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icon5.gif   More questions about groups, posted by Stephen A. Wood on Tue Apr 19 22:43:10 2005 elogd.cfg
    icon2.gif   Re: More questions about groups, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 21 22:54:46 2005 
       icon2.gif   Re: More questions about groups, posted by Stephen A. Wood on Fri Apr 22 18:16:25 2005 
Message ID: 1102     Entry time: Tue Apr 19 22:43:10 2005     Reply to this: 1103
Icon: Question  Author: Stephen A. Wood  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 1.632 
Subject: More questions about groups 
I am running 2.5.8-3 with the elogd.c 1.632.  I have attached the config
file that I am using.   I have a top group "src", with logbooks "SRC
Analysis" and "SRC Mail" in it.  These two logbooks share the same password
file.  If one logs into one, I would like them to be not have to login to
the other.  If I put the password file name under [global src], I get this
behaviour, but the logbook selection page does not show my graphic or the
locks by the logbook names (instead it has the Alt text "This logbook
requires authentication."  If I remove the password from [global src] and
put it in each logbook individually, then my logbook selection page looks
OK, but I have to log into each logbook seperately.

Attachment 1: elogd.cfg  2 kB  | Hide | Hide all

Top group yourfriend = Your Friend Logbook
Top group xxxxx = Xxxxx Experiments
Top group src = SRC Analysis, SRC Mail

Show top groups = 0
Logbook tabs = 1

SMTP host =
Use Email from =
Admin user = adminguy


Logfile = elog.log
Logging level = 3


[global xxxxx]
Logbook tabs = 0
;Main Tab = Welcome Page
Welcome Title = <p><p> <img src="hallc.gif" > <p><font size=3 color=white><b>Welcome to the E02-109/E04-001 analysis logbook. </b><p></font>
Restrict Edit = 1
Prepend on edit = Edited: $date \n \n
Theme = hallc
Admin user = christy

[Xxxxx Experiments]
Comment = Elog for E02-109/E04-001
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Options Type = Calibrations, Efficiencies, Run Info, Other Corrections, Elastics, Cross Sections, MonteCarlo, General
Extendable Options = Category
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type

[global yourfriend]
Logbook tabs = 0
SMTP host =
;Main Tab = Welcome Page
Restrict Edit = 1
Prepend on edit = Edited: $date \n \n
Theme = hallc
Admin user = yourfriend

[Your Friend Logbook]
Theme = hallc
password file = elogpw_GRS
Self register = 3
Login user = yourfriend
Comment = Elog for Your Friend
Attributes = Type, Category, Subject
Options Type = Calibrations, Efficiencies, Run Info, Other Corrections, Elastics, Cross Sections, MonteCarlo, General
Extendable Options = Category
Required Attributes = Type
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type

[global src]
Welcome Title = <p><p> <img src="bigbite.gif" > <p><font size=3 color=white><b>Welcome to the E01-015 analysis logbook. </b><p></font>
Theme = src
Password file = elogpw_SRC
Self register = 3

[SRC Analysis]
Prepend on edit = Edited: $date \n \n
;Password file = elogpw_SRC
;Self register = 3

Comment = Elog for E01-015
Attributes = Author, Detector, Subject
Options Detector = HRS, BigBite, Neutron Bars
Required Attributes = Author
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Admin user = adminguy

[SRC Mail]
;Password file = elogpw_SRC
;Self register = 3

Comment = Archive of SRC Mailing list
Attributes = Subject, From
Required attributes = Subject, From
Quick filter = Date, From
Menu commands =  Find ,Login, Logout, Help, Delete
Allow Delete = adminguy

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6