoi(getparam("elattach")) != show_attachments) sprintf(mode_cookie, "elattach=%d", show_attachments); } /*---- convert dates to ltime ----*/ time(&now); ptms = localtime(&now); assert(ptms); ltime_end = ltime_start = 0; d1 = m1 = y1 = h1 = n1 = c1 = d2 = m2 = y2 = h2 = n2 = c2 = 0; if (!past_n && !last_n) { ltime_start = retrieve_date("a", TRUE); if (ltime_start < 0) { xfree(slist); xfree(svalue); xfree(gattr); xfree(list); return; } if (ltime_start) { memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime_start), sizeof(struct tm)); y1 = tms.tm_year + 1900; m1 = tms.tm_mon + 1; d1 = tms.tm_mday; h1 = tms.tm_hour; n1 = tms.tm_min; c1 = tms.tm_sec; } ltime_end = retrieve_date("b", FALSE); if (ltime_end < 0) { xfree(slist); xfree(svalue); xfree(gattr); xfree(list); return; } if (ltime_end) { if (ltime_end <= ltime_start) { sprintf(str, "Error: Start date after end date"); show_error(str); xfree(slist); xfree(svalue); xfree(gattr); xfree(list); return; } memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime_end), sizeof(struct tm)); y2 = tms.tm_year + 1900; m2 = tms.tm_mon + 1; d2 = tms.tm_mday; h2 = tms.tm_hour; n2 = tms.tm_min; c2 = tms.tm_sec; } } if (ltime_start && ltime_end && ltime_start > ltime_end) { show_error(loc("Error: start date after end date")); xfree(slist); xfree(svalue); xfree(gattr); xfree(list); return; } /*---- if user present but not allowed, log it out (required when several logbooks are used with different access rights and global passwords ----*/ if (isparam("unm") && !check_login_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) { unsetparam("unm"); sid_remove(getparam("sid")); set_sid_cookie(lbs, "", ""); } /*---- apply last login cut ----*/ if (isparam("new_entries") && atoi(getparam("new_entries")) == 1 && isparam("unm")) get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, <ime_start, NULL); /*---- assemble message list ----*/ /* check for search all */ search_all = isparam("all") ? atoi(getparam("all")) : 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Search all logbooks", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) search_all = 0; n_msg = 0; n_display = 0; if (search_all) { /* count logbooks */ for (n_logbook = 0;; n_logbook++) { if (!lb_list[n_logbook].name[0]) break; if (lbs->top_group[0] && !strieq(lbs->top_group, lb_list[n_logbook].top_group)) continue; if (isparam("unm") && !check_login_user(&lb_list[n_logbook], getparam("unm"))) continue; n_msg += *lb_list[n_logbook].n_el_index; } } else { n_logbook = 1; n_msg = *lbs->n_el_index; } msg_list = (MSG_LIST *) xmalloc(sizeof(MSG_LIST) * n_msg); lbs_cur = lbs; numeric = TRUE; for (i = n = 0; i < n_logbook; i++) { if (search_all) lbs_cur = &lb_list[i]; if (lbs->top_group[0] && !strieq(lbs->top_group, lbs_cur->top_group)) continue; if (isparam("unm") && !check_login_user(lbs_cur, getparam("unm"))) continue; for (j = 0; j < *lbs_cur->n_el_index; j++) { msg_list[n].lbs = lbs_cur; msg_list[n].index = j; msg_list[n].number = (int) lbs_cur->el_index[j].file_time; msg_list[n].in_reply_to = lbs_cur->el_index[j].in_reply_to; n++; } } /*---- apply start/end date cut ----*/ date_filtering = FALSE; if (past_n > 0) ltime_start = now - 3600 * 24 * past_n; // past n days else if (past_n < 0) ltime_start = now + 3600 * past_n; // past n hours if (last_n && last_n < n_msg) { date_filtering = TRUE; for (i = n_msg - last_n - 1; i >= 0; i--) msg_list[i].lbs = NULL; } if (ltime_start) { date_filtering = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < n_msg; i++) if (msg_list[i].lbs && msg_list[i].lbs->el_index[msg_list[i].index].file_time < ltime_start) msg_list[i].lbs = NULL; } if (ltime_end) { date_filtering = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < n_msg; i++) if (msg_list[i].lbs && msg_list[i].lbs->el_index[msg_list[i].index].file_time > ltime_end) msg_list[i].lbs = NULL; } if (isparam("last") || getcfg(lbs->name, "Last default", str, sizeof(str))) { date_filtering = TRUE; if (isparam("last")) n = atoi(getparam("last")); else n = atoi(str); if (n > 0) { for (i = 0; i < n_msg; i++) if (msg_list[i].lbs && msg_list[i].lbs->el_index[msg_list[i].index].file_time < now - 3600 * 24 * n) msg_list[i].lbs = NULL; } } /*---- filter message list ----*/ filtering = FALSE; show_text = TRUE; searched = found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { /* check if attribute filter */ if (isparam(attr_list[i])) break; if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) { sprintf(str, "%da", i); if (retrieve_date(str, TRUE)) break; sprintf(str, "%db", i); if (retrieve_date(str, TRUE)) break; } if (attr_flags[i] & AF_MULTI) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[i][j][0]; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(str)) { filtering = TRUE; break; } } } if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(str)) { filtering = TRUE; break; } } } /* check if sort by attribute */ if ((isparam("sort") && strieq(getparam("sort"), attr_list[i])) || (isparam("rsort") && strieq(getparam("rsort"), attr_list[i]))) break; } /* turn on filtering if found */ if (i < lbs->n_attr) filtering = TRUE; if (isparam("subtext")) filtering = TRUE; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Sort Attributes", list, 10000)) filtering = TRUE; text = (char *) xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); text1 = (char *) xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); /* prepare for regex search */ memset(re_buf, 0, sizeof(re_buf)); /* compile regex for subtext */ if (isparam("subtext")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("subtext"), sizeof(str)); flags = REG_EXTENDED; if (!isparam("casesensitive")) flags |= REG_ICASE; status = regcomp(re_buf, str, flags); if (status) { sprintf(line, loc("Error in regular expression \"%s\""), str); strlcat(line, ": ", sizeof(line)); regerror(status, re_buf, str, sizeof(str)); strlcat(line, str, sizeof(line)); strencode2(str, line, sizeof(str)); show_error(str); return; } } /* compile regex for attributes */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { strlcpy(str, getparam(attr_list[i]), sizeof(str)); /* if value starts with '$', substitute it */ if (str[0] == '$') { j = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &j, 0); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, j); setparam(attr_list[i], str); } flags = REG_EXTENDED; if (!isparam("casesensitive")) flags |= REG_ICASE; status = regcomp(re_buf + i + 1, str, flags); if (status) { sprintf(line, loc("Error in regular expression \"%s\""), str); strlcat(line, ": ", sizeof(line)); regerror(status, re_buf + i + 1, str, sizeof(str)); strlcat(line, str, sizeof(line)); strencode2(str, line, sizeof(str)); show_error(str); return; } } } sort_item[0] = 0; if (isparam("sort")) strlcpy(sort_item, getparam("sort"), sizeof(sort_item)); if (isparam("rsort")) strlcpy(sort_item, getparam("rsort"), sizeof(sort_item)); sort_attributes = getcfg(lbs->name, "Sort Attributes", str, sizeof(str)); /* do filtering */ for (index = 0; index < n_msg; index++) { if (!msg_list[index].lbs) continue; /* retrieve message */ size = TEXT_SIZE; message_id = msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[msg_list[index].index].message_id; if (filtering) { status = el_retrieve(msg_list[index].lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) break; /* apply filter for attributes */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { /* replace icon name with their comments if present */ if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", attrib[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) strlcpy(attrib[i], comment, NAME_LENGTH); } /* check for multi attributes */ if (attr_flags[i] & AF_MULTI) { /* OR of any of the values */ searched = found = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[i][j][0]; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(str)) { searched = TRUE; if (strstr(attrib[i], getparam(str))) { found = TRUE; break; } } } /* search for parameter without '_' coming from quick filter */ if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { searched = TRUE; strlcpy(str, getparam(attr_list[i]), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == '^' && str[strlen(str) - 1] == '$') { str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; strlcpy(comment, str + 1, NAME_LENGTH); } else strlcpy(comment, str, NAME_LENGTH); strlcpy(str, comment, sizeof(str)); if (strstr(attrib[i], str)) found = TRUE; } if (searched && !found) break; } /* check for multi user list or multi user email */ else if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) { /* OR of any of the values */ searched = found = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(str)) { searched = TRUE; if (strstr(attrib[i], getparam(str))) { found = TRUE; break; } } } /* search for parameter without '_' coming from quick filter */ if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { searched = TRUE; if (strstr(attrib[i], getparam(attr_list[i]))) found = TRUE; } if (searched && !found) break; } else if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) { /* check for last[i]/next[i] */ ltime = isparam(attr_list[i]) ? atoi(getparam(attr_list[i])) : 0; /* today 12h noon */ time(&now); memcpy(&tms, localtime(&now), sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_hour = 12; tms.tm_min = 0; tms.tm_sec = 0; now = mktime(&tms); /* negative i: last [i] days */ if (ltime < 0) if (atoi(attrib[i]) < now + ltime * 3600 * 24 - 3600 * 12 || atoi(attrib[i]) > now) break; /* positive i: next [i] days */ if (ltime > 0) if (atoi(attrib[i]) > now + ltime * 3600 * 24 + 3600 * 12 || atoi(attrib[i]) < now) break; /* check for start date / end date */ sprintf(str, "%da", i); ltime = retrieve_date(str, TRUE); if (ltime > 0 && atoi(attrib[i]) < ltime) break; sprintf(str, "%db", i); ltime = retrieve_date(str, FALSE); if (ltime > 0 && (atoi(attrib[i]) > ltime || atoi(attrib[i]) == 0)) break; } else { strlcpy(str, isparam(attr_list[i]) ? getparam(attr_list[i]) : "", sizeof(str)); /* if value starts with '$', substitute it */ if (str[0] == '$') { j = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(mid, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list((char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "message id", mid, &j); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &j, 0); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, j); setparam(attr_list[i], str); } if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { status = regexec(re_buf + 1 + i, attrib[i], 10, pmatch, 0); if (status == REG_NOMATCH) break; } } } if (i < lbs->n_attr) { msg_list[index].lbs = NULL; continue; } if (isparam("subtext")) { status = regexec(re_buf, text, 10, pmatch, 0); if (isparam("sall") && atoi(getparam("sall")) && status == REG_NOMATCH) { // search text in attributes for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { status = regexec(re_buf, attrib[i], 10, pmatch, 0); if (status != REG_NOMATCH) break; } if (i == lbs->n_attr) { msg_list[index].lbs = NULL; continue; } } else if (status == REG_NOMATCH) { msg_list[index].lbs = NULL; continue; } } } // if (filtering) /* evaluate "sort attributes" */ if (sort_attributes) { getcfg(lbs->name, "Sort Attributes", list, 10000); msg_list[index].string[0] = 0; n = strbreak(list, sort_attr, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < lbs->n_attr; j++) { if (strieq(sort_attr[i], attr_list[j])) { strlcat(msg_list[index].string, " ", sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); strlcat(msg_list[index].string, attrib[j], sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_NUMERIC | AF_DATETIME | AF_DATE)) { msg_list[index].number = atoi(attrib[j]); numeric = TRUE; } else numeric = FALSE; break; } } if (strieq(sort_attr[i], loc("ID"))) { strlcat(msg_list[index].string, " ", sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); sprintf(str, "%08d", message_id); strlcat(msg_list[index].string, str, sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); } else if (strieq(sort_attr[i], loc("Logbook"))) { strlcat(msg_list[index].string, " ", sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); strlcat(msg_list[index].string, msg_list[index].lbs->name, sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); } else if (strieq(sort_attr[i], loc("Date"))) { strlcat(msg_list[index].string, " ", sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); entry_ltime = date_to_ltime(date); sprintf(str, "%08d", (int) entry_ltime); strlcat(msg_list[index].string, str, sizeof(msg_list[index].string)); } } } /* add attribute for sorting */ if (sort_item[0]) { for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { if (strieq(sort_item, attr_list[i])) { if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_NUMERIC | AF_DATETIME | AF_DATE)) { numeric = TRUE; msg_list[index].number = atoi(attrib[i]); } else { numeric = FALSE; strlcpy(msg_list[index].string, attrib[i], 256); } } if (strieq(sort_item, loc("ID"))) { numeric = TRUE; msg_list[index].number = message_id; } if (strieq(sort_item, loc("Logbook"))) strlcpy(msg_list[index].string, msg_list[index].lbs->name, 256); } if (isparam("rsort")) reverse = 1; if (isparam("sort")) reverse = 0; } } /*---- in threaded mode, set date of latest entry of thread ----*/ if (threaded && !filtering && !date_filtering) { for (index = 0; index < n_msg; index++) { if (!msg_list[index].lbs) continue; message_id = msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[msg_list[index].index].message_id; in_reply_to_id = msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[msg_list[index].index].in_reply_to; if (!in_reply_to_id) continue; do { message_id = in_reply_to_id; /* search index of message */ for (i = 0; i < *msg_list[index].lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; /* stop if not found */ if (i == *msg_list[index].lbs->n_el_index) break; in_reply_to_id = msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to; } while (in_reply_to_id); /* if head not found, skip message */ if (i == *msg_list[index].lbs->n_el_index) { msg_list[index].lbs = NULL; continue; } /* set new page message ID with head message */ if (page_mid && msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[msg_list[index].index].message_id == page_mid) page_mid_head = message_id; /* search message head in list */ for (j = 0; j < n_msg; j++) if (msg_list[j].lbs == msg_list[index].lbs && msg_list[j].index == i) break; if (j < index) { /* set date from current message, if later */ if (msg_list[j].number < msg_list[index].number) msg_list[j].number = msg_list[index].number; } /* now delete current message, to leave only heads in list */ msg_list[index].lbs = NULL; } } /*---- compact messasges ----*/ for (i = j = 0; i < n_msg; i++) if (msg_list[i].lbs) memcpy(&msg_list[j++], &msg_list[i], sizeof(MSG_LIST)); n_msg = j; /*---- sort messasges ----*/ if (numeric) qsort(msg_list, n_msg, sizeof(MSG_LIST), reverse ? msg_compare_reverse_numeric : msg_compare_numeric); else qsort(msg_list, n_msg, sizeof(MSG_LIST), reverse ? msg_compare_reverse : msg_compare); /*---- search page for specific message ----*/ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Entries per page", str, sizeof(str))) n_page = atoi(str); else n_page = 20; if (isparam("npp")) { n_page = atoi(getparam("npp")); if (n_page < 1) n_page = 1; if (n_page > 100000) n_page = 100000; } if (page_mid) { default_page = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_msg; i++) if (msg_list[i].lbs->el_index[msg_list[i].index].message_id == page_mid || msg_list[i].lbs->el_index[msg_list[i].index].message_id == page_mid_head) break; if (i < n_msg) page_n = i / n_page + 1; } /*---- number of messages per page ----*/ n_attr_disp = n_line = 0; i_start = 0; i_stop = n_msg - 1; if (!csv && !xml && !raw) { if (page_n || default_page) { if (default_page && page_n != -1) page_n = reverse ? 1 : (n_msg - 1) / n_page + 1; if (page_n != -1) { i_start = (page_n - 1) * n_page; i_stop = i_start + n_page - 1; if (i_start >= n_msg && n_msg > 0) { page_n = 1; i_start = 0; } if (i_stop >= n_msg) i_stop = n_msg - 1; } } } /*---- header ----*/ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "List Page Title", str, sizeof(str))) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, NULL, TRUE); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, i); strip_html(str); } else sprintf(str, "ELOG %s", lbs->name); if (csv) { /* no menus and tables */ show_plain_header(0, "export.csv"); rsprintf("\"%s\"", loc("Message ID")); if (strieq(mode, "CSV1")) rsprintf(","); else rsprintf(";"); rsprintf("\"%s\"", loc("Date")); if (strieq(mode, "CSV1")) rsprintf(","); else rsprintf(";"); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { strlcpy(str, attr_list[i], sizeof(str)); if (str[0]) { rsputs("\""); pt1 = str; while ((pt2 = strchr(pt1, '"')) != NULL) { *pt2 = 0; rsputs(pt1); rsputs("\"\""); pt1 = pt2 + 1; } rsputs(pt1); rsputs("\""); } if (i < lbs->n_attr - 1) { if (strieq(mode, "CSV1")) rsprintf(","); else rsprintf(";"); } else { if (strieq(mode, "CSV3")) rsprintf(";\"Text\""); rsprintf("\r\n"); } } } else if (xml) { /* no menus and tables */ show_plain_header(0, "export.xml"); if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); rsprintf("\n", charset); rsprintf("\n", VERSION); rsprintf("\n"); } else if (raw) { /* no menus and tables */ show_plain_header(0, "export.txt"); } else { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Refresh", refr, sizeof(refr))) refresh = atoi(refr); else refresh = 0; show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, str, NULL, TRUE, mode_cookie, NULL, refresh); /*---- title ----*/ strlcpy(str, ", ", sizeof(str)); if (past_n == 1) strcat(str, loc("Last day")); else if (past_n > 1) sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Last %d days"), past_n); else if (past_n < 0) sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Last %d hours"), -past_n); else if (last_n) sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Last %d entries"), last_n); else if (page_n == -1) strlcpy(str + strlen(str), loc("all entries"), sizeof(str) - strlen(str)); else if (page_n) sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Page %d of %d"), page_n, (n_msg - 1) / n_page + 1); if (strlen(str) == 2) str[0] = 0; if (printable) show_standard_title(lbs, str, 1); else show_standard_title(lbs, str, 0); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ if (!printable) { rsprintf("\n"); /* current command line for select command */ strlcpy(str, isparam("cmdline") ? getparam("cmdline") : "", sizeof(str)); /* remove select switch */ if (strstr(str, "select=1")) { *strstr(str, "select=1") = 0; if (strlen(str) > 1 && (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '&' || str[strlen(str) - 1] == '?')) str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; } /* store current command line as hidden parameter for page navigation */ if (str[0] && !strieq(str, "?")) { rsprintf("\n", str); } if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest Find menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)) || logged_in(lbs)) getcfg(lbs->name, "Find menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)); if (!menu_str[0]) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest list menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)) || logged_in(lbs)) getcfg(lbs->name, "list menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)); } /* default menu commands */ if (menu_str[0] == 0) { strlcpy(menu_str, "New, Find, Select, Import, ", sizeof(menu_str)); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) strlcat(menu_str, "Config, Logout, ", sizeof(menu_str)); else strlcat(menu_str, "Config, ", sizeof(menu_str)); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Mirror server", str, sizeof(str))) strlcat(menu_str, "Synchronize, ", sizeof(menu_str)); strlcpy(str, loc("Last x"), sizeof(str)); strlcat(menu_str, "Last x, Help, ", sizeof(menu_str)); } n = strbreak(menu_str, menu_item, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (is_user_allowed(lbs, menu_item[i])) { if (strieq(menu_item[i], "Last x")) { if (past_n > 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Last %d days"), past_n * 2); rsprintf(" %s |\n", past_n * 2, mode, str); } else { strlcpy(str, loc("Last day"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf(" %s |\n", mode, str); } if (last_n) { sprintf(str, loc("Last %d entries"), last_n * 2); rsprintf(" %s |\n", last_n * 2, mode, str); } } else if (strieq(menu_item[i], "Select")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("cmdline"), sizeof(str)); if (isparam("select") && atoi(getparam("select")) == 1) { /* remove select switch */ if (strstr(str, "select=1")) { *strstr(str, "select=1") = 0; if (strlen(str) > 1 && (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '&' || str[strlen(str) - 1] == '?')) str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; } } else { /* add select switch */ if (strchr(str, '?')) strcat(str, "&select=1"); else strcat(str, "?select=1"); } rsprintf(" %s |\n", loc("Select")); } else { strlcpy(str, loc(menu_item[i]), sizeof(str)); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); if (i < n - 1) rsprintf(" %s |\n", str, loc(menu_item[i])); else rsprintf(" %s \n", str, loc(menu_item[i])); } } } rsprintf("\n\n"); } /*---- list menu text ----*/ if ((getcfg(lbs->name, "find menu text", str, sizeof(str)) || getcfg(lbs->name, "list menu text", str, sizeof(str))) && !printable) { FILE *f; char file_name[256], *buf; rsprintf("\n"); /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strlcpy(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } f = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (f != NULL) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fileno(f)); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = (char *) xmalloc(size + 1); fread(buf, 1, size, f); buf[size] = 0; fclose(f); rsputs(buf); } else rsprintf("
      Error: file \"%s\" not found
      ", file_name); rsprintf("
      "); } /*---- display filters ----*/ disp_filter = isparam("ma") || isparam("ya") || isparam("da") || isparam("mb") || isparam("yb") || isparam("db") || isparam("subtext") || isparam("last"); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) if (isparam(attr_list[i]) && (attr_flags[i] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0) disp_filter = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) { sprintf(str, "%da", i); ltime = retrieve_date(str, TRUE); if (ltime > 0) disp_filter = TRUE; sprintf(str, "%db", i); ltime = retrieve_date(str, FALSE); if (ltime > 0) disp_filter = TRUE; } if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(str)) disp_filter = TRUE; if (isparam(attr_list[i])) disp_filter = TRUE; } } } if (isparam("new_entries") && atoi(getparam("new_entries")) == 1) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("", loc("New entries since")); memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime_start), sizeof(struct tm)); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), "%c", &tms); rsprintf("", str); rsprintf("
      \n\n"); } if (disp_filter) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); if (isparam("last")) { rsprintf("", loc("Restrict search to last")); strencode2(str, getparam("last"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("", str, loc("days")); } if (isparam("ma") || isparam("ya") || isparam("da") || isparam("ha") || isparam("na") || isparam("ca")) { memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = y1 - 1900; tms.tm_mon = m1 - 1; tms.tm_mday = d1; tms.tm_hour = h1; tms.tm_min = n1; tms.tm_sec = c1; if (tms.tm_year < 90) tms.tm_year += 100; mktime(&tms); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, &tms); rsprintf("", loc("Start date")); rsprintf("", str); } if (isparam("mb") || isparam("yb") || isparam("db") || isparam("hb") || isparam("nb") || isparam("cb")) { memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = y2 - 1900; tms.tm_mon = m2 - 1; tms.tm_mday = d2; tms.tm_hour = h2; tms.tm_min = n2; tms.tm_sec = c2; if (tms.tm_year < 90) tms.tm_year += 100; ltime = mktime(&tms); memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime), sizeof(struct tm)); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, &tms); rsprintf("", loc("End date")); rsprintf("", str); } for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) { sprintf(str, "%da", i); ltime1 = retrieve_date(str, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%db", i); ltime2 = retrieve_date(str, TRUE); if (ltime1 > 0 || ltime2 > 0) { rsprintf("", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("", comment); } } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_MULTI) { line[0] = 0; for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST && attr_options[i][j][0]; j++) { sprintf(iattr, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(iattr)) { comment[0] = 0; if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", getparam(iattr)); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); } if (line[0]) strlcat(line, " | ", sizeof(line)); if (comment[0] == 0) { strlcpy(str, getparam(iattr), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == '^' && str[strlen(str) - 1] == '$') { str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; strlcpy(comment, str + 1, NAME_LENGTH); } else strlcpy(comment, str, NAME_LENGTH); strlcpy(str, comment, sizeof(str)); strencode2(line + strlen(line), str, sizeof(line) - strlen(line)); } else strlcat(line, comment, sizeof(line)); } } if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { comment[0] = 0; if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", getparam(attr_list[i])); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); } if (line[0]) strlcat(line, " | ", sizeof(line)); if (comment[0] == 0) { strlcpy(str, getparam(attr_list[i]), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == '^' && str[strlen(str) - 1] == '$') { str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; strlcpy(comment, str + 1, NAME_LENGTH); } else strlcpy(comment, str, NAME_LENGTH); strlcpy(str, comment, sizeof(str)); strencode2(line + strlen(line), str, sizeof(line) - strlen(line)); } else strlcat(line, comment, sizeof(line)); } if (line[0]) { rsprintf("", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("", line); } } else if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) { line[0] = 0; for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST; j++) { sprintf(iattr, "%s_%d", attr_list[i], j); if (isparam(iattr)) { if (line[0]) strlcat(line, " | ", sizeof(line)); strlcat(line, getparam(iattr), sizeof(line)); } } if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { if (line[0]) strlcat(line, " | ", sizeof(line)); strencode2(line + strlen(line), getparam(attr_list[i]), sizeof(line) - strlen(line)); } if (line[0]) { rsprintf("", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("", line); } } else if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { strlcpy(str, getparam(attr_list[i]), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] && !strieq(str, "_all_") && strncmp(str, "--", 2) != 0) { comment[0] = 0; if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", getparam(attr_list[i])); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); } if (comment[0] == 0) { strlcpy(str, getparam(attr_list[i]), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == '^' && str[strlen(str) - 1] == '$') { str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; strlcpy(comment, str + 1, NAME_LENGTH); } else strlcpy(comment, str, NAME_LENGTH); strlcpy(str, comment, sizeof(str)); strencode2(comment, str, sizeof(comment)); } rsprintf("", attr_list[i]); rsprintf("", comment); } } } if (isparam("subtext")) { rsprintf("", loc("Text")); rsprintf("", str); } rsprintf("
      %s:%s %s
      %s:"); if (ltime1) { memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime1), sizeof(struct tm)); if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); else strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, &tms); if (ltime2 > 0) rsprintf("%s %s", loc("From"), str); else rsprintf("%s %s", loc("After"), str); } if (ltime2) { memcpy(&tms, localtime(<ime2), sizeof(struct tm)); if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); else strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, &tms); if (ltime1 > 0) rsprintf(" %s %s", loc("to"), str); else rsprintf("%s %s", loc("Before"), str); } rsprintf("
      %s:"); rsprintf("%s
      %s:"); rsprintf("%s
      %s:"); rsprintf("%s
      %s:"); strencode2(str, getparam("subtext"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("%s
      \n\n"); } /* get number of summary lines */ n_line = 3; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Summary lines", str, sizeof(str))) n_line = atoi(str); /* suppress summary completely if text body is disabled */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) n_line = 0; /* suppress attachment colum if switched off */ show_att_column = strieq(mode, "Summary"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Enable attachments", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) show_att_column = FALSE; /* get mode commands flag */ mode_commands = TRUE; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Mode commands", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) mode_commands = FALSE; /*---- evaluate conditions for quick filters */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { attrib[i][0] = 0; if (isparam(attr_list[i])) { strlcpy(str, getparam(attr_list[i]), sizeof(str)); if (str[0] == '^' && str[strlen(str) - 1] == '$') { str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; strlcpy(attrib[i], str + 1, NAME_LENGTH); } else strlcpy(attrib[i], str, NAME_LENGTH); } } evaluate_conditions(lbs, attrib); /*---- notification message ----*/ if (info && info[0]) { rsprintf("%s\n", info); } /*---- page navigation ----*/ if (!printable) { show_page_filters(lbs, n_msg, page_n, mode_commands, mode); show_page_navigation(lbs, n_msg, page_n, n_page); } /*---- select navigation ----*/ if (isparam("select") && atoi(getparam("select")) == 1) show_select_navigation(lbs); /*---- table titles ----*/ /* overall listing table */ rsprintf("\n"); size = printable ? 2 : 3; show_text = TRUE; text_in_attr = FALSE; list[0] = 0; getcfg(lbs->name, "List display", list, 10000); /* evaluate Guest display list */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)) && getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest list display", str, sizeof(str)) && !isparam("unm")) { strcpy(list, str); n = strbreak(list, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) gattr, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(gattr + j * NAME_LENGTH, "text")) break; if (n > 0 && j == n) show_text = FALSE; else text_in_attr = TRUE; } memset(disp_attr_flags, 0, sizeof(disp_attr_flags)); if (list[0]) { n_attr_disp = strbreak(list, disp_attr, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); /* if text is in guest display list, adjust number of *real* attributes */ if (text_in_attr) n_attr_disp--; if (search_all) { for (i = n_attr_disp - 1; i >= 0; i--) strcpy(disp_attr[i + 1], disp_attr[i]); strcpy(disp_attr[0], loc("Logbook")); n_attr_disp++; } } else { if (search_all) { n_attr_disp = lbs->n_attr + 3; strcpy(disp_attr[0], loc("Logbook")); strcpy(disp_attr[1], loc("ID")); strcpy(disp_attr[2], loc("Date")); memcpy(disp_attr + 3, attr_list, sizeof(attr_list)); memcpy(disp_attr_flags + 3, attr_flags, sizeof(attr_flags)); } else { n_attr_disp = lbs->n_attr + 2; strcpy(disp_attr[0], loc("ID")); strcpy(disp_attr[1], loc("Date")); memcpy(disp_attr + 2, attr_list, sizeof(attr_list)); memcpy(disp_attr_flags + 2, attr_flags, sizeof(attr_flags)); } } list[0] = 0; getcfg(lbs->name, "Link display", list, 10000); if (list[0]) { n = strbreak(list, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) gattr, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_attr_disp; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(gattr + j * NAME_LENGTH, disp_attr[i])) break; if (j < n) disp_attr_link[i] = TRUE; else disp_attr_link[i] = FALSE; } } else for (i = 0; i < n_attr_disp; i++) disp_attr_link[i] = TRUE; if (threaded) { } else { rsprintf("\n"); /* empty title for selection box */ if (isparam("select") && atoi(getparam("select")) == 1) rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < n_attr_disp; i++) { /* assemble current command line, replace sort statements */ strlcpy(ref, getparam("cmdline"), sizeof(ref)); strlcpy(str, disp_attr[i], sizeof(str)); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); if (isparam("sort") && strcmp(getparam("sort"), disp_attr[i]) == 0) { subst_param(ref, sizeof(ref), "sort", ""); subst_param(ref, sizeof(ref), "rsort", str); } else { if (ref[0] == 0) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Reverse sort", str2, sizeof(str2)) && atoi(str2) == 1) sprintf(ref, "?rsort=%s", str); else sprintf(ref, "?sort=%s", str); } else { subst_param(ref, sizeof(ref), "rsort", ""); subst_param(ref, sizeof(ref), "sort", str); } } img[0] = 0; if (isparam("sort") && strcmp(getparam("sort"), disp_attr[i]) == 0) sprintf(img, "\"%s\"", loc("up"), loc("up")); else if (isparam("rsort") && strcmp(getparam("rsort"), disp_attr[i]) == 0) sprintf(img, "\"%s\"", loc("down"), loc("down")); sprintf(str, "Tooltip %s", disp_attr[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) sprintf(str, "title=\"%s\"", comment); else str[0] = 0; if (strieq(disp_attr[i], "Edit") || strieq(disp_attr[i], "Delete")) rsprintf("\n", str, disp_attr[i]); else { rsprintf("\n", disp_attr[i], img); } } if (!strieq(mode, "Full") && n_line > 0 && show_text) rsprintf("\n", loc("Text")); if (show_att_column) rsprintf("\n\n"); } } /* if (!csv && !xml) */ /*---- display message list ----*/ for (index = i_start; index <= i_stop; index++) { size = TEXT_SIZE; message_id = msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[msg_list[index].index].message_id; status = el_retrieve(msg_list[index].lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) break; /* skip drafts */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "List drafts", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) if (draft[0]) continue; if (csv) { rsprintf("%d", message_id); if (strieq(mode, "CSV1")) rsprintf(","); else rsprintf(";"); strlcpy(str, date, sizeof(str)); while (strchr(str, ',')) *strchr(str, ',') = ' '; rsprintf(str); if (strieq(mode, "CSV1")) rsprintf(","); else rsprintf(";"); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { strlcpy(str, attrib[i], sizeof(str)); if (str[0]) { if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); ptms = localtime(<ime); assert(ptms); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, ptms); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); ptms = localtime(<ime); assert(ptms); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, ptms); } rsputs("\""); pt1 = str; while ((pt2 = strchr(pt1, '"')) != NULL) { *pt2 = 0; rsputs(pt1); rsputs("\"\""); pt1 = pt2 + 1; } rsputs(pt1); rsputs("\""); } if (i < lbs->n_attr - 1) { if (strieq(mode, "CSV1")) rsprintf(","); else rsprintf(";"); } else { if (strlen(text) > 0 && strieq(mode, "CSV3")) { rsprintf(";"); strlcpy(str, text, sizeof(str)); rsputs("\""); pt1 = str; while ((pt2 = strchr(pt1, '"')) != NULL) { *pt2 = 0; rsputs(pt1); rsputs("\"\""); pt1 = pt2 + 1; } rsputs(pt1); rsputs("\""); } rsprintf("\r\n"); } } } else if (xml) { rsputs("\t\n"); rsprintf("\t\t%d\n", message_id); rsprintf("\t\t%s\n", date); if (in_reply_to[0]) rsprintf("\t\t%s\n", in_reply_to); if (reply_to[0]) rsprintf("\t\t%s\n", reply_to); if (attachment[0][0]) { rsprintf("\t\t"); rsprintf(attachment[0]); for (i = 1; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment[i][0]) rsprintf(",%s", attachment[i]); rsprintf("\n", attachment); } rsprintf("\t\t%s\n", encoding); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { strcpy(iattr, attr_list[i]); for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(iattr); j++) /* replace special characters with "_", exclude any UTF-8 */ if (!isalnum(iattr[j]) && ((unsigned char) iattr[j] < 128)) iattr[j] = '_'; rsprintf("\t\t<%s>", iattr); strlcpy(str, attrib[i], sizeof(str)); if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); ptms = localtime(<ime); assert(ptms); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, ptms); sprintf(str + strlen(str), " [%ld]", (long)ltime); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); ptms = localtime(<ime); assert(ptms); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, ptms); sprintf(str + strlen(str), " [%ld]", (long)ltime); } xmlencode(str); rsprintf("\n", iattr); } rsputs("\t\t"); xmlencode(text); rsputs("\n"); rsputs("\t\n"); } else if (raw) { rsprintf("$@MID@$: %d\r\n", message_id); rsprintf("Date: %s\r\n", date); if (reply_to[0]) rsprintf("Reply to: %s\r\n", reply_to); if (in_reply_to[0]) rsprintf("In reply to: %s\r\n", in_reply_to); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) rsprintf("%s: %s\r\n", attr_list[i], attrib[i]); rsprintf("Attachment: "); if (attachment[0][0]) { rsprintf("%s", attachment[0]); for (i = 1; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment[i][0]) rsprintf(",%s", attachment[i]); } rsprintf("\r\n"); rsprintf("Encoding: %s\r\n", encoding); if (locked_by[0]) rsprintf("Locked by: %s\r\n", locked_by); rsprintf("========================================\r\n"); rsputs(text); rsputs("\r\n"); } else { /*---- add highlighting for searched subtext ----*/ if (isparam("subtext")) { highlight_searchtext(re_buf, text, text1, strieq(encoding, "plain") || strieq(encoding, "ELCode") || !strieq(mode, "Full")); strlcpy(text, text1, TEXT_SIZE); } /*---- display line ----*/ expand = 1; if (threaded) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Expand default", str, sizeof(str))) expand = atoi(str); if (isparam("expand")) expand = atoi(getparam("expand")); } level = 0; if (!filtering && !date_filtering) { if (expand == 0 && (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Collapse to last", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1)) { /* search last entry in this thread */ if (reply_to[0]) { search_last_reply(msg_list[index].lbs, &message_id); size = TEXT_SIZE; status = el_retrieve(msg_list[index].lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status == SUCCESS) level = 1; } } } else if (in_reply_to[0]) level = 1; display_line(msg_list[index].lbs, message_id, index, mode, expand, level, printable, n_line, show_attachments, show_att_column, date, in_reply_to, reply_to, n_attr_disp, disp_attr, disp_attr_link, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, show_text, attachment, encoding, isparam("select") ? atoi(getparam("select")) : 0, &n_display, locked_by, 0, re_buf, page_mid, FALSE, draft); if (threaded && !filtering && !date_filtering) { if (reply_to[0] && expand > 0) { p = reply_to; do { display_reply(msg_list[index].lbs, atoi(p), printable, expand, n_line, n_attr_disp, disp_attr, show_text, 1, 0, re_buf, page_mid, FALSE); while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; while (*p && (*p == ',' || *p == ' ')) p++; } while (*p); } } } /* if (!csv && !xml) */ } /* for() */ if (!csv && !xml && !raw) { rsprintf("
       %s%s%s%s\"%s\"", loc("Attachments"), loc("Attachments")); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (n_display) rsprintf("\n", n_display); rsprintf("\n"); if (n_msg == 0) rsprintf("%s", loc("No entries found")); /*---- page navigation ----*/ if (!printable) show_page_navigation(lbs, n_msg, page_n, n_page); rsprintf("\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\r\n"); } if (xml) { rsputs("
      \n"); } regfree(re_buf); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) regfree(re_buf + 1 + i); xfree(slist); xfree(svalue); xfree(gattr); xfree(list); xfree(msg_list); xfree(text); xfree(text1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int find_thread_head(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id) { int i; /* search index of message */ for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) break; if (lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to) return find_thread_head(lbs, lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to); return message_id; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_elog_thread(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, int absolute_links, int highlight_mid) { int size, head_id, n_display, n_attr_disp; char date[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], *text, in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256], disp_attr[MAX_N_ATTR + 4][NAME_LENGTH]; char *p; text = (char *) xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); /* retrieve message */ size = TEXT_SIZE; el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); /* find message head */ if (atoi(in_reply_to)) head_id = find_thread_head(lbs, atoi(in_reply_to)); else head_id = message_id; n_attr_disp = lbs->n_attr + 2; strcpy(disp_attr[0], loc("ID")); strcpy(disp_attr[1], loc("Date")); memcpy(disp_attr + 2, attr_list, sizeof(attr_list)); size = TEXT_SIZE; el_retrieve(lbs, head_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); rsprintf("\n"); display_line(lbs, head_id, 0, "Threaded", 1, 0, FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE, date, in_reply_to, reply_to, n_attr_disp, disp_attr, NULL, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, FALSE, attachment, encoding, 0, &n_display, locked_by, message_id, NULL, highlight_mid, absolute_links, draft); if (reply_to[0]) { p = reply_to; do { display_reply(lbs, atoi(p), FALSE, 1, 0, n_attr_disp, disp_attr, FALSE, 1, message_id, NULL, highlight_mid, absolute_links); while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; while (*p && (*p == ',' || *p == ' ')) p++; } while (*p); } rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); xfree(text); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int max_attachment_size(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id) { char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; int index, max_size, fh; char str[256], subdir[256], file_name[256]; el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, att_file, NULL, NULL, NULL); max_size = 0; for (index = 0; index < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; index++) { if (att_file[index][0] == 0) continue; strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(att_file[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, att_file[index], sizeof(file_name)); if (is_image(file_name)) { get_thumb_name(file_name, str, sizeof(str), 0); if (str[0]) strlcpy(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { off_t size = lseek(fh, 0L, SEEK_END); max_size = size > max_size ? size : max_size; } } return max_size; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void format_email_attachments(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, int attachment_type, char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], char *mail_text, int size, char *multipart_boundary, int content_id) { int i, index, n_att, fh, n, is_inline, length; char str[256], file_name[256], buffer[256], domain[256], subdir[256]; /* count attachments */ for (n_att = 0; att_file[n_att][0] && n_att < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; n_att++); for (index = 0; index < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; index++) { if (att_file[index][0] == 0) continue; is_inline = is_inline_attachment(getparam("encoding"), message_id, getparam("text"), index, att_file[index]); if (attachment_type == 1 && is_inline) continue; if (attachment_type == 2 && !is_inline) continue; snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "\r\n--%s\r\n", multipart_boundary); /* return proper Content-Type for file type */ for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(att_file[index]) && i < (int) sizeof(str) - 1; i++) str[i] = toupper(att_file[index][i]); str[i] = 0; for (i = 0; filetype[i].ext[0]; i++) if (strstr(str, filetype[i].ext)) break; if (filetype[i].ext[0]) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Content-Type: %s; name=\"%s\"\r\n", filetype[i].type, att_file[index] + 14); else if (strchr(str, '.') == NULL) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Content-Type: text/plain; name=\"%s\"\r\n", att_file[index] + 14); else snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"%s\"\r\n", att_file[index] + 14); strlcat(mail_text, str, size); strlcat(mail_text, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\r\n", size); if (content_id) { retrieve_domain(domain, sizeof(domain)); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Content-ID: \r\n", index, domain); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", att_file[index] + 14); } else snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", att_file[index] + 14); /* encode file */ strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(att_file[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, att_file[index], sizeof(file_name)); if (is_image(file_name)) { get_thumb_name(file_name, str, sizeof(str), 0); if (str[0]) strlcpy(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); length = strlen(mail_text); if (fh > 0) { do { n = my_read(fh, buffer, 45); if (n <= 0) break; base64_bufenc((unsigned char *) buffer, n, str); if (length + (int) strlen(str) + 2 < size) { strcpy(mail_text + length, str); length += strlen(str); strcpy(mail_text + length, "\r\n"); length += 2; } } while (1); close(fh); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void format_email_text(LOGBOOK *lbs, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], int old_mail, char *url, char *multipart_boundary, char *mail_text, int size) { int i, j, k, flags, n_email_attr, attr_index[MAX_N_ATTR]; char str[NAME_LENGTH + 100], str2[256], mail_from[256], mail_from_name[256], format[256], list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], comment[256], charset[256], heading[256], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH]; time_t ltime; struct tm *pts; if (multipart_boundary[0]) { if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); strlcat(mail_text, "--", size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary, size); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s; format=flowed\r\n", charset); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"); } else strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); flags = 63; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Email format", str, sizeof(str))) flags = atoi(str); retrieve_email_from(lbs, mail_from, mail_from_name, attrib); if (flags & 1) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email heading", heading, sizeof(heading))) { if (old_mail) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email heading edit", heading, sizeof(heading))) getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email heading", heading, sizeof(heading)); } i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); strsubst_list(heading, sizeof(heading), slist, svalue, i); strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), heading, size - strlen(mail_text)); } else { if (old_mail) strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), loc("An old ELOG entry has been updated"), size - strlen(mail_text)); else strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), loc("A new ELOG entry has been submitted"), size - strlen(mail_text)); strcat(mail_text, ":"); } strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n\r\n", size - strlen(mail_text)); } if (flags & 32) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s : %s\r\n", loc("Logbook"), lbs->name); if (flags & 2) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Email attributes", str, sizeof(str))) { n_email_attr = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_email_attr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < lbs->n_attr; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) break; if (!strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) /* attribute not found */ j = 0; attr_index[i] = j; } } else { for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) attr_index[i] = i; n_email_attr = lbs->n_attr; } for (j = 0; j < n_email_attr; j++) { i = attr_index[j]; strcpy(str, " "); memcpy(str, attr_list[i], strlen(attr_list[i])); comment[0] = 0; if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { sprintf(str2, "Icon comment %s", attrib[i]); getcfg(lbs->name, str2, comment, sizeof(comment)); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(comment, "-"); else my_strftime(comment, sizeof(str), format, pts); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(comment, "-"); else my_strftime(comment, sizeof(str), format, pts); } if (!comment[0]) strcpy(comment, attrib[i]); if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean")) strcpy(comment, atoi(attrib[i]) ? "1" : "0"); for (k = strlen(str) - 1; k > 0; k--) if (str[k] != ' ') break; if (k < 20) sprintf(str + 20, ": %s\r\n", comment); else sprintf(str + k + 1, ": %s\r\n", comment); strcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), str); } } if (flags & 4) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n%s URL : %s\r\n", loc("Logbook"), url); if (flags & 64) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS && att_file[i][0]; i++) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n%s %d : %s (%s/%d)\r\n", loc("Attachment"), i + 1, att_file[i] + 14, url, i + 1); } if (flags & 8) { if (isparam("text")) { sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n=================================\r\n\r\n%s", getparam("text")); } } strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n\r\n", size); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void format_email_html(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], int old_mail, char *encoding, char *url, char *multipart_boundary, char *mail_text, int size) { int i, j, k, flags, n_email_attr, attr_index[MAX_N_ATTR], max_att_size, max_allowed_att_size; char str[NAME_LENGTH + 100], str2[256], mail_from[256], mail_from_name[256], format[256], list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], comment[256], charset[256], multipart_boundary_related[256], heading[256], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH]; time_t ltime; struct tm *pts; if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); if (multipart_boundary[0]) { strlcat(mail_text, "--", size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary, size); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); } max_att_size = max_attachment_size(lbs, message_id); max_allowed_att_size = (int) 10E6; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Max email attachment size", str, sizeof(str))) max_allowed_att_size = atoi(str); if (max_att_size) { sprintf(multipart_boundary_related, "------------%04X%04X%04X", rand(), rand(), rand()); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: multipart/related;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", multipart_boundary_related); strlcat(mail_text, "--", size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary_related, size); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); } snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", charset); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"); retrieve_email_from(lbs, mail_from, mail_from_name, attrib); flags = 63; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Email format", str, sizeof(str))) flags = atoi(str); // if attachments too large, include only links to attachments if (max_att_size > max_allowed_att_size && (flags & 16) > 0) { flags &= ~(16); flags |= 64; } strcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n"); strcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n"); if (flags & 1) { strcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "

      \r\n"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email heading", heading, sizeof(heading))) { if (old_mail) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email heading edit", heading, sizeof(heading))) getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email heading", heading, sizeof(heading)); } i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); strsubst_list(heading, sizeof(heading), slist, svalue, i); strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), heading, size - strlen(mail_text)); } else { if (old_mail) sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), loc("A old entry has been updated on %s"), host_name); else sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), loc("A new entry has been submitted on %s"), host_name); strcat(mail_text, ":"); } strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "

      \r\n", size - strlen(mail_text)); } strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n", size - strlen(mail_text)); if (flags & 32) { sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "", loc("Logbook")); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n", lbs->name); } if (flags & 2) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Email attributes", str, sizeof(str))) { n_email_attr = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_email_attr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < lbs->n_attr; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) break; if (!strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) /* attribute not found */ j = 0; attr_index[i] = j; } } else { for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) attr_index[i] = i; n_email_attr = lbs->n_attr; } for (j = 0; j < n_email_attr; j++) { i = attr_index[j]; strcpy(str, " "); memcpy(str, attr_list[i], strlen(attr_list[i])); comment[0] = 0; if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { sprintf(str2, "Icon comment %s", attrib[i]); getcfg(lbs->name, str2, comment, sizeof(comment)); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(comment, "-"); else my_strftime(comment, sizeof(str), format, pts); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(comment, "-"); else my_strftime(comment, sizeof(str), format, pts); } if (!comment[0]) strcpy(comment, attrib[i]); if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean")) strcpy(comment, atoi(attrib[i]) ? "1" : "0"); for (k = strlen(str) - 1; k > 0; k--) if (str[k] != ' ') break; sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "", attr_list[i]); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n", comment); } } if (flags & 4) { sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n", url, url); } if (flags & 64) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS && att_file[i][0]; i++) { sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n", url, i + 1, att_file[i] + 14); } } sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "
      %s URL", loc("Logbook")); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s
      %s %d", loc("Attachment"), i + 1); sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "%s
      \r\n"); if (flags & 8) { if (isparam("text")) { if (encoding[0] == 'H') sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n
      \r\n%s", getparam("text")); else if (encoding[0] == 'E') { sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n
      \r\n"); strlen_retbuf = 0; rsputs_elcode(lbs, TRUE, getparam("text")); strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), return_buffer, TEXT_SIZE + 1000 - strlen(mail_text)); strlen_retbuf = 0; } else sprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n=================================\r\n\r\n%s", getparam("text")); } } strcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), "\r\n\r\n\r\n"); if (max_att_size && (flags & 64)) { format_email_attachments(lbs, message_id, 2, att_file, mail_text, size, multipart_boundary_related, TRUE); strlcat(mail_text, "--", size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary_related, size); strlcat(mail_text, "--\r\n\r\n", size); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void format_email_html2(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], int old_mail, char *multipart_boundary, char *mail_text, int size, int flags) { char str[256], charset[256], multipart_boundary_related[256], command[256], *p; int max_att_size; sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); if (multipart_boundary[0]) { strlcat(mail_text, "--", size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary, size); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); } max_att_size = max_attachment_size(lbs, message_id); if (max_att_size && (flags & 16) > 0) { sprintf(multipart_boundary_related, "------------%04X%04X%04X", rand(), rand(), rand()); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: multipart/related;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", multipart_boundary_related); strlcat(mail_text, "--", size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary_related, size); strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); } snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", charset); snprintf(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), size - strlen(mail_text) - 1, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"); strlen_retbuf = 0; if (old_mail) strcpy(command, "oldemail"); else strcpy(command, "email"); if ((flags & 64) > 0) strlcat(command, "-att-links", sizeof(command)); show_elog_entry(lbs, str, command); p = strstr(return_buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p) strlcpy(mail_text + strlen(mail_text), p + 4, size - strlen(mail_text)); strlen_retbuf = 0; strlcat(mail_text, "\r\n", size); if (max_att_size && (flags & 16) > 0) { format_email_attachments(lbs, message_id, 2, att_file, mail_text, size, multipart_boundary_related, TRUE); strlcat(mail_text, "--", size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary_related, size); strlcat(mail_text, "--\r\n\r\n", size); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int compose_email(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *rcpt_to, char *mail_to, int message_id, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char *mail_param, int old_mail, char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], char *encoding, int reply_id) { int i, n, flags, status, mail_encoding, mail_text_size, max_att_size, n_attachments, max_allowed_att_size; char str[NAME_LENGTH + 100], mail_from[256], mail_from_name[256], *mail_text, smtp_host[256], subject[256], error[256]; char list[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH], url[256]; char slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH]; char multipart_boundary[80]; if (!getcfg("global", "SMTP host", smtp_host, sizeof(smtp_host))) { show_error(loc("No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file")); return 0; } evaluate_conditions(lbs, attrib); flags = 63; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Email format", str, sizeof(str))) flags = atoi(str); /* get initial HTML flag from message encoding */ mail_encoding = 1; // 1:text, 2:short HTML, 4:full HTML if (encoding[0] == 'E' || encoding[0] == 'H') mail_encoding = 4; /* overwrite with config setting */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Email encoding", str, sizeof(str))) mail_encoding = atoi(str); max_allowed_att_size = (int) 10E6; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Max email attachment size", str, sizeof(str))) max_allowed_att_size = atoi(str); retrieve_email_from(lbs, mail_from, mail_from_name, attrib); /* compose subject from attributes */ if (old_mail && getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email Subject Edit", subject, sizeof(subject))) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", str, &i); strsubst_list(subject, sizeof(subject), slist, svalue, i); } else if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email Subject", subject, sizeof(subject))) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", str, &i); strsubst_list(subject, sizeof(subject), slist, svalue, i); } else { if (old_mail) strcpy(subject, "Updated ELOG entry"); else strcpy(subject, "New ELOG entry"); } /* count attachments and get maximum size */ n_attachments = 0; max_att_size = 0; if (att_file) { for (i = 0; att_file[i][0] && i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { if ((mail_encoding & 6) == 0 || !is_inline_attachment(encoding, message_id, getparam("text"), i, att_file[i])) n_attachments++; } max_att_size = max_attachment_size(lbs, message_id); } // if attachments too large, include only links to attachments if (max_att_size > max_allowed_att_size && (flags & 16) > 0) { flags &= ~(16); flags |= 64; } compose_base_url(lbs, str, sizeof(str), TRUE); sprintf(url, "%s%d", str, message_id); mail_text_size = MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1000; mail_text = xmalloc(mail_text_size); mail_text[0] = 0; compose_email_header(lbs, subject, mail_from_name, mail_to, url, mail_text, mail_text_size, mail_encoding, n_attachments, multipart_boundary, message_id, reply_id); if (mail_encoding & 1) format_email_text(lbs, attrib, att_file, old_mail, url, multipart_boundary, mail_text, mail_text_size); if (mail_encoding & 2) format_email_html(lbs, message_id, attrib, att_file, old_mail, encoding, url, multipart_boundary, mail_text, mail_text_size); if (mail_encoding & 4) format_email_html2(lbs, message_id, att_file, old_mail, multipart_boundary, mail_text, mail_text_size, flags); if (n_attachments && (flags & 16)) { if ((mail_encoding & 6) > 0) /* only non-inline attachements */ format_email_attachments(lbs, message_id, 1, att_file, mail_text, mail_text_size, multipart_boundary, FALSE); else /* all attachments */ format_email_attachments(lbs, message_id, 0, att_file, mail_text, mail_text_size, multipart_boundary, FALSE); } if (multipart_boundary[0]) { strlcat(mail_text, "--", mail_text_size); strlcat(mail_text, multipart_boundary, mail_text_size); strlcat(mail_text, "--\r\n\r\n", mail_text_size); } status = sendmail(lbs, smtp_host, mail_from, rcpt_to, mail_text, error, sizeof(error)); /* { int fh; fh = open("mail.html", O_WRONLY | O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); write(fh, mail_text, strlen(mail_text)); close(fh); } */ if (status < 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Error sending Email via \"%s\""), smtp_host); if (error[0]) { strlcat(str, ": ", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, error, sizeof(str)); } url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); sprintf(mail_param, "?error=%s", str); } else if (error[0]) { sprintf(str, loc("Error sending Email via \"%s\""), smtp_host); strlcat(str, ": ", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, error, sizeof(str)); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); sprintf(mail_param, "?error=%s", str); } else { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Display email recipients", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) { if (mail_param[0] == 0) strcpy(mail_param, "?"); else strcat(mail_param, "&"); /* convert '"',CR,LF,TAB to ' ' */ while (strchr(mail_to, '"')) *strchr(mail_to, '"') = ' '; while (strchr(mail_to, '\r')) *strchr(mail_to, '\r') = ' '; while (strchr(mail_to, '\n')) *strchr(mail_to, '\n') = ' '; while (strchr(mail_to, '\t')) *strchr(mail_to, '\t') = ' '; n = strbreak(mail_to, list, MAX_PARAM, ",", FALSE); if (n < 10) { for (i = 0; i < n && i < MAX_PARAM; i++) { strlcpy(str, list[i], sizeof(str)); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); sprintf(mail_param + strlen(mail_param), "mail%d=%s", i, str); if (i < n - 1) strcat(mail_param, "&"); } } else { sprintf(str, "%d%%20%s", n, loc("recipients")); sprintf(mail_param + strlen(mail_param), "mail0=%s", str); } } } xfree(mail_text); return status; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int execute_shell(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], char *sh_cmd) { int i; char slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH]; char shell_cmd[10000], tail[1000], str[NAME_LENGTH], *p, subdir[256]; if (!enable_execute) { eprintf("Shell execution not enabled via -x flag.\n"); return SUCCESS; } strlcpy(shell_cmd, sh_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd)); i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", str, &i); add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "text", getparam("text"), &i); strsubst_list(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), slist, svalue, i); if (att_file && stristr(shell_cmd, "$attachments")) { /* substitute attachments */ p = stristr(shell_cmd, "$attachments"); strlcpy(tail, p + strlen("$attachments"), sizeof(tail)); *p = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { generate_subdir_name(att_file[i], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); if (att_file[i][0] && strlen(shell_cmd) + strlen(lbs->data_dir) + strlen(subdir) + strlen(att_file[i]) < sizeof(shell_cmd) + 1) { strcpy(p, "\""); strcat(p, lbs->data_dir); strlcat(str, subdir, sizeof(str)); strlcpy(str, att_file[i], sizeof(str)); str_escape(str, sizeof(str)); strcat(p, str); strcat(p, "\" "); p += strlen(p); } } strlcat(shell_cmd, tail, sizeof(shell_cmd)); } sprintf(str, "SHELL \"%s\"", shell_cmd); write_logfile(lbs, str); my_shell(shell_cmd, str, sizeof(str)); return SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int add_attribute_option(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *attrname, char *attrvalue, char *condition) { int fh, i, length; char str[NAME_LENGTH], av_encoded[NAME_LENGTH], *buf, *buf2, *p1, *p2, *p3; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); return 0; } /* do not allow HTML code in value */ strencode2(av_encoded, attrvalue, sizeof(av_encoded)); /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(length + strlen(av_encoded) + 3); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; /* find location of options */ if (condition && condition[0]) set_condition(condition); else set_condition(""); sprintf(str, "Options %s", attrname); p1 = (char *) find_param(buf, lbs->name, str); if (p1 == NULL) { sprintf(str, "MOptions %s", attrname); p1 = (char *) find_param(buf, lbs->name, str); } if (p1 == NULL) { sprintf(str, "ROptions %s", attrname); p1 = (char *) find_param(buf, lbs->name, str); } if (p1 == NULL) return 0; p2 = strchr(p1, '\n'); if (p2 && *(p2 - 1) == '\r') p2--; /* save tail */ buf2 = NULL; if (p2) buf2 = xstrdup(p2); /* add option */ p3 = strchr(p1, '\n'); if (p3 == NULL) p3 = p1 + strlen(p1); while (*(p3 - 1) == '\n' || *(p3 - 1) == '\r' || *(p3 - 1) == ' ' || *(p3 - 1) == '\t') p3--; sprintf(p3, ", %s", av_encoded); if (p2) { strlcat(buf, buf2, length + strlen(av_encoded) + 3); xfree(buf2); } lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int set_attributes(LOGBOOK *lbs, char attributes[][NAME_LENGTH], int n) { int fh, i, length, size; char str[NAME_LENGTH], *buf, *buf2, *p1, *p2, *p3; fh = open(config_file, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); return 0; } /* determine length of attributes */ for (i = size = 0; i < n; i++) size += strlen(attributes[i]) + 2; /* read previous contents */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(length + size + 3); read(fh, buf, length); buf[length] = 0; /* find location of attributes */ p1 = (char *) find_param(buf, lbs->name, "Attributes"); if (p1 == NULL) { sprintf(str, loc("No 'Attributes' option present in %s"), config_file); show_error(str); return 0; } p2 = strchr(p1, '\n'); if (p2 && *(p2 - 1) == '\r') p2--; /* save tail */ buf2 = NULL; if (p2) buf2 = xstrdup(p2); /* add list */ p3 = strchr(p1, '='); if (p3 == NULL) return 0; p3++; while (*p3 == ' ') p3++; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { sprintf(p3, "%s, ", attributes[i]); p3 += strlen(p3); } sprintf(p3, "%s", attributes[i]); if (p2) { strlcat(buf, buf2, length + size + 3); xfree(buf2); } lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); i = write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i < (int) strlen(buf)) { sprintf(str, loc("Cannot write to %s"), config_file); strcat(str, ": "); strcat(str, strerror(errno)); show_error(str); close(fh); xfree(buf); return 0; } TRUNCATE(fh); close(fh); xfree(buf); /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int propagate_attrib(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]) { int n, i, j, status; char str[NAME_LENGTH], att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], *attr, *list, reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10]; list = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); attr = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); status = el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, attr_list, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) attr, lbs->n_attr, NULL, NULL, NULL, reply_to, att_file, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { xfree(list); xfree(attr); return status; } getcfg(lbs->name, "Propagate attributes", str, sizeof(str)); n = strbreak(str, (char (*)[1500]) list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < lbs->n_attr; j++) if (stricmp(attr_list[j], list + i * NAME_LENGTH) == 0) { strlcpy(attr + j * NAME_LENGTH, attrib[j], NAME_LENGTH); break; } } message_id = el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, "", attr_list, (char (*)[1500]) attr, lbs->n_attr, "", "", "", "", att_file, TRUE, NULL, NULL); if (message_id < 0) { xfree(list); xfree(attr); return 0; } // go through all replies of this entry n = strbreak(reply_to, (char (*)[1500]) list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) propagate_attrib(lbs, atoi(list + i * NAME_LENGTH), attrib); xfree(list); xfree(attr); return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int submit_elog_reply(LOGBOOK *lbs, int message_id, char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], char *text) { int n_reply, i, status; char str1[80], str2[80], att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; status = el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, NULL, attr_list, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, reply_to, att_file, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) return status; sprintf(str1, "- %s -", loc("keep original text")); sprintf(str2, "

      - %s -

      ", loc("keep original text")); if (strcmp(text, str1) == 0 || strcmp(text, str2) == 0) message_id = el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, "", attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, "", "", "", "", att_file, TRUE, NULL, NULL); else message_id = el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, "", attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, "", "", "", att_file, TRUE, NULL, NULL); if (message_id < 0) return 0; if (isparam("elmode") && strieq(getparam("elmode"), "threaded")) { // go through all replies in threaded mode n_reply = strbreak(reply_to, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_reply; i++) { submit_elog_reply(lbs, atoi(list[i]), attrib, text); } } return EL_SUCCESS; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void submit_elog(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH], file_name[256], error[1000], date[80], *mail_list, *rcpt_list, list[10000], *p, locked_by[256], encoding[80], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], subst_str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], in_reply_to[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], user[256], user_email[256], mail_param[1000], *mail_to, *rcpt_to, full_name[256], att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], ua[NAME_LENGTH], draft[256]; int i, j, k, n, missing, first, index, mindex, suppress, message_id, resubmit_orig, mail_to_size, rcpt_to_size, ltime, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, n_attr, email_notify[1000], allowed_encoding, status, bdraft, old_mail; BOOL bedit, bmultiedit; struct tm tms; bmultiedit = isparam("nsel"); bedit = isparam("edit_id") && atoi(getparam("edit_id")); bdraft = isparam("draft"); /* check for condition */ if (isparam("condition")) { set_condition(getparam("condition")); /* rescan attributes */ n_attr = scan_attributes(lbs->name); } else n_attr = lbs->n_attr; /* check for editing interval */ if (isparam("edit_id")) if (!check_edit_time(lbs, atoi(getparam("edit_id")))) return; /* check for required attributs */ missing = 0; for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { strcpy(ua, attr_list[i]); stou(ua); if (attr_flags[i] & AF_REQUIRED) { if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "d%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; sprintf(str, "m%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; sprintf(str, "y%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; if (missing) break; } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "d%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; sprintf(str, "m%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; sprintf(str, "y%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; sprintf(str, "h%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; sprintf(str, "n%d", i); if (isparam(str) == 0) missing = 1; if (missing) break; } else if ((attr_flags[i] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL))) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, j); if (isparam(str)) break; /* check for attributes without the _ from elog */ if (isparam(ua)) break; } if (j == MAX_N_LIST) { missing = 1; break; } } else if (isparam(ua) == 0 || *getparam(ua) == 0) { missing = 1; break; } } } if (missing && !bdraft) { sprintf(error, ""); sprintf(error + strlen(error), loc("Error: Attribute %s not supplied"), attr_list[i]); sprintf(error + strlen(error), ".

      \n"); sprintf(error + strlen(error), loc("Please go back and enter the %s field"), attr_list[i]); strcat(error, ".\n"); show_error(error); return; } /* check for numeric attributes */ if (!bdraft) { for (index = 0; index < lbs->n_attr; index++) if (attr_flags[index] & AF_NUMERIC) { strcpy(ua, attr_list[index]); stou(ua); strlcpy(str, isparam(ua) ? getparam(ua) : "", sizeof(str)); for (j = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) if (!isdigit(str[i])) break; sprintf(str2, "- %s -", loc("keep original values")); if (i < (int) strlen(str) && strcmp(str, "") != 0 && strcmp(str, str2) != 0) { sprintf(error, loc("Error: Attribute %s must be numeric"), attr_list[index]); show_error(error); return; } } } for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { strcpy(ua, attr_list[i]); stou(ua); if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) strcat(ua, "_0"); if (isparam(ua) && *getparam(ua) && attr_options[i][0][0]) { if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean") && !bdraft) { if (atoi(getparam(ua)) != 0 && atoi(getparam(ua)) != 1 && strcmp(getparam(ua), "") != 0) { strencode2(str, getparam(ua), sizeof(str)); sprintf(error, loc("Error: Value %s not allowed for boolean attributes"), str); show_error(error); return; } } else { /* check if option exists */ for (j = 0; attr_options[i][j][0]; j++) if (strieq(attr_options[i][j], getparam(ua))) break; /* check if option without {n} exists */ if (!attr_options[i][j][0]) { for (j = 0; attr_options[i][j][0]; j++) { strlcpy(str, attr_options[i][j], sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '{')) *strchr(str, '{') = 0; if (strieq(str, getparam(ua))) break; } } if (!attr_options[i][j][0] && isparam(ua) && strcmp(getparam(ua), "") != 0) { if (attr_flags[i] & AF_EXTENDABLE) { /* check if maximal number of options exceeded */ if (attr_options[i][MAX_N_LIST - 1][0]) { strcpy(error, loc("Maximum number of attribute options exceeded")); strcat(error, "
      "); strcat(error, loc("Please increase MAX_N_LIST in elogd.c and recompile")); show_error(error); return; } if (!add_attribute_option(lbs, attr_list[i], getparam(ua), getparam("condition"))) return; } else { char encoded[100]; strencode2(encoded, getparam(ua), sizeof(encoded)); sprintf(error, loc("Error: Attribute option %s not existing"), encoded); show_error(error); return; } } } } } /* check if allowed encoding */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Allowed encoding", str, sizeof(str))) allowed_encoding = atoi(str); else allowed_encoding = 7; strlcpy(encoding, isparam("encoding") ? getparam("encoding") : "plain", sizeof(encoding)); /* check for valid encoding */ if (!strieq(encoding, "plain") && !strieq(encoding, "ELCode") && !strieq(encoding, "HTML")) strcpy(encoding, "plain"); if (strieq(encoding, "plain") && (allowed_encoding & 1) == 0) { show_error("Plain encoding not allowed"); return; } if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode") && (allowed_encoding & 2) == 0) { show_error("ELCode encoding not allowed"); return; } if (strieq(encoding, "HTML") && (allowed_encoding & 4) == 0) { show_error("HTML encoding not allowed"); return; } /* get attachments */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { sprintf(str, "attachment%d", i); strcpy(att_file[i], isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); } /* retrieve attributes */ for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { strcpy(ua, attr_list[i]); stou(ua); if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean") && !isparam(ua)) { strcpy(attrib[i], "0"); } else if (attr_flags[i] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) { if (isparam(ua)) { strlcpy(attrib[i], getparam(ua), NAME_LENGTH); } else { attrib[i][0] = 0; first = 1; for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_LIST; j++) { sprintf(str, "%s_%d", ua, j); if (isparam(str)) { if (first) first = 0; else strlcat(attrib[i], " | ", NAME_LENGTH); if (strlen(attrib[i]) + strlen(getparam(str)) < NAME_LENGTH - 2) strlcat(attrib[i], getparam(str), NAME_LENGTH); else break; } } } } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { if (isparam(ua)) // from edit/reply of fixed attributes strlcpy(attrib[i], getparam(ua), NAME_LENGTH); else { sprintf(str, "m%d", i); if (isparam(str) && strieq(getparam(str), "")) strcpy(attrib[i], ""); else { sprintf(str, "y%d", i); year = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; if (year < 100) year += 2000; sprintf(str, "m%d", i); month = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; sprintf(str, "d%d", i); day = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; if (month == 0 || day == 0) strcpy(attrib[i], ""); else { memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = year - 1900; tms.tm_mon = month - 1; tms.tm_mday = day; tms.tm_hour = 12; ltime = (int) mktime(&tms); if (ltime == -1) { show_error(loc("Date must be between 1970 and 2037")); return; } sprintf(attrib[i], "%d", ltime); } } } } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { if (isparam(ua)) // from edit/reply of fixed attributes strlcpy(attrib[i], getparam(ua), NAME_LENGTH); else { sprintf(str, "m%d", i); if (isparam(str) && strieq(getparam(str), "")) strcpy(attrib[i], ""); else { sprintf(str, "y%d", i); year = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; if (year < 100) year += 2000; sprintf(str, "m%d", i); month = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; sprintf(str, "d%d", i); day = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; sprintf(str, "h%d", i); hour = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; sprintf(str, "n%d", i); min = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; sprintf(str, "c%d", i); sec = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; if (month == 0 || day == 0) strcpy(attrib[i], ""); else { memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = year - 1900; tms.tm_mon = month - 1; tms.tm_mday = day; tms.tm_hour = hour; tms.tm_min = min; tms.tm_sec = sec; tms.tm_isdst = -1; ltime = (int) mktime(&tms); if (ltime == -1) { show_error(loc("Date must be between 1970 and 2037")); return; } sprintf(attrib[i], "%d", ltime); } } } } else { strlcpy(attrib[i], isparam(ua) ? getparam(ua) : "", NAME_LENGTH); /* remove any CR/LF */ if (strchr(attrib[i], '\r')) *strchr(attrib[i], '\r') = 0; if (strchr(attrib[i], '\n')) *strchr(attrib[i], '\n') = 0; /* strip trailing "{...}" */ if (is_cond_attr(i) && strchr(attrib[i], '{') && strchr(attrib[i], '}')) *strchr(attrib[i], '{') = 0; } } /* compile substitution list */ n = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); if (bedit) add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", getparam("edit_id"), &n); /* substitute attributes */ if (!bedit && !isparam("reply_to")) { for (index = 0; index < n_attr; index++) { sprintf(str, "Subst %s", attr_list[index]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, subst_str, sizeof(subst_str))) { /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); strsubst_list(subst_str, sizeof(subst_str), slist, svalue, i); /* check for index substitution if not in edit mode */ if (!bedit && strchr(subst_str, '#')) { /* get index */ get_auto_index(lbs, index, subst_str, str, sizeof(str)); strcpy(subst_str, str); } strcpy(attrib[index], subst_str); } } } /* subst attributes for edits */ if (bedit) { for (index = 0; index < n_attr; index++) { sprintf(str, "Subst on edit %s", attr_list[index]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, str2, sizeof(str2))) { /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", getparam("edit_id"), &i); strsubst_list(str2, sizeof(str2), slist, svalue, i); if (strlen(str2) > NAME_LENGTH - 100) { if (strstr(str2 + 100, "
      ")) { strlcpy(str, strstr(str2 + 100, "
      "), sizeof(str)); } else strlcpy(str, str2 + 100, sizeof(str)); strcpy(str2, "..."); strlcat(str2, str, sizeof(str2)); } if (strncmp(str2, "
      ", 4) == 0) strcpy(attrib[index], str2 + 4); else strcpy(attrib[index], str2); } } } /* subst attributes for replies */ if (isparam("reply_to")) { for (index = 0; index < n_attr; index++) { sprintf(str, "Subst on reply %s", attr_list[index]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, str2, sizeof(str2))) { /* do not format date for date attributes */ i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, (attr_flags[index] & (AF_DATE | AF_DATETIME)) == 0); if (isparam("reply_to")) add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "Reply to", getparam("reply_to"), &i); strsubst_list(str2, sizeof(str2), slist, svalue, i); strcpy(attrib[index], str2); } } } /* check for attributes to keep */ if (bmultiedit) { sprintf(str, "- %s -", loc("keep original values")); for (i = 0; i < n_attr; i++) { if (strieq(str, attrib[i])) strlcpy(attrib[i], "", NAME_LENGTH); } } message_id = 0; reply_to[0] = 0; in_reply_to[0] = 0; date[0] = 0; resubmit_orig = 0; locked_by[0] = 0; draft[0] = 0; if (isparam("draft")) strlcpy(draft, getparam("draft"), sizeof(draft)); if (bedit && isparam("resubmit") && atoi(getparam("resubmit")) == 1) { resubmit_orig = atoi(getparam("edit_id")); /* get old links */ el_retrieve(lbs, resubmit_orig, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, in_reply_to, reply_to, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* if not message head, move all preceeding messages */ /* outcommented, users want only resubmitted message occur at end (see what's new) if (in_reply_to[0]) { do { resubmit_orig = atoi(in_reply_to); el_retrieve(lbs, resubmit_orig, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, in_reply_to, reply_to, NULL, NULL); } while (in_reply_to[0]); } */ message_id = atoi(getparam("edit_id")); strcpy(in_reply_to, ""); strcpy(reply_to, ""); date[0] = 0; } else { if (bedit) { message_id = atoi(getparam("edit_id")); strcpy(in_reply_to, ""); strcpy(reply_to, ""); strcpy(date, ""); if (bdraft) strcpy(locked_by, ""); } else strcpy(in_reply_to, isparam("reply_to") ? getparam("reply_to") : ""); } if (bmultiedit) { for (i = n = 0; i < atoi(getparam("nsel")); i++) { sprintf(str, "s%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { message_id = atoi(getparam(str)); status = submit_elog_reply(lbs, message_id, attrib, getparam("text")); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { sprintf(str, loc("New entry cannot be written to directory \"%s\""), lbs->data_dir); strcat(str, "\n

      "); strcat(str, loc("Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full")); show_error(str); return; } } } redirect(lbs, isparam("redir") ? getparam("redir") : ""); return; /* no email notifications etc */ } else { message_id = el_submit(lbs, message_id, bedit, date, attr_list, attrib, n_attr, getparam("text"), in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, TRUE, locked_by, draft); if (message_id <= 0) { sprintf(str, loc("New entry cannot be written to directory \"%s\""), lbs->data_dir); strcat(str, "\n

      "); strcat(str, loc("Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full")); show_error(str); return; } if (bdraft) { show_http_header(lbs, FALSE, NULL); rsprintf("OK %d\n", message_id); return; } } if (_logging_level > 1) { if (bmultiedit) sprintf(str, "EDIT multiple entries"); else if (bdraft) sprintf(str, "DRAFT entry #%d", message_id); else if (bedit && !resubmit_orig) sprintf(str, "EDIT entry #%d", message_id); else sprintf(str, "NEW entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } /* evaluate propagation of attributes */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Propagate attributes", str, sizeof(str))) propagate_attrib(lbs, find_thread_head(lbs, message_id), attrib); /* resubmit thread if requested */ if (resubmit_orig) message_id = el_move_message_thread(lbs, resubmit_orig); /* retrieve submission date */ if (date[0] == 0) el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /*---- replace relative elog:/x link by elog:n/x link */ if (stristr(getparam("text"), "elog:/")) { p = getparam("text"); if (stricmp(encoding, "HTML") == 0) { sprintf(str, "%d/", message_id); } else sprintf(str, "elog:%d/", message_id); strsubst(p, TEXT_SIZE, "elog:/", str); el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, date, attr_list, attrib, n_attr, p, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, TRUE, NULL, NULL); } /*---- replace elog: by HTML link ----*/ if (strieq(encoding, "HTML") && stristr(getparam("text"), "elog:")) { p = stristr(getparam("text"), "elog:"); while (p) { for (i = 0; i < 5 || (p[i] == '/' || isalnum(p[i])); i++) str[i] = p[i]; str[i] = 0; convert_elog_link(lbs, str + 5, str + 5, str2, 0, message_id); strsubst(p, TEXT_SIZE, str, str2); p += strlen(str2); p = stristr(p, "elog:"); } el_submit(lbs, message_id, TRUE, date, attr_list, attrib, n_attr, getparam("text"), in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, TRUE, NULL, NULL); } /*---- email notifications ----*/ suppress = isparam("suppress") ? atoi(getparam("suppress")) : 0; /* check for mail submissions */ mail_param[0] = 0; mail_to = (char *) xmalloc(256); mail_to[0] = 0; mail_to_size = 256; rcpt_to = (char *) xmalloc(256); rcpt_to[0] = 0; rcpt_to_size = 256; mail_list = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_EMAIL * NAME_LENGTH); rcpt_list = (char *) xmalloc(MAX_N_EMAIL * NAME_LENGTH); if (suppress == 1 || suppress == 3) { if (suppress == 1) strcpy(mail_param, "?suppress=1"); } else { /* go throuch "Email xxx" in configuration file */ for (index = mindex = 0; index <= n_attr; index++) { strcpy(ua, attr_list[index]); stou(ua); if (index < n_attr) { strcpy(str, "Email "); if (strchr(attr_list[index], ' ')) sprintf(str + strlen(str), "\"%s\"", attr_list[index]); else strlcat(str, attr_list[index], sizeof(str)); strcat(str, " "); if (attr_flags[index] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) { sprintf(str2, "%s_%d", ua, mindex); mindex++; if (mindex == MAX_N_LIST) mindex = 0; else index--; /* repeat this loop */ } else strlcpy(str2, ua, sizeof(str2)); if (isparam(str2)) { if (strchr(getparam(str2), ' ')) { strlcat(str, "\"", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, getparam(str2), sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "\"", sizeof(str)); } else strlcat(str, getparam(str2), sizeof(str)); } } else sprintf(str, "Email ALL"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, list, sizeof(list))) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); strsubst_list(list, sizeof(list), slist, svalue, i); n = strbreak(list, (char (*)[1500]) mail_list, 200, ",", FALSE); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("\n%s to %s\n\n", str, list); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* remove possible 'mailto:' */ if ((p = strstr(&mail_list[i * NAME_LENGTH], "mailto:")) != NULL) memmove(p, p + 7, strlen(p + 7) + 1); if ((int) strlen(mail_to) + (int) strlen(&mail_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]) + 10 >= mail_to_size) { mail_to_size += 256; mail_to = xrealloc(mail_to, mail_to_size); } strcat(mail_to, &mail_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]); strcat(mail_to, ","); if ((int) strlen(rcpt_to) + (int) strlen(&mail_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]) + 10 >= rcpt_to_size) { rcpt_to_size += 256; rcpt_to = xrealloc(rcpt_to, rcpt_to_size); } strcat(rcpt_to, &mail_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]); strcat(rcpt_to, ","); } } } if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Suppress Email to users", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { /* go through password file */ for (index = 0;; index++) { if (!enum_user_line(lbs, index, user, sizeof(user))) break; get_user_line(lbs, user, NULL, full_name, user_email, email_notify, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0] && i < 1000; i++) if (strieq(lb_list[i].name, lbs->name)) break; if (email_notify[i]) { /* check if user has access to this logbook */ if (!check_login_user(lbs, user)) continue; sprintf(str, "\"%s\" <%s>,", full_name, user_email); if ((int) strlen(mail_to) + (int) strlen(str) + 1 >= mail_to_size) { mail_to_size += 256; mail_to = xrealloc(mail_to, mail_to_size); } strcat(mail_to, str); sprintf(str, "%s,", user_email); if ((int) strlen(rcpt_to) + (int) strlen(str) + 1 >= rcpt_to_size) { rcpt_to_size += 256; rcpt_to = xrealloc(rcpt_to, rcpt_to_size); } strcat(rcpt_to, str); } } } } if (strlen(mail_to) > 0) { /* convert any '|' to ',', remove duplicate email to's */ n = strbreak(rcpt_to, (void *) rcpt_list, MAX_N_EMAIL, ",|", TRUE); strbreak(mail_to, (void *) mail_list, MAX_N_EMAIL, ",|", TRUE); for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (rcpt_list[i * NAME_LENGTH] && rcpt_list[j * NAME_LENGTH] && strstr(&rcpt_list[i * NAME_LENGTH], &rcpt_list[j * NAME_LENGTH])) { for (k = j; k < n - 1; k++) { memcpy(&rcpt_list[k * NAME_LENGTH], &rcpt_list[(k + 1) * NAME_LENGTH], NAME_LENGTH); memcpy(&mail_list[k * NAME_LENGTH], &mail_list[(k + 1) * NAME_LENGTH], NAME_LENGTH); } memset(&rcpt_list[k * NAME_LENGTH], 0, NAME_LENGTH); memset(&mail_list[k * NAME_LENGTH], 0, NAME_LENGTH); j = j - 1; n = n - 1; break; } } } rcpt_to[0] = 0; mail_to[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((int) strlen(rcpt_to) + (int) strlen(&rcpt_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]) + 5 >= rcpt_to_size) { rcpt_to_size += 256; rcpt_to = xrealloc(rcpt_to, rcpt_to_size); } strcat(rcpt_to, &rcpt_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]); if ((int) strlen(mail_to) + (int) strlen(&mail_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]) + 5 >= mail_to_size) { mail_to_size += 256; mail_to = xrealloc(mail_to, mail_to_size); } strcat(mail_to, &mail_list[i * NAME_LENGTH]); if (i < MAX_N_EMAIL - 1 && rcpt_list[(i + 1) * NAME_LENGTH]) { strcat(rcpt_to, ","); strcat(mail_to, ",\r\n\t"); } } /* fix for edited draft messages. new_entry is a hidden field persisting draft cycles */ old_mail = bedit; if (isparam("new_entry")) old_mail = 0; if (resubmit_orig) old_mail = 0; if (compose_email(lbs, rcpt_to, mail_to, message_id, attrib, mail_param, old_mail, att_file, isparam("encoding") ? getparam("encoding") : "plain", atoi(in_reply_to)) == 0) { xfree(mail_to); xfree(rcpt_to); xfree(mail_list); xfree(rcpt_list); return; } } xfree(mail_to); xfree(rcpt_to); xfree(mail_list); xfree(rcpt_list); /*---- shell execution ----*/ if (!(isparam("shell_suppress") && atoi(getparam("shell_suppress")))) { if (!bedit) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Execute new", str, sizeof(str))) execute_shell(lbs, message_id, attrib, att_file, str); } else { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Execute edit", str, sizeof(str))) execute_shell(lbs, message_id, attrib, att_file, str); } } /*---- custom submit page ----*/ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Submit page", str, sizeof(str))) { /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } send_file_direct(file_name); return; } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "List after submit", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) str[0] = 0; else sprintf(str, "%d%s", message_id, mail_param); redirect(lbs, str); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void submit_elog_mirror(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[1000], date[80], attrib_value[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], attrib_name[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], in_reply_to[80], encoding[80], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], att_file[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][256], name[NAME_LENGTH], value[NAME_LENGTH]; int i, message_id, n_attr; BOOL bedit; /* get attachments */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { sprintf(str, "attachment%d", i); strcpy(att_file[i], isparam(str) ? getparam(str) : ""); } reply_to[0] = 0; in_reply_to[0] = 0; date[0] = 0; encoding[0] = 0; bedit = FALSE; n_attr = 0; message_id = 0; /* retrieve attributes */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARAM; i++) { if (enumparam(i, name, value)) { if (strieq(name, "mirror_id")) message_id = atoi(value); else if (strieq(name, "entry_date")) strlcpy(date, value, sizeof(date)); else if (strieq(name, "reply_to")) strlcpy(reply_to, value, sizeof(reply_to)); else if (strieq(name, "in_reply_to")) strlcpy(in_reply_to, value, sizeof(in_reply_to)); else if (strieq(name, "encoding")) strlcpy(encoding, value, sizeof(encoding)); else if (!strieq(name, "cmd") && !strieq(name, "full_name") && !strieq(name, "user_email") && !strieq(name, "unm") && !strieq(name, "upwd") && !strieq(name, "wpwd") && strncmp(name, "attachment", 10) != 0) { strlcpy(attrib_name[n_attr], name, NAME_LENGTH); strlcpy(attrib_value[n_attr++], value, NAME_LENGTH); } } else break; } if (message_id == 0 || date[0] == 0) { show_error(loc("Invalid mirror_id or entry_date")); return; } /* check if message already exists */ for (i = 0; i < *lbs->n_el_index; i++) if (lbs->el_index[i].message_id == message_id) { bedit = TRUE; break; } message_id = el_submit(lbs, message_id, bedit, date, attrib_name, attrib_value, n_attr, getparam("text"), in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, att_file, FALSE, NULL, NULL); if (message_id <= 0) { sprintf(str, loc("New entry cannot be written to directory \"%s\""), lbs->data_dir); strcat(str, "\n

      "); strcat(str, loc("Please check that it exists and elogd has write access")); show_error(str); return; } sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); redirect(lbs, str); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void copy_to(LOGBOOK *lbs, int src_id, char *dest_logbook, int move, int orig_id) { int size, i, j, n, n_done, n_done_reply, n_reply, index, status, fh, source_id, message_id, thumb_status, next_id = 0; char str[256], str2[256], file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], thumb_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], *attrib, date[80], *text, msg_str[32], in_reply_to[80], subdir[256], reply_to[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], *attachment, encoding[80], locked_by[256], draft[256], *buffer, *list; LOGBOOK *lbs_dest; BOOL bedit; attachment = xmalloc(MAX_ATTACHMENTS * MAX_PATH_LENGTH); attrib = xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); list = xmalloc(MAX_N_ATTR * NAME_LENGTH); text = xmalloc(TEXT_SIZE); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (strieq(lb_list[i].name, dest_logbook)) break; if (!lb_list[i].name[0]) return; lbs_dest = &lb_list[i]; if (src_id) n = 1; else n = isparam("nsel") ? atoi(getparam("nsel")) : 0; n_done = n_done_reply = source_id = status = next_id = 0; for (index = 0; index < n; index++) { if (src_id) source_id = src_id; else { sprintf(str, "s%d", index); if (!isparam(str)) continue; source_id = isparam(str) ? atoi(getparam(str)) : 0; } /* get message */ size = TEXT_SIZE; status = el_retrieve(lbs, source_id, date, attr_list, (void *) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, (void *) attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { sprintf(msg_str, "%d", source_id); sprintf(str, loc("Entry %s cannot be read from logbook \"%s\""), msg_str, lbs->name); show_error(str); xfree(attachment); xfree(attrib); xfree(list); xfree(text); return; } if (orig_id == 0) { /* search message head */ while (atoi(in_reply_to) > 0) { source_id = atoi(in_reply_to); size = TEXT_SIZE; status = el_retrieve(lbs, source_id, date, attr_list, (void *) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, in_reply_to, reply_to, (void *) attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { sprintf(msg_str, "%d", source_id); sprintf(str, loc("Entry %s cannot be read from logbook \"%s\""), msg_str, lbs->name); show_error(str); xfree(attachment); xfree(attrib); xfree(list); xfree(text); return; } } } /* read attachments */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (attachment[i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH]) { strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment + i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment + i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(file_name)); fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fh); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = xmalloc(size); read(fh, buffer, size); close(fh); /* keep original file name for inline references */ strlcpy(file_name, attachment + i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); el_submit_attachment(lbs_dest, file_name, buffer, size, NULL); if (buffer) xfree(buffer); } else /* attachment is invalid */ attachment[i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = 0; /* check for thumbnail */ strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment + i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment + i * MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(file_name)); thumb_status = get_thumb_name(file_name, thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), 0); if (thumb_status == 1) { fh = open(thumb_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fh); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = xmalloc(size); read(fh, buffer, size); close(fh); /* keep original file name for inline references */ if (strrchr(thumb_name, '\\')) strlcpy(str, strrchr(thumb_name, '\\') + 1, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, thumb_name, sizeof(str)); el_submit_attachment(lbs_dest, str, buffer, size, NULL); if (buffer) xfree(buffer); } } if (thumb_status == 2) { for (j = 0;; j++) { get_thumb_name(file_name, thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), j); if (thumb_name[0]) { fh = open(thumb_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fh); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = xmalloc(size); read(fh, buffer, size); close(fh); /* keep original file name for inline references */ if (strrchr(thumb_name, '\\')) strlcpy(str, strrchr(thumb_name, '\\') + 1, sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, thumb_name, sizeof(str)); el_submit_attachment(lbs_dest, str, buffer, size, NULL); if (buffer) xfree(buffer); } } else break; } } } /* correct possible references to attachments */ if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) { sprintf(str, "[IMG]elog:%d/", src_id); while (stristr(text, str)) strsubst(text, TEXT_SIZE, str, "[IMG]elog:/"); } else if (strieq(encoding, "HTML")) { sprintf(str, "?lb=%s\"", lbs->name_enc); sprintf(str2, "?lb=%s\"", dest_logbook); while (stristr(text, str)) strsubst(text, TEXT_SIZE, str, str2); sprintf(str, "?lb=%s&", lbs->name_enc); sprintf(str2, "?lb=%s&", dest_logbook); while (stristr(text, str)) strsubst(text, TEXT_SIZE, str, str2); } /* keep original message ID if requested */ message_id = 0; bedit = FALSE; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Preserve IDs", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { message_id = source_id; /* test if entry exists already */ status = el_retrieve(lbs_dest, message_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); bedit = (status == EL_SUCCESS); } /* submit in destination logbook without links, submit all attributes from the source logbook even if the destination has a differnt number of attributes */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Preserve IDs", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) message_id = el_submit(lbs_dest, message_id, bedit, date, attr_list, (void *) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, in_reply_to, reply_to, encoding, (void *) attachment, FALSE, NULL, NULL); else { /* if called recursively (for threads), put in correct in_reply_to */ str[0] = 0; if (orig_id) sprintf(str, "%d", orig_id); message_id = el_submit(lbs_dest, message_id, bedit, date, attr_list, (void *) attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, str, "", encoding, (void *) attachment, TRUE, NULL, NULL); } if (message_id <= 0) { sprintf(str, loc("New entry cannot be written to directory \"%s\""), lbs_dest->data_dir); strcat(str, "\n

      "); strcat(str, loc("Please check that it exists and elogd has write access")); show_error(str); xfree(attachment); xfree(attrib); xfree(list); xfree(text); return; } n_done++; /* submit all replies */ n_reply = strbreak(reply_to, (void *) list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_reply; i++) { copy_to(lbs, atoi(list + i * NAME_LENGTH), dest_logbook, move, message_id); } n_done_reply += n_reply; /* delete original message for move */ next_id = source_id; if (move && orig_id == 0) { /* find next message head */ next_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_NEXT, source_id, TRUE); if (next_id <= 0) next_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_LAST, 0, FALSE); el_delete_message(lbs, source_id, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); } } xfree(attachment); xfree(attrib); xfree(list); xfree(text); if (orig_id) return; /* redirect to next entry of source logbook */ if (next_id) sprintf(str, "%d", next_id); else str[0] = 0; redirect(lbs, str); return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_inline_attachment(char *encoding, int message_id, char *text, int i, char *att) { char str[256], att_enc[256], domain[256], *pt, *p; if (text == NULL) return 0; if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) { sprintf(str, "[img]elog:/%d[/img]", i + 1); if (stristr(text, str)) return 1; sprintf(str, "[img]elog:%d/%d[/img]", message_id, i + 1); if (stristr(text, str)) return 1; } else if (strieq(encoding, "HTML")) { strlcpy(att_enc, att, sizeof(att_enc)); att_enc[13] = '/'; pt = text; while (*pt && stristr(pt, att_enc)) { /* make sure that it's really an inline image */ for (p = stristr(pt, att_enc); p > pt; p--) if (*p == '<') break; if (p > pt) { strncpy(str, p, 5); if (stristr(str, "name, "Thumbnail size", str, sizeof(str))) { if (strcmp(str, "0") == 0) return 0; sprintf(thumb_size, " -thumbnail '%s'", str); } else thumb_size[0] = 0; getcfg(lbs->name, "Thumbnail options", thumb_options, sizeof(thumb_options)); if (!chkext(file_name, ".ps") && !chkext(file_name, ".pdf") && !chkext(file_name, ".eps") && !chkext(file_name, ".gif") && !chkext(file_name, ".jpg") && !chkext(file_name, ".jpeg") && !chkext(file_name, ".png") && !chkext(file_name, ".ico") && !chkext(file_name, ".tif") && !chkext(file_name, ".svg")) return 0; i = get_thumb_name(file_name, str, sizeof(str), 0); if (i) return i; strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) { if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; } if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) strlcat(str, "-%d.png", sizeof(str)); else strlcat(str, ".png", sizeof(str)); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %s '%s[0-7]'%s '%s'", _convert_cmd, thumb_options, file_name, thumb_size, str); else snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %s '%s'%s '%s'", _convert_cmd, thumb_options, file_name, thumb_size, str); #ifdef OS_WINNT for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(cmd); i++) if (cmd[i] == '\'') cmd[i] = '\"'; #endif snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "SHELL \"%s\"", cmd); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { eprintf(str); eprintf("\n"); } my_shell(cmd, str, sizeof(str)); i = get_thumb_name(file_name, str, sizeof(str), 0); if (i) return i; return 3; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_thumb_name(const char *file_name, char *thumb_name, int size, int index) { char str[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; thumb_name[0] = 0; /* append .png for all files as thumbnail name, except for PDF files (convert bug!) */ memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) { strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; snprintf(str + strlen(str), sizeof(str) - strlen(str) - 1, "-%d.png", index); if (file_exist(str)) { strlcpy(thumb_name, str, size); return 2; } if (index > 0) return 0; strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; strlcat(str, ".png", sizeof(str)); if (file_exist(str)) { strlcpy(thumb_name, str, size); return 1; } } else { strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); sprintf(str + strlen(str), "-%d.png", index); if (file_exist(str)) { strlcpy(thumb_name, str, size); return 2; } if (index > 0) return 0; strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, ".png", sizeof(str)); if (file_exist(str)) { strlcpy(thumb_name, str, size); return 1; } } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_image_magick(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[1024], cmd[1024], file_name[256], thumb_name[256], subdir[256]; int cur_width, cur_height, new_size, cur_rot, new_rot, thumb_status; if (!isparam("req") || !isparam("img")) { show_error("Unknown IM request received"); return; } strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(getparam("img"), subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, getparam("img"), sizeof(file_name)); thumb_status = get_thumb_name(file_name, thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), 0); sprintf(cmd, "%s -format '%%wx%%h %%c' '%s'", _identify_cmd, thumb_name); #ifdef OS_WINNT { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(cmd); i++) if (cmd[i] == '\'') cmd[i] = '\"'; } #endif my_shell(cmd, str, sizeof(str)); if (atoi(str) > 0) { cur_width = atoi(str); if (strchr(str, 'x')) { cur_height = atoi(strchr(str, 'x') + 1); } else cur_height = cur_width; if (strchr(str, ' ')) { cur_rot = atoi(strchr(str, ' ') + 1); } else cur_rot = 0; } else { show_http_header(NULL, FALSE, NULL); rsputs(str); return; } if (thumb_status == 2) strsubst(thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), "-0", "-%d"); cmd[0] = 0; if (strieq(getparam("req"), "rotleft")) { new_rot = (cur_rot + 360 - 90) % 360; sprintf(cmd, "%s '%s' -rotate %d -thumbnail %d -set comment ' %d' '%s'", _convert_cmd, file_name, new_rot, cur_height, new_rot, thumb_name); } if (strieq(getparam("req"), "rotright")) { new_rot = (cur_rot + 90) % 360; sprintf(cmd, "%s '%s' -rotate %d -thumbnail %d -set comment ' %d' '%s'", _convert_cmd, file_name, new_rot, cur_height, new_rot, thumb_name); } if (strieq(getparam("req"), "original")) { new_size = (int) (cur_width / 1.5); sprintf(cmd, "%s '%s' '%s'", _convert_cmd, file_name, thumb_name); } if (strieq(getparam("req"), "smaller")) { new_size = (int) (cur_width / 1.5); sprintf(cmd, "%s '%s' -rotate %d -thumbnail %d -set comment ' %d' '%s'", _convert_cmd, file_name, cur_rot, new_size, cur_rot, thumb_name); } if (strieq(getparam("req"), "larger")) { new_size = (int) (cur_width * 1.5); sprintf(cmd, "%s '%s' -rotate %d -thumbnail %d -set comment ' %d' '%s'", _convert_cmd, file_name, cur_rot, new_size, cur_rot, thumb_name); } if (cmd[0]) { #ifdef OS_WINNT int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(cmd); i++) if (cmd[i] == '\'') cmd[i] = '\"'; #endif my_shell(cmd, str, sizeof(str)); show_http_header(NULL, TRUE, NULL); rsputs(str); } return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_elog_entry(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *dec_path, char *command) { int size, i, j, k, n, n_log, status, fh, length, message_error, index, n_hidden, message_id, orig_message_id, format_flags[MAX_N_ATTR], att_hide[MAX_ATTACHMENTS], att_inline[MAX_ATTACHMENTS], n_attachments, n_lines, n_disp_attr, attr_index[MAX_N_ATTR], thumb_status, max_n_lines; char str[2 * NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH], ref[256], file_enc[256], attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; char date[80], text[TEXT_SIZE], menu_str[1000], cmd[256], script[256], orig_tag[80], reply_tag[MAX_REPLY_TO * 10], display[NAME_LENGTH], attachment[MAX_ATTACHMENTS][MAX_PATH_LENGTH], encoding[80], locked_by[256], att[256], lattr[256], mid[80], menu_item[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], format[80], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], gattr[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], *p, lbk_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], comment[256], class_name[80], class_value[80], fl[8][NAME_LENGTH], list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH], domain[256], subdir[256], draft[256]; FILE *f; BOOL first, show_text, display_inline, subtable, email, att_links; struct tm *pts; struct tm ts; struct stat st; time_t ltime, entry_ltime; message_id = atoi(dec_path); message_error = EL_SUCCESS; _current_message_id = message_id; email = (strstr(command, "email") != NULL); att_links = (strstr(command, "att-links") != NULL); /* check for custom form to display entry */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Custom display form", str, sizeof(str))) { /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } send_file_direct(str); return; } /* check for guest access */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest Menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)) || logged_in(lbs)) getcfg(lbs->name, "Menu commands", menu_str, sizeof(menu_str)); /* default menu commands */ if (menu_str[0] == 0) { strcpy(menu_str, "List, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Duplicate, Find, "); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) { strcat(menu_str, "Config, Logout, "); } else { strcat(menu_str, "Config, "); } strcat(menu_str, "Help"); } else { /* check for admin command */ n = strbreak(menu_str, menu_item, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); menu_str[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strcmp(menu_item[i], "Admin") == 0) { if (!is_admin_user(lbs, getparam("unm"))) continue; } strcat(menu_str, menu_item[i]); if (i < n - 1) strcat(menu_str, ", "); } } /*---- check next/previous message -------------------------------*/ if (strieq(command, loc("Next")) || strieq(command, loc("Previous")) || strieq(command, loc("Last")) || strieq(command, loc("First"))) { orig_message_id = message_id; if (strieq(command, loc("Last"))) message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_LAST, 0, FALSE); if (strieq(command, loc("First"))) message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_FIRST, 0, FALSE); /* avoid display of "invalid id '0'", if "start page = 0?cmd=Last" */ if (!message_id) dec_path[0] = 0; first = TRUE; do { if (strieq(command, loc("Next"))) message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_NEXT, message_id, FALSE); if (strieq(command, loc("Previous"))) message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_PREV, message_id, FALSE); if (!first) { if (strieq(command, loc("First"))) message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_NEXT, message_id, FALSE); if (strieq(command, loc("Last"))) message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_PREV, message_id, FALSE); } else first = FALSE; if (message_id == 0) { if (strieq(command, loc("Next"))) message_error = EL_LAST_MSG; else message_error = EL_FIRST_MSG; message_id = orig_message_id; break; } size = sizeof(text); el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, orig_tag, reply_tag, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); /* check for locked attributes */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { sprintf(lattr, "l%s", attr_list[i]); if (isparam(lattr) == '1' && !(isparam(attr_list[i]) && strieq(getparam(attr_list[i]), attrib[i]))) break; } if (i < lbs->n_attr) continue; /* check for attribute filter if not browsing */ if (!isparam("browsing")) { for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { if (isparam(attr_list[i]) && !(isparam(attr_list[i]) && strieq(getparam(attr_list[i]), attrib[i]))) break; } if (i < lbs->n_attr) continue; } sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { sprintf(lattr, "l%s", attr_list[i]); if (isparam(lattr) == '1') { if (strchr(str, '?') == NULL) sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?%s=1", lattr); else sprintf(str + strlen(str), "&%s=1", lattr); } } redirect(lbs, str); return; } while (TRUE); } /*---- check for valid URL ---------------------------------------*/ if (dec_path[0] && atoi(dec_path) == 0) { strencode2(str2, dec_path, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); return; } /*---- get current message ---------------------------------------*/ if (message_id == 0) message_id = el_search_message(lbs, EL_LAST, 0, FALSE); status = 0; reply_tag[0] = orig_tag[0] = 0; if (message_id) { size = sizeof(text); status = el_retrieve(lbs, message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lbs->n_attr, text, &size, orig_tag, reply_tag, attachment, encoding, locked_by, draft); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) message_error = status; else { if (_logging_level > 2) { sprintf(str, "READ entry #%d", message_id); write_logfile(lbs, str); } } } else message_error = EL_EMPTY; /*---- check for conditional attribute ----*/ evaluate_conditions(lbs, attrib); /*---- header ----*/ /* header */ if (status == EL_SUCCESS && message_error != EL_EMPTY) { str[0] = 0; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Page Title", str, sizeof(str))) { i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(mid, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", mid, &i); add_subst_time(lbs, slist, svalue, "entry time", date, &i, 0); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), slist, svalue, i); strip_html(str); } else strcpy(str, "ELOG"); if (email) { /* embed CSS */ show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, str, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, 0); rsprintf("\n"); } else { sprintf(ref, "%d", message_id); strlcpy(script, "OnLoad=\"document.onkeypress=browse;\"", sizeof(script)); if (str[0]) show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, str, ref, FALSE, NULL, script, 0); else show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, lbs->name, ref, FALSE, NULL, script, 0); } } else show_standard_header(lbs, TRUE, "", "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); /*---- title ----*/ if (email) rsprintf("\n"); else show_standard_title(lbs, "", 0); /*---- menu buttons ----*/ if (!email) { rsprintf("\n\n"); /*---- menu text ----*/ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "menu text", str, sizeof(str))) { FILE *file; char filename[256], *buf; rsprintf(""); } } // if (!email) /*---- message ----*/ if (reply_tag[0] || orig_tag[0]) show_elog_thread(lbs, message_id, email, 0); if (message_error == EL_EMPTY) rsprintf("\n", loc("Logbook is empty")); else if (message_error == EL_NO_MSG) rsprintf("\n", loc("This entry has been deleted")); else { /* overall message table */ rsprintf("\n"); // 2 column table rsputs("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); /*---- next/previous buttons ----*/ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Enable browsing", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) { rsprintf("\n"); } n = strbreak(menu_str, menu_item, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); /* check if first.png exists, just put link there if not */ strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); if (file_name[0] && file_name[strlen(file_name) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "themes", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); if (theme_name[0]) { strlcat(file_name, theme_name, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); } strlcat(file_name, "first.png", sizeof(file_name)); if (stat(file_name, &st) >= 0) { rsprintf("\n", loc("First entry, Ctrl-Home"), loc("First entry, Ctrl-Home")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Previous entry, Ctrl-PgUp"), loc("Previous entry, Ctrl-PgUp")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Next entry, Ctrl-PgDn"), loc("Next entry, Ctrl-PgDn")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Last entry, Ctrl-End"), loc("Last entry, Ctrl-End")); } else { rsprintf("|< \n", message_id, loc("First")); rsprintf("< \n", message_id, loc("Previous")); rsprintf("> \n", message_id, loc("Next")); rsprintf(">| \n", message_id, loc("Last")); } rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* display menu item */ strcpy(cmd, menu_item[i]); /* only display allowed commands */ if (!is_user_allowed(lbs, cmd)) continue; if (strieq(cmd, "Copy to") || strieq(cmd, "Move to")) { rsprintf(" \n", loc(cmd)); if (strieq(cmd, "Copy to")) rsprintf("\n"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, cmd, str, sizeof(str))) { n_log = strbreak(str, lbk_list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (j = 0; j < n_log; j++) rsprintf("
      \n"); /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(filename, str); else { strlcpy(filename, logbook_dir, sizeof(filename)); strlcat(filename, str, sizeof(filename)); } file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file != NULL) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = TELL(fileno(file)); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(size + 1); fread(buf, 1, size, file); buf[size] = 0; fclose(file); rsputs(buf); } else rsprintf("
      Error: file \"%s\" not found
      ", filename); rsprintf("
      \n"); /* check for locked attributes */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { sprintf(lattr, "l%s", attr_list[i]); if (isparam(lattr) == '1') break; } if (i < lbs->n_attr) { if (isparam(attr_list[i])) sprintf(str, " %s \"%s = %s\"", loc("with"), attr_list[i], getparam(attr_list[i])); } else str[0] = 0; if (message_error == EL_LAST_MSG) rsprintf("\n", loc("This is the last entry"), str); if (message_error == EL_FIRST_MSG) rsprintf("\n", loc("This is the first entry"), str); /* check for mail submissions */ if (isparam("suppress")) { rsprintf("\n", loc("Email notification suppressed")); } else if (isparam("error")) { strencode2(str, getparam("error"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); } else { for (i = 0;; i++) { sprintf(str, "mail%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { if (i == 0) rsprintf("\n"); } /*---- display message ID ----*/ _current_message_id = message_id; if (email) { rsprintf("\n"); } if (locked_by[0]) { sprintf(str, "%s %s", loc("Entry is currently edited by"), locked_by); rsprintf ("\n", str, loc("You can \"steal\" the lock by editing this entry"), loc("You might however then overwrite each other's modifications")); } else { if (draft[0]) { rsprintf("\n"); } } rsprintf("\n"); /*---- display attributes ----*/ /* retrieve attribute flags */ for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { format_flags[i] = 0; sprintf(str, "Format %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) { n = strbreak(format, fl, 8, ",", FALSE); if (n > 0) format_flags[i] = atoi(fl[0]); } } /* 2 column table for all attributes */ rsprintf("\n"); subtable = 0; } else rsprintf(""); } } rsputs("
      %s %s
      %s %s
      "); strencode2(str, getparam(str), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("%s %s
      \n", loc("Email sent to"), str); } else break; } if (i > 0) rsprintf("
      \n"); if (strstr(command, "oldemail") != NULL) rsprintf("%s:", loc("An old ELOG entry has been updated")); else rsprintf("%s:", loc("A new ELOG entry has been submitted")); rsprintf("
      \"%s\"\n", loc("stop"), loc("stop")); rsprintf("%s.
      %s\n", loc("This is a draft message, edit and submit it to make it permanent")); rsprintf(" ", loc("Edit"), message_id, loc("Edit")); rsprintf("
      \n"); for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) { strencode2(str, attrib[i], sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", attr_list[i], str); } /* browsing flag to distinguish "/../=" from browsing */ rsprintf("\n"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "ID display", display, sizeof(display))) { j = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list((char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "message id", str, &j); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &j, 0); strsubst_list(display, sizeof(display), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, j); } else sprintf(display, "%d", message_id); if (email) { compose_base_url(lbs, str, sizeof(str), TRUE); sprintf(str + strlen(str), "%d", message_id); rsprintf("%s: %s  ", loc("Logbook"), lbs->name); rsprintf("%s: %d", loc("Message ID"), str, message_id); } else rsprintf("%s: %s\n", loc("Message ID"), display); /*---- display date ----*/ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); entry_ltime = date_to_ltime(date); pts = localtime(&entry_ltime); assert(pts); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); rsprintf("    %s: %s\n", loc("Entry time"), str); /*---- link to original message or reply ----*/ if (message_error != EL_FILE_ERROR && (reply_tag[0] || orig_tag[0])) { if (orig_tag[0]) { if (email) compose_base_url(lbs, ref, sizeof(ref), TRUE); else ref[0] = 0; sprintf(ref + strlen(ref), "%s", orig_tag); rsprintf("    %s: ", loc("In reply to")); rsprintf("%s\n", ref, orig_tag); } if (reply_tag[0]) { rsprintf("    %s: ", loc("Reply to this")); p = strtok(reply_tag, ","); do { if (email) compose_base_url(lbs, ref, sizeof(ref), TRUE); else ref[0] = 0; sprintf(ref + strlen(ref), "%s", p); rsprintf("%s\n", ref, p); p = strtok(NULL, ","); if (p) rsprintf("  \n"); } while (p); rsprintf("\n"); } } rsprintf("
      "); subtable = 0; /* generate list of attributes to show */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Show attributes", str, sizeof(str))) { n_disp_attr = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n_disp_attr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < lbs->n_attr; j++) if (strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) break; if (!strieq(attr_list[j], list[i])) /* attribute not found */ j = 0; attr_index[i] = j; } } else { for (i = 0; i < lbs->n_attr; i++) attr_index[i] = i; n_disp_attr = lbs->n_attr; } for (j = 0; j < n_disp_attr; j++) { i = attr_index[j]; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)) && getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest display", str, sizeof(str)) && !isparam("unm")) { n = strbreak(str, gattr, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (k = 0; k < n; k++) if (strieq(gattr[k], attr_list[i])) break; if (k == n) continue; } strcpy(class_name, "attribname"); strcpy(class_value, "attribvalue"); sprintf(str, "Format %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) { n = strbreak(format, fl, 8, ",", FALSE); if (n > 1) strlcpy(class_name, fl[1], sizeof(class_name)); if (n > 2) strlcpy(class_value, fl[2], sizeof(class_value)); } if (format_flags[i] & AFF_SAME_LINE) /* if attribute on same line, do nothing */ rsprintf(""); else if (i < lbs->n_attr - 1 && (format_flags[i + 1] & AFF_SAME_LINE)) { /* if next attribute on same line, start a new subtable */ rsprintf("\n"); subtable = 0; } else rsprintf(""); } /* if last attribute, close row or subtable */ if (i == lbs->n_attr - 1) { if (subtable) { rsprintf("
      "); subtable = 1; } else /* for normal attribute, start new row */ rsprintf(""); sprintf(lattr, "l%s", attr_list[i]); /* display cell with optional tooltip */ sprintf(str, "Tooltip %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment))) rsprintf("\n", attr_list[i], class_value); else rsprintf("%s:\n", attr_list[i], class_value); } /* display image for icon */ else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON) { rsprintf("%s:\n"); } else if ((attr_flags[i] & (AF_MULTI | AF_MUSERLIST | AF_MUSEREMAIL)) && (format_flags[i] & AFF_MULTI_LINE)) { rsprintf("%s:\n"); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATE) { sprintf(str, "Date format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Date format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); rsprintf("%s:\n", attr_list[i], class_value, str); } else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_DATETIME) { sprintf(str, "Time format %s", attr_list[i]); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, str, format, sizeof(format))) if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); ltime = atoi(attrib[i]); pts = localtime(<ime); assert(pts); if (ltime == 0) strcpy(str, "-"); else my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, pts); rsprintf("%s:\n", attr_list[i], class_value, str); } else { rsprintf("%s:\n"); } if (i < lbs->n_attr - 1 && (format_flags[i + 1] & AFF_SAME_LINE) == 0) { /* if next attribute not on same line, close row or subtable */ if (subtable) { rsprintf("
      ", comment, class_name); else rsprintf("", class_name); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Filtered browsing", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { if (isparam(lattr) == '1') rsprintf(" ", lattr); else rsprintf(" ", lattr); } /* display checkbox for boolean attributes */ if (strieq(attr_options[i][0], "boolean")) { if (atoi(attrib[i]) == 1) rsprintf("%s:\n", attr_list[i], class_value); if (attrib[i][0]) { sprintf(str, "Icon comment %s", attrib[i]); getcfg(lbs->name, str, comment, sizeof(comment)); if (comment[0]) rsprintf("\"%s\"", attrib[i], comment, comment); else rsprintf("\"%s\"", attrib[i], attrib[i], attrib[i]); } rsprintf(" \n", attr_list[i], class_value); /* separate options into individual lines */ strlcpy(str, attrib[i], sizeof(str)); p = strtok(str, "|"); while (p) { while (*p == ' ') p++; rsputs2(lbs, email, p); p = strtok(NULL, "|"); if (p) rsprintf("
      "); } rsprintf("
      %s %s \n", attr_list[i], class_value); sprintf(str, "Change %s", attr_list[i]); if (getcfg(lbs->name, str, display, sizeof(display))) { k = build_subst_list(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(str, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list((char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "message id", str, &k); add_subst_time(lbs, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, "entry time", date, &k, attr_flags[i]); strsubst_list(display, sizeof(display), (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) slist, (char (*)[NAME_LENGTH]) svalue, k); } else strcpy(display, attrib[i]); if (is_html(display) && !is_script(display) && html_allowed(lbs)) rsputs(display); else rsputs2(lbs, email, display); rsprintf(" 
      \n"); rsputs("\n"); /*---- message text ----*/ show_text = !getcfg(lbs->name, "Show text", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1; if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)) && getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest display", str, sizeof(str)) && !isparam("unm")) { n = strbreak(str, gattr, MAX_N_ATTR, ",", FALSE); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (strieq(gattr[j], "text")) break; if (j == n) show_text = FALSE; } if (show_text) { rsprintf(""); if (strieq(encoding, "html")) { if (email) replace_inline_img(lbs, text); rsputs(text); } else if (strieq(encoding, "ELCode")) { rsputs_elcode(lbs, email, text); } else { rsputs("

                  rsputs2(lbs, email, text);
      "); } rsputs("\n"); n_hidden = 0; for (i = 0, n_attachments = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { att_inline[i] = 0; att_hide[i] = getcfg(lbs->name, "Show attachments", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0; if (is_inline_attachment(encoding, message_id, text, i, attachment[i])) att_inline[i] = 1; if (attachment[i][0]) n_attachments++; } if (isparam("hide")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("hide"), sizeof(str)); p = strtok(str, ","); while (p != NULL) { if (atoi(p) < MAX_ATTACHMENTS) { att_hide[atoi(p)] = 1; n_hidden++; } p = strtok(NULL, ","); } } if (isparam("show")) { strlcpy(str, getparam("show"), sizeof(str)); p = strtok(str, ","); while (p != NULL) { if (atoi(p) < MAX_ATTACHMENTS) { att_hide[atoi(p)] = 0; } p = strtok(NULL, ","); } } for (index = 0; index < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; index++) { if (attachment[index][0] && strlen(attachment[index]) > 14 && !att_inline[index]) { for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(attachment[index]); i++) att[i] = toupper(attachment[index][i]); att[i] = 0; /* determine size of attachment */ strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment[index], sizeof(file_name)); thumb_status = create_thumbnail(lbs, file_name); length = 0; fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh > 0) { lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); length = TELL(fh); close(fh); } strlcpy(str, attachment[index], sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; strcpy(file_enc, attachment[index] + 14); url_encode(file_enc, sizeof(file_enc)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ if (email && !att_links) { retrieve_domain(domain, sizeof(domain)); sprintf(ref, "cid:att%d@%s", index, domain); } else if (email) { compose_base_url(lbs, ref, sizeof(ref), TRUE); sprintf(ref + strlen(ref), "%s", str); sprintf(ref + strlen(ref), "/%s", file_enc); } else { sprintf(ref, "%s/%s", str, file_enc); } /* overall table */ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Attachment"), index + 1); if (email && !att_links) rsprintf("
      %s %d:%s\n", attachment[index] + 14); else rsprintf("%s\n", ref, attachment[index] + 14); rsprintf(" "); if (length < 1024) rsprintf("%d Bytes", length); else if (length < 1024 * 1024) rsprintf("%d kB", length / 1024); else rsprintf("%1.3lf MB", length / 1024.0 / 1024.0); rsprintf("\n"); /* retrieve submission date */ memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts)); ts.tm_mon = (attachment[index][2] - '0') * 10 + attachment[index][3] - '0' - 1; ts.tm_mday = (attachment[index][4] - '0') * 10 + attachment[index][5] - '0'; ts.tm_year = (attachment[index][0] - '0') * 10 + attachment[index][1] - '0'; ts.tm_hour = (attachment[index][7] - '0') * 10 + attachment[index][8] - '0'; ts.tm_min = (attachment[index][9] - '0') * 10 + attachment[index][10] - '0'; ts.tm_sec = (attachment[index][11] - '0') * 10 + attachment[index][12] - '0'; if (ts.tm_year < 90) ts.tm_year += 100; ltime = mktime(&ts); /* show upload date/time only if different from entry date/time */ if (abs((int) (ltime - entry_ltime)) > 3600) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); my_strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, &ts); rsprintf(" "); rsprintf("Uploaded %s", str); rsprintf("\n"); } /* determine if displayed inline */ display_inline = is_image(file_name) || is_ascii(file_name); if (chkext(att, ".PS") || chkext(att, ".PDF")) display_inline = 0; if ((chkext(att, ".HTM") || chkext(att, ".HTML")) && is_full_html(file_name)) display_inline = 0; if (thumb_status) display_inline = 1; if (display_inline) { /* hide this / show this */ if (!email) { rsprintf(""); rsprintf(" | "); if (att_hide[index]) { rsprintf("%s", loc("Show")); } else { rsprintf("%s", loc("Hide")); } /* hide all */ if (n_hidden < n_attachments) { rsprintf(" | %s", loc("Hide all")); } /* show all */ if (n_hidden > 0) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) if (att_hide[i]) break; if (i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS) { rsprintf(" | %s", loc("Show all")); } } rsprintf("\n"); } } rsprintf("
      \n"); strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(attachment[index], subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, attachment[index], sizeof(file_name)); if (!att_hide[index] && display_inline) { if (thumb_status) { rsprintf("\n"); if (thumb_status == 3) { rsprintf("%s\n", loc("Cannot create thumbnail, please check ImageMagick installation")); } else { if (thumb_status == 2 && !email) { for (i = 0;; i++) { strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; sprintf(str + strlen(str), "-%d.png", i); if (file_exist(str)) { strlcpy(str, ref, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; sprintf(str + strlen(str), "-%d.png", i); rsprintf("\n", index + 1, ref); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", str, attachment[index] + 14, attachment[index] + 14); } else break; } } else { if (!email) { rsprintf("\n", index + 1, ref); strlcpy(str, ref, sizeof(str)); if (chkext(file_name, ".pdf") || chkext(file_name, ".ps")) if (strrchr(str, '.')) *strrchr(str, '.') = 0; strlcat(str, ".png", sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", str, attachment[index] + 14, attachment[index] + 14); } } } rsprintf("\n\n"); } else if (is_image(att)) { if (!email) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", index + 1); rsprintf("\"%s\"\n", ref, attachment[index] + 14, attachment[index] + 14); rsprintf("\n\n"); } } else { if (is_ascii(file_name)) { /* display attachment */ rsprintf("\n"); /* anchor for references */ rsprintf("\n", index + 1); if (!chkext(att, ".HTML")) rsprintf("
                              f = fopen(file_name, "rt");
                              n_lines = 0;
                              if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Attachment lines", str, sizeof(str)))
                                 max_n_lines = atoi(str);
                                 max_n_lines = 300;
                              if (f != NULL) {
                                 while (!feof(f)) {
                                    str[0] = 0;
                                    fgets(str, sizeof(str), f);
                                    if (n_lines < max_n_lines) {
                                       if (!chkext(att, ".HTML"))
                                          rsputs2(lbs, email, str);
                              if (!chkext(att, ".HTML"))
      "); rsprintf("\n"); if (max_n_lines == 0) rsprintf("%d lines\n", n_lines); else if (n_lines > max_n_lines) rsprintf("... %d more lines ...\n", n_lines - max_n_lines); rsprintf("\n"); } } } } } } } /* overall table (class "frame" from show_standard_header) */ rsprintf("\r\n\r\n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); if (!email) rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL convert_password_file(char *file_name) { char name[256], password[256], full_name[256], email[256], email_notify[256]; int i, len, fh, status; char *buf, *p; PMXML_NODE root, list, node, npwd; printf("Converting password file \"%s\" to new XML format ... ", file_name); fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fh < 0) return FALSE; len = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = xmalloc(len + 1); assert(buf); i = my_read(fh, buf, len); buf[i] = 0; close(fh); /* create backup */ strlcpy(name, file_name, sizeof(name)); strlcat(name, "_bak", sizeof(name)); fh = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fh > 0) { write(fh, buf, len); close(fh); } p = buf; /* skip leading spaces or new lines */ while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; root = mxml_create_root_node(); list = mxml_add_node(root, "list", NULL); while (*p) { /* skip comment lines */ if (*p != ';' && *p != '#') { for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(name) - 1 && *p && *p != ':'; i++) name[i] = *p++; name[i] = 0; if (*p++ != ':') { xfree(buf); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(password) - 1 && *p && *p != ':'; i++) password[i] = *p++; password[i] = 0; if (*p++ != ':') { xfree(buf); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(full_name) - 1 && *p && *p != ':'; i++) full_name[i] = *p++; full_name[i] = 0; if (*p++ != ':') { xfree(buf); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(email) - 1 && *p && *p != ':'; i++) email[i] = *p++; email[i] = 0; if (*p++ != ':') { xfree(buf); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(email_notify) - 1 && *p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n'; i++) email_notify[i] = *p++; email_notify[i] = 0; if (*p && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r') { xfree(buf); return FALSE; } while (*p && (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n')) p++; node = mxml_add_node(list, "user", NULL); mxml_add_node(node, "name", name); npwd = mxml_add_node(node, "password", password); mxml_add_attribute(npwd, "encoding", "SHA256"); mxml_add_node(node, "full_name", full_name); mxml_add_node(node, "last_logout", "0"); mxml_add_node(node, "last_activity", "0"); mxml_add_node(node, "email", email); mxml_add_node(node, "email_notify", email_notify); mxml_add_node(node, "inactive", "0"); } while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; } status = mxml_write_tree(file_name, root); mxml_free_tree(root); xfree(buf); if (status) printf("Ok\n"); else { printf("Error writing to password file\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL convert_password_encoding(LOGBOOK *lbs) { PMXML_NODE node, pwd; int i; char str[256], oldpwd[256], file_name[256]; if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree == NULL) return FALSE; if ((node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, "/list/user[1]/password")) == NULL) return FALSE; str[0] = 0; if (mxml_get_attribute(node, "encoding") != NULL) strlcpy(str, mxml_get_attribute(node, "encoding"), sizeof(str)); if (!strieq(str, "SHA256")) { if ((node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, "/list")) == NULL) return FALSE; printf("Converting password file for logbook \"%s\" to new encoding ... ", lbs->name); for (i = 0; i < mxml_get_number_of_children(node); i++) { sprintf(str, "/list/user[%d]/password", i + 1); pwd = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str); if (pwd && mxml_get_value(pwd)) { strlcpy(str, mxml_get_value(pwd), sizeof(str)); /* assume base64 encoding, might be wrong if HAVE_CRYPT was used */ base64_decode(str, oldpwd); do_crypt(oldpwd, str, sizeof(str)); mxml_replace_node_value(pwd, str); mxml_add_attribute(pwd, "encoding", "SHA256"); } } if (get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) mxml_write_tree(file_name, lbs->pwd_xml_tree); printf("ok\n"); } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PMXML_NODE load_password_file(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *error, int error_size) { PMXML_NODE root, xml_tree; char str[256], line[256], file_name[256]; int fh; struct stat st; if (error) error[0] = 0; if (!get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) return NULL; fh = open(file_name, O_RDONLY); /* if password file doen't exist, try to create it */ if (fh < 0) { fh = open(file_name, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600); if (fh < 0) { sprintf(str, "Cannot open file \"%s\"", file_name); strcat(str, ": "); strlcat(str, strerror(errno), sizeof(str)); show_error(str); eprintf(str); strlcpy(error, str, error_size); return NULL; } close(fh); /* put empty XML tree into password file */ printf("\nCreate empty password file \"%s\"\n", file_name); root = mxml_create_root_node(); mxml_add_node(root, "list", NULL); mxml_write_tree(file_name, root); mxml_free_tree(root); } else { /* check for write access to password file */ if (stat(file_name, &st) < 0) { sprintf(str, "Cannot access password file \"%s\"", file_name); strlcpy(error, str, error_size); return NULL; } #ifdef OS_WINNT if ((st.st_mode & _S_IWRITE) == 0) { #else if ((st.st_mode & S_IWUSR) == 0) { #endif sprintf(str, "Cannot access write protected password file \"%s\"", file_name); strlcpy(error, str, error_size); return NULL; } /* check if in XML format, otherwise convert it */ line[0] = 0; read(fh, line, sizeof(line)); close(fh); if (strstr(line, "name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (!str[0]) return 0; if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree) { if (user[0]) { sprintf(str, "/list/user[name=%s]", user); if ((user_node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str)) == NULL) return 2; } else if (email && email[0]) { sprintf(str, "/list/user[email=%s]", email); if ((user_node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str)) == NULL) return 2; } else return 0; /* if user found, retrieve other info */ if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "name")) != NULL && user && mxml_get_value(node)) strlcpy(user, mxml_get_value(node), 256); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "password")) != NULL && password && mxml_get_value(node)) strlcpy(password, mxml_get_value(node), 256); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "full_name")) != NULL && full_name && mxml_get_value(node)) strlcpy(full_name, mxml_get_value(node), 256); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "email")) != NULL && email && mxml_get_value(node)) strlcpy(email, mxml_get_value(node), 256); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "last_logout")) != NULL && last_logout && mxml_get_value(node)) { *last_logout = date_to_ltime(mxml_get_value(node)); if (*last_logout == -1) *last_logout = 0; } if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "inactive")) != NULL && inactive && mxml_get_value(node)) *inactive = atoi(mxml_get_value(node)); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "email_notify")) != NULL && email_notify) { if (mxml_get_number_of_children(node)) { for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) email_notify[i] = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < mxml_get_number_of_children(node); i++) { subnode = mxml_subnode(node, i); for (j = 0; lb_list[j].name[0]; j++) if (strieq(lb_list[j].name, mxml_get_value(subnode))) { email_notify[j] = TRUE; break; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) if (strieq(mxml_get_value(node), "all")) email_notify[i] = TRUE; else email_notify[i] = FALSE; } } return 1; } else { if (!user[0]) return 1; /* open password file */ load_password_files(); return get_user_line(lbs, user, password, full_name, email, email_notify, last_logout, inactive); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_full_name(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *uname, char *full_name) { return get_user_line(lbs, uname, NULL, full_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_file_system_full(char *file_name) { char str[256]; char buf[1024]; int n, fh; strlcpy(str, file_name, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, ".tmp", sizeof(str)); fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644); if (fh < 0) return 0; n = write(fh, buf, sizeof(buf)); close(fh); remove(str); return n < (int) sizeof(buf); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int set_user_login_time(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user) { int i; char str[256], global[256], orig_topgroup[256], file_name[256]; PMXML_NODE user_node, node; time_t last, now; /* if global password file is requested, search for first logbook with same password file than global section */ orig_topgroup[0] = 0; if (lbs == NULL) { getcfg("global", "Password file", global, sizeof(global)); if (getcfg_topgroup() && *getcfg_topgroup()) strcpy(orig_topgroup, getcfg_topgroup()); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (lb_list[i].top_group[0]) setcfg_topgroup(lb_list[i].top_group); getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (strieq(str, global)) { lbs = lb_list + i; break; } } if (!lb_list[i].name[0]) return 1; if (orig_topgroup[0]) setcfg_topgroup(orig_topgroup); } getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (!str[0] || !user[0]) return 1; if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree) { sprintf(str, "/list/user[name=%s]", user); if ((user_node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str)) == NULL) return 1; if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "last_activity")) != NULL) { strlcpy(str, mxml_get_value(node), sizeof(str)); last = date_to_ltime(str); } else last = 0; time(&now); /* check if activity time changed significantly */ if (now > last + 60) { /* if last activity is more than one hour ago, set new logout time from last activity */ if (now > last + 3600) { strcpy(str, "0"); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "last_activity")) != NULL) strlcpy(str, mxml_get_value(node), sizeof(str)); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "last_logout")) != NULL) mxml_replace_node_value(node, str); else mxml_add_node(user_node, "last_logout", str); } /* set new last activity */ strcpy(str, ctime(&now)); str[24] = 0; if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "last_activity")) != NULL) mxml_replace_node_value(node, str); else mxml_add_node(user_node, "last_activity", str); /* flush to password file */ if (get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) { /* check if file system if full */ if (is_file_system_full(file_name)) return 0; mxml_write_tree(file_name, lbs->pwd_xml_tree); } } } return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int set_user_inactive(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user, int inactive) { int i; char str[256], global[256], orig_topgroup[256], file_name[256]; PMXML_NODE user_node, node; /* if global password file is requested, search for first logbook with same password file than global section */ orig_topgroup[0] = 0; if (lbs == NULL) { getcfg("global", "Password file", global, sizeof(global)); if (getcfg_topgroup() && *getcfg_topgroup()) strcpy(orig_topgroup, getcfg_topgroup()); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (lb_list[i].top_group[0]) setcfg_topgroup(lb_list[i].top_group); getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (strieq(str, global)) { lbs = lb_list + i; break; } } if (!lb_list[i].name[0]) return 1; if (orig_topgroup[0]) setcfg_topgroup(orig_topgroup); } getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (!str[0] || !user[0]) return 1; if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree) { sprintf(str, "/list/user[name=%s]", user); if ((user_node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str)) == NULL) return 0; sprintf(str, "%d", inactive); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "inactive")) != NULL) mxml_replace_node_value(node, str); else mxml_add_node(user_node, "inactive", str); /* flush to password file */ if (get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) { /* check if file system if full */ if (is_file_system_full(file_name)) return 0; mxml_write_tree(file_name, lbs->pwd_xml_tree); } } return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int set_user_password(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user, char *password) { int i; char str[256], pwd_enc[256], file_name[256], orig_topgroup[256], global[256]; PMXML_NODE user_node, node, npwd; orig_topgroup[0] = 0; if (lbs == NULL) { getcfg("global", "Password file", global, sizeof(global)); if (getcfg_topgroup() && *getcfg_topgroup()) strcpy(orig_topgroup, getcfg_topgroup()); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (lb_list[i].top_group[0]) setcfg_topgroup(lb_list[i].top_group); getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0] && strieq(str, global)) { lbs = lb_list + i; break; } } if (!lb_list[i].name[0]) return 0; if (orig_topgroup[0]) setcfg_topgroup(orig_topgroup); } if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree) { sprintf(str, "/list/user[name=%s]", user); if ((user_node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str)) == NULL) return 0; #ifdef HAVE_PAM getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (!stristr(str, "PAM")) { #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ do_crypt(password, pwd_enc, sizeof(pwd_enc)); if ((node = mxml_find_node(user_node, "password")) != NULL) mxml_replace_node_value(node, pwd_enc); else { npwd = mxml_add_node(user_node, "password", pwd_enc); mxml_add_attribute(npwd, "encoding", "SHA256"); } #ifdef HAVE_PAM } #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ /* flush to password file */ if (get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) { /* check if file system if full */ if (is_file_system_full(file_name)) return 0; mxml_write_tree(file_name, lbs->pwd_xml_tree); } } return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL enum_user_line(LOGBOOK *lbs, int n, char *user, int size) { char str[256], file_name[256]; int i; PMXML_NODE node; if (lbs == NULL) { getcfg(NULL, "password file", file_name, sizeof(file_name)); for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "password file", str, sizeof(str)); if (strieq(file_name, str)) break; } if (lb_list[i].name[0] == 0) lbs = &lb_list[0]; else lbs = &lb_list[i]; } if (!lbs) return FALSE; if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree == NULL) return FALSE; sprintf(str, "/list/user[%d]/name", n + 1); if ((node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, str)) == NULL) return FALSE; strlcpy(user, mxml_get_value(node), size); return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL check_login_user(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user) { int i, n, status; char str[1000]; char list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; if (user == NULL) return FALSE; /* check if usr is in password file */ status = get_user_line(lbs, user, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status == 2) return FALSE; /* treat admin user as login user */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Admin user", str, sizeof(str)) && user[0]) { n = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strcmp(user, list[i]) == 0) return TRUE; } if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Login user", str, sizeof(str)) && user[0]) { n = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strcmp(user, list[i]) == 0) break; if (i == n) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL is_admin_user(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *user) { int i, n; char str[1000]; char list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; char logbook[1000]; if (lbs == NULL) strlcpy(logbook, "global", sizeof(logbook)); else strlcpy(logbook, lbs->name, sizeof(logbook)); /* Removed user[0] for cloning, have to check implications, same below. if (getcfg(logbook, "Admin user", str, sizeof(str)) && user[0]) { */ if (user == NULL) return FALSE; if (getcfg(logbook, "Admin user", str, sizeof(str))) { n = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strcmp(user, list[i]) == 0) break; if (i == n) return FALSE; } /* make sure user is logged in */ if (lbs && !logged_in(lbs)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL is_admin_user_global(char *user) { int i, n; char str[1000]; char list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH]; if (user == NULL) return FALSE; if (getcfg_simple("global", "Admin user", str, sizeof(str), FALSE)) { n = strbreak(str, list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (strcmp(user, list[i]) == 0) break; if (i == n) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_login_page(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *redir, int fail) { char str[256], str2[256]; int show_forgot_link, show_self_register; /* if URL is specified in configuration file, check if login happens for the specified host, in order to get cookies right... */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "URL", str, sizeof(str))) { extract_host(str); strlcpy(str2, http_host, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str2, ':')) *strchr(str2, ':') = 0; if (strchr(str2, ',')) // needed for more than one proxy in a row *strchr(str2, ',') = 0; if (!strieq(str, str2)) { redirect(lbs, _cmdline); return; } } sprintf(str, "ELOG %s", loc("Login")); show_html_header(lbs, TRUE, str, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); /* set focus on name field */ rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf( "
      \n\n"); /* define hidden fields for current destination */ strlcpy(str, redir, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, '<')) url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, ' ')) return; rsprintf("\n", str); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n", loc("Please login")); if (fail == 1) { strlcpy(str, loc("Invalid user name or password"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n", str); } if (fail == 2) { sprintf(str, loc("User \"%s\" has no access to this logbook"), getparam("unm")); rsprintf("\n", str); } if (isparam("unm")) strencode2(str, getparam("unm"), sizeof(str)); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Login expiration", str, sizeof(str)) || atof(str) > 0) { rsprintf("\n"); } show_forgot_link = (!getcfg(lbs->name, "allow password change", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1); #ifdef HAVE_PAM getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "PAM")) show_self_register = 0; else #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ show_self_register = (getcfg(lbs->name, "Self register", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) > 0); if (show_forgot_link || show_self_register) rsprintf("", str, loc("Register as new user")); } if (show_forgot_link || show_self_register) rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf( "", loc("Submit")); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Username")); rsprintf( "\n", isparam("unm") ? str : "", loc("Username")); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Password")); rsprintf( "\n"); rsprintf("
      "); if (isparam("urem") && atoi(getparam("urem")) == 0) rsprintf("\n"); else rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("%s\n", loc("Keep me logged in on this computer")); if (str[0] == 0) rsprintf(loc("for the next %d days"), 31); else if (atof(str) < 1) rsprintf(loc("for the next %d minutes"), (int) (atof(str) * 60)); else if (atof(str) == 1) rsprintf(loc("for the next hour")); else if (atof(str) <= 48) rsprintf(loc("for the next %d hours"), (int) atof(str)); else rsprintf(loc("for the next %d days"), (int) (atof(str) / 24)); rsprintf(" %s", loc("or until I log out")); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (show_forgot_link) rsprintf("%s", loc("Forgot"), loc("Forgot password?")); if (show_self_register) { strlcpy(str, loc("New user"), sizeof(str)); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); if (show_forgot_link) rsprintf("
      "); rsprintf("%s
      \n"); show_bottom_text_login(lbs); rsprintf("
      \r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL check_login(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *sid) { char str[1000], pwd_file[256], user_name[256], upwd[256]; int status, inactive, skip_sid_check; #ifdef HAVE_PAM getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (!stristr(str, "PAM")) { #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ /* show new user screen if password file is empty */ if (!enum_user_line(lbs, 0, str, sizeof(str))) { if (isparam("new_user_name")) return TRUE; getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "Webserver")) { show_new_user_page(lbs, http_user); } else { show_new_user_page(lbs, NULL); } return FALSE; } #ifdef HAVE_PAM } #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ /* check for "forgot password" */ if (isparam("cmd") && strcmp(getparam("cmd"), loc("Forgot")) == 0) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "forgot password link", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 0) return FALSE; show_forgot_pwd_page(lbs); return FALSE; } /* check for password login (elog & mirroring) */ skip_sid_check = FALSE; if (isparam("unm") && isparam("upwd")) { get_user_line(lbs, getparam("unm"), upwd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (strcmp(upwd, getparam("upwd")) != 0) { show_login_page(lbs, "", 0); return FALSE; } else { strlcpy(user_name, getparam("unm"), sizeof(user_name)); skip_sid_check = TRUE; } } /* if invalid or no session ID, show login page, unless we outsourced the authentication to webserver */ if (!skip_sid_check && !sid_check(sid, user_name)) { if (isparam("redir")) strlcpy(str, getparam("redir"), sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, isparam("cmdline") ? getparam("cmdline") : _cmdline, sizeof(str)); /* avoid recursive loops with ?cmd=Login */ if (stristr(str, loc("Login"))) str[0] = 0; show_login_page(lbs, str, 0); return FALSE; } /* if user not in password file (external authentication!) obtain user info */ status = get_user_line(lbs, user_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &inactive); /* fail if password file cannot be accessed */ if (status == 0) { getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", pwd_file, sizeof(pwd_file)); sprintf(str, loc("Cannot open file %s"), pwd_file); strcat(str, ": "); strlcat(str, strerror(errno), sizeof(str)); show_error(str); return FALSE; } /* if user cannot be found in password file, ask for new user info */ if (status == 2 && !isparam("new_user_name")) { show_new_user_page(lbs, user_name); return FALSE; } /* show error for inactive account */ if (inactive) { show_error("This account is currently deactivated"); return FALSE; } /* remember user name for other places */ setparam("unm", user_name); /* check if user has access to logbook */ if (!check_login_user(lbs, user_name) && !isparam("new_user_name")) { show_login_page(lbs, "", 2); return FALSE; } /* set access time for user */ if (user_name[0] && !isparam("new_user_name")) { if (!set_user_login_time(lbs, user_name)) { show_error(loc("File system full, ELOG cannot continue to work")); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int node_contains(LBLIST pn, char *logbook) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pn->n_members; i++) { /* check if logbook in this group */ if (strieq(pn->member[i]->name, logbook)) return 1; /* check if loogbook is in subgroups */ if (pn->member[i]->n_members > 0 && node_contains(pn->member[i], logbook)) return 1; } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_logbook_node(LBLIST plb, LBLIST pparent, int level, int btop) { int i, index, j, expand, expand_all, message_id; char str[10000], date[256], slist[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], svalue[MAX_N_ATTR + 10][NAME_LENGTH], mid[80]; if (plb->n_members > 0) { expand = 0; if (isparam("gexp")) { if (strieq(plb->name, getparam("gexp")) || node_contains(plb, getparam("gexp")) || strieq(getparam("gexp"), "all")) expand = 1; } if (!getcfg(plb->name, "Expand selection page", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) expand_all = 1; else expand_all = 0; /* do not display top groups */ if (!plb->is_top) { rsprintf(""); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) rsprintf(" \n"); rsprintf("", 13 - level); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) rsprintf("  "); if (expand) { if (expand_all) rsprintf("%s", plb->name); else { if (pparent != NULL) { if (getcfg_topgroup()) rsprintf("- %s ", getcfg_topgroup(), pparent->name, plb->name); else rsprintf("- %s ", pparent->name, plb->name); } else { if (getcfg_topgroup()) rsprintf("- %s ", getcfg_topgroup(), plb->name); else rsprintf("- %s ", plb->name); } } } else { if (expand_all) rsprintf("%s", plb->name); else { if (getcfg_topgroup()) rsprintf("+ %s ", getcfg_topgroup(), plb->name, plb->name); else rsprintf("+ %s ", plb->name, plb->name); } } rsprintf("\n"); } if (plb->is_top || expand || expand_all) for (i = 0; i < plb->n_members; i++) show_logbook_node(plb->member[i], plb->is_top ? NULL : plb, level + 1, btop); } else { if (!getcfg(plb->name, "Hidden", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { /* search logbook in list */ for (index = 0; lb_list[index].name[0]; index++) if (strieq(plb->name, lb_list[index].name)) break; if (!lb_list[index].name[0]) return; rsprintf(""); for (j = 0; j < level; j++) rsprintf(" \n"); rsprintf("", 10 - level); if (btop) rsprintf("%s", lb_list[index].name_enc, lb_list[index].name); else rsprintf("%s", lb_list[index].name_enc, lb_list[index].name); if ((getcfg(lb_list[index].name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)) && !getcfg(lb_list[index].name, "Guest menu commands", str, sizeof(str)))) rsprintf("  \"%s\"", loc("This logbook requires authentication"), loc("This logbook requires authentication")); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (!getcfg(plb->name, "Hide Comments", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { str[0] = 0; getcfg(lb_list[index].name, "Comment", str, sizeof(str)); rsprintf(""); if (is_html(str)) rsputs(str); else rsputs3(str); rsprintf("\n"); } rsprintf(""); rsprintf("%d", *lb_list[index].n_el_index); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf(""); if (*lb_list[index].n_el_index == 0) rsprintf("-"); else { char attrib[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH]; lb_list[index].n_attr = scan_attributes(lb_list[index].name); message_id = el_search_message(&lb_list[index], EL_LAST, 0, FALSE); el_retrieve(&lb_list[index], message_id, date, attr_list, attrib, lb_list[index].n_attr, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!getcfg(lb_list[index].name, "Last submission", str, sizeof(str))) { sprintf(str, "$entry time"); for (i = 0; i < lb_list[index].n_attr; i++) if (strieq(attr_list[i], "Author")) break; if (i < lb_list[index].n_attr) sprintf(str + strlen(str), " %s $author", loc("by")); } j = build_subst_list(&lb_list[index], slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE); sprintf(mid, "%d", message_id); add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", mid, &j); add_subst_time(&lb_list[index], slist, svalue, "entry time", date, &j, 0); strsubst_list(str, sizeof(str), slist, svalue, j); rsputs(str); } rsprintf("\n"); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_top_selection_page() { int i; char str[10000], name[NAME_LENGTH], name_enc[NAME_LENGTH]; LBLIST phier; /* if selection page protected, check password */ if (getcfg("global", "password file", str, sizeof(str)) && getcfg("global", "protect selection page", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) if (!check_login(NULL, getparam("sid"))) return; if (getcfg("global", "Page Title", str, sizeof(str))) { strip_html(str); show_html_header(NULL, TRUE, str, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); } else show_html_header(NULL, TRUE, "ELOG Logbook Selection", TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); phier = get_logbook_hierarchy(); for (i = 0; i < phier->n_members; i++) if (phier->member[i]->is_top) { rsprintf("\n"); } free_logbook_hierarchy(phier); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (getcfg("global", "Welcome title", str, sizeof(str))) { rsputs(str); } else { rsprintf("%s.
      \n", loc("Several logbooks groups are defined on this host")); rsprintf("%s:\n", loc("Please select one to list the logbooks in that group")); } rsprintf("
      "); strlcpy(name, phier->member[i]->name, sizeof(name)); strlcpy(name_enc, name, sizeof(name_enc)); url_encode(name_enc, sizeof(name_enc)); rsprintf("%s", name_enc, name); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\r\n\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_selection_page(void) { int i, j, expand_all, show_title; char str[10000], file_name[256]; LBLIST phier; /* check if at least one logbook defined */ if (!lb_list[0].name[0]) { show_standard_header(NULL, FALSE, "ELOG", "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf(loc("No logbook defined on this server")); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("%s", loc("Create new logbook"), loc("Create new logbook")); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); return; } /* check for Guest Selection Page */ if (getcfg("global", "Guest Selection Page", str, sizeof(str)) && !(isparam("unm"))) { /* check for URL */ if (strstr(str, "http://") || strstr(str, "https://")) { redirect(NULL, str); return; } /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strlcpy(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } send_file_direct(file_name); return; } /* top group present and no top group in URL */ if (exist_top_group() && getcfg_topgroup() == NULL) { if (getcfg("global", "show top groups", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { show_top_selection_page(); return; } else return; /* abort connection */ } /* if selection page protected, check password */ if (getcfg("global", "password file", str, sizeof(str)) && getcfg("global", "protect selection page", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) if (!check_login(NULL, getparam("sid"))) return; if (getcfg("global", "Page Title", str, sizeof(str))) { strip_html(str); show_html_header(NULL, TRUE, str, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); } else show_html_header(NULL, TRUE, "ELOG Logbook Selection", TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); if (getcfg("global", "mirror server", str, sizeof(str))) { /* only admin user sees synchronization link */ if (is_admin_user(NULL, getparam("unm"))) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Synchronize all logbooks")); rsprintf("\n"); } } phier = get_logbook_hierarchy(); show_title = 0; if (getcfg_topgroup()) { for (i = 0; i < phier->n_members; i++) if (strieq(getcfg_topgroup(), phier->member[i]->name)) { if (phier->member[i]->n_members == 0) show_title = 1; else for (j = 0; j < phier->member[i]->n_members; j++) if (phier->member[i]->member[j]->n_members == 0) show_title = 1; break; } } else for (i = 0; i < phier->n_members; i++) if (phier->member[i]->n_members == 0) show_title = 1; if (!getcfg("global", "Expand selection page", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 1) expand_all = 1; else expand_all = 0; if (isparam("gexp") || expand_all) show_title = 1; if (show_title) { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Logbook")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Entries")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Last submission")); rsprintf("\n"); } else { rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Expand all")); rsprintf("\n"); } if (getcfg_topgroup()) { for (i = 0; i < phier->n_members; i++) if (strieq(getcfg_topgroup(), phier->member[i]->name)) { show_logbook_node(phier->member[i], NULL, -1, 1); break; } } else for (i = 0; i < phier->n_members; i++) show_logbook_node(phier->member[i], NULL, 0, 0); free_logbook_hierarchy(phier); rsprintf("
      \n"); if (getcfg("global", "Welcome title", str, sizeof(str))) { rsputs(str); } else { rsprintf("%s.
      \n", loc("Several logbooks are defined on this host")); rsprintf("%s:\n", loc("Please select the one to connect to")); } rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("%s
      \n"); rsprintf("%s
      \n"); rsprintf("\r\n\r\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int do_self_register(LOGBOOK *lbs, char *command) /* evaluate self-registration commands */ { char str[256]; if (command == NULL) return 1; /* display new user page if "self register" is clicked */ if (strieq(command, loc("New user"))) { show_new_user_page(lbs, NULL); return 0; } /* save user info if "save" is pressed */ if (strieq(command, loc("Save")) && isparam("new_user_name") && !isparam("config")) { if (!save_user_config(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), TRUE)) return 0; if (lbs) sprintf(str, "../%s/", lbs->name_enc); else sprintf(str, "."); redirect(lbs, str); return 0; } /* display account request notification */ if (strieq(command, loc("Requested"))) { show_standard_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("ELOG registration"), "", FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("%s.", loc("Your request has been forwarded to the administrator")); rsprintf("%s.", loc("You will be notified by email upon activation of your new account")); rsprintf("
      \n"); show_bottom_text(lbs); rsprintf("\n"); return 0; } /* indicate continue */ return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_day(char *css_class, char *day) { if (day[0]) { rsprintf("%s\n", day); } else { /* empty cell */ rsprintf(" \n", css_class); } } void show_calendar(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i, j, cur_mon, cur_year, today_day, today_mon, today_year; time_t now, stime; struct tm *ts; char str[256], index[10]; time(&now); ts = localtime(&now); assert(ts); today_mon = ts->tm_mon + 1; today_day = ts->tm_mday; today_year = ts->tm_year + 1900; if (isparam("m") && isparam("y")) { cur_mon = atoi(getparam("m")); cur_year = atoi(getparam("y")); ts->tm_mday = 1; ts->tm_mon = cur_mon - 1; ts->tm_year = cur_year - 1900; mktime(ts); } else { cur_mon = ts->tm_mon + 1; cur_year = ts->tm_year + 1900; } if (isparam("i")) strencode2(index, getparam("i"), sizeof(index)); else strcpy(index, "1"); show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("Calendar"), TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n", index); rsprintf("\n", cur_year); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf(""); rsprintf(""); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); /* link to previous year */ rsprintf("  "); rsprintf("", index, cur_mon, cur_year - 1); rsprintf("\"%s\"", loc("Previous Year"), loc("Previous Year")); /* current year */ rsprintf(" %d ", cur_year); /* link to next year */ rsprintf("", index, cur_mon, cur_year + 1); rsprintf("\"%s\"", loc("Next Year"), loc("Next Year")); /* go to first day of month */ ts->tm_mday = 1; stime = mktime(ts); if (stime < 0) { rsprintf("
      Invalid date
      \n"); return; } /* go to last sunday */ stime = stime - 3600 * 24 * ts->tm_wday; rsprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { ts = localtime(&stime); assert(ts); strftime(str, sizeof(str), "%a", ts); rsprintf("%s\n", str); stime += 3600 * 24; } rsprintf("\n"); stime -= 3600 * 24 * 7; ts = localtime(&stime); assert(ts); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { rsprintf("\n"); for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if (ts->tm_mon + 1 == cur_mon) sprintf(str, "%d", ts->tm_mday); else strcpy(str, ""); if (ts->tm_mday == today_day && ts->tm_mon + 1 == today_mon && ts->tm_year + 1900 == today_year) show_day("calcurday", str); else { if (j == 0) show_day("calsun", str); else if (j == 6) show_day("calsat", str); else show_day("calday", str); } stime += 3600 * 24; ts = localtime(&stime); assert(ts); } rsprintf("\n"); if (ts->tm_mon + 1 != cur_mon) break; } rsprintf("\n\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_uploader(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char str[256]; show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("Upload image"), TRUE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf(""); strcpy(str, loc("Maximum allowed file size is")); if (MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH >= 1024 * 1024) sprintf(str + strlen(str), " %d MB", MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH / 1024 / 1024); else sprintf(str + strlen(str), " %d kB", MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH / 1024); rsprintf("\n", loc("Enter filename or URL"), str); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("
      %s: (%s)

      \n"); rsprintf("\n", loc("Upload")); rsprintf("\n", loc("Cancel")); rsprintf("

      \n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_uploader_finished(LOGBOOK *lbs) { int i; char str[256], att[256], base_url[256], file_enc[256], ref[256], ref_thumb[256]; show_html_header(lbs, FALSE, loc("Image uploaded successfully"), FALSE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, 0); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("\n"); rsprintf("\n"); /* find last attachment */ att[0] = 0; for (i = MAX_ATTACHMENTS - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sprintf(str, "attachment%d", i); if (isparam(str)) { strlcpy(att, getparam(str), sizeof(att)); break; } } if (att[0]) { strlcpy(str, att, sizeof(str)); str[13] = 0; strcpy(file_enc, att + 14); url_encode(file_enc, sizeof(file_enc)); /* for file names with special characters like "+" */ sprintf(ref, "%s/%s?lb=%s", str, file_enc, lbs->name_enc); sprintf(ref_thumb, "%s/%s?lb=%s&thumb=1", str, file_enc, lbs->name_enc); compose_base_url(lbs, base_url, sizeof(base_url), TRUE); rsprintf("\n\n"); rsprintf("
      \n"); rsprintf(loc("Image \"%s\" uploaded successfully"), att + 14); rsprintf("
      \n"); } rsprintf("\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void show_uploader_json(LOGBOOK *lbs) { char charset[256]; char filename[256], thumbname[256], attchname[256], subdir[256]; int i, j, attch_count; // maximum number of files that can be uploaded this way (drag and drop into the editor) const long MAX_FILE_COUNT = 100; rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); rsprintf("Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"); rsprintf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); rsprintf("Cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store\r\n"); if (keep_alive) { rsprintf("Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); rsprintf("Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10\r\n"); } if (!getcfg("global", "charset", charset, sizeof(charset))) strcpy(charset, DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET); rsprintf("Content-Type: application/json;charset=%s\r\n\r\n", charset); if (isparam("drop-count")) attch_count = strtol(getparam("drop-count"), NULL, 10); else attch_count = 0; // limit the number of files that can be uploaded if (attch_count > MAX_FILE_COUNT) { attch_count = MAX_FILE_COUNT; } rsprintf("{\r\n"); rsprintf(" \"attachments\" : [\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < attch_count; i++) { sprintf(attchname, "attachment%d", i); if (!isparam(attchname)) continue; rsprintf(" {\r\n"); rsprintf(" \"fullName\": \"%s\",\r\n", getparam(attchname)); strlcpy(filename, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(filename)); generate_subdir_name(getparam(attchname), subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(filename, subdir, sizeof(filename)); strlcat(filename, getparam(attchname), sizeof(filename)); if (create_thumbnail(lbs, filename)) { get_thumb_name(filename, thumbname, sizeof(thumbname), 0); if (strrchr(thumbname, '/')) rsprintf(" \"thumbName\": \"%s\",\r\n", strrchr(thumbname, '/') + 1); else rsprintf(" \"thumbName\": \"%s\",\r\n", thumbname); } rsprintf(" \"contentType\": "); for (j = 0; filetype[j].ext[0]; j++) if (chkext(filename, filetype[j].ext)) break; if (filetype[j].ext[0]) rsprintf("\"%s\"\r\n", filetype[j].type); else if (is_ascii(filename)) rsprintf("\"%s\"\r\n", "text/plain"); else rsprintf("\"%s\"\r\n", "application/octet-stream\r\n"); if (i == attch_count - 1) rsprintf(" }\r\n"); else rsprintf(" },\r\n"); } rsprintf(" ]\r\n"); rsprintf("}\r\n"); return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void interprete(char *lbook, char *path) /******************************************************************** Routine: interprete Purpose: Interprete parametersand generate HTML output. Input: char *path Message path _param/_value array accessible via getparam() \********************************************************************/ { int status, i, j, n, message_id, inactive; char list[1000], section[256], str[NAME_LENGTH], str1[NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH], edit_id[80], file_name[256], command[256], enc_path[256], dec_path[256], uname[80], full_name[256], user_email[256], logbook[256], logbook_enc[256], *experiment, group[256], css[256], *pfile, attachment[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], str3[NAME_LENGTH], thumb_name[256], sid[32], error_str[256], subdir[256], *s; LOGBOOK *lbs; FILE *f; /* encode path for further usage */ strcpy(dec_path, path); url_decode(dec_path); strcpy(enc_path, dec_path); url_encode(enc_path, sizeof(enc_path)); strencode2(command, isparam("cmd") ? getparam("cmd") : "", sizeof(command)); strencode2(group, isparam("group") ? getparam("group") : "", sizeof(group)); experiment = getparam("exp"); if (getcfg(lbook, "Logging Level", str, sizeof(str))) _logging_level = atoi(str); else _logging_level = 2; set_condition(""); message_id = atoi(dec_path); /* evaluate "jcmd" */ if (isparam("jcmd") && *getparam("jcmd")) strlcpy(command, getparam("jcmd"), sizeof(command)); /* check for localization command */ if (stricmp(command, "loc") == 0) { show_http_header(NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (isparam("value") && *getparam("value")) { strencode2(str, getparam("value"), sizeof(str)); rsputs(loc(str)); } /* dummy strings for JS-only translations */ s = loc("Drop attachments here..."); s = loc("Insert Timestamp"); if (s) s = NULL; // avoid compiler warning return; } /* if experiment given, use it as logbook (for elog!) */ if (experiment && experiment[0]) { strcpy(logbook_enc, experiment); strcpy(logbook, experiment); url_decode(logbook); /* check if logbook exists */ for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enumgrp(i, str)) break; if (strieq(logbook, str)) break; } if (!strieq(logbook, str)) { sprintf(str, "Error: logbook \"%s\" not defined in %s", logbook_enc, CFGFILE); show_error(str); return; } } else { strcpy(logbook_enc, lbook); strcpy(logbook, lbook); url_decode(logbook); } /* check for top group */ setcfg_topgroup(""); sprintf(str, "Top group %s", logbook); if (getcfg("global", str, list, sizeof(list))) { setcfg_topgroup(logbook); logbook[0] = 0; } /* check if new logbook */ for (i = j = 0;; i++) { if (!enumgrp(i, str)) break; if (is_logbook(str)) { /* redo index if logbooks in cfg file do not match lb_list */ if (!strieq(str, lb_list[j++].name)) { el_index_logbooks(); break; } } } /* check for deleted logbook */ if (lb_list[j].name[0] != 0) el_index_logbooks(); /*---- direct commands (registration etc) ----*/ if (!logbook[0]) { /* check for self register */ if (getcfg(group, "Self register", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) > 0) { if (!do_self_register(NULL, getparam("cmd"))) return; } /* check for activate */ if (strieq(command, loc("Activate")) && isparam("new_user_name") && isparam("code")) { if (!activate_user(NULL, getparam("new_user_name"), atoi(getparam("code")))) return; setparam("cfg_user", getparam("new_user_name")); get_user_line(NULL, getparam("new_user_name"), NULL, full_name, user_email, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(str, "%s <%s>", full_name, user_email); sprintf(str2, loc("Activation notice has been sent to %s"), str); setparam("notice", str2); show_config_page(NULL); return; } /* check for save after activate */ if (strieq(command, loc("Save"))) { if (isparam("config")) { /* change existing user */ if (!isparam("config") || !save_user_config(NULL, getparam("config"), FALSE)) return; } redirect(NULL, "."); return; } /* check for password recovery */ if (isparam("cmd") || isparam("newpwd")) { if (isparam("newpwd") || strieq(command, loc("Change password"))) { /* if logged in via SID, set user name */ if (sid_check(getparam("sid"), uname)) setparam("unm", uname); show_change_pwd_page(NULL); return; } } /* check for new login */ if (isparam("uname") && isparam("upassword")) { /* log logins */ strlcpy(uname, getparam("uname"), sizeof(uname)); sprintf(str, "LOGIN user \"%s\" (attempt) for logbook selection page", uname); write_logfile(NULL, str); if (isparam("redir")) strlcpy(str, getparam("redir"), sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, isparam("cmdline") ? getparam("cmdline") : "", sizeof(str)); /* authorize user via password file or site authentication */ if (!auth_verify_password(NULL, uname, getparam("upassword"), error_str, sizeof(error_str))) { if (error_str[0]) show_error(error_str); else show_login_page(NULL, str, 1); return; } /* check if user in password file */ if (get_user_line(NULL, uname, NULL, full_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 2) { /* if self registering not allowed, go back to login screen */ if (!getcfg(group, "Self register", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { show_login_page(NULL, str, 1); return; } #ifdef HAVE_PAM /* show new user page if username is not in password file */ getcfg(NULL, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "PAM")) { show_new_user_page(NULL, uname); return; } #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ } /* put encoded password into password file */ set_user_password(NULL, uname, getparam("upassword")); sprintf(str, "LOGIN user \"%s\" (success)", uname); write_logfile(NULL, str); /* get a new session ID */ sid_new(NULL, uname, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid); /* set SID cookie */ set_sid_cookie(NULL, sid, full_name); return; } /* check for global selection page if no logbook given */ if (!logbook[0] && getcfg("global", "Selection page", str, sizeof(str))) { /* check for URL */ if (strstr(str, "http://") || strstr(str, "https://")) { redirect(NULL, str); return; } /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strlcpy(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); else { strlcpy(file_name, logbook_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } send_file_direct(file_name); return; } /* check for global synchronization */ if (strieq(command, "Synchronize")) { synchronize(NULL, SYNC_HTML); return; } } /* count logbooks */ for (n = 0; lb_list[n].name[0]; n++); /* if no logbook given, display logbook selection page */ if (!logbook[0] && !path[0]) { if (n > 1) { /* check for forgot password page */ if (strieq(command, loc("Forgot"))) { show_forgot_pwd_page(NULL); return; } show_selection_page(); return; } strcpy(logbook, lb_list[0].name); strcpy(logbook_enc, logbook); url_encode(logbook_enc, sizeof(logbook_enc)); } /* get logbook from list */ for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (strieq(logbook, lb_list[i].name)) break; lbs = &lb_list[i]; /* set top level group for logbook */ if (lbs->top_group[0]) setcfg_topgroup(lbs->top_group); /* get theme for logbook */ if (getcfg(logbook, "Theme", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(theme_name, str, sizeof(theme_name)); else strlcpy(theme_name, "default", sizeof(theme_name)); lbs = lb_list + i; lbs->n_attr = scan_attributes(lbs->name); /* check for error during attribute scan */ if (lbs->n_attr < 0) return; /* evaluate AJAX xommand */ if (isparam("acmd") && *getparam("acmd")) { if (strieq(getparam("acmd"), "Upload")) show_uploader_json(lbs); return; } /* if we outsource the authentication to Webserver and have no sid, just set a new sid */ getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "Webserver")) { if (http_user[0]) { if (!sid_check(getparam("sid"), http_user)) { /* if we don't have a sid yet, set it */ /* get a new session ID */ sid_new(lbs, http_user, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid); /* set SID cookie */ set_sid_cookie(lbs, sid, http_user); } } else { sprintf(str, "Error: Misconfigured webserver, did not get X-Forwarded-User from it."); show_error(str); return; } } /* check for new login */ if (isparam("uname") && isparam("upassword")) { /* log logins */ strlcpy(uname, getparam("uname"), sizeof(uname)); sprintf(str, "LOGIN user \"%s\" (attempt)", uname); write_logfile(lbs, str); if (isparam("redir")) strlcpy(str, getparam("redir"), sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, isparam("cmdline") ? getparam("cmdline") : "", sizeof(str)); /* authorize user via password file or site authentication */ if (!auth_verify_password(lbs, uname, getparam("upassword"), error_str, sizeof(error_str))) { if (error_str[0]) show_error(error_str); else show_login_page(lbs, str, 1); return; } /* check if user in password file */ if (get_user_line(lbs, uname, NULL, full_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, &inactive) == 2) { /* if self registering not allowed, go back to login screen */ if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Self register", str, sizeof(str)) || atoi(str) == 0) { show_login_page(lbs, str, 1); return; } #ifdef HAVE_PAM /* show new user page if username is not in password file */ getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "PAM")) { show_new_user_page(lbs, uname); return; } #endif /* HAVE_PAM */ } /* show error for inactive account */ if (inactive) { show_error("This account is currently deactivated"); return; } /* check if user has access to logbook */ if (!check_login_user(lbs, getparam("uname"))) { show_error("User has no access to this logbook"); return; } /* put encoded password into password file */ set_user_password(lbs, uname, getparam("upassword")); sprintf(str, "LOGIN user \"%s\" (success)", uname); write_logfile(lbs, str); /* get a new session ID */ sid_new(lbs, uname, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid); /* set SID cookie */ set_sid_cookie(lbs, sid, full_name); return; } /* deliver icons without password */ if (chkext(path, ".gif") || chkext(path, ".jpg") || chkext(path, ".png") || chkext(path, ".ico") || chkext(path, ".htm") || chkext(path, ".css")) { /* check if file in resource directory */ strlcpy(str, resource_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, path, sizeof(str)); if (exist_file(str)) { send_file_direct(str); return; } else { /* else search file in themes directory */ strlcpy(str, resource_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "themes", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, theme_name, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, path, sizeof(str)); if (exist_file(str)) { send_file_direct(str); return; } } } /* check for valid logbook */ if (!logbook[0]) { strencode2(str2, path, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); return; } /* check for self activation */ if (strieq(command, loc("Activate")) && isparam("unm") && isparam("code") && !isparam("new_user_name")) { strlcpy(uname, getparam("unm"), sizeof(uname)); if (!activate_user(lbs, uname, atoi(getparam("code")))) return; sprintf(str, "ACTIVATE user \"%s\" (success)", uname); write_logfile(lbs, str); /* get a new session ID */ sid_new(lbs, uname, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid); /* redirect to config page */ sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s¬ice=%s. %s", loc("Config"), loc("Your account has been activated"), loc("Please subscribe to logbooks if you want to receive automatic email notifications")); setparam("redir", str); /* set SID cookie */ set_sid_cookie(lbs, sid, uname); return; } #ifdef HAVE_PAM /* save new user */ if (strieq(command, loc("Save")) && isparam("new_user_name") && !isparam("config")) { save_user_config(NULL, getparam("new_user_name"), 1); redirect(lbs, ""); check_login(lbs, NULL); return; } #endif /* USE_PAM */ /* if password file given, check session ID */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) { /* get current CSS */ strlcpy(css, "elog.css", sizeof(css)); if (lbs != NULL && getcfg(lbs->name, "CSS", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(css, str, sizeof(css)); else if (lbs == NULL && getcfg("global", "CSS", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(css, str, sizeof(css)); /* check if guest access */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest menu commands", str, sizeof(str))) { /* if logged in via SID, set user name */ if (sid_check(getparam("sid"), uname)) setparam("unm", uname); } /* set access time for user */ if (uname[0] && !isparam("new_user_name")) { if (!set_user_login_time(lbs, uname)) { show_error(loc("File system full, ELOG cannot continue to work")); return; } } if (!(getcfg(lbs->name, "Guest menu commands", str, sizeof(str)) && !isparam("fail"))) { if (strcmp(path, css) != 0) { /* if no guest menu commands but self register, evaluate new user commands */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Self register", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) > 0) { if (!do_self_register(lbs, command)) return; } /* check for correct session ID */ if (!check_login(lbs, getparam("sid"))) return; } } } if (strieq(command, loc("Login"))) { check_login(lbs, ""); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("New")) || strieq(command, loc("Edit")) || strieq(command, loc("Reply")) || strieq(command, loc("Duplicate")) || strieq(command, loc("Delete")) || strieq(command, loc("Upload")) || strieq(command, loc("Submit")) || strieq(command, loc("Preview"))) { sprintf(str, "%s?cmd=%s", path, command); } if (strieq(command, loc("Delete")) || strieq(command, loc("Config")) || strieq(command, loc("Copy to")) || strieq(command, loc("Move to"))) { sprintf(str, "%s?cmd=%s", path, command); } /* check for "Back" button */ if (strieq(command, loc("Back"))) { if (isparam("edit_id")) { /* unlock message */ el_lock_message(lbs, atoi(getparam("edit_id")), NULL, FALSE); /* remove draft */ el_draft_message(lbs, atoi(getparam("edit_id")), NULL, FALSE); /* redirect to message */ strlcpy(edit_id, getparam("edit_id"), sizeof(edit_id)); sprintf(str, "../%s/%s", logbook_enc, edit_id); } else sprintf(str, "../%s/", logbook_enc); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Back to main", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) strcpy(str, "../"); redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* check for "Detelte" button */ if (strieq(command, "XDelete")) { if (getparam("edit_id")) { status = el_delete_message(lbs, atoi(getparam("edit_id")), TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); if (status != EL_SUCCESS) { sprintf(str, "%s = %d", loc("Error deleting message: status"), status); show_error(str); return; } } redirect(lbs, ""); return; } /* check for "Unlock" command */ if (strieq(command, "Unlock")) { if (isparam("edit_id")) { /* unlock message and remove draft */ el_lock_message(lbs, atoi(getparam("edit_id")), NULL, FALSE); /* redirect to message */ strlcpy(edit_id, getparam("edit_id"), sizeof(edit_id)); sprintf(str, "../%s/%s", logbook_enc, edit_id); } else sprintf(str, "../%s/", logbook_enc); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Back to main", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) strcpy(str, "../"); redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* check for "List" button */ if (strieq(command, loc("List"))) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Back to main", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { redirect(lbs, "../"); return; } show_elog_list(lbs, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, NULL); return; } /* check for "Cancel" button */ if (strieq(command, loc("Cancel"))) { sprintf(str, "../%s/%s", logbook_enc, path); redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* check for "Last n*2 Entries" */ strlcpy(str, isparam("last") ? getparam("last") : "", sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, ' ')) { i = atoi(strchr(str, ' ')); sprintf(str, "last%d", i); if (isparam("mode")) { sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?mode="); strlcat(str, getparam("mode"), sizeof(str)); } redirect(lbs, str); return; } strlcpy(str, isparam("past") ? getparam("past") : "", sizeof(str)); if (strchr(str, ' ')) { i = atoi(strchr(str, ' ')); sprintf(str, "past%d", i); redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* check for pastxx */ if (strncmp(path, "past", 4) == 0 && (isdigit(path[4]) || isdigit(path[5])) && isparam("cmd") == 0) { show_elog_list(lbs, atoi(path + 4), 0, 0, FALSE, NULL); return; } if (strncmp(path, "last", 4) == 0 && !chkext(path, ".png") && (!isparam("cmd") || strieq(getparam("cmd"), loc("Select"))) && !isparam("newpwd") && atoi(path + 4) > 0) { show_elog_list(lbs, 0, atoi(path + 4), 0, FALSE, NULL); return; } if (strncmp(path, "page", 4) == 0 && isparam("cmd") == 0) { if (!path[4]) show_elog_list(lbs, 0, 0, -1, FALSE, NULL); else show_elog_list(lbs, 0, 0, atoi(path + 4), FALSE, NULL); return; } /* check for calender */ if (strieq(dec_path, "cal.html")) { show_calendar(lbs); return; } /* check for rss-feed */ if (strieq(dec_path, "elog.rdf")) { show_rss_feed(lbs); return; } /* check for upload window */ if (strieq(dec_path, "upload.html")) { show_uploader(lbs); return; } /* check for finished JavaScript upload */ if (isparam("jcmd") && isparam("jcmd") && strieq(getparam("jcmd"), "JUpload")) { show_uploader_finished(lbs); return; } /*---- check if file requested -----------------------------------*/ /* skip elog message id in front of possible attachment */ pfile = dec_path; if (strchr(pfile, '/') && pfile[13] != '/' && isdigit(pfile[0])) pfile = strchr(pfile, '/') + 1; if ((strlen(pfile) > 13 && pfile[6] == '_' && pfile[13] == '_') || (strlen(pfile) > 13 && pfile[6] == '_' && pfile[13] == '/') || chkext(pfile, ".gif") || chkext(pfile, ".ico") || chkext(pfile, ".jpg") || chkext(pfile, ".jpeg") || chkext(pfile, ".png") || chkext(pfile, ".css") || chkext(pfile, ".js") || chkext(pfile, ".html")) { if ((strlen(pfile) > 13 && pfile[6] == '_' && pfile[13] == '_') || (strlen(pfile) > 13 && pfile[6] == '_' && pfile[13] == '/')) { if (pfile[13] == '/') pfile[13] = '_'; /* file from data directory requested */ strlcpy(file_name, lbs->data_dir, sizeof(file_name)); generate_subdir_name(pfile, subdir, sizeof(subdir)); strlcat(file_name, subdir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, pfile, sizeof(file_name)); } else { /* file from theme directory requested */ strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); if (file_name[0] && file_name[strlen(file_name) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "themes", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); if (theme_name[0]) { strlcat(file_name, theme_name, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); } strlcat(file_name, pfile, sizeof(file_name)); } if (isparam("thumb")) { get_thumb_name(file_name, thumb_name, sizeof(thumb_name), 0); if (thumb_name[0]) send_file_direct(thumb_name); else send_file_direct(file_name); } else send_file_direct(file_name); return; } /* from here on, logbook must be valid */ if (!logbook[0]) { show_selection_page(); return; } /*---- check if attachment requested -----------------------------*/ if (strchr(dec_path, '/')) { message_id = atoi(dec_path); n = atoi(strchr(dec_path, '/') + 1) - 1; status = el_retrieve_attachment(lbs, message_id, n, attachment); if (status != EL_SUCCESS || n >= MAX_ATTACHMENTS) { sprintf(str, "Attachment #%d of entry #%d not found", n + 1, message_id); show_error(str); } else { if (isparam("thumb")) strlcat(attachment, "?thumb=1", sizeof(attachment)); redirect(lbs, attachment); } return; } /* check for new syntax in config file */ if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Types", str, sizeof(str))) { show_upgrade_page(lbs); return; } /* correct for image buttons */ if (isparam("cmd_first.x")) strcpy(command, loc("First")); if (isparam("cmd_previous.x")) strcpy(command, loc("Previous")); if (isparam("cmd_next.x")) strcpy(command, loc("Next")); if (isparam("cmd_last.x")) strcpy(command, loc("Last")); /* check if command allowed for current user */ if (command[0] && !is_user_allowed(lbs, command)) { if (isparam("uname")) get_full_name(lbs, getparam("uname"), full_name); else full_name[0] = 0; strencode2(str2, command, sizeof(str2)); strencode2(str3, full_name, sizeof(str3)); sprintf(str, loc("Error: Command \"%s\" is not allowed for user \"%s\""), str2, str3); show_error(str); return; } /* check if command in menu list */ if (!is_command_allowed(lbs, command, message_id)) { /* redirect to login page for new command */ if (strieq(command, loc("New")) && !isparam("unm")) { show_login_page(lbs, _cmdline, 0); return; } strencode2(str2, command, sizeof(str3)); sprintf(str, loc("Error: Command \"%s\" not allowed"), str2); show_error(str); return; } /*---- check for various commands --------------------------------*/ if (strieq(command, loc("Help"))) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Help URL", str, sizeof(str))) { /* if URL is given, redirect */ if (strstr(str, "http://") || strstr(str, "https://")) { redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* send file from resource directory */ strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "resources", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); f = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (f == NULL) { sprintf(str, "Cannot find file \"%s\"", file_name); show_error(str); } else { fclose(f); send_file_direct(file_name); } return; } /* send local help file */ strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "resources", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "eloghelp_", sizeof(file_name)); if (getcfg("global", "Language", str, sizeof(str))) { for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) str[i] = my_tolower(str[i]); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } else strlcat(file_name, "english", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, ".html", sizeof(file_name)); f = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (f == NULL) redirect(lbs, "https://elog.psi.ch/elog/eloghelp_english.html"); else { fclose(f); send_file_direct(file_name); } return; } if (strieq(command, loc("HelpELCode"))) { /* send local help file */ strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "resources", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, "elcode_", sizeof(file_name)); if (getcfg("global", "Language", str, sizeof(str))) { for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) str[i] = my_tolower(str[i]); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } else strlcat(file_name, "english", sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, ".html", sizeof(file_name)); f = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (f == NULL) redirect(lbs, "https://elog.psi.ch/elog/elcode_english.html"); else { fclose(f); send_file_direct(file_name); } return; } if (strieq(command, loc("New"))) { if (check_drafts(lbs)) return; show_edit_form(lbs, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); return; } /* check for deletion of attachments */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; i++) { sprintf(str, "delatt%d", i); if (isparam(str) || (isparam("smcmd") && stricmp(getparam("smcmd"), str) == 0)) { sprintf(str, "attachment%d", i); strlcpy(file_name, getparam(str), sizeof(file_name)); el_delete_attachment(lbs, file_name); /* re-order attachments */ for (j = i; j < MAX_ATTACHMENTS; j++) { sprintf(str, "attachment%d", j + 1); if (isparam(str)) strlcpy(file_name, getparam(str), sizeof(file_name)); else file_name[0] = 0; sprintf(str, "attachment%d", j); if (file_name[0]) setparam(str, file_name); else unsetparam(str); } show_edit_form(lbs, isparam("edit_id") ? atoi(getparam("edit_id")) : 0, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); return; } } if (strieq(command, loc("Upload")) || strieq(command, "Upload")) { show_edit_form(lbs, isparam("edit_id") ? atoi(getparam("edit_id")) : 0, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Edit"))) { if (message_id) { show_edit_form(lbs, message_id, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); return; } else if (isparam("nsel")) { show_edit_form(lbs, 0, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); return; } } if (strieq(command, loc("Reply"))) { show_edit_form(lbs, message_id, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Update"))) { show_edit_form(lbs, isparam("edit_id") ? atoi(getparam("edit_id")) : 0, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); return; } if ((strieq(command, loc("Save")) || strieq(command, "Save")) && !isparam("cfgpage") && !isparam("new_user_name")) { /* save draft message */ if (isparam("unm")) strlcpy(str, getparam("unm"), sizeof(str)); else strlcpy(str, loc("user"), sizeof(str)); setparam("draft", str); submit_elog(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Duplicate"))) { if (message_id) { show_edit_form(lbs, message_id, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); return; } } if (strieq(command, loc("Preview"))) { show_edit_form(lbs, isparam("edit_id") ? atoi(getparam("edit_id")) : 0, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Submit")) || strieq(command, "Submit")) { if (isparam("mirror_id")) submit_elog_mirror(lbs); else submit_elog(lbs); /* elog command line utility wants to remove sid after submission */ if (isparam("sidclose")) sid_remove(getparam("sid")); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Find"))) { /* stip message id */ if (dec_path[0]) { sprintf(str, "../%s/?cmd=%s", lbs->name_enc, loc("Find")); redirect(lbs, str); return; } show_find_form(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Search"))) { if (dec_path[0] && atoi(dec_path) == 0 && strchr(dec_path, '/') != NULL) { strencode2(str2, dec_path, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); return; } show_elog_list(lbs, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, NULL); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Last day"))) { redirect(lbs, "past1"); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Last 10"))) { redirect(lbs, "last10"); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Copy to"))) { copy_to(lbs, message_id, isparam("destc") ? getparam("destc") : "", 0, 0); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Move to"))) { copy_to(lbs, message_id, isparam("destm") ? getparam("destm") : "", 1, 0); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Admin")) || strieq(command, loc("Change config file"))) { show_admin_page(lbs, NULL); return; } sprintf(str, loc("Change %s"), "[global]"); if (strieq(command, str)) { show_admin_page(lbs, "global"); return; } sprintf(str2, "[global %s]", lbs->top_group); sprintf(str, loc("Change %s"), str2); if (strieq(command, str)) { show_admin_page(lbs, lbs->top_group); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Delete this logbook"))) { show_logbook_delete(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Rename this logbook"))) { show_logbook_rename(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Create new logbook"))) { if (isparam("tmp") && strieq(getparam("tmp"), "Cancel")) { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s", loc("Change config file")); else sprintf(str, "?cmd=%s", loc("Config")); redirect(lbs, str); return; } show_logbook_new(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, "GetPwdFile")) { char allow[256]; allow[0] = 0; getcfg("global", "Allow clone", allow, sizeof(allow)); if (atoi(allow) == 1) { if (get_password_file(lbs, file_name, sizeof(file_name))) send_file_direct(file_name); } else { show_http_header(NULL, FALSE, NULL); rsputs(loc("Cloning not allowed. Set \"Allow clone = 1\" to enable cloning.")); rsputs("\r\n"); return; } return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Change password")) || (isparam("newpwd") && !strieq(command, loc("Cancel")) && !strieq(command, loc("Save")))) { show_change_pwd_page(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Save")) && (isparam("cfgpage") || isparam("new_user_name"))) { if (isparam("config") && isparam("new_user_name")) { if (!strieq(getparam("config"), getparam("new_user_name"))) { if (get_user_line(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 1) { sprintf(str, "%s \"%s\" %s", loc("Login name"), getparam("new_user_name"), loc("exists already")); show_error(str); return; } } /* change existing user */ if (!save_user_config(lbs, isparam("config") ? getparam("config") : "", FALSE)) return; /* go back to logbook */ redirect(lbs, ""); return; } else if (isparam("new_user_name")) { /* new user */ if (!save_user_config(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), TRUE)) return; } else { if (isparam("global")) { if (strieq(getparam("global"), "global")) strcpy(section, "global"); else { sprintf(section, "global "); strlcat(section, getparam("global"), sizeof(section)); } } else strlcpy(section, lbs->name, sizeof(section)); if (!save_admin_config(section, _mtext, str)) { /* save cfg file */ show_error(str); return; } } if (lbs) sprintf(str, "../%s/", lbs->name_enc); else sprintf(str, "."); if (isparam("new_user_name")) { sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?cmd=%s&cfg_user=", loc("Config")); strlcat(str, getparam("new_user_name"), sizeof(str)); } else if (isparam("cfg_user")) { sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?cmd=%s&cfg_user=", loc("Config")); strlcat(str, getparam("cfg_user"), sizeof(str)); } else if (getcfg(lbs->name, "password file", str2, sizeof(str2))) sprintf(str + strlen(str), "?cmd=%s", loc("Config")); redirect(lbs, str); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Activate")) && isparam("new_user_name") && isparam("code")) { if (!activate_user(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), atoi(getparam("code")))) return; setparam("cfg_user", getparam("new_user_name")); get_user_line(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), NULL, full_name, user_email, NULL, NULL, NULL); sprintf(str, "%s <%s>", full_name, user_email); sprintf(str2, loc("Activation notice has been sent to %s"), str); setparam("notice", str2); show_config_page(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Remove user")) && isparam("config")) { if (!remove_user(lbs, getparam("config"))) return; /* if removed user is current user, do logout */ if (isparam("unm") && strieq(getparam("config"), getparam("unm"))) { /* log activity */ write_logfile(lbs, "LOGOUT"); /* set cookies */ sid_remove(getparam("sid")); set_sid_cookie(lbs, "", ""); } /* continue configuration as administrator */ unsetparam("cfg_user"); show_config_page(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("New user"))) { show_new_user_page(lbs, NULL); return; } /* check for forgot password page */ if (strieq(command, loc("Forgot"))) { show_forgot_pwd_page(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Config"))) { if (!getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) show_admin_page(lbs, NULL); else show_config_page(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Download")) || strieq(command, "Download")) { show_download_page(lbs, dec_path); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Import"))) { strcpy(str, loc("CSV Import")); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); sprintf(str1, "?cmd=%s", str); strcpy(str, loc("XML Import")); url_encode(str, sizeof(str)); sprintf(str2, "?cmd=%s", str); show_query(lbs, loc("ELOG import"), loc("Please choose format to import:"), "CSV", str1, "XML", str2); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("CSV Import"))) { show_import_page_csv(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("XML Import"))) { show_import_page_xml(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, "getmd5")) { show_md5_page(lbs); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Synchronize"))) { synchronize(lbs, SYNC_HTML); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Logout"))) { /* log activity */ write_logfile(lbs, "LOGOUT"); if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Logout to main", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { sprintf(str, "../"); setparam("redir", str); } else { if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Logout to URL", str, sizeof(str))) setparam("redir", str); } set_sid_cookie(lbs, "", ""); sid_remove(getparam("sid")); return; } if (strieq(command, loc("Delete"))) { show_elog_delete(lbs, message_id); return; } if (strieq(command, "IM")) { call_image_magick(lbs); return; } /* check for welcome page */ if (!_cmdline[0] && getcfg(lbs->name, "Welcome page", str, sizeof(str)) && str[0]) { /* check if file starts with an absolute directory */ if (str[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR || str[1] == ':') strcpy(file_name, str); else { strlcpy(file_name, resource_dir, sizeof(file_name)); strlcat(file_name, str, sizeof(file_name)); } send_file_direct(file_name); return; } /* check for start page */ if (!_cmdline[0] && getcfg(lbs->name, "Start page", str, sizeof(str)) && str[0]) { redirect(lbs, str); return; } /* show page listing or display single entry */ if (dec_path[0] == 0) show_elog_list(lbs, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, NULL); else show_elog_entry(lbs, dec_path, command); return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void decode_get(char *logbook, char *string) { char path[256]; char *p, *pitem; setparam("cmdline", string); strlcpy(path, string, sizeof(path)); path[255] = 0; if (strchr(path, '?')) *strchr(path, '?') = 0; setparam("path", path); if (strchr(string, '?')) { p = strchr(string, '?') + 1; /* cut trailing "/" from netscape */ if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '/') p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; p = strtok(p, "&"); while (p != NULL) { pitem = p; p = strchr(p, '='); if (p != NULL) { *p++ = 0; url_decode(pitem); url_decode(p); if (!setparam(pitem, p)) return; p = strtok(NULL, "&"); } } } interprete(logbook, path); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void decode_post(char *logbook, LOGBOOK *lbs, const char *string, const char *boundary, int length) { int n_att, size, status, header_size; const char *pinit, *p, *pctmp, *pbody; char *buffer, *ptmp; char file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], full_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], str[NAME_LENGTH], str2[NAME_LENGTH], line[NAME_LENGTH], item[NAME_LENGTH]; n_att = 0; pinit = string; /* return if no boundary defined */ if (!boundary[0]) return; /* skip first boundary */ if (strstr(string, boundary)) string = strstr(string, boundary) + strlen(boundary); do { if (strstr(string, "name=")) { strlcpy(line, strstr(string, "name=") + 5, sizeof(line)); if (strchr(line, '\r')) *strchr(line, '\r') = 0; if (strchr(line, '\n')) *strchr(line, '\n') = 0; strlcpy(item, line, sizeof(item)); if (item[0] == '\"') { strlcpy(item, line + 1, sizeof(item)); if (strchr(item, '\"')) *strchr(item, '\"') = 0; } else if (strchr(item, ' ')) *strchr(item, ' ') = 0; if (strncmp(item, "attachment", 10) == 0) { /* attachment names from previous uploads */ n_att = atoi(item + 10) + 1; } if (strncmp(item, "csvfile", 7) == 0 || strncmp(item, "xmlfile", 7) == 0) { /* evaluate CSV/XML import file */ if (strstr(string, "filename=")) { p = strstr(string, "filename=") + 9; if (*p == '\"') p++; if (strstr(p, "\r\n\r\n")) string = strstr(p, "\r\n\r\n") + 4; else if (strstr(p, "\r\r\n\r\r\n")) string = strstr(p, "\r\r\n\r\r\n") + 6; if (strchr(p, '\"')) *strchr(p, '\"') = 0; /* set attachment filename */ strlcpy(file_name, p, sizeof(file_name)); if (file_name[0]) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("decode_post: Found CSV/XML import file\n"); } /* find next boundary */ pctmp = string; do { while (*pctmp != '-' && pctmp < string + length) pctmp++; if (pctmp == string + length) return; if ((p = strstr(pctmp, boundary)) != NULL) { if (*(p - 1) == '-') p--; while (*p == '-') p--; if (*p == 10) p--; if (*p == 13) p--; p++; break; } else pctmp += strlen(pctmp); } while (TRUE); /* import CSV/XML file */ if (file_name[0] && !(isparam("cmd") && strieq(getparam("cmd"), loc("Cancel")))) { if (strncmp(item, "csvfile", 7) == 0) { setparam("csvfile", file_name); csv_import(lbs, string, file_name); return; } else if (strncmp(item, "xmlfile", 7) == 0) { setparam("xmlfile", file_name); xml_import(lbs, string, file_name); return; } } string = strstr(p, boundary) + strlen(boundary); } else string = strstr(string, boundary) + strlen(boundary); } else if (strncmp(item, "attfile", 7) == 0) { /* evaluate file attachment */ if (strstr(string, "filename=")) { p = strstr(string, "filename=") + 9; if (*p == '\"') p++; if (strstr(p, "\r\n\r\n")) string = strstr(p, "\r\n\r\n") + 4; else if (strstr(p, "\r\r\n\r\r\n")) string = strstr(p, "\r\r\n\r\r\n") + 6; if (strchr(p, '\"')) *strchr(p, '\"') = 0; /* set attachment filename */ strlcpy(file_name, p, sizeof(file_name)); /* remove spaces */ btou(file_name); if (file_name[0]) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("decode_post: Found attachment %s\n", file_name); /* check filename for invalid characters */ if (strpbrk(file_name, ",;+=")) { strencode2(str2, file_name, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "Error: Filename \"%s\" contains invalid character", str2); show_error(str); return; } } /* find next boundary */ pctmp = string; do { while (*pctmp != '-' && pctmp < string + length) pctmp++; if (pctmp == string + length) return; if ((p = strstr(pctmp, boundary)) != NULL) { if (*(p - 1) == '-') p--; while (*p == '-') p--; if (*p == 10) p--; if (*p == 13) p--; p++; break; } else pctmp += strlen(pctmp); } while (TRUE); /* check attachment size */ if (file_name[0] && (p - string) == 0) { /* check for URL */ if (stristr(file_name, "http://") || stristr(file_name, "https://")) { // check for logbook access if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) { if (!check_login(lbs, getparam("sid"))) { return; } } size = retrieve_url(lbs, file_name, stristr(file_name, "https://") != NULL, &buffer, FALSE); if (size <= 0) { strencode2(str2, file_name, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, loc("Cannot retrieve file from URL \"%s\""), str2); show_error(str); return; } /* check for HTTP header */ pbody = strstr(buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (!pbody) { show_error(loc("Invalid HTTP header")); xfree(buffer); return; } pbody += 4; header_size = pbody - buffer; /* check for file found */ if (strchr(buffer, ' ')) { status = atoi(strchr(buffer, ' ') + 1); if (status != 200) { strencode2(str2, file_name, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, loc("File not found at URL \"%s\""), str2); show_error(str); return; } } // check for logbook access if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) { if (!check_login(lbs, getparam("sid"))) { xfree(buffer); return; } } el_submit_attachment(lbs, file_name, pbody, size - header_size, full_name); xfree(buffer); sprintf(str, "attachment%d", n_att++); setparam(str, full_name); } else { strencode2(str2, file_name, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, loc("Attachment file \"%s\" empty or not found"), str2); show_error(str); return; } } else if (file_name[0]) { // check for logbook access if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) { if (!check_login(lbs, getparam("sid"))) { return; } } /* save attachment */ if (el_submit_attachment(lbs, file_name, string, (int) (p - string), full_name) < 0) return; sprintf(str, "attachment%d", n_att++); setparam(str, full_name); } string = strstr(p, boundary) + strlen(boundary); } else string = strstr(string, boundary) + strlen(boundary); } else { p = string; if (strstr(p, "\r\n\r\n")) p = strstr(p, "\r\n\r\n") + 4; else if (strstr(p, "\r\r\n\r\r\n")) p = strstr(p, "\r\r\n\r\r\n") + 6; if (strstr(p, boundary)) { string = strstr(p, boundary) + strlen(boundary); if (stricmp(item, "text") == 0) { if (string - p >= TEXT_SIZE-100) { sprintf(str, "Error: Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd\n"); show_error(str); return; } strlcpy(_mtext, p, sizeof(_mtext)); if (strstr(_mtext, boundary)) *strstr(_mtext, boundary) = 0; ptmp = _mtext + (strlen(_mtext) - 1); while (*ptmp == '-') *ptmp-- = 0; while (*ptmp == '\n' || *ptmp == '\r') *ptmp-- = 0; } else { strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); if (strstr(str, boundary)) *strstr(str, boundary) = 0; ptmp = str + (strlen(str) - 1); while (*ptmp == '-') *ptmp-- = 0; while (*ptmp == '\n' || *ptmp == '\r') *ptmp-- = 0; if (setparam(item, str) == 0) return; } } else { strlcpy(str, p, sizeof(str)); if (setparam(item, str) == 0) return; string = p + strlen(p); } } while (*string == '-' || *string == '\n' || *string == '\r') string++; } else return; /* invalid request */ } while ((int) (string - pinit) < length); if (lbs) interprete(lbs->name, ""); else interprete(logbook, ""); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define N_MAX_CONNECTION 100 int ka_sock[N_MAX_CONNECTION]; int ka_time[N_MAX_CONNECTION]; #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL *ka_ssl_con[N_MAX_CONNECTION]; #endif struct in_addr remote_addr[N_MAX_CONNECTION]; char remote_host[N_MAX_CONNECTION][256]; int process_http_request(const char *request, int i_conn) { int i, n, authorized, header_length, content_length, strsize; char str2[1000], url[2000], format[256], cookie[256], boundary[256], list[1000], theme[256], host_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH], logbook[256], logbook_enc[256], global_cmd[256]; char *p, *str; struct hostent *phe; time_t now; struct tm *ts; const char *cookie_list[] = {"upwd", "unm", "ufnm", "elmode", "urem", "wpwd", "apwd", "uname", "upassword", "elattach", "hsm", "sid", NULL }; if (!strchr(request, '\r')) return 0; strsize = strlen(request) + 1001; str = xmalloc(strsize); if (get_verbose() < VERBOSE_DEBUG) { if (get_verbose() > 0) { strlcpy(str, request, strsize); if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; if (strchr(str, '\n')) *strchr(str, '\n') = 0; eputs(str); } } else if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_DEBUG) { eputs("\n"); eputs(request); } /* initialize parametr array */ initparam(); content_length = 0; /* extract cookies */ if ((p = stristr(request, "Cookie:")) != NULL) { p += 6; do { p++; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') break; strlcpy(str, p, strsize); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++) if (str[i] == '=' || str[i] == ';') break; if (str[i] == '=') { str[i] = 0; p += i + 1; for (i = 0; *p && *p != ';' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n'; p++) if (i < (int) sizeof(cookie) - 1) cookie[i++] = *p; cookie[i] = 0; } else { /* empty cookie */ str[i] = 0; cookie[0] = 0; p += i; } /* store cookie as parameter */ for (i = 0; cookie_list[i]; i++) { if (strcmp(cookie_list[i], str) == 0) { setparam(str, cookie); break; } } if (cookie_list[i] == NULL && get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Received unknown cookie \"%s\"\n", str); } while (*p && *p == ';'); } /* extract referer */ referer[0] = 0; if ((p = stristr(request, "Referer:")) != NULL) { p += 9; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; strlcpy(referer, p, sizeof(referer)); if (strchr(referer, '\r')) *strchr(referer, '\r') = 0; if (strchr(referer, '?')) *strchr(referer, '?') = 0; for (p = referer + strlen(referer) - 1; p > referer && *p != '/'; p--) *p = 0; if (strchr(referer, ' ')) url_encode(referer, sizeof(referer)); } /* extract browser */ browser[0] = 0; if ((p = stristr(request, "User-Agent:")) != NULL) { p += 11; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; strlcpy(browser, p, sizeof(browser)); if (strchr(browser, '\r')) *strchr(browser, '\r') = 0; } /* extract host */ http_host[0] = 0; if ((p = stristr(request, "Host:")) != NULL) { p += 5; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; strlcpy(http_host, p, sizeof(http_host)); if (strchr(http_host, '\r')) *strchr(http_host, '\r') = 0; } /* extract X-Forwarded-Host, overwrite "Host:" if found */ if ((p = stristr(request, "X-Forwarded-Host:")) != NULL) { p += 17; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; strlcpy(http_host, p, sizeof(http_host)); if (strchr(http_host, '\r')) *strchr(http_host, '\r') = 0; } /* extract X-Forwarded-User into http_user if Authentication==Webserver */ http_user[0] = 0; if ((p = stristr(request, "X-Forwarded-User:")) != NULL) { p += 17; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; strlcpy(http_user, p, sizeof(http_user)); if (strchr(http_user, '\r')) *strchr(http_user, '\r') = 0; } /* extract "X-Forwarded-For:" */ if ((p = stristr(request, "X-Forwarded-For:")) != NULL) { p += 16; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; strlcpy(str, p, strsize); if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; #ifdef OS_WINNT rem_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(str); #else rem_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(str); #endif if (getcfg("global", "Resolve host names", str, strsize) && atoi(str) == 1) { phe = gethostbyaddr((char *) &rem_addr, 4, PF_INET); if (phe != NULL) strcpy(remote_host[i_conn], phe->h_name); else strcpy(remote_host[i_conn], (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr)); } else strcpy(remote_host[i_conn], (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr)); strcpy(rem_host, remote_host[i_conn]); } if (_logging_level > 3) { strlcpy(str, request, strsize); if (strchr(str, '\r')) *strchr(str, '\r') = 0; write_logfile(NULL, str); } memset(return_buffer, 0, return_buffer_size); strlen_retbuf = 0; if (strncmp(request, "GET", 3) != 0 && strncmp(request, "POST", 4) != 0) { xfree(str); return 0; } return_length = 0; /* check for Keep-alive */ if (stristr(request, "Keep-Alive") != NULL && use_keepalive) keep_alive = TRUE; /* extract logbook */ if (strchr(request, '/') == NULL || strchr(request, '\r') == NULL || strstr(request, "HTTP") == NULL) { /* invalid request, make valid */ strcpy(str, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); xfree(str); return process_http_request(str, i_conn); } /* initialize topgroups */ setcfg_topgroup(""); p = strchr(request, '/') + 1; /* check for ../.. to avoid serving of files on top of the elog directory */ for (i = 0; p[i] && p[i] != ' ' && p[i] != '?' && i < (int) sizeof(url); i++) url[i] = p[i]; url[i] = 0; if (strstr(url, "../..")) { strencode2(str2, url, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); xfree(str); return 1; } /* check if file is in scripts directory or in its subdirs */ for (i = 0; p[i] && p[i] != ' ' && p[i] != '?' && i < (int) sizeof(url); i++) url[i] = (p[i] == '/') ? DIR_SEPARATOR : p[i]; url[i] = 0; if (strchr(url, '.')) { /* do not allow '..' in file name */ if (strstr(url, "..")) { strencode2(str2, url, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); xfree(str); return 1; } strlcpy(str, resource_dir, strsize); strlcat(str, "scripts", strsize); strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, strsize); strlcat(str, url, strsize); if (exist_file(str)) { send_file_direct(str); xfree(str); return 1; } } logbook[0] = 0; for (i = 0; *p && *p != '/' && *p != '?' && *p != ' ' && i < (int) sizeof(logbook); i++) logbook[i] = *p++; logbook[i] = 0; strcpy(logbook_enc, logbook); url_decode(logbook); /* check for trailing '/' after logbook */ if (strncmp(request, "POST", 4) != 0) { // fix for konqueror if (logbook[0] && *p == ' ') { if (!chkext(logbook, ".css") && !chkext(logbook, ".htm") && !chkext(logbook, ".gif") && !chkext(logbook, ".jpg") && !chkext(logbook, ".png") && !chkext(logbook, ".ico")) { sprintf(str, "%s/", logbook_enc); redirect(NULL, str); xfree(str); return 1; } } } /* check for trailing '/' after logbook/ID */ if (logbook[0] && *p == '/' && *(p + 1) != ' ') { sprintf(url, "%s", logbook_enc); for (i = strlen(url); *p && *p != ' ' && i < (int) sizeof(url); i++) url[i] = *p++; url[i] = 0; if (*(p - 1) == '/') { strencode2(str2, url, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); xfree(str); return 1; } } /* check for invalid URL in the form "http:/server//path" */ if (!logbook[0] && *p == '/') { for (i = 0; *p && *p != ' ' && i < (int) sizeof(url); i++) url[i] = *p++; url[i] = 0; strencode2(str2, url, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); xfree(str); return 1; } /* check for global command */ global_cmd[0] = 0; if ((p = strstr(request, "?cmd=")) != NULL) { p += 5; strlcpy(global_cmd, p, sizeof(global_cmd)); if (strchr(global_cmd, ' ')) *strchr(global_cmd, ' ') = 0; if (strchr(global_cmd, '\r')) *strchr(global_cmd, '\r') = 0; } /* redirect image request from inside CKeditor */ if (strieq(logbook, "ckeditor")) { if (strstr(url, "?lb=")) { strlcpy(logbook, strstr(url, "?lb=") + 4, sizeof(logbook)); if (strchr(logbook, '&')) *strchr(logbook, '&') = 0; url_decode(logbook); } } /* check if logbook exists */ for (i = 0;; i++) { if (!enumgrp(i, str)) break; if (strieq(logbook, str) && is_logbook(logbook)) break; } if (chkext(logbook, ".gif") || chkext(logbook, ".jpg") || chkext(logbook, ".jpg") || chkext(logbook, ".png") || chkext(logbook, ".ico") || chkext(logbook, ".htm") || chkext(logbook, ".css") || chkext(logbook, ".js")) { /* do not allow '..' in file name */ if (strstr(logbook, "..")) { strencode2(str2, logbook, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "%s: %s", loc("Invalid URL"), str2); show_error(str); xfree(str); return 1; } /* check if file in resource directory */ strlcpy(str, resource_dir, strsize); strlcat(str, logbook, strsize); if (exist_file(str)) send_file_direct(str); else { /* else search file in themes directory */ strlcpy(str, resource_dir, strsize); strlcat(str, "themes", strsize); strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, strsize); if (getcfg("global", "theme", theme, sizeof(theme))) strlcat(str, theme, strsize); else strlcat(str, "default", strsize); strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, strsize); strlcat(str, logbook, strsize); send_file_direct(str); } xfree(str); return 1; } else { if (logbook[0] && (!strieq(logbook, str) || !is_logbook(logbook))) { /* check for top group */ sprintf(str, "Top group %s", logbook); if (!getcfg("global", str, list, sizeof(list))) { sprintf(str, "Error: logbook \"%s\" not defined in %s", logbook_enc, CFGFILE); show_error(str); xfree(str); return 1; } } } /* if no logbook is given and only one logbook defined, use this one */ if (!logbook[0] && !global_cmd[0]) { for (i = n = 0;; i++) { if (!enumgrp(i, str)) break; if (is_logbook(str)) n++; } if (n == 1) { strlcpy(logbook, str, sizeof(logbook)); strlcpy(logbook_enc, logbook, sizeof(logbook_enc)); url_encode(logbook_enc, sizeof(logbook_enc)); strlcat(logbook_enc, "/", sizeof(logbook_enc)); /* redirect to logbook, necessary to get optional cookies for that logbook */ redirect(NULL, logbook_enc); xfree(str); return 1; } } /*---- check "hosts deny" ----*/ authorized = 1; if (getcfg(logbook, "Hosts deny", list, sizeof(list))) { strcpy(rem_host_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr)); n = strbreak(list, host_list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); /* check if current connection matches anyone on the list */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strieq(rem_host, host_list[i]) || strieq(rem_host_ip, host_list[i]) || strieq(host_list[i], "all")) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Remote host \"%s\" matches \"%s\" in \"Hosts deny\". Access denied.\n", strieq(rem_host_ip, host_list[i]) ? rem_host_ip : rem_host, host_list[i]); authorized = 0; break; } if (host_list[i][0] == '.') { if (strlen(rem_host) > strlen(host_list[i]) && strieq(host_list[i], rem_host + strlen(rem_host) - strlen(host_list[i]))) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Remote host \"%s\" matches \"%s\" in \"Hosts deny\". Access denied.\n", rem_host, host_list[i]); authorized = 0; break; } } if (host_list[i][strlen(host_list[i]) - 1] == '.') { strcpy(str, rem_host_ip); if (strlen(str) > strlen(host_list[i])) str[strlen(host_list[i])] = 0; if (strieq(host_list[i], str)) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Remote host \"%s\" matches \"%s\" in \"Hosts deny\". Access denied.\n", rem_host_ip, host_list[i]); authorized = 0; break; } } } } /*---- check "hosts allow" ----*/ if (getcfg(logbook, "Hosts allow", list, sizeof(list))) { strcpy(rem_host_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr)); n = strbreak(list, host_list, MAX_N_LIST, ",", FALSE); /* check if current connection matches anyone on the list */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strieq(rem_host, host_list[i]) || strieq(rem_host_ip, host_list[i]) || strieq(host_list[i], "all")) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Remote host \"%s\" matches \"%s\" in \"Hosts allow\". Access granted.\n", strieq(rem_host_ip, host_list[i]) ? rem_host_ip : rem_host, host_list[i]); authorized = 1; break; } if (host_list[i][0] == '.') { if (strlen(rem_host) > strlen(host_list[i]) && strieq(host_list[i], rem_host + strlen(rem_host) - strlen(host_list[i]))) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Remote host \"%s\" matches \"%s\" in \"Hosts allow\". Access granted.\n", rem_host, host_list[i]); authorized = 1; break; } } if (host_list[i][strlen(host_list[i]) - 1] == '.') { strcpy(str, rem_host_ip); if (strlen(str) > strlen(host_list[i])) str[strlen(host_list[i])] = 0; if (strieq(host_list[i], str)) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Remote host \"%s\" matches \"%s\" in \"Hosts allow\". Access granted.\n", rem_host_ip, host_list[i]); authorized = 1; break; } } } } if (!authorized) { keep_alive = FALSE; xfree(str); return 0; } if (!logbook[0] && global_cmd[0] && stricmp(global_cmd, "GetConfig") == 0) { char allow[256]; allow[0] = 0; getcfg("global", "Allow clone", allow, sizeof(allow)); if (atoi(allow) == 1) download_config(); else { show_http_header(NULL, FALSE, NULL); rsputs(loc("Cloning not allowed. Set \"Allow clone = 1\" to enable cloning.")); rsputs("\r\n"); return 1; } } else if (stricmp(global_cmd, "gettimedate") == 0) { if (!getcfg(logbook, "Time format", format, sizeof(format))) strcpy(format, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); time(&now); ts = localtime(&now); my_strftime(str, strsize, format, ts); show_http_header(NULL, FALSE, NULL); rsputs(str); rsputs(" "); } else if (strncmp(request, "GET", 3) == 0) { /* extract path and commands */ if (strchr(request, '\r')) *strchr(request, '\r') = 0; if (!strstr(request, "HTTP/1")) { xfree(str); return 0; } *(strstr(request, "HTTP/1") - 1) = 0; /* strip logbook from path */ strlcpy(str, request + 5, strsize); p = str; for (i = 0; *p && *p != '/' && *p != '?'; p++); while (*p && *p == '/') p++; if (strncmp(p, "editor/", 7) == 0) // fix for image request inside CKeditor p += 7; /* decode command and return answer */ decode_get(logbook, p); } else if (strncmp(request, "POST", 4) == 0) { /* extract content length */ if (strstr(request, "Content-Length:")) content_length = atoi(strstr(request, "Content-Length:") + 15); else if (strstr(request, "Content-length:")) content_length = atoi(strstr(request, "Content-length:") + 15); if (content_length <= 0) { show_error("Invalid Content-Length in header"); xfree(str); return 1; } /* extract header length */ if (strstr(request, "\r\n\r\n")) header_length = strstr(request, "\r\n\r\n") - request + 4; else if (strstr(request, "\r\r\n\r\r\n")) header_length = strstr(request, "\r\r\n\r\r\n") - request + 6; else { show_error("Invalid POST header"); xfree(str); return 1; } /* extract boundary */ if (strstr(request, "boundary=")) { strlcpy(boundary, strstr(request, "boundary=") + 9, sizeof(boundary)); if (strchr(boundary, '\r')) *strchr(boundary, '\r') = 0; } /* get logbook from list (needed for attachment dir) */ for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (strieq(logbook, lb_list[i].name)) break; if (!lb_list[i].name[0]) /* must be login page of top group */ decode_post(logbook, NULL, request + header_length, boundary, content_length); else decode_post(logbook, &lb_list[i], request + header_length, boundary, content_length); } else { strencode2(str2, request, sizeof(str2)); sprintf(str, "Unknown request:

      %s", str2); show_error(str); } xfree(str); return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef HAVE_SSL void send_return(int s, SSL *ssl_con, const char *net_buffer) #else void send_return(int s, const char *net_buffer) #endif { int length, header_length; char str[NAME_LENGTH]; char *p; #ifndef HAVE_SSL void *ssl_con = NULL; #endif if (!_ssl_flag) ssl_con = NULL; if (return_length != -1) { if (return_length == 0) return_length = strlen_retbuf; if (return_length == 0) return; if (_logging_level > 3) { strlcpy(str, net_buffer, sizeof(str)); sprintf(str, "Return %d bytes", return_length); write_logfile(NULL, str); } length = 0; if ((keep_alive && strstr(return_buffer, "Content-Length") == NULL) || strstr(return_buffer, "Content-Length") > strstr(return_buffer, "\r\n\r\n")) { /*---- add content-length ----*/ p = strstr(return_buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p != NULL) { header_length = (int) (p - return_buffer); length = return_length - header_length - 4; if (header_length + 100 > (int) sizeof(header_buffer)) header_length = sizeof(header_buffer) - 100; memcpy(header_buffer, return_buffer, header_length); sprintf(header_buffer + header_length, "\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", length); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, s, header_buffer, strlen(header_buffer)); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, s, p + 4, length); if (get_verbose() < VERBOSE_DEBUG) { if (get_verbose() > 0) eprintf("Returned %d bytes\n", length); } else if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_DEBUG) { if (strrchr(net_buffer, '/')) strlcpy(str, strrchr(net_buffer, '/') + 1, sizeof(str)); else str[0] = 0; eprintf("==== Return ================================\n"); eputs(header_buffer); if (chkext(net_buffer, ".gif") || chkext(net_buffer, ".jpg") || chkext(net_buffer, ".png") || chkext(net_buffer, ".ico") || chkext(net_buffer, ".pdf") || return_length > 10000) eprintf("\n<%d bytes of \"%s\">\n\n", length, str); else eputs(p + 4); eprintf("\n"); } } else { eprintf("Internal error, no valid header!\n"); keep_alive = FALSE; } } else { if (!keep_alive) { /* no keepalive, so add connection close */ p = strstr(return_buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p != NULL) { header_length = (int) (p - return_buffer); length = return_length - header_length - 4; if (header_length + 100 > (int) sizeof(header_buffer)) header_length = sizeof(header_buffer) - 100; memcpy(header_buffer, return_buffer, header_length); sprintf(header_buffer + header_length, "\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"); } send_with_timeout(ssl_con, s, header_buffer, strlen(header_buffer)); send_with_timeout(ssl_con, s, p + 4, length); } else { send_with_timeout(ssl_con, s, return_buffer, return_length); } if (get_verbose() < VERBOSE_DEBUG) { if (get_verbose() > 0) eprintf("Returned %d bytes\n", return_length); } else if (get_verbose() == VERBOSE_DEBUG) { if (strrchr(net_buffer, '/')) strlcpy(str, strrchr(net_buffer, '/') + 1, sizeof(str)); else str[0] = 0; eprintf("==== Return ================================\n"); if (chkext(net_buffer, ".gif") || chkext(net_buffer, ".jpg") || chkext(net_buffer, ".png") || chkext(net_buffer, ".ico") || chkext(net_buffer, ".pdf") || return_length > 10000) { if (str[0]) eprintf("\n<%d bytes of \"%s\">\r\n", return_length, str); else eprintf("\n<%d bytes>\r\n", return_length); } else eputs(return_buffer); eprintf("\n\n"); } } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL cron_match(char *str, int value, BOOL ignore_star) { int low, high; if (atoi(str) == value) return TRUE; if (!ignore_star && str[0] == '*') return TRUE; /* check range */ if (strchr(str, '-')) { low = atoi(str); high = atoi(strchr(str, '-') + 1); return value >= low && value <= high; } return FALSE; } void check_cron() /* check 'mirror cron' etnry in configuration file minute (0-59) hour (0-23) day of month (1-31) month of year (1-12) day of week (0-6, 0 is Sunday) Each of these patterns might be an asterisk (meaning all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. */ { int i, j, n; BOOL min_flag, hour_flag, day_flag, mon_flag, wday_flag; time_t now; char *p, str[256], cron[5][256]; struct tm *ts; static struct tm last_time; char list[60][NAME_LENGTH]; if (!getcfg("global", "mirror cron", str, sizeof(str))) return; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) strcpy(cron[i], "*"); i = 0; p = strtok(str, " "); while (p) { strcpy(cron[i++], p); p = strtok(NULL, " "); } time(&now); ts = localtime(&now); assert(ts); /* check once every minute */ if (last_time.tm_year && last_time.tm_min != ts->tm_min) { min_flag = hour_flag = day_flag = mon_flag = wday_flag = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n = strbreak(cron[i], list, 60, ",", FALSE); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { /* minutes */ if (i == 0 && cron_match(list[j], ts->tm_min, FALSE)) min_flag = TRUE; /* hours */ if (i == 1 && cron_match(list[j], ts->tm_hour, FALSE)) hour_flag = TRUE; /* day of month */ if (i == 2 && cron_match(list[j], ts->tm_mday, FALSE)) day_flag = TRUE; /* month of year */ if (i == 3 && cron_match(list[j], ts->tm_mon, FALSE)) mon_flag = TRUE; /* weekday */ if (i == 4 && cron_match(list[j], ts->tm_wday, TRUE)) wday_flag = TRUE; } } if (min_flag && hour_flag && ((day_flag && mon_flag) || wday_flag)) { rem_host[0] = 0; write_logfile(NULL, "Cron job started"); /* synchronize all logbooks */ setcfg_topgroup(""); synchronize(NULL, SYNC_CRON); } } memcpy(&last_time, ts, sizeof(struct tm)); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL _abort = FALSE; BOOL _hup = FALSE; void ctrlc_handler(int sig) { if (sig) _abort = TRUE; } void hup_handler(int sig) { if (sig) _hup = TRUE; } #ifndef OS_WINNT void alarm_handler(int sig) { if (sig) alarm(3); } #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL_CTX *init_ssl(void) { char str[256], pwd[256]; SSL_METHOD *meth; SSL_CTX *ctx; SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x1010000fL meth = (SSL_METHOD *) TLS_method(); #else meth = (SSL_METHOD *) TLSv1_2_method(); #endif ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x1010000fL // disable obsolete SSL and TLS, need TLSv1_2 for Internet Explorer SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1); if (SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "ECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES:DH+AESGCM:DH+AES256:DH+AES:!aNULL:!ADH:!DSS:!kDH:!kECDH") <= 0) { eprintf("Error setting the cipher list.\n"); return NULL; } #endif if (getcfg("global", "SSL Passphrase", pwd, sizeof(pwd))) { SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(ctx, pwd); } strlcpy(str, resource_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "ssl/server.crt", sizeof(str)); if (!file_exist(str)) { eprintf("Cerificate file \"%s\" not found, aborting\n", str); return NULL; } if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, str, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0) return NULL; strlcpy(str, resource_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "ssl/server.key", sizeof(str)); if (!file_exist(str)) { eprintf("Key file \"%s\" not found, aborting\n", str); return NULL; } if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, str, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0) return NULL; if (SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx) < 0) return NULL; strlcpy(str, resource_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "ssl/chain.crt", sizeof(str)); if (file_exist(str)) { if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, str) == 0) return NULL; } return ctx; } #endif // HAVE_SSL /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void server_loop(void) { int status, i, broken, min, i_min, i_conn, more_requests; char str[1000], logbook[256], logbook_enc[256]; char *pend; int lsock, len, flag, content_length, header_length; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, acc_addr; struct hostent *phe; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; char *net_buffer = NULL; int net_buffer_size; #ifdef HAVE_SSL SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx = NULL; #endif #ifdef OS_UNIX /* sigaction structs */ struct sigaction ctrlc_handle; struct sigaction ignore_handle; struct sigaction hup_handle; struct sigaction alarm_handle; #endif i_conn = content_length = 0; net_buffer_size = 100000; net_buffer = xmalloc(net_buffer_size); return_buffer_size = 100000; return_buffer = xmalloc(return_buffer_size); pend = NULL; /* determine logging level */ if (getcfg(NULL, "Logging Level", str, sizeof(str))) _logging_level = atoi(str); else _logging_level = 2; /* initialize SSL if requested */ _ssl_flag = 0; if (getcfg("global", "SSL", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { #ifdef HAVE_SSL ssl_ctx = init_ssl(); if (ssl_ctx == NULL) { eprintf("Cannot initialize SSL\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } _ssl_flag = 1; #else eprintf("SSL support not compiled into elogd\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #endif } /* create a new socket */ lsock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (lsock == -1) { eprintf("Cannot create socket\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* bind local node name and port to socket */ memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* if no hostname given with the -n flag, listen on any interface */ if (listen_interface[0] == 0) serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); else { /* look up the given hostname. gethostbyname() will take a hostname or an IP address */ phe = gethostbyname(listen_interface); if (!phe) { eprintf("Cannot find address for -n %s\n", listen_interface); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (phe->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { eprintf("Non Internet address for -n %s\n", listen_interface); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memcpy(&serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, phe->h_addr_list[0], phe->h_length); } serv_addr.sin_port = htons((short) elog_tcp_port); /* switch on reuse of port */ flag = 1; setsockopt(lsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &flag, sizeof(int)); status = bind(lsock, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); if (status < 0) { eprintf("Cannot bind to port %d.\nProbably another instance of this program is already running.\n", elog_tcp_port); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* get local host name */ if (getcfg("global", "URL", str, sizeof(str))) split_url(str, host_name, NULL, NULL, NULL); else { gethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)); phe = gethostbyname(host_name); /* if domain name is not in host name, hope to get it from phe */ if (strchr(host_name, '.') == NULL && phe != NULL && strchr(phe->h_name, '.') != NULL) strcpy(host_name, phe->h_name); } /* open configuration file */ getcfg("dummy", "dummy", str, sizeof(str)); /* now, initiate daemon/service */ if (running_as_daemon) { /* Redirect all messages handled with eprintf/efputs to syslog */ redirect_to_syslog(); #ifdef OS_UNIX if (!ss_daemon_init()) { eprintf("Couldn't initiate the daemon; aborting\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif } /* about to entering the server loop, welcome user with a brief info */ eprintf("%s ", ELOGID); strcpy(str, git_revision()); if (strchr(str, ' ')) *strchr(str, ' ') = 0; eprintf("revision %s\n", str); if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { getcwd(str, sizeof(str)); if (strchr(config_file, DIR_SEPARATOR) == NULL) eprintf("Config file : %s%c%s\n", str, DIR_SEPARATOR, config_file); else eprintf("Config file : %s\n", config_file); eprintf("Resource dir : %s\n", resource_dir[0] ? resource_dir : str); if (logbook_dir[0] && logbook_dir[0] != DIR_SEPARATOR && logbook_dir[1] != ':') eprintf("Logbook dir : %s%c%s\n", str, DIR_SEPARATOR, logbook_dir); else eprintf("Logbook dir : %s\n", logbook_dir[0] ? logbook_dir : str); } #ifdef OS_UNIX /* create PID file if given as command line parameter or if running under root */ if (geteuid() == 0 || pidfile[0]) { int fd; char buf[20]; struct stat finfo; if (pidfile[0] == 0) strcpy(pidfile, PIDFILE); /* check if file exists */ if (stat(pidfile, &finfo) >= 0) { /* if it exists remove it */ eprintf("File \"%s\" exists, overwriting it.\n", pidfile); remove(pidfile); } fd = open(pidfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644); if (fd < 0) { sprintf(str, "Error creating pid file \"%s\"", pidfile); eprintf("%s; %s\n", str, strerror(errno)); } sprintf(buf, "%d\n", (int) getpid()); if (write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)) == -1) { sprintf(str, "Error writing to pid file \"%s\"", pidfile); eprintf("%s; %s\n", str, strerror(errno)); } close(fd); } /* install signal handlers */ ctrlc_handle.sa_handler = ctrlc_handler; sigemptyset(&ctrlc_handle.sa_mask); ctrlc_handle.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGTERM, &ctrlc_handle, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &ctrlc_handle, NULL); ignore_handle.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; ignore_handle.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &ignore_handle, NULL); hup_handle.sa_handler = hup_handler; sigemptyset(&hup_handle.sa_mask); hup_handle.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGHUP, &hup_handle, NULL); alarm_handle.sa_handler = alarm_handler; sigemptyset(&alarm_handle.sa_mask); alarm_handle.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGALRM, &alarm_handle, NULL); #ifndef OS_WINNT alarm(3); // prevents blocking send() operations #endif /* give up root privilege */ if (geteuid() == 0) { if (!getcfg("global", "Grp", str, sizeof(str)) || setegroup(str) < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default group \"elog\"\n"); if (setegroup("elog") < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default group \"%s\"\n", DEFAULT_GROUP); if (setegroup(DEFAULT_GROUP) < 0) { eprintf("Refuse to run as setgid root.\n"); eprintf("Please consider to define a Grp statement in configuration file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Falling back to group \"%s\"\n", str); if (!getcfg("global", "Usr", str, sizeof(str)) || seteuser(str) < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default user \"elog\"\n"); if (seteuser("elog") < 0) { eprintf("Falling back to default user \"%s\"\n", DEFAULT_USER); if (seteuser(DEFAULT_USER) < 0) { eprintf("Refuse to run as setuid root.\n"); eprintf("Please consider to define a Usr statement in configuration file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Falling back to user \"%s\".\n", str); } #endif /* load initial configuration */ check_config(); /* check for CKedit */ strlcpy(str, resource_dir, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "scripts", sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(str)); strlcat(str, "ckeditor/ckeditor.js", sizeof(str)); ckedit_exist = exist_file(str); if (ckedit_exist) eprintf("CKeditor detected\n"); else eprintf("CKeditor NOT detected\n"); /* check for ImageMagick */ strlcpy(_convert_cmd, "convert", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); strlcpy(_identify_cmd, "identify", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); sprintf(str, "%s -version", _convert_cmd); my_shell(str, str, sizeof(str)); image_magick_exist = (strstr(str, "ImageMagick") != NULL); if (!image_magick_exist) { strlcpy(_convert_cmd, "/usr/bin/convert", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); strlcpy(_identify_cmd, "/usr/bin/identify", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); sprintf(str, "%s -version", _convert_cmd); my_shell(str, str, sizeof(str)); image_magick_exist = (strstr(str, "ImageMagick") != NULL); } if (!image_magick_exist) { strlcpy(_convert_cmd, "/usr/local/bin/convert", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); strlcpy(_identify_cmd, "/usr/local/bin/identify", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); sprintf(str, "%s -version", _convert_cmd); my_shell(str, str, sizeof(str)); image_magick_exist = (strstr(str, "ImageMagick") != NULL); } if (!image_magick_exist) { strlcpy(_convert_cmd, "/opt/local/bin/convert", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); strlcpy(_identify_cmd, "/opt/local/bin/identify", sizeof(_convert_cmd)); sprintf(str, "%s -version", _convert_cmd); my_shell(str, str, sizeof(str)); image_magick_exist = (strstr(str, "ImageMagick") != NULL); } if (image_magick_exist) eprintf("ImageMagick detected\n"); else eprintf("ImageMagick NOT detected. Image scaling will not work.\n"); /* check for keepalive */ if (!use_keepalive) eprintf("Keep-alive disabled\n"); /* build logbook indices */ if (get_verbose() == 0 && !running_as_daemon) eprintf("Indexing logbooks ... "); if (el_index_logbooks() != EL_SUCCESS) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (get_verbose() == 0 && !running_as_daemon) eputs("done"); #ifndef HAVE_KRB5 /* check for Kerberos authentication */ getcfg("global", "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "Kerberos")) { eprintf("Kerberos authentication not compiled into this version of elogd.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif #ifndef HAVE_LDAP /* check for Kerberos authentication */ /* NPA change */ getcfg("global", "Authentication", str, sizeof(str)); if (stristr(str, "LDAP")) { eprintf("LDAP authentication not compiled into this version of elogd.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif /* listen for connection */ status = listen(lsock, SOMAXCONN); if (status < 0) { eprintf("Cannot listen\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (_ssl_flag) sprintf(str, "SSLServer listening on port %d ...\n", elog_tcp_port); else sprintf(str, "Server listening on port %d ...\n", elog_tcp_port); eprintf("%s", str); if (_logging_level > 0) write_logfile(NULL, str); do { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(lsock, &readfds); for (i = 0; i < N_MAX_CONNECTION; i++) if (ka_sock[i] > 0) FD_SET(ka_sock[i], &readfds); timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; status = select(FD_SETSIZE, (void *) &readfds, NULL, NULL, (void *) &timeout); /* check UNIX signal flags */ if (_abort) break; /* call random number generator on each access to completely randomize it */ rand(); /* close old connections */ for (i = 0; i < N_MAX_CONNECTION; i++) if (ka_sock[i] && (int) time(NULL) - ka_time[i] > 60) { #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (_ssl_flag) { SSL_set_fd(ka_ssl_con[i], ka_sock[i]); SSL_shutdown(ka_ssl_con[i]); SSL_free(ka_ssl_con[i]); ka_ssl_con[i] = NULL; } #endif closesocket(ka_sock[i]); ka_sock[i] = 0; ka_time[i] = 0; } if (status != -1) { // if no HUP signal is received if (FD_ISSET(lsock, &readfds)) { len = sizeof(acc_addr); _sock = accept(lsock, (struct sockaddr *) &acc_addr, (void *) &len); #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (_ssl_flag) { _ssl_con = SSL_new(ssl_ctx); SSL_set_fd(_ssl_con, _sock); if (SSL_accept(_ssl_con) < 0) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("SSL_accept failed\n"); closesocket(_sock); ka_sock[i_conn] = 0; ka_ssl_con[i_conn] = NULL; _ssl_con = NULL; continue; } } else _ssl_con = NULL; #endif /* find new entry in socket table */ for (i = 0; i < N_MAX_CONNECTION; i++) if (ka_sock[i] == 0) break; /* recycle oldest connection */ if (i == N_MAX_CONNECTION) { for (i = i_min = 0, min = ka_time[0]; i < N_MAX_CONNECTION; i++) if (ka_time[i] < min) { min = ka_time[i]; i_min = i; } #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (_ssl_flag) { SSL_set_fd(ka_ssl_con[i_min], ka_sock[i_min]); SSL_shutdown(ka_ssl_con[i_min]); SSL_free(ka_ssl_con[i_min]); ka_ssl_con[i_min] = NULL; } #endif closesocket(ka_sock[i_min]); ka_sock[i_min] = 0; ka_time[i_min] = 0; i = i_min; } i_conn = i; ka_sock[i_conn] = _sock; ka_time[i_conn] = (int) time(NULL); #ifdef HAVE_SSL ka_ssl_con[i_conn] = _ssl_con; #endif /* save remote host address */ memcpy(&remote_addr[i_conn], &(acc_addr.sin_addr), sizeof(rem_addr)); memcpy(&rem_addr, &(acc_addr.sin_addr), sizeof(rem_addr)); if (getcfg("global", "Resolve host names", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) { phe = gethostbyaddr((char *) &rem_addr, 4, PF_INET); if (phe != NULL) strcpy(remote_host[i_conn], phe->h_name); else strcpy(remote_host[i_conn], (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr)); } else strcpy(remote_host[i_conn], (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr)); strcpy(rem_host, remote_host[i_conn]); if (get_verbose() == VERBOSE_URL) eprintf("Open connection #%d on socket %d\n", i, _sock); /* start over */ continue; } /* check if open connection received data */ for (i = 0; i < N_MAX_CONNECTION; i++) if (ka_sock[i] > 0 && FD_ISSET(ka_sock[i], &readfds)) break; if (i == N_MAX_CONNECTION) { _sock = 0; } else { i_conn = i; _sock = ka_sock[i_conn]; #ifdef HAVE_SSL _ssl_con = ka_ssl_con[i_conn]; #endif ka_time[i_conn] = (int) time(NULL); memcpy(&rem_addr, &remote_addr[i_conn], sizeof(rem_addr)); strcpy(rem_host, remote_host[i_conn]); } /* turn off keep_alive by default */ keep_alive = FALSE; /* receive data */ if (_sock > 0) { memset(net_buffer, 0, net_buffer_size); len = 0; more_requests = 0; do { /* pipleline loop */ header_length = 0; broken = FALSE; return_length = -1; do { if (!more_requests) { do { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(_sock, &readfds); timeout.tv_sec = 6; timeout.tv_usec = 0; status = select(FD_SETSIZE, (void *) &readfds, NULL, NULL, (void *) &timeout); if (FD_ISSET(_sock, &readfds)) { #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (_ssl_flag) { i = SSL_read(_ssl_con, net_buffer + len, net_buffer_size - len); if (i <= 0) { int ssl_error = SSL_get_error(_ssl_con, i); if (ssl_error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ || ssl_error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) continue; // continue reading if SSL layer wants more data } } else #endif i = recv(_sock, net_buffer + len, net_buffer_size - len, 0); if (get_verbose() == VERBOSE_URL) eprintf("Connection #%d received %d bytes on socket %d\n", i_conn, i, _sock); } else break; /* abort if connection got broken */ if (i < 0) { broken = TRUE; break; } /* abort if connection has been closed */ if (i == 0) { broken = TRUE; break; } if (i > 0) len += i; /* check if net_buffer needs to be increased */ if (len == net_buffer_size) { net_buffer = xrealloc(net_buffer, net_buffer_size + 100000); if (net_buffer == NULL) { sprintf(str, "Error: Cannot increase net_buffer, out of memory, net_buffer_size = %d", net_buffer_size); show_error(str); break; } if (net_buffer_size >= 1024*1024*1024) { sprintf(str, "Error: Request extends 1 GB, dropped"); show_error(str); break; } memset(net_buffer + net_buffer_size, 0, 100000); net_buffer_size += 100000; } /* repeat until empty line received (fragmented TCP packets!) */ } while (strstr(net_buffer, "\r\n\r\n") == 0); } if (broken) break; /* if we are in pipelining mode, clear this flag now to force a new recv if the request is not complete */ more_requests = 0; pend = NULL; if (strncmp(net_buffer, "GET", 3) == 0 && strncmp(net_buffer, "POST", 4) != 0) { if (len > 4 && strstr(net_buffer, "\r\n\r\n") != NULL) { pend = strstr(net_buffer, "\r\n\r\n") + 4; break; } if (len > 6 && strstr(net_buffer, "\r\r\n\r\r\n") != NULL) { pend = strstr(net_buffer, "\r\r\n\r\r\n") + 6; break; } } else if (strncmp(net_buffer, "POST", 4) == 0) { if (header_length == 0) { /* extract logbook */ strlcpy(str, net_buffer + 6, sizeof(str)); if (strstr(str, "HTTP")) *(strstr(str, "HTTP") - 1) = 0; strlcpy(logbook, str, sizeof(logbook)); strlcpy(logbook_enc, str, sizeof(logbook)); url_decode(logbook); /* extract content length */ if (strstr(net_buffer, "Content-Length:")) content_length = atoi(strstr(net_buffer, "Content-Length:") + 15); else if (strstr(net_buffer, "Content-length:")) content_length = atoi(strstr(net_buffer, "Content-length:") + 15); /* check for valid content-length */ if (content_length < 0) { broken = TRUE; break; } /* extract header length */ if (strstr(net_buffer, "\r\n\r\n")) header_length = strstr(net_buffer, "\r\n\r\n") - net_buffer + 4; if (strstr(net_buffer, "\r\r\n\r\r\n")) header_length = strstr(net_buffer, "\r\r\n\r\r\n") - net_buffer + 6; if (content_length > _max_content_length) { /* drain socket connection */ do { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(_sock, &readfds); timeout.tv_sec = 6; timeout.tv_usec = 0; status = select(FD_SETSIZE, (void *) &readfds, NULL, NULL, (void *) &timeout); if (FD_ISSET(_sock, &readfds)) { #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (_ssl_flag) i = SSL_read(_ssl_con, net_buffer, net_buffer_size); else #endif i = recv(_sock, net_buffer, net_buffer_size, 0); } else break; } while (i > 0); /* return error */ memset(return_buffer, 0, return_buffer_size); strlen_retbuf = 0; return_length = 0; sprintf(str, loc("Error: Content length (%d) larger than maximum content length (%d)"), content_length, _max_content_length); strcat(str, "
      "); strcat(str, loc ("Please increase \"Max content length\" in [global] part of config file and restart elogd")); keep_alive = FALSE; show_error(str); #ifdef HAVE_SSL send_return(_sock, _ssl_con, net_buffer); #else send_return(_sock, net_buffer); #endif break; } } if (header_length > 0 && len >= header_length + content_length) { pend = net_buffer + header_length + content_length; break; } } else if (strstr(net_buffer, "HEAD") != NULL) { /* just return header */ rsprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); rsprintf("Server: ELOG HTTP %s-%s\r\n", VERSION, git_revision()); rsprintf("Connection: close\r\n"); rsprintf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); keep_alive = FALSE; return_length = strlen_retbuf + 1; break; } else if (strstr(net_buffer, "OPTIONS") != NULL) { return_length = -1; break; } else { if (strlen(net_buffer) > 0 && get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) { strcpy(str, "Received unknown HTTP command: "); strencode2(str, net_buffer, sizeof(str)); show_error(str); } break; } } while (1); if (broken) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_URL) eprintf("TCP connection #%d on socket %d closed\n", i_conn, _sock); keep_alive = FALSE; break; } if (strncmp(net_buffer, "POST", 4) == 0 && len < header_length + content_length) { if (get_verbose() >= VERBOSE_INFO) eprintf("Incomplete POST request\n"); keep_alive = FALSE; break; } /* now process HTTP request and put the result into the return_buffer */ if (process_http_request(net_buffer, i_conn)) { /* send back the return_buffer to the browser */ #ifdef HAVE_SSL send_return(_sock, _ssl_con, net_buffer); #else send_return(_sock, net_buffer); #endif } /* check if the net_buffer contains more than one request (pipelining) */ if (pend && *pend) { memmove(net_buffer, pend, strlen(pend) + 1); more_requests = 1; len -= (pend - net_buffer); } } while (more_requests); if (!keep_alive) { #ifdef HAVE_SSL if (_ssl_flag) { SSL_shutdown(_ssl_con); SSL_free(_ssl_con); } #endif closesocket(_sock); ka_sock[i_conn] = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SSL ka_ssl_con[i_conn] = NULL; #endif } } } #ifdef OS_WINNT /* under windows, check if configuration changed (via stat()) once each access */ check_config(); #else /* under unix, rely on "kill -HUP elogd" */ if (_hup) { /* reload configuration */ check_config(); el_index_logbooks(); _hup = FALSE; } #endif /* check for periodic tasks */ check_cron(); } while (!_abort); eprintf("elogd server aborted.\n"); /* free all allocated memory */ for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (lb_list[i].el_index) { xfree(lb_list[i].el_index); lb_list[i].el_index = NULL; } if (lb_list[i].n_el_index) { xfree(lb_list[i].n_el_index); lb_list[i].n_el_index = NULL; } } xfree(net_buffer); xfree(return_buffer); free_config(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ss_getchar(BOOL reset) /******************************************************************** Routine: ss_getchar Purpose: Read a single character Input: BOOL reset Reset terminal to standard mode Output: Function value: int 0 for no character available n ASCII code for normal character \********************************************************************/ { #ifdef OS_UNIX static BOOL init = FALSE; static struct termios save_termios; struct termios buf; int i, fd; char c[3]; fd = fileno(stdin); if (reset) { if (init) tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &save_termios); init = FALSE; return 0; } if (!init) { tcgetattr(fd, &save_termios); memcpy(&buf, &save_termios, sizeof(buf)); buf.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN); buf.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON); buf.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); buf.c_cflag |= CS8; /* buf.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); */ buf.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; buf.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &buf); init = TRUE; } memset(c, 0, 3); i = my_read(fd, c, 1); if (i == 0) return 0; /* BS/DEL -> BS */ if (c[0] == 127) return 8; return c[0]; #elif defined(OS_WINNT) static BOOL init = FALSE; static int repeat_count = 0; static int repeat_char; HANDLE hConsole; DWORD nCharsRead; INPUT_RECORD ir; OSVERSIONINFO vi; /* find out if we are under W95 */ vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&vi); if (vi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { /* under W95, console doesn't work properly */ int c; if (!kbhit()) return 0; c = getch(); return c; } hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (reset) { SetConsoleMode(hConsole, ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT); init = FALSE; return 0; } if (!init) { SetConsoleMode(hConsole, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT); init = TRUE; } if (repeat_count) { repeat_count--; return repeat_char; } PeekConsoleInput(hConsole, &ir, 1, &nCharsRead); if (nCharsRead == 0) return 0; ReadConsoleInput(hConsole, &ir, 1, &nCharsRead); if (ir.EventType != KEY_EVENT) return ss_getchar(0); if (!ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) return ss_getchar(0); if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount > 1) { repeat_count = ir.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount - 1; repeat_char = ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; return repeat_char; } if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar) return ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (ENHANCED_KEY)) return ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode; return ss_getchar(0); #endif } int read_password(char *pwd, int size) { int n; char c, str[256]; n = 0; do { c = ss_getchar(0); if (c == 13) break; if (c) { if (c == 8) { if (n > 0) { str[--n] = 0; eprintf("\b \b"); } } else { str[n++] = c; eprintf("*"); } #ifdef OS_WINNT Sleep(10); #endif } } while (1); str[n] = 0; ss_getchar(1); // reset strlcpy(pwd, str, size); return n; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void create_password(char *logbook, char *name, char *pwd) { int fh, length, i; char *cfgbuffer, str[256], *p; fh = open(config_file, O_RDONLY); if (fh < 0) { /* create new file */ fh = open(config_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0640); if (fh < 0) { eprintf("Cannot create \"%s\".\n", config_file); return; } sprintf(str, "[%s]\n%s = %s\n", logbook, name, pwd); write(fh, str, strlen(str)); close(fh); eprintf("File \"%s\" created with password in logbook \"%s\".\n", config_file, logbook); return; } /* read existing file and add password */ length = lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); cfgbuffer = xmalloc(length + 1); length = my_read(fh, cfgbuffer, length); cfgbuffer[length] = 0; close(fh); fh = open(config_file, O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0640); sprintf(str, "[%s]", logbook); /* check if logbook exists already */ if (strstr(cfgbuffer, str)) { p = strstr(cfgbuffer, str); /* search password in current logbook */ do { while (*p && *p != '\n') p++; if (*p && *p == '\n') p++; if (strncmp(p, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { /* replace existing password */ i = (int) (p - cfgbuffer); write(fh, cfgbuffer, i); sprintf(str, "%s = %s\n", name, pwd); write(fh, str, strlen(str)); eprintf("Password replaced in logbook \"%s\".\n", logbook); while (*p && *p != '\n') p++; if (*p && *p == '\n') p++; /* write remainder of file */ write(fh, p, strlen(p)); xfree(cfgbuffer); cfgbuffer = NULL; close(fh); return; } } while (*p && *p != '['); if (!*p || *p == '[') { /* enter password into current logbook */ p = strstr(cfgbuffer, str); while (*p && *p != '\n') p++; if (*p && *p == '\n') p++; i = (int) (p - cfgbuffer); write(fh, cfgbuffer, i); sprintf(str, "%s = %s\n", name, pwd); write(fh, str, strlen(str)); eprintf("Password added to logbook \"%s\".\n", logbook); /* write remainder of file */ write(fh, p, strlen(p)); xfree(cfgbuffer); cfgbuffer = NULL; close(fh); return; } } else { /* write new logbook entry */ write(fh, cfgbuffer, strlen(cfgbuffer)); sprintf(str, "\n[%s]\n%s = %s\n\n", logbook, name, pwd); write(fh, str, strlen(str)); eprintf("Password added to new logbook \"%s\".\n", logbook); } xfree(cfgbuffer); cfgbuffer = NULL; close(fh); } void cleanup(void) { #ifdef OS_UNIX char str[256]; struct stat finfo; /* regain original uid */ if (setregid(-1, orig_gid) < 0 || setreuid(-1, orig_uid) < 0) eprintf("Cannot restore original GID/UID.\n"); if (pidfile[0] && stat(pidfile, &finfo) >= 0) { if (remove(pidfile) < 0) { sprintf(str, "Cannot remove pidfile \"%s\"\n", pidfile); eprintf("%s; %s\n", str, strerror(errno)); } } #endif if (running_as_daemon) #ifdef OS_UNIX closelog(); #else DeregisterEventSource(hEventLog); #endif } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef OS_WINNT /* Routines for Windows service management */ // Executable name #define ELOGDAPPNAME "elogd" // Internal service name #define ELOGDSERVICENAME "elogd" // Displayed service name #define ELOGDSERVICEDISPLAYNAME "elogd" SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE serviceStatusHandle = 0; int install_service(void) { OSVERSIONINFO vi; char path[2048], dir[2048], cmd[2080]; SC_HANDLE hservice; SC_HANDLE hsrvmanager; /* check for Windows NT+ */ vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&vi); if (vi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { eprintf("Can install service only under Windows NT/2k/XP.\n"); return -1; } if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, sizeof(path)) == 0) { eprintf("Cannot retrieve module file name.\n"); return -1; } strcpy(dir, path); if (strrchr(dir, '\\')) *(strrchr(dir, '\\') + 1) = 0; sprintf(cmd, "\"%s\" -D -c \"%s%s\"", path, dir, CFGFILE); /* Open the default, local Service Control Manager database */ hsrvmanager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hsrvmanager == NULL) { eprintf("Cannot connect to Service Control Manager.\n"); return -1; } /* Create an entry for the elogd service */ hservice = CreateService(hsrvmanager, // SCManager database ELOGDSERVICENAME, // name of service ELOGDSERVICEDISPLAYNAME, // name to display SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, // desired access SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS | SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS, // service type SERVICE_AUTO_START, // start type SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, // error control type cmd, // service's binary NULL, // no load ordering group NULL, // no tag identifier "", // dependencies NULL, // LocalSystem account NULL); // no password if (hservice == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS) eprintf("The elogd service is already registered.\n"); else eprintf("The elogd service could not be registered. Error code %d.\n", GetLastError()); } else { eprintf("The elogd service has been registered successfully.\n"); CloseServiceHandle(hservice); } /* Try to start the elogd service */ hservice = OpenService(hsrvmanager, ELOGDSERVICENAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (hservice == NULL) eprintf("The elogd service could not be accessed. Error code %d.\n", GetLastError()); else { if (!StartService(hservice, 0, NULL)) eprintf("The elogd service could not be started. Error code %d.\n", GetLastError()); else eprintf("The elogd service has been started successfully.\n"); CloseServiceHandle(hservice); } CloseServiceHandle(hsrvmanager); return 1; } int remove_service(int silent) { SC_HANDLE hservice; SC_HANDLE hsrvmanager; SERVICE_STATUS status; /* Open the SCM */ hsrvmanager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hsrvmanager == NULL) { if (!silent) eprintf("Cannot connect to Service Control Manager.\n"); return -1; } hservice = OpenService(hsrvmanager, ELOGDSERVICENAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (hservice == NULL) { if (!silent) eprintf("The elogd service could not be found.\n"); return -1; } /* Try to stop the elogd service */ if (ControlService(hservice, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &status)) { while (QueryServiceStatus(hservice, &status)) { if (status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) Sleep(100); else break; } if (!silent) { if (status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) { eprintf("The elogd service could not be stopped.\n"); } else eprintf("elogd service stopped successfully.\n"); } } /* Now remove the service from the SCM */ if (!DeleteService(hservice)) { if (!silent) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE) eprintf("The elogd service is already marked to be unregistered.\n"); else eprintf("The elogd service could not be unregistered.\n"); } } else if (!silent) eprintf("The elogd service hass been unregistered successfully.\n"); CloseServiceHandle(hservice); CloseServiceHandle(hsrvmanager); return 1; } void WINAPI ServiceControlHandler(DWORD controlCode) { switch (controlCode) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); _abort = TRUE; return; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: break; default: if (controlCode >= 128 && controlCode <= 255) // user defined control code break; else // unrecognised control code break; } SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); } void WINAPI ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPSTR * argv) { // initialise service status serviceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; serviceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; serviceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; serviceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = NO_ERROR; serviceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; serviceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; serviceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(ELOGDSERVICENAME, ServiceControlHandler); if (serviceStatusHandle) { // service is starting serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); // running serviceStatus.dwControlsAccepted |= (SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN); serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); /* avoid recursive calls to run_service */ running_as_daemon = FALSE; /* Redirect all messages handled with eprintf/efputs to syslog */ redirect_to_syslog(); /* start main server, exit with "_abort = TRUE" */ server_loop(); // service was stopped serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); // service is now stopped serviceStatus.dwControlsAccepted &= ~(SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN); serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); } } int run_service(void) { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY serviceTable[] = { {ELOGDSERVICENAME, ServiceMain}, {0, 0} }; if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(serviceTable)) return FAILURE; return SUCCESS; } #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, n, fh, tcp_port_cl, sync_flag, silent; char smtp_pwd[80], str[256], logbook[256], clone_url[256], error_str[256], file_name[256]; time_t now; struct tm *tms; struct stat finfo; #ifdef OS_UNIX /* save gid/uid to regain later */ orig_gid = getegid(); orig_uid = geteuid(); pidfile[0] = 0; #endif /* register cleanup function */ atexit(cleanup); tzset(); /* initialize variables */ smtp_pwd[0] = 0; logbook_dir[0] = 0; logbook[0] = clone_url[0] = resource_dir[0] = logbook_dir[0] = 0; silent = tcp_port_cl = sync_flag = 0; use_keepalive = TRUE; running_as_daemon = FALSE; /* initialize random number generator */ srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); /* * Initially, redirect all messages handled with eprintf/efputs to stderr. * Note that we should use eprintf/efputs wrappers for all logging purposes, * but it is OK to use a printf for things like command line parsing till * we switch to daemon mode (if required). */ redirect_to_stderr(); /* evaluate predefined files and directories */ #ifdef CONFIG_PATH strcpy(config_file, CONFIG_PATH); if (config_file[0] && config_file[strlen(config_file) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(config_file, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(config_file)); #endif /* default config file */ strlcat(config_file, CFGFILE, sizeof(config_file)); /* parse command line parameters */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'D') running_as_daemon = TRUE; else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'v') { if (i < argc - 1 && atoi(argv[i + 1]) > 0) { set_verbose(atoi(argv[i + 1])); i++; } else set_verbose(VERBOSE_INFO); } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'k') use_keepalive = FALSE; else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'S') silent = TRUE; else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'x') enable_execute = TRUE; else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'm') sync_flag = 1; else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'M') sync_flag = 2; else if (argv[i][1] == 'T') { time(&now); tms = localtime(&now); assert(tms); printf("Actual date/time: %02d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d\n", tms->tm_year % 100, tms->tm_mon + 1, tms->tm_mday, tms->tm_hour, tms->tm_min, tms->tm_sec); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } #ifdef OS_WINNT else if (stricmp(argv[i], "-install") == 0) { install_service(); if (!silent) { printf("Please hit any key ..."); fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (stricmp(argv[i], "-remove") == 0) { remove_service(silent); if (!silent) { printf("Please hit any key ..."); fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } #endif else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (argv[i][1] == 'C') { if (i + 1 >= argc || argv[i + 1][0] == '-') clone_url[0] = 1; else strlcpy(clone_url, argv[++i], sizeof(clone_url)); } else if (i + 1 >= argc || argv[i + 1][0] == '-') goto usage; else if (argv[i][1] == 'p') tcp_port_cl = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (argv[i][1] == 'c') strlcpy(config_file, argv[++i], sizeof(config_file)); else if (argv[i][1] == 's') strlcpy(resource_dir, argv[++i], sizeof(resource_dir)); else if (argv[i][1] == 'd') strlcpy(logbook_dir, argv[++i], sizeof(logbook_dir)); else if (argv[i][1] == 't') strlcpy(smtp_pwd, argv[++i], sizeof(smtp_pwd)); else if (argv[i][1] == 'l') strlcpy(logbook, argv[++i], sizeof(logbook)); else if (argv[i][1] == 'n') strlcpy(listen_interface, argv[++i], sizeof(listen_interface)); #ifdef OS_UNIX else if (argv[i][1] == 'f') strlcpy(pidfile, argv[++i], sizeof(pidfile)); #endif else { usage: printf("%s\n", ELOGID); printf("usage: elogd [-C ] [-c ] [-D] [-d

      ] "); printf("[-f ] [-h] [-k] [-l ] [-M] [-m] [-n ] "); printf("[-p ] [-S] [-s ] [-t ] [-v] [-x]\n\n"); printf(" -C clone remote elogd configuration\n"); printf(" -c specify configuration file\n"); printf(" -M synchronize with removing deleted entries\n"); printf(" -m synchronize logbook(s) with remote server\n"); printf(" -D become a daemon\n"); printf(" -d specify logbook root directory\n"); #ifdef OS_UNIX printf(" -f PID file\n"); #endif printf(" -h this help\n"); printf(" -k do not use keep-alive\n"); printf(" -l specify logbook for -r, -w and -m commands\n"); printf(" -n hostname/IP interface to listen on\n"); printf(" -p TCP/IP port\n"); printf(" -s specify resource directory (themes, icons, ...)\n"); printf(" -t create/overwrite SMTP password in config file\n"); printf(" -v verbose output (1:URL, 2:INFO, 3:DEBUG)\n"); printf(" -x enable execution of shell commands\n\n"); #ifdef OS_WINNT printf("Windows service funtions:\n"); printf(" -install install elogd as service and start it\n"); printf(" -remove stop and remove elogd service\n"); #endif exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } } #ifdef OS_WINNT { WSADATA WSAData; /* Start windows sockets */ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &WSAData) != 0) return 0; } #endif #ifdef OS_WINNT if (running_as_daemon) { /* change to directory of executable */ strcpy(str, argv[0]); for (i = strlen(str) - 1; i > 0; i--) if (str[i] != '\\') str[i] = 0; else break; chdir(str); } #endif /* clone remote elogd configuration */ if (clone_url[0]) { /* check if local config file exists */ fh = open(config_file, (O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)); if (fh > 0) { close(fh); eprintf("Overwrite local \"%s\"? [y]/n: ", CFGFILE); fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); if (str[0] == 'n' || str[0] == 'N') exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* contact remote server */ receive_config(NULL, clone_url, error_str); if (error_str[0]) { eputs(error_str); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { printf("\nRemote configuration successfully received.\n\n"); /* adjust config file */ adjust_config(clone_url); /* receive logbook entries after set-up of direcories ... */ } } /* check for configuration file */ fh = open(config_file, (O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)); if (fh < 0) { eprintf("Cannot open \"%s\": %s\n", config_file, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } close(fh); /* parse contents of config file into internal structure */ check_config(); /* evaluate undefined directories from config file or compiled-in defaults */ if (!resource_dir[0]) if (getcfg("global", "Resource Dir", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(resource_dir, str, sizeof(resource_dir)); #ifdef RESOURCE_DIR else strlcpy(resource_dir, RESOURCE_DIR, sizeof(resource_dir)); #endif if (!logbook_dir[0]) if (getcfg("global", "Logbook Dir", str, sizeof(str))) strlcpy(logbook_dir, str, sizeof(logbook_dir)); #ifdef LOGBOOK_DIR else strlcpy(logbook_dir, LOGBOOK_DIR, sizeof(logbook_dir)); #endif /* extract resource directory from configuration file if not given */ if (config_file[0] && strchr(config_file, DIR_SEPARATOR) && !resource_dir[0]) { strcpy(resource_dir, config_file); for (i = strlen(resource_dir) - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (resource_dir[i] == DIR_SEPARATOR) { resource_dir[i] = 0; break; } resource_dir[i] = 0; } } /* do the same for the logbook dir */ if (config_file[0] && strchr(config_file, DIR_SEPARATOR) && !logbook_dir[0]) { strcpy(logbook_dir, config_file); for (i = strlen(logbook_dir) - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (logbook_dir[i] == DIR_SEPARATOR) break; logbook_dir[i] = 0; } strlcat(logbook_dir, "logbooks", sizeof(logbook_dir)); } /* set default logbook dir if not given */ if (!logbook_dir[0]) strcpy(logbook_dir, "logbooks"); /* strip trailing dir separator */ if (logbook_dir[strlen(logbook_dir) - 1] == DIR_SEPARATOR) logbook_dir[strlen(logbook_dir) - 1] = 0; /* check for directories */ if (logbook_dir[0] && stat(logbook_dir, &finfo) < 0) { #ifdef OS_WINNT if (mkdir(logbook_dir) == 0) #else if (mkdir(logbook_dir, 0755) == 0) #endif eprintf("Logbook directory \"%s\" successfully created.\n", logbook_dir); else { eprintf("Cannot create logbook directory \"%s\":%s.\n", logbook_dir, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (resource_dir[0] && stat(resource_dir, &finfo) < 0) { eprintf("Resource directory \"%s\" not found.\n", resource_dir); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* append '/' */ if (resource_dir[0] && resource_dir[strlen(resource_dir) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(resource_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(resource_dir)); if (logbook_dir[0] && logbook_dir[strlen(logbook_dir) - 1] != DIR_SEPARATOR) strlcat(logbook_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, sizeof(logbook_dir)); if (sync_flag) { el_index_logbooks(); if (sync_flag == 2) setparam("confirm", "yes"); if (logbook[0]) { for (i = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (stricmp(lb_list[i].name, logbook) != 0) break; if (!lb_list[i].name[0]) { eprintf("Logbook \"%s\" not defined in configuration file\n", logbook); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } synchronize(&lb_list[i], SYNC_CLONE); } else synchronize(NULL, SYNC_CLONE); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (clone_url[0]) { /* force re-read of config file */ check_config_file(TRUE); el_index_logbooks(); /* check for retrieving password files */ for (i = n = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) if (getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str))) n++; if (n > 0) { eprintf("\nRetrieve remote password files? [y]/n: "); fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); if (str[0] != 'n' && str[0] != 'N') for (i = n = 0; lb_list[i].name[0]; i++) { if (lb_list[i].top_group[0]) setcfg_topgroup(lb_list[i].top_group); else setcfg_topgroup(""); if (getcfg(lb_list[i].name, "Password file", file_name, sizeof(file_name))) { /* check if this file has not already been retrieved */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (lb_list[j].top_group[0]) setcfg_topgroup(lb_list[j].top_group); else setcfg_topgroup(""); if (getcfg(lb_list[j].name, "Password file", str, sizeof(str)) && stricmp(file_name, str) == 0) break; } if (lb_list[i].top_group[0]) setcfg_topgroup(lb_list[i].top_group); else setcfg_topgroup(""); if (j == i) { receive_pwdfile(&lb_list[i], clone_url, error_str); if (error_str[0]) { eputs(error_str); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else eprintf("File \"%s\" received successfully.\n", file_name); } } } } eprintf("\nRetrieve remote logbook entries? [y]/n: "); fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); if (str[0] != 'n' && str[0] != 'N') /* synchronize all logbooks */ synchronize(NULL, SYNC_CLONE); puts("\nCloning finished. Check " CFGFILE " and start the server normally."); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (smtp_pwd[0]) { do_crypt(smtp_pwd, str, sizeof(str)); create_password("global", "SMTP Password", str); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* get listen interface */ if (listen_interface[0] == 0) if (getcfg("global", "interface", str, sizeof(str))) { strlcpy(listen_interface, str, sizeof(listen_interface)); } /* get default port */ if (getcfg("global", "SSL", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) elog_tcp_port = 443; else elog_tcp_port = 80; /* get port from configuration file */ if (tcp_port_cl != 0) elog_tcp_port = tcp_port_cl; else { if (getcfg("global", "Port", str, sizeof(str))) elog_tcp_port = atoi(str); } /* get optional content length from configuration file */ if (getcfg("global", "Max content length", str, sizeof(str))) _max_content_length = atoi(str); #ifdef OS_WINNT /* if running as a service, server_loop gets called from the service main routine */ if (running_as_daemon) { redirect_to_syslog(); if (!run_service()) { eprintf("Couldn't run the service; aborting\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else server_loop(); #else server_loop(); #endif /* avoid compiler warning */ if (silent == 1) silent = 0; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }