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icon3.gif   search and filters in a cookie !?, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon May 2 12:34:52 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: search and filters in a cookie !?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon May 2 13:28:09 2005 
Message ID: 1114     Entry time: Mon May 2 12:34:52 2005     Reply to this: 1118
Icon: Idea  Author: Emiliano Gabrielli  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version:  
Subject: search and filters in a cookie !? 
Is it possible to have last runtime filtering and viewing method to be
stored in a cookie in order to make them permanent across navigation ?

I mean:
- if I decide to view "all" entries in the elog and then open one of them, 
  I'd like not to select "show all entries" again and again
- same thing if I choose to view last week
- same for every runtime filter and/or viewing option 

hope this is simple to implement :-)  thanks in advance 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6