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Message ID: 6     Entry time: Wed Sep 17 11:43:44 2003
Author: R. Beekman 
Author Email: 
Subject: ELOG v2.3.9 CSS cross-reference (used for skins) 
Status: Beta 
Last Revision: September 17, 2003 by R. Beekman 
For all you guys (and girls;-) who want to add skins to ELOG, it is 
important to know what will be affected if you change a style.
So I made a cross reference of styles vs. html pages.

In the attached ZIP file you will find:
--> "ELOG CSS xref.xls" (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet)
--> "ELOG CSS xref.pdf" (PDF file for those who do not have Excel)
--> A directory containing the html pages I documented and the ELOG 
stylesheet (.css-file) that you need when you want to see the html files. 
Images are not included: they are not needed for this purpose.

I know that not all pages are documented, but Stefan told me that there is 
no complete list of all pages because they are generated. So I documented 
only the pages I need at this moment.

Please feel free to mail me when you have comments, corrections or 
Attachment 1: ELOG CSS  65 kB
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6