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ID Dateup Author Author Email Category Subject Status Last Revision
  13   Thu Apr 28 15:45:58 2005 Alex Halexsynergie-infcomTheme/SkinBubble for pleasure by L'ange noirStableMon Aug 1 09:35:26 2005 by Alex H
The original theme is from Francois Cukier but I have change a some color 
and font.

Francois Cukier  said : "Uncompress "" in your Elog default 
folder if you want to replace the original elog theme. Otherwise, if you 
decompress it in another folder, you will need to modify your elogd.cfg 
file as described at this adress:"

Do it at the same ;o)

I want to thanks Francois Cukier and Stephan Ritt for their works, so 
THANKS a lot !

I wait your comments :o).

2005/08/1 : Alexander Sheremet correct CSS bug thanks to it, archive re-uploaded
Attachment 1: bubble2-1.gif
Attachment 2: bubble2-2.gif
Attachment 3:
  14   Fri Jul 8 17:34:02 2005 Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itScriptJavaScript list auto-refreshStableTue Jul 12 12:36:16 2005 by Emiliano Gabrielli
Here is a simple piece of JS code to accomplish a smart page reload.
We don't reload if in some kind of editing mode.

You can put the code everywhere you like in the elog html page, my suggestion is to put it in Bottom Text (or Top Text):

Bottom text = [I]<script language="JavaScript">if (null==window.location.href.match('/[0-9]+$|.*(cmd|select)=.*') ) { window.setTimeout("location.reload();", 2*60*1000); now=new Date(); document.write('<br/>Last reload at '+now.getFullYear()+'/'+(now.getMonth()+1)+'/'+now.getDate()+', '+( ((h=now.getHours())<10) ? '0'+h :h)+':'+( ((m=now.getMinutes())<10) ? '0'+m :m)+':'+( ((s=now.getSeconds())<10) ? '0'+s :s)) }</script>[/I]

the timer is a product of # of minutes, #of seconds and milliseconds... 2 minutes in the above example Smile

Revision Tue Jul 12 12:36:16 2005 wrote:

modified regular expression in order to not activate the auto-refresh in the signle entry view
  15   Thu Jul 28 18:42:48 2005 Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itOther[New Feature]: JS calendar filter BetaThu Aug 4 11:20:36 2005 by Emiliano Gabrielli
it seems that for some strange reason it slows down elog very much when and only when elog is stunneled over ssl!

The attached tarball contains a full featured JavaScript allowing everyone to use a JS calendar (no popup windows, just JS and CSS!) to perform date-based filtering actions. An uncompressed version and the tarball for the last cvs rvision of this script is available at

You can browse the ChangeLog here.

A simple way to use it is to uncompress the wall package into the elog data dir, under the "scripts" subdir.

the you can add the following code to your elog.cfg:
Filter Menu text = scripts/calendar_filter/calendar_filter.html

note that this configuration parameter is available in elog starting from
Revision 1.732 2005/07/29

and automagically have the new calendar_filter icon showed Smile

Attachment 2: elog_calendar_filter-1.0.1.tar.gz
  16   Wed Sep 7 16:52:30 2005 Peter Erikssonpeter@ifm.liu.seOtherSolaris 10 SMF/Greenline management manifest for ELogStable 
Please find enclosed as an attachment a Solaris 10 SMF/Greenline manifest that can be used to manage ELog.
(If you don't know what it is - it replaces init.d/cron/inittab and more stuff)
Attachment 1: elog.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">

	Copyright (c) 2005-06-17 Peter Eriksson (

	This manifest can be used to manage an elog daemon using the 
	Solaris SMF subsystem.

	Import this manifest using: 

		svccfg -v import elog.xml
        Then activate the daemon with:

		svcadm enable site/elog

<service_bundle type='manifest' name='IFM:elog'>


        <single_instance />

	<!-- Need / & /usr filesystems mounted, /var mounted read/write -->
		<service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local' />

                <service_fmri value='svc:/network/service' />

                <service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/name-services' />
		exec='/ifm/sbin/elogd -D -c /ifm/etc/elogd.cfg'


	<instance name='default' enabled='false' />

	<stability value='Evolving' />

			<loctext xml:lang='C'>
			Electronic Logbook server
			<manpage title='elogd' section='1' manpath='/usr/local/man' />

  17   Mon Oct 10 18:47:09 2005 Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comScriptHow to run elogd on Gentoo LinuxStableTue Oct 11 08:06:55 2005 by Stefan Ritt
I have created some scripts for running elogd on Gentoo Linux. Please untar the attachment and read the file "elogd_gentoo_readme". Any comment is welcomed.
Attachment 1: elogd_gentoo.tar.gz
  18   Mon Sep 25 11:24:05 2006 Yoshio ImaiDocumentationsecuring of elog with stunnel v4 under LinuxBeta 
The following instructions should work in securing the elog using stunnel version 4 under Linux. The specific paths may have to be adapted to your distribution. A sample configuration file is attached.
Attachment 1: elog-stunnel4.howto
1. Prepare a certificate
either: request a certificate for your elog URL from your web administrator
- the private key must not be password-protected
- the 'common name' must be the URL of your elog server

or: create a self-signed certificate yourself with the OpenSSL package
- as root user, create a self-signed certificate with the command

root@localhost:# openssl req -new -x509 -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf -keyout stunnel.pem -out stunnel.pem -days 365 -nodes

- this creates a self-signed certificate (-x509) whith one year validity (-days 365)
  and no password protection for the private key (-nodes)
- private key and certificate are written to the same file, "stunnel.pem"

Answer all questions, making sure that the 'common name' is the URL under which users
are to reach your elog server.

For more information on how to create and/or manage SSL certificates, see e.g.

Notice: Unless your web administrator can procure a certificate signed by an established
        CA, your elog users will be asked if they want to accept your (unverifiable) certificate
        when connecting to your elog server. This is no problem at all but can lead to
        questions if your users are unsure about this.

2. Adapt the certificate file to stunnel4 conventions
The certificate filename must be the MD5 checksum:
- Retrieve the MD5 checksum of your certificate with

root@localhost:# openssl x509 -hash -noout -in stunnel.pem 


- Rename the certificate file accordingly

root@localhost:# mv stunnel.pem abcdefgh.0

- Move the certificate file to the standard location, e.g. /etc/ssl/certs
- change the permissions of the file to -rw-------
- make sure there is a blank line between
  and a blank line after
  in your certificate file.

3. Configure stunnel4
Install the stunnel4 package (if not already done).
Modify the configuration file (e.g. /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf, depending on your

- general options:
  cert = /etc/ssl/certs/abcdefgh.0    ; put the name of your certificate file here
  debug = 4                           ; otherwise ALL connection attempts will be logged to your syslog
  pid = /var/run/stunnel4/ ; check where the other services write their pid-files, depends 
                                      ; somewhat on the distribution

- comment out all lines containing chroot options
- comment out all CA lines
- comment out all service sections except the HTTPS section, which should look as follows

accept  = 443       ; i.e. stunnel listens on port 443, the standard https port
connect = 8080      ; and forwards all connections to port 8080 (use the port under which
                    ; your elogd is running here!)
TIMEOUTclose = 0    ; for buggy MS Internet Explorers, see the stunnel4 manpage

Some Linux distributions require that in the file /etc/defaults/stunnel4 the option ENABLED be set
to ENABLED=1. If not, the stunnel will not be started at system bootup.

4. Start the stunnel4 server
root@localhost# stunnel4 /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf

Your elog should now be accessible via

Attachment 2: stunnel.conf
cert = /etc/ssl/certs/abcdefgh.0
pid = /var/run/stunnel4/

; Some performance tunings
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

; Some debugging stuff useful for troubleshooting
debug = 4

; Service-level configuration
accept  = 443
connect = 8080
TIMEOUTclose = 0
  19   Sat Oct 21 02:23:17 2006 Leo Souzaleo@leo.comDocumentationteste abcStable1.0
  20   Wed Jan 10 23:08:27 2007 Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comScriptScript for running ELOGD on Ubuntu LinuxStable 
I prepared one init script for ELOGD running on Ubuntu Linux.
Please see the attachment.
Attachment 1: elogd_ubuntu.tgz
  21   Tue Feb 20 18:20:40 2007 Val Schmidtvschmidt@ldeo.columbia.eduDocumentationSecure elog with SSL under Apache2 on UbuntuStable 
The steps for configuration under Apache2 are a bit different. Below I've included a quick list of instructions for Ubuntu. One nice thing about this method, is that only https requests to https://your.url/elog are redirected (not all https connections to your url) so you can have other services running under ssl:

My Setup:
Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy):
Linux tide1 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

ii  apache2                                    2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      next generation, scalable, extendable web se
ii  apache2-common                             2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      next generation, scalable, extendable web se
ii  apache2-mpm-worker                         2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      high speed threaded model for Apache2
ii  apache2-utils                              2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      utility programs for webservers 
ii  elog                                       2.6.1+r1642-1                        Logbook system to manage notes through a Web

To setup ssl in apache2 for elog I started here:
This min-howto was kindly provided in a forum. I reproduced it here without permission.
A Mini-Howto for apache2: 

apt-get install apache2
(and answer the questions)

Now, enable ssl:
a2enmod ssl

configure ssl:
cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl
ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl 
"/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl" should look like this:

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
(... configure the directories too...)
and "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default" should look like this:

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
(... configure the directories too...)
In /etc/apache2/ports.conf, add Listen 443

In the middle of /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl file, insert this two lines:

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem

Hope it helps :)

This method, without configuraiton of any of the <Directory> directives in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl, makes everything in /var/www https accessible. This may not be desirable. Configure the directives as you see fit.

To get SSL forwarding going for elog, in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl, I added the following:


        ProxyRequests Off
        ProxyPreserveHost On

        <Location /elog/>
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all


Once this is in place one must restart apache with
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

In /etc/elog.conf I added:

and restarted elog as above.

Finally, I removed the firewall entry that allowed connections to port 8080 for non-secure elog.

Items of note:
The "apache2-ssl-certificate" created a certificate that seems to expire in 30 days. This obviously not ideal. More details about how to create certificates can be found at HERE. At some point in the future, we'll have to figure this out and create a more appropriate certificate.
  22   Wed Jul 11 11:13:16 2007 Peter Rienstrapeter.rienstra@gmail.comOtherCompiling elogd.c on HP-UX 64 bitBetaThu Jul 12 09:38:47 2007 by Peter Rienstra
We succeeded in compiling and running elogd (elog-2.6.5) on HP-UX 64 bit Itanium platform (HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64).

The main problem was we got a core dump after starting elogd. The cause was that the memory has be allocated with a 4 byte boundary. This could be the case on other 64 bit platforms as well. A colleague of mine (Sander Notting) found the solution.

Unzip and untar the zip file (elog-latest.tar.gz)
Go to the src directory (elog-2.6.5/src)

Edit elogd.c

Replace all:

show_selection_page(NULL); => show_selection_page();
seteuid => setuid
setegid => setgid

On line 564:
void *buffer => char *buffer

Line 645, add the text in bold:

void *xmalloc(size_t bytes)
char *temp;

/* Align buffer on 4 byte boundery for HP UX and other 64 bit systems to prevent Bus error(core dump)*/
if (bytes & 3)
bytes += 4 - (bytes & 3);

temp = (char *) malloc(bytes + 12);

After that compile:

cc -w -c -o regex.o regex.c
cc -w -c -o mxml.o ../../mxml/mxml.c
cc -w -c -o strlcpy.o ../../mxml/strlcpy.c
cc -I../../mxml -o elogd elogd.c regex.o mxml.o strlcpy.o

We didn't try to run elogd under root yet.
Attachment 1: elogdhpux64.c.gz
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