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icon1.gif   Incorrect Display, posted by David Spindler on Sat May 21 15:05:23 2005 capture-firefox-1.03.JPG
    icon1.gif   Re: Incorrect Display, posted by David Spindler on Sat May 21 15:23:08 2005 capture-firefox-1.03-log-entry.JPG
       icon1.gif   Re: Incorrect Display, posted by David Spindler on Mon May 23 17:47:24 2005 
          icon1.gif   Re: Incorrect Display, posted by Geoffrey Carman on Fri Jun 3 17:34:44 2005 
             icon1.gif   Re: Incorrect Display, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Fri Jun 3 18:02:25 2005 
                icon2.gif   Re: Incorrect Display, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Jun 4 10:59:52 2005 
Message ID: 1156     Entry time: Sat May 21 15:23:08 2005     In reply to: 1155     Reply to this: 1157
Icon: Entry  Author: David Spindler  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.0-beta 
Subject: Re: Incorrect Display 

David Spindler wrote:
I hope this is the correct place for an apparent bug report. The display is incorrect except when displaying a particular entry. I just downloaded 2.6.0-beta thinking I was getting 2.5.9. Nice surprise. The elcode (bbcode? ) is a great idea, but the display, when showing the main screen of a logbook does not have the correct fields showing in the correct places. I will attach two screen captures for illustraton. Never mind, I guess not. It is not letting me upload the screen captures. On the main screen, for example, my field contents for "Route" appear in the "Text" field. But when on the specific entry screen, these field contents are in the correct field. I will be glad to eamil the screen captures, if anyone wants.

I am running Firefox 1.0.3 (same results with IE 6, BTW), on a WinXP OS (sorry fellows, but I am still in process of learning Linux, so I have not tried this version of elog on it, yet), on a Gateway 2.2 GHZ, 1 GB RAM PC.

BTW, I love elog and have it running at work. It is being used extensively.

I guess it did upload. Here is the other screen capture.

BTW, I received the following message upon submitting my last post:
"Error sending Email via "": malformed address: <>"
Attachment 1: capture-firefox-1.03-log-entry.JPG  79 kB  | Hide | Hide all
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