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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry   elog2sql - version 0.99 - scripts to convert an elog logbook to a MySQL database, posted by Fred Hooper on Thu Jul 3 17:04:58 2003 elog2sql.tar.gz
Announcing:  elog2sql

elog2sql was created to help translate logbooks created by the program
``elog'' from the native elog flat file format to a MySQL database.  I had a
need to have the elog data in a database, and it appears from the forum that
several others had a similar need.

 I created a set of perl scripts that will allow the translation of elog
logbooks into a MySQL database. The design and implementation of these
scripts are a simple one, and allow the one-time copying of a set of logbooks.

The elog2sql toolkit consists of two scripts. The first script,,
reads a elogd.cfg, and creates a sql file that will create a set of db
tables corresponding to elog logbooks. The second script,, takes
a set of elog logfiles, and creates a sql file that will enter the logbook
data into the database. The result is a copy of the elog logbook that can
used as desired inside the framework of MySQL. Attachments are handled by
inserting an entry of the attachment name into an seperate attachment table.
This allows multiple attachments per entry.

You can download the elog2sql program archive at . It contains the
scripts and basic documentation.  You can read the man page at 

I have also uploaded a copy of the archive here.

email me for questions or comments.
Entry   submit emails to elog (along with MIME attachments), posted by Sridhar Anandakrishnan on Fri Jun 13 17:10:48 2003 mailelog
Attached is a perl script to which you can pipe a message (or a
single-message file) to submit that message to `elog'.  The `elog'
distribution includes two programs `elogd', which is the main daemon that is
accessed via the browser, and `elog', which is a command-line interface to

The attached perl script `mailelog', will split a multipart MIME message
into its components and submit each as an attachment to elog to create a new
entry in a specified logbook.  The attributes are the subject, from, and cc
of the message.

Usage: mailelog [-|file] [-l logbook]

(if there are no arguments, read from stdin)
(makes a command that looks like this:
elog -p 8080 -h localhost -l emails -a subject=<subject> -a from=<from> -a
cc=<cc> -f attachment-1 -f attachment-2 -f ...

attachment-1 is the body of the message and attachment-2... are the actual
MIME attachments.  Set the elogd configuration to display attachments, so
that the message body is immediately visible.

Defaults: -h localhost -p 8080 -l emails

If no `-l logbook' flag is specified, then the entry is sent to the `emails'
logbook, so make sure that logbook exists.  Save this in, e.g,
~/bin/mailelog, and make sure it is executable (`chmod +x mailelog') and on
your path (bash: `export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' or csh/tcsh: `setenv PATH

Bugs: multi-message files don't work.  can't add other attributes.  if the
logbook doesn't have attributes subject, from, cc, they are quietly lost.
Entry   ELOG Syntax highlighting in UltraEdit, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri Jun 6 18:32:14 2003 u-edit-elog-syntax.txt
Maybe some of you use UltraEdit code editor ( to 
create/modify your ELOGD.CFG files.

Well, in that case we hope you find useful the attached syntax highlighting 
configuration file.

To intstall this file into UltraEdit :

You can also download the latest version from our website :
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6