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icon4.gif   elog & firefox pipelining, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon Jun 6 12:28:21 2005 
    icon4.gif   Re: elog & firefox pipelining, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jun 6 15:17:50 2005 
       icon12.gif   Re: elog & firefox pipelining, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Tue Jun 7 13:12:25 2005 
Message ID: 1183     Entry time: Tue Jun 7 13:12:25 2005     In reply to: 1181
Icon: Blink  Author: Emiliano Gabrielli  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.0-beta 
Subject: Re: elog & firefox pipelining 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Having the Firefox pipelining feature enabled makes elog unable to correctly show avery attachment in the full view when a quite large number of them is present..
disabling pipelining makes all works fine again

As is said:

Pipelining is an experimental feature, designed to improve page-load performance, that is unfortunately not well supported by some web servers and proxies.

So what do you expect Tongue

I have not checked in detail, but it seems that the browser fires off several requests in parallel, one for each image. This can only be handled by a multi-threaded server, which elog is not (yet). What is more an issue for elog in relation to multi-threading is that one long request blocks all other users. So if I do a synchronize for example from home, the server can be nonresponsive for a minute or two. I have some plans for making it multi-threaded, but as you can imagine this is not so simple to do in a portable way.

You are right .. I'll wait the m-t support then Smile ghghgh
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