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Entry   Server time offset, posted by Bruce Weber on Mon Jan 7 08:45:10 2013 

Our server runs on local time, however, we require log entries to be in UTC (-0800hrs) - is there a command to achieve this?

Your assistance will be much appreciated


Entry   blue-gray theme, posted by Branislav Gardon on Mon Jun 30 15:00:05 2014 default.cssScreenShot174.jpg

I`ve edited-prepared new default.css
It`s very simple but maybe will for someone useful.

Have a nice day.


Entry   Sorting dates before and after "Sun Sep 9 > 03:46:39 CEST 2001", posted by Michel Bovey on Tue Dec 15 20:11:27 2009 

ELOG is storage date and time in unix time: seconds after epoch (Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 UTC 1970).

    date -u -d @0

On "Sun Sep  9 03:46:39 CEST 2001" the unix time counter is passing from a presentation of 9 digits to 10 digits.

    date -d @999999999


For sorting dates ELOG is using the character representation of the unix time. When ELOG contains dates on both
side of this 9 - 10 digits border sorting get confused.


in adding a leading 0 (zero) to the internal storage of dates in ELOG files we get over this problem.

On unix based system in can be easily achived with a sed command against the .log files:

    sed -i 's/modification: 9/modification: 09/g' *.log
Entry   create incremental daily backups of logbooks for Unix/Linux, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri Sep 9 12:08:26 2011 elog_backup_dailyexclude-logbookselog_backup_listfiles
A very simple backup utility for elog logbooks.
If you want to recover your logbook from corrupted entries, an incremental backup comes in handy:
you can just replace the corrupted files with the previous versions.
Below is a very simple wrapper to create backups of the logbook into some local directory (/logbooks_backup in
the example script). The second wrapper lists the files in a given ".tar" archive.

You would run the backup from a cron job with the line:
1 0 * * * /usr/local/elog/elog_backup_daily

This will create daily backups of modified logbook and config files and a weekly backup of the password file
/usr/local/elog/passwd.txt (if you wonder why: our passwd.txt file has more than 1 MByte and of course it
changes with every login).

elog_backup_daily (copy to /usr/local/elog) script to create tar file and remove tar files older than 90 days
exclude-logbooks  (copy to /usr/local/elog) list of files to be excluded in backup (thumbnails, etc.) 
elog_backup_listfiles (copy to /usr/local/bin) shows content of a given tar file (omits directories in list)
Entry   Check logbook files for wrong references, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri Sep 15 17:19:47 2017 logcheck
You can run this little script to check if all entries referenced "In reply to:" do actually exist.
To use it, you first need to "cd" to your logbook directory ("cd /usr/local/elog/logbooks") and then run it without arguments "logcheck".
If it finds references pointing to a missing entry, it'll print the path to the file with the offending reference and some lines. For example:
### error: reference to entry 146, that exists 0 times. Reference is:
### Proscan/2012/120507a.log-<p>[...].</p>
### Proscan/2012/120507a.log-$ @ MID @ $: 147
### Proscan/2012/120507a.log-Date: Mon, 07 May 2012 13:44:03 +0200
### Proscan/2012/120507a.log:In reply to: 146
### Proscan/2012/120507a.log-Wann: 1336373261
### Proscan/2012/120507a.log-Autor: [...]
### Proscan/2012/120507a.log-Eintrag: Problem

Very often this happens if an entry is deleted AFTER someone already replied to it. Normally that is no problem, but in some cases you might get infinite loops and that causes ELOG to hang. The script is not checking for loops, but wrong references might give you a hint where to look.

The script will print duplicate entries as well, if the referenced entry exist more than once.

Cheers, Andreas

PS: never include the string "$ @ MID @ $:" without spaces in an ELOG entry: apparently ELOG cuts off all text from that token on.

Entry   Bubble for pleasure by L'ange noir, posted by Alex H on Thu Apr 28 15:45:58 2005
The original theme is from Francois Cukier but I have change a some color 
and font.

Francois Cukier  said : "Uncompress "" in your Elog default 
folder if you want to replace the original elog theme. Otherwise, if you 
decompress it in another folder, you will need to modify your elogd.cfg 
file as described at this adress:"

Do it at the same ;o)

I want to thanks Francois Cukier and Stephan Ritt for their works, so 
THANKS a lot !

I wait your comments :o).

2005/08/1 : Alexander Sheremet correct CSS bug thanks to it, archive re-uploaded
Entry   Astronomical logbook using Elog, posted by Anthony J Krishock on Tue Dec 7 01:38:23 2021 theme.zipelog.PNG

Hello all,

I became aware of the usefulness of Elog while working at Brookhaven National Lab. Since that time, I have developed a version of Elog that can be used as a log book for observations in Astronomy (my longtime hobby). Attached is my default.css theme and replacement icon files that match the theme. The color scheme is chosen to minimize bright lights and preserve night vision

To install, just place the default.css file in the default theme directory and copy over the icon files into the default theme directory and replace the default ones. 

Comments and suggestions welcome!

Thank you

Entry   Bubble for pleasure 1 -- still under developpement but working ;), posted by Francois Cukier on Wed Jan 14 18:30:34 2004 Bubbleforpleasure1.zipBubbleForPleasure1-theme.GIF
Uncompress "" in your Themes\default folder if you want to replace the original elog theme. Otherwise, if you decompress it in another folder, you will need to modify your elogd.cfg file as described at this adress:
Entry   How to run elogd on Gentoo Linux, posted by Exaos Lee on Mon Oct 10 18:47:09 2005 elogd_gentoo.tar.gz
I have created some scripts for running elogd on Gentoo Linux. Please untar the attachment and read the file "elogd_gentoo_readme". Any comment is welcomed.
Entry   Script for running ELOGD on Ubuntu Linux, posted by Exaos Lee on Wed Jan 10 23:08:27 2007 elogd_ubuntu.tgz
I prepared one init script for ELOGD running on Ubuntu Linux.
Please see the attachment.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6