[global] Port = 8080 Ssl = 1 URL = https://localhost:8080 Group Operations = Accelerator, Gammasphere, FMA Group Experiments = 882-4, 1231, 1257, 1248 Top group ATLAS = Operations, Experiments show top groups = 1 Password file = passwd [global ATLAS] Main Tab = ATLAS Logbooks Admin user = dhp Login expiration = 24 Self register = 1 ; look and feel Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help Date format = %B %d, %Y Reverse sort = 1 ; attributes Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Subject Required Attributes = Category, Subject Thread display = $Subject ($Author) $Entry time Quick filter = Date, Category Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other ; preset author and email Preset Author = $long_name Preset Author Email = $user_email ; these attributes cannot be changed Locked Attributes = Author, Author Email ; only author can change its own entry Restrict edit = 1 Restrict edit time = 0.5 ; options for reply Subst on reply subject = Re: $Subject Subst on reply author = $long_name Subst on reply Author Email = $user_email ; No Email notification Suppress Email to users = 1 ; ; Logbook definitions ; [Accelerator] Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other Extendable Options = Category [Gammasphere] Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other Extendable Options = Category [FMA] Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other Extendable Options = Category [882-4] Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other Extendable Options = Category [1231] Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other Extendable Options = Category [1257] Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other Extendable Options = Category [1248] Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other Extendable Options = Category