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icon5.gif   Directories in top groups, posted by Stephen A. Wood on Mon Apr 18 17:02:20 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: Directories in top groups, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 18 21:57:19 2005 
Message ID: 1101     Entry time: Mon Apr 18 21:57:19 2005     In reply to: 1098
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category:   OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.8-3 
Subject: Re: Directories in top groups 
> I am trying to unify several existing logbook collections that run on
> seperate servers under a single server using groups.  For a top group, under
> "[global topgroupname]", I would like to redefine the resource directory or
> the logbook directory so that everything except for the .cfg is at it
> original location.  However, it seems like "Resource dir" and "Logbook dir"
> can not be redefined in the global section for specific groups.  Is it
> possible to redefine these directories for each top group, or is it feature
> that could be added?

Not easily. There is only a single logbook and resource directory inside elogd.
The reason is that these are constants which can be fixed during compile time.
The Debian package uses this extensively. So having multiple directories would
break that scheme.

> I could probably do what I want with soft-links, but redefining the resource
> dir just seems to be right way to do this.  (For one thing, I would like
> different favicons for each group.)

I'm afraid you have to use soft links. The favicons you can define however via
the theme, which is a per-logbook option, so it would work in the [global
topgroupname] section as well.
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