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icon4.gif   error message from this forum, posted by Heiko Scheit on Wed May 18 14:20:23 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: error message from this forum, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 18 19:52:41 2005 
Message ID: 1153     Entry time: Wed May 18 19:52:41 2005     In reply to: 1152
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS:   ELOG Version:
Subject: Re: error message from this forum 

Heiko Scheit wrote:
Just after submitting the last message, the following error message was displayed:

Error sending Email via "": malformed address: synergie-infcom>

Sombody used an invalid formed email address, like user<at>domain<dot>com, on which the SMTP server complained. I would like to note here that the email addresses registered in this forum are not published in any way, so there is no risk to get spam from that (except the normal elog notifications, which can be turned off easily).
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6