Emiliano Gabrielli wrote: | the new link "show only new entries" is very useful but seems to still have some problems:
- I can't find any simple way to return to the "every entries" display .. may be the link has to be switched to a checkbox to be actived or not
- I found a way (at least)... following the "config" link, doing nothing and coming back restores the view .. this is a feature now, but when a less tricky mechanism will be implemented will become a bug

I added a "Show all entries" link to go back.
Emiliano Gabrielli wrote: | another entry for my wishlist:
writeing the above code I noticed that the elcode buttons are lacking of a "[ *]" shortcut .. it will be very usefull  |
I added that to elcode.js . So if you click on the list button, the (LIST) tag and the the first (*) are inserted.
Emiliano Gabrielli wrote: | Writeing the wish above I noticed that the [ *] is interpreted as an item also otside the LIST tag .. so .. or the LIST tag is optional, or the [ *] should not be interpreted outside of it ... it's another bug ? P |
Well, the ELCode stuff if a poor man's version of HTML. So each [ LIST] gets converted into a <UL> tag, and each [ *] gets converted into a <LI> tag. This makes the interpretation very simple, but the code does have no clue if your are inside a [ LIST] or not. Common bulletin boards have exactly the same problem. To fix it, you would really have to interprete all the ELCode, and I don't want to write my own parser. |