Demo Discussion
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Message ID: 1136     Entry time: Mon May 9 17:59:09 2005
Icon: Question  Author: Ulrich Trüssel  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.5.9-2 
Subject: link loss and crash of elogd.exe 
Just upgraded from stable running 2.5.2-2 to 2.5.9-2 in case of the usable
Duplicate function. After the problem discribed below i made a new, clean
installation again and played araound with the demo logbook, copying my
testlogbook (part of a real used and under 2.5.2-2 working logbook) into the
demo cfg file. 

ia figured out two serious problems:

1. If I copy the following section to the global into the demo lgbook,
elogd.exe crashes emediatly ewhile starting as a prozess:

Language = German
Theme = default
logbook tabs = 1
main tab = INHALT
welcome title = <b><big>Ulrich Rolf Trüssel</big></b>
Adressverwaltung (Geschäft & Privat)
Mensch-Tier Coaching&trade;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;Mensch-Hund Coaching&trade;
Interessengemeinschaft Familienhund&reg; - Regionalgruppe Zentralschweiz
Lorenz Tierschule port = 8080 Theme = default Message Width = 100 Message Height = 25 Filtered browsing = 1 Suppress default = 2 Suppress Email on Edit = 0 Email Format = 0 Filtered browsing = 1 HTML default = 3 Reverse sort = 1 2. problem (the ting) that made me playing with teh demo cfg: There are totally 8 logbooks running, but just one has this strange problem of not giving a link to to the datasets in full and summary mode. I cutted down all the stuff back to this only lines: [Adresse2] Attributes = Kundensegment, Duzis, Hauptadresse, Selektion, Sperre, Adresse, Unterlagenversand, Empf. gegeben, Gruppe, Mitglied, URT, IGFH, Letzte Anmeldung, IGFH Gruppe, IGFH JB, Anrede, Titel, Briefanrede, Vorname, Name, Firma, Abteilung, Adresse Zusatz, Strasse, Landeskennung, PLZ, Ortschaft, Postfach, Postfach PLZ, Postfach Ort, Telefon Geschäft, Telefon Privat, Telefax, Telefon Mobil, EMail, HomePage, Funktion, Beruf, Geburtstag, Name Hund, Rasse, Sex, Wurfdatum, Anmeldung, Impfbüchlein, Welpenkurs, Erziehungskurs, Hundesport, Bestätigung, OCCH LN, Andere Kurse, Weitere Hunde/Tiere, Referenzen, KlientIn/KundIn List Display = Name, Vorname and got still the same problem. if i create a new logbook it will works, also ut works under 2.5.2-2 but not longer under 2.5.3 up (even not 2.5.9-2). any idea? mening this may be a VERY basic logbook... trued with list display etc. around, nothinh happen. Need to go back to 2.5.2-2 where this wasn't a problem? thanjs for any idea of this to problems...
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6