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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authorup Subject
  217   Wed Feb 13 16:58:40 2013 Martin PetriskaNonuniform sampling

 Are there any plans to include reconstruction of nonuniform sampling  in DRS4 to get uniformly sampled data?

Im now reading article IEEE Trans on Circ. ans Systems I, Vol.55 No.8 sept. 2008 Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Bandlimited Signals Usinga Differentiator–Multiplier Cascade by Stefan Tertinek and Christian Vogel

and plan to implement it, but may be somebody has it done before me.


  248   Tue May 21 13:32:13 2013 Martin Petriskamac osx 10.6
> Hi,
> I would like to use the DRS4 with my macbook pro running osx 10.6.8.
> I have installed the wxWidgets and the libusb-1.0 libraries and I am using the Linux code vers. 4.0.1. After
> compilation, the following errors come out:
> ld: warning: in musbstd.o, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked
> (i386)
> ld: warning: in mxml.o, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)
> ....
> ....
> ld: warning: in main.o, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)
> Undefined symbols:
>   "_main", referenced from:
>       start in crt1.10.6.o
> ld: symbol(s) not found
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [drsosc] Error 1
> Do you have any idea on how to solve the problem ?? or maybe do you have a package working with osx 10.6 ? I
> remember to have seen, long time ago, a package that could work with 10.6 (or 10.5 ?), but I cannot find it now
> (but maybe I remember wrong).
> Thanks for any help,
> Enrico

it looks like 64bit vs 32bit problem, you have to compile all libraries for the same architecture. Maybe, make clean to 
remove all precompiled object files .o and recompile it again. Try to compile first that simple example without wxWidgets.

  321   Thu Jan 9 10:58:19 2014 Martin Petriskav5 software with v4 board calibration



In v4 board, which channel has best calibration ?

Should it be possible to simulate v5 board and read calibration values for v4 board by other method .. for example using external calibration signal source connected to all channels? 

Is it  needed to detach all input signals from EVM board during calibration ?( I see there are switches on channel inputs.)

Some comments: averager.h, averager.cpp are missing in windows v.5 sources (it should be copied from linux sources)


PF2014 and thank You for development new EVM 5 and new time precision.



  364   Thu Aug 21 11:03:36 2014 Martin Petriska10GSps on DRS4 Evm with delay cables

 Hi, I read its possible to use channels 2,4,6 to extend 200ns to 400ns (1024bins to 2048).

Is it possible to use same channels to double sampling rate with paralel feeding, one channel delayed by Ts/2, for 5,12GS/s is it cca 3cm delay cable?



  445   Wed Aug 19 15:07:53 2015 Martin PetriskaQtPALS

There is software for DRS4 board and positron lifetime measurement availiable. Still in beta but works. Its usable for measuring time between pulses in two or three channels and histogramming that time. (May be time of flight measurement should be tested too) Project code is here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtpals/. More about it is here http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/505/1/012044/. Still tested only with v3 and v4 evaluation board, but should work with new callibration in v5 board too.

  478   Tue Feb 16 11:55:54 2016 Martin PetriskaSaving histogram data


Robert Adams wrote:

I would really love to be able to save histogram data, though I have not been able to do this. I could take a screenshot and extract the data from an image, but would prefer to avoid this if there is a simpler way... possibly I have overlooked something obvious? Thanks very much for any advice or tips.

You can use qtpals, there is posibility to save histograms (energy, time diference), only set trigger on channel which you use. https://sourceforge.net/projects/qtpals/files/?source=navbar

  505   Wed Apr 6 09:01:28 2016 Martin PetriskaDRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run


Stefan Ritt wrote:

I tried this night to run the board at a 10 Hz rate with an external pulser, without writing, and it did not freeze after ~14 hours of running on Mac OSX. This night I will try again with writing.


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Then it seems that there is some USB communication problem. I heard this also from other people, that the USB data transfer under Windows has sometimes problems. I develop and run the board under Mac OSX, and there the same software runs for days without problem. So I guess it's related to the underlying libusb lib which is used by the DRS oscilloscope, on which I have no influence. So the only advice I can give is to take shorter series of data. Anyhow the board is not considered a full DAQ system, just an "evaluation board" which means one can try the DRS4 chip and play with it. For serious business one should build own electronics with the chip. Anyhow we are currently developping an Ethernet board which allows much faster acquisition rates, so USB will be obsolete some day. Nevertheless I will try to reproduce your problem and see if I can do anything. At what trigger rate does it show up most prominently?


Daniel Dribin wrote:

Dear Stefan Ritt,

Yes I use Windows 7, If the DRS Oscilloscope program stays on for a couple of hours without saving the data, the problem will occur. It seems it happens more often when there is data writing and when the rate of events is slow, about 100 events per second, at high rates it almost doesn't happen. Can it be temperature related?


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dear Daniel,

sorry my late reply, I'm pretty busy these days. The behavior you report has not been seen before, but I guess no one tried to take such long runs of data yet. Can you confirm that the problem also occurs without writing data to disk, or is it disk-related? I guess you use it under Windows 7, right?


Daniel Dribin wrote:

Dear Stefan Ritt,

I am using a DRS4 v5 to do timing measurements of Positron lifetime. I use the DRS Oscilloscope with triggering on 2 channels when I have a coincidence. Attached is a picture with all the setting that I use. When I use the DRS4 for a long measurements of 5 million events for a couple of hours, the DRS Oscilloscope stops showing any signal .After the first restart of the program I get a strange signal which is at the bottom of the scope range of voltage picture below(in the picture I changed the vertical positions of the channels for better viewing). Only after a couple of DRS Oscilloscope restarts and USB reconnections do I get the results again.

I currently am using another DRS4 v5 and the same situation occurs again although with lower frequency.

What can I do to solve this problem?

thank you very much,







Hi I have also positron annihilation system based on DRS4v4 cards. Its running several weeks, sometimes months, without freezing in windows7 64bit system (Pentium Core Quad 2Ghz, 4GRam).  Problem was when widows was trying to install updates and restarted PC. In beginning I had some problem with memory leak in my application, but it was simple seen in task manager that application memory was rising and was need to find memory leak in application code. Now I remember card was sometimes freezing when room air conditioning with 2kW was starting and high electricity pulses were reason of USB problems, it helped to put air conditioner and PC in different power line input. Hope it help to solve zour problems.


  592   Wed Apr 5 12:40:16 2017 Martin PetriskaDRS4 eval board v4 coincidence firmware changes for triger for short pulses

I would like to implement fpga firmware changes for DRS4 eval board v4 to put there posibility for standard coincidence (for example to get triger on two short (5ns pulses from Plastic scintilator) in 100ns coincidence window), Similar but more complex was done for eval v.5 boards ( https://forge.physik.rwth-aachen.de/projects/drs4-rwth ) Im beginner in state of FPGA design, but hope it will be not so dificult to implement same functionality in eval4 board. Is there any SVN server with firmware sources for evaluation board? Im litle bit confused with different firmware sources in linux and windows installation packages, For example whose are last eval4 board firmware souces ? (There are some eval4 sources in  5.0.6 files, but not sure if its workable)

May be didnt make same changes already?  

  711   Mon Aug 13 19:44:59 2018 Martin PetriskaLatch delay support



Not sure about their licensing, but is it possible to add latch delay support to official firmware ?

Best regards


  714   Mon Sep 3 11:17:26 2018 Martin Petriska"Symmetric spikes" fixed


Is it possible to fix it by FPGA changes?  I see readout cycle (proc_drs_reedout) in drs4_eval(4)5_app.vhd, but not sure where to exactly put this three commands. Could you please attach app.vhd file for eval board with example how to fix ?




Stefan Ritt wrote:

Good news for all DRS4 users. After many years, I finally understand where the "symmetric spikes" come from and how to fix them.

The "symmetric spikes" are small spikes of 17-18mV, which randomly happen at 1-2 cells. They alwas come in groups of 2 in each channel, symmetric around sampling cell #512. See first attachment.

The reason for the spikes is the previous readout cycle. On each readout cycle, the "read bit" is clocked through all 1024 cells to switch one cell contents to the DRS4 output. At the end of the 1024 cycles, the read bit stays at its last position. The bit is carried by a metal line on the chip, which crosses all 9 channels (second attachment). This bit now influences the sampling cells below the metal line capacitively, so their contents is "pushed up" by a few mV, just like the ROFS offset does. Since the DRS sampling channels are in a snake layout, going 0-512 from left, then 512-1023 back again, the line crosses two cells in each channel, and thus the symmetric spikes.

Previously, there was a software solution for that. In the evaluation board software DRSOsc there is a button "Remove spikes" which tries to fix this in software. Although this works most of the time, it's annoying and not 100% safe. Like when the spike sits on top of a noise signal, it might not be recognized. Fixing this in hardware is however straight forwar. After the readout cycle ends, push the read bit out of the chip:

  • Address the read shift register by applying 1011b to A3:A0
  • Switch SRIN low
  • Apply 1024 clock cycles to SRCLK

This shifts the bit out of the chip, so that the next event is not affected by the read bit. The third attachment show the effect of this. The "clear cycle" increases the readout time a little bit, but depending on the application this might be worth it.



  716   Thu Sep 13 18:09:13 2018 Martin Petriska"Symmetric spikes" fixed

Ok, so I made it ... and Yes it works :), 


here is changed part in drs4_eval4_app.vhd

        when done =>
          drs_readout_state    <= spikeoff;
          drs_stat_busy        <= '0';
          drs_dpram_we1        <= '0';
          drs_write_set        <= '1';   -- set drs_write_ff in proc_drs_write
                                         -- to keep chip "warm"

 -- spike fix ELOG 697        
          when spikeoff => 
            o_drs_addr       <= "1011"; -- Address the read shift register by applying 1011b to A3:A0
            o_drs_srin       <= '0'; -- Switch SRIN low             
             drs_readout_state                 <= spikecycle;
             -- Apply 1024 clock cycles to SRCLK     
             drs_sr_count         <= 0;

          when spikecycle =>      
             drs_sr_count         <= drs_sr_count + 1;
             o_drs_srclk          <= not o_drs_srclk;
             if (drs_sr_count = 1024) then
                drs_readout_state <= idle;
             end if;      

        -- set-up of configuration register        

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Yes it's possible, but I have to find time for that. The software of the evaluation board takes care of the spikes ("remove spikes"), so I thought it's not so urgent to fix that in the FPGA (which takes me some time).


Martin Petriska wrote:


Is it possible to fix it by FPGA changes?  I see readout cycle (proc_drs_reedout) in drs4_eval(4)5_app.vhd, but not sure where to exactly put this three commands. Could you please attach app.vhd file for eval board with example how to fix ?




Stefan Ritt wrote:

Good news for all DRS4 users. After many years, I finally understand where the "symmetric spikes" come from and how to fix them.

The "symmetric spikes" are small spikes of 17-18mV, which randomly happen at 1-2 cells. They alwas come in groups of 2 in each channel, symmetric around sampling cell #512. See first attachment.

The reason for the spikes is the previous readout cycle. On each readout cycle, the "read bit" is clocked through all 1024 cells to switch one cell contents to the DRS4 output. At the end of the 1024 cycles, the read bit stays at its last position. The bit is carried by a metal line on the chip, which crosses all 9 channels (second attachment). This bit now influences the sampling cells below the metal line capacitively, so their contents is "pushed up" by a few mV, just like the ROFS offset does. Since the DRS sampling channels are in a snake layout, going 0-512 from left, then 512-1023 back again, the line crosses two cells in each channel, and thus the symmetric spikes.

Previously, there was a software solution for that. In the evaluation board software DRSOsc there is a button "Remove spikes" which tries to fix this in software. Although this works most of the time, it's annoying and not 100% safe. Like when the spike sits on top of a noise signal, it might not be recognized. Fixing this in hardware is however straight forwar. After the readout cycle ends, push the read bit out of the chip:

  • Address the read shift register by applying 1011b to A3:A0
  • Switch SRIN low
  • Apply 1024 clock cycles to SRCLK

This shifts the bit out of the chip, so that the next event is not affected by the read bit. The third attachment show the effect of this. The "clear cycle" increases the readout time a little bit, but depending on the application this might be worth it.





  901   Tue Sep 5 03:28:52 2023 Matias HenriquezInput range switch added in Version 2.1.3


It is not quite clear to me yet how the input range is only determined by the front end and not the DRS4 chip. According to the datasheet, the selection of ROFS determines whether the input differential range is -0.5V to 0.5V (ROFS=1.55V) or 0V to 1V (ROFS=1.05V) or -0.05V to 0.95V (ROFS=1.1V).

As far as I understand, the input differential voltage cannot go further below -0.55V since the maximum ROFS voltage is 1.6V according to the datasheet).

Also in the DRS4 evaluation board 5.1 design, the output of the differential amplifier is AC coupled to the DRS4 chip.

I'd appreciate a lot your help.




Stefan Ritt wrote:

 A new software verison for the DRS4 Evaluation Board has been has been released. Version 2.1.3 adds a switch for the input range of the DRS4 board. Once can choose between -0.5V...0.5V and 0V...1V:


A board firmware update is not necessary for this. It was originally planned to have even a negative range -1V...0V, but this is not possible with the current board design. People who want to record negative pulses have to use an inverter to produce positive pulses. In a future version of the board it might be possible to include this functionality since this is determined by the analog front-end and not the DRS4 chip.


  862   Sat Feb 12 13:06:56 2022 Matias SengerCannot trigger on pulses, have to trigger on undershoot

I am using the DRS4 board trying to measure pulses produced by an LGAD. I have no prior experience with this board, have just installed the `drsosc` application and am exploring. I am experiencing some strange trigger behavior. Consider the following screenshot:


Here nothing is strange, the board is triggering on the undershoot and it is working fine, I can trigger on rising/falling edge, different levels, etc.

Now, the strange thing is that if I pull the trigger up to trigger on the pulse itself it stops triggering:

I have tried many different setups for the trigger (rising, falling edge, different levels, etc) and nothing works. In the undershoot, everything works.

I have tried with the internal test signal and it works fine:

What could be the problem?

I have run the voltage and time calibrations as suggested in the manual.

  867   Wed Mar 2 17:25:10 2022 Matias SengerHow to convert samples to volt?

I am using the `drscl` app. My prior experience is practically zero, sorry if this is a very naive question. When I read using `read 0 1` (channel 0, with calibration) I get this:

Calibration not valid for board #2946
  10    3    7    4   10    8   14    5    5    9    3    4    9    8    9    4
   3    3   12    5    5   13    3    8    1    5    0    4    8    6    6    3

Why does it says that the calibration is not valid? How am I supposed to go from integers to volts?

If I run the `info` command I get this:

Mezz. Board index:    0
DRS type:             DRS4
Board type:           9
Serial number:        2946
Firmware revision:    30000
Temperature:          43.4 C
Input range:          -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated range:     -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated frequency: 0.000 GHz
Status reg.:          0000009A
Control reg.:         00000000
  DMODE circular
Trigger bus:          00000000
Frequency:            1.007 GHz

  871   Sun Mar 6 17:54:47 2022 Matias SengerWhy does not trigger at higher sampling frequencies?

I have connected 3 signals to the DRS4 Evaluation Board V5 which look like this in the drsosc app:

Note that here I am sampling at 5 GS/s. Using this app everything works perfect.

Now I want to repeat this using the C++ API (which I am actually wrapping to use within Python, see here if interested https://github.com/SengerM/pydrs ) but can only make this to work at lower sampling frequencies up to 3.9 GS/s. This is how I am configuring the board followint the `drs_exam.cpp` file:

board.enable_trigger(True,False) # Don't know what this line does, it was in the example `drs_exam.cpp`.


The full code is here https://github.com/SengerM/pydrs/blob/master/tests/test_drs.py but anyway, my previous snippet can be considered as pseudo-code and if more details needed I can provide.

This is what I get as I increase the sampling frequency:

Up to 3.95 GS/s it works perfectly. At >= 4 GS/s it just never triggers. A few times I was able to make this work at 4 and 5 GS/s playing with the trigger delay, but this seemed to be some kind of random luck because I was not able to replicate it even with the same values.

Any help is appreciated.


  875   Tue Mar 8 00:25:56 2022 Matias SengerWhy does not trigger at higher sampling frequencies?

I have seen in the app that the trigger source buttons do something different than the "or" and "transparent trigger" buttons:

If I enable the setup from the right, i.e. OR in CH4 and "Enable Transparent Trigger" the app stops triggering. This is the configuration that seems to be applied in the `drs_exam.cpp` code if I am not mistaken. For some reason in that code it still triggers (I have modified the code to trigger on CH4 instead of CH1 and the trigger level, polarity, etc.).

What does the button in the left actually do? The circular checkbox with the "4" I mean. This is the trigger configuration I want to get in the C++ code.

I also don't know what the function `DRSBoard::EnableTrigger` does, what is the meaning of `flag1` and `flag2`? In my code there is a call to this function which I copied from the example.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Unfortunately I have not idea what the problem could be. In principle the trigger should be independent of the sampling speed, since the trigger is only made with a discriminator and a flip-flop. The hardware must be ok since you see the trigger with the oscillocope app. All you can do is to go through the sorce code of the oscilloscope app, especially drsosc/Osic.cpp::ScanBoards(), SetTriggerLevel(), SetTriggerPolariy() etc. to make sure you do the same calls as the oscilloscope app.


  876   Tue Mar 8 12:20:00 2022 Matias SengerWhy does not trigger at higher sampling frequencies?

Sorry for the spam. Just want to let you know that I was able to solve the problem, it was all due to a `float` being casted as `int` in the Python binding. Now it works like a charm.

Matias Senger wrote:

I have seen in the app that the trigger source buttons do something different than the "or" and "transparent trigger" buttons:

If I enable the setup from the right, i.e. OR in CH4 and "Enable Transparent Trigger" the app stops triggering. This is the configuration that seems to be applied in the `drs_exam.cpp` code if I am not mistaken. For some reason in that code it still triggers (I have modified the code to trigger on CH4 instead of CH1 and the trigger level, polarity, etc.).

What does the button in the left actually do? The circular checkbox with the "4" I mean. This is the trigger configuration I want to get in the C++ code.

I also don't know what the function `DRSBoard::EnableTrigger` does, what is the meaning of `flag1` and `flag2`? In my code there is a call to this function which I copied from the example.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Unfortunately I have not idea what the problem could be. In principle the trigger should be independent of the sampling speed, since the trigger is only made with a discriminator and a flip-flop. The hardware must be ok since you see the trigger with the oscillocope app. All you can do is to go through the sorce code of the oscilloscope app, especially drsosc/Osic.cpp::ScanBoards(), SetTriggerLevel(), SetTriggerPolariy() etc. to make sure you do the same calls as the oscilloscope app.



  877   Fri Mar 11 17:26:15 2022 Matias SengerTime calibration and the C++ API

I am using the V5 board at a fixed sampling frequency. With the `drsosc` app I have executed the time calibration at 5 GS/s (actually 5.12 GS/s). This is how my setup looks like in the app:

Now I want to replicate this using the C++ API (not the positive width measurement shown, the signal sampling only). I am seting the sampling frequency to 5 GS/s, as I do in the `drsosc` app. Then I get the time information using the `DRSBoard::GetTime(unsigned int chipIndex, int channelIndex, int tc, float *time)` function (which I don't find defined either in `DRS.h` or `DRS.cpp` but somehow it works). How can I know if these times that I get here are being corrected with the time calibration? If so, should I expect the time resolution to be < 3 ps? Are these 3 ps accumulative, such that in the end I end up having a contribution from the evaluation board of 3 ps × 5 Gs/s × 100 ns where 100 ns is the time difference between my two pulses? (This does not seem to be the case because if so I would expect the jitter to be ~ 1 ns, and we see that the "Pos Width" measurement is ~ 0.1 ns std.)

Why am I asking? I want to measure the jitter between the two falling edges. This cannot be done easily with the `drsosc` app I think, so I am acquiring the data and doing this offline. I have done this measurement in the past using a LeCroy WaveRunner oscilloscope with 20 GS/s and 4 GHz bandwidth (offline, same code) and I have seen it vary from ~5 ps → 30 ps when I vary a voltage that I can control. Now if I calculate this time fluctuation using the data acquired with the V5 evaluation board I get a value ~100 ps and independent of this voltage, which leads me to conclude that the limiting factor is being the evaluation board itself. So now I am wondering if I have reached its limit, or if there is some setting that can still improve this result.


  879   Sat Mar 12 16:52:36 2022 Matias SengerTime calibration and the C++ API

Dear Stefan,

For the time of each bin I am using the values returend by `GetTime` without any assumption by my side. I did not notice before that the sampling time is not uniform, but I see that this is already happening. This is an example plot from one of the signals I processed:


The bin at 65.5 ns and the next one are closer than their neighbors. So this seems to indicate that the time calibration is being taken into account when I acquire the time bins using `GetTime`, is this correct?

To obtain the final time resolution I am using the constant fraction discriminator method and the signals are linearly interpolated to obtain the time at each percentage value, as seen in the plot. I have already measured time resolutions in the 5-100 ps range with exactly the same setup but using the LeCroy oscilloscope, which I am using just for data acquisition, and my software for offline analysis as shown in the plot above. Now what I am trying to do is to replace the LeCroy by the DRS4 Evaluation Board basically, so I can use the oscilloscope in a different setup.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

DRSBoard::GetTime is declared in DRS.h line 720.

If you want to measure timing down to ps, you need some basic knowledge, especially about signal-to-noise and risetime. This cannot be taught in a few sentenses, needs a full lecture. As a starting point please read that papat:


then you will understand why you measure different resolutions with different peak heights (and different rise times).

Concerning the DRS4 measurement, please be aware that the sampling poings are not equidistant, like not every 200ps for GSPS. They vary bin by bin significantly, from 50ps to 300ps. So you alway have to analyse the X/Y points as an array, not just the Y values assuming deltaX of 200ps. Probably you forgot that. Then, you have to interpolate between bins to find the crossing over your threshold. Linear interpolation is already good, spline interpolation even better. Deep inside Measurement.cpp of the drsosc program you find in the source code:

t1 = (thr*(x1[i]-x1[i-1])+x1[i-1]*y1[i]-x1[i]*y1[i-1])/(y1[i]-y1[i-1]);

which is the linear interpolation (thr is the threshold). You have to use (and understand!) similar code.





Matias Senger wrote:

I am using the V5 board at a fixed sampling frequency. With the `drsosc` app I have executed the time calibration at 5 GS/s (actually 5.12 GS/s). This is how my setup looks like in the app:

Now I want to replicate this using the C++ API (not the positive width measurement shown, the signal sampling only). I am seting the sampling frequency to 5 GS/s, as I do in the `drsosc` app. Then I get the time information using the `DRSBoard::GetTime(unsigned int chipIndex, int channelIndex, int tc, float *time)` function (which I don't find defined either in `DRS.h` or `DRS.cpp` but somehow it works). How can I know if these times that I get here are being corrected with the time calibration? If so, should I expect the time resolution to be < 3 ps? Are these 3 ps accumulative, such that in the end I end up having a contribution from the evaluation board of 3 ps × 5 Gs/s × 100 ns where 100 ns is the time difference between my two pulses? (This does not seem to be the case because if so I would expect the jitter to be ~ 1 ns, and we see that the "Pos Width" measurement is ~ 0.1 ns std.)

Why am I asking? I want to measure the jitter between the two falling edges. This cannot be done easily with the `drsosc` app I think, so I am acquiring the data and doing this offline. I have done this measurement in the past using a LeCroy WaveRunner oscilloscope with 20 GS/s and 4 GHz bandwidth (offline, same code) and I have seen it vary from ~5 ps → 30 ps when I vary a voltage that I can control. Now if I calculate this time fluctuation using the data acquired with the V5 evaluation board I get a value ~100 ps and independent of this voltage, which leads me to conclude that the limiting factor is being the evaluation board itself. So now I am wondering if I have reached its limit, or if there is some setting that can still improve this result.




  881   Tue Mar 15 13:07:50 2022 Matias SengerTime calibration and the C++ API

Thanks for your help. If I look into the app the behavior for the 4 channels is exactly as you show:

Now, when I sample with my code something strange happens, two of the channels are fine and the other two are wrong:

This is a surprise to me because I acquire the 4 channels in the same way within a `for` loop. To get the time data I use `DRSBoard::GetTime` with the `tcalibrated` argument set to `true`. Is there any aditional step to use the calibration?








Stefan Ritt wrote:

Looks like you have the some time calibration, not sure if it's the correct one. Sample the sine wave from the calibration clock, once with and once without the timing calibration, then you will see if all points lie on a smooth line. Left: without timing calibration, right: with proper timing calibration:


If your points do not lie on a smooth line, you might habe a problem such as the wrong channel for calibration, an offset of 1 in the index of the time array or some other software bug. Measure the same signal with the DRSOsc application and then your code. If the results differ, you have a software problem on your side.




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