Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Emiliano Gabrielli wrote: | uhm.. I think the confusion intrinsict in elog between long and short name is something to be solved ..
an attribute of type "userlist" fills always with the long_name .. but if I would to insert it as short ?
the users shown in the users admin dropdown menu is short .. why? .. may be I didnt understood the way this issue works ..  |
The "short name" is the equivalent to the unix login name. Under /etc/passwd, you have a login (short) name and a "full" (long) name. The first may not contain blanks, must be unique, while the second is more like a "real" name. This concept has been adapted in elog. While many people use cryptic or abbreviated login names, it's still nice know the real name, like if you get an email notification from someone. The userlist fills with the long_name because people refer to other people in the logbook usually with the real name (sometimes they even don't know the people's login name). The admin dropdown menu uses the short names because you look at the user database more from an administration point of view. Like if you edit /etc/passwd, you first look at the login name, not the full one. Maybe what one could add is to make the full name in the admin page a dropdown list as well, so the admin can either select the short or the long name. Another item for the wishlist  |
uhmm .. what I am talking about is something simpler ... It seems to me that elog does not use always the "login name" but somethins refers to the "gecos" ... What I'm askinf for is to separe the login name (to which elog has to refer for everything internally) and the long/short_name mechanism that should be a mere display issue ...
May be that it is the same to ask for the introdution of a "user_id" or to treat the login name as the uid, .. the "Author" field should be filled both with the long and the short name (and it is so now!) but, when checking the original author on a Edit action, aelog as to check always the actual logged *short* name against the original Author *short* name .. becoise is only the short name that should have a sense for messages .. the long one is only a nice reminder 
Hope my english makes me to be understod now  |