[UMOWY] Time format = %d %b %y - %H:%M Date format = %d %b %y Display mode = summary Comment = Umowy Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Reply, Delete, Duplicate, Find, Config, Logout, Help, Import List Menu commands = List, New, Select, Find, Config, Logout, Help, Import Attributes = Data dekretacji, Numer rejestru, Numer umowy, Nazwa dokumentu, Przedmiot umowy, Kontrahent, Data zawarcia, Data konca, Dzial, Status, Aneksy, Opis List display = Data dekretacji, Numer rejestru, Numer umowy, Nazwa dokumentu, Przedmiot umowy, Kontrahent, Data zawarcia, Data konca, Dzial, Status, Aneksy, Opis Style STATUS Nieaktualna = background-color:#FFC0CB Style STATUS Aktualna = background-color:lightgreen Preserve IDs = 0 Preset Numer rejestru = XXX/%Y/### Quick filter = Numer rejestru, Numer umowy Extendable options = Author, Carrier Options Status = Aktualna, Nieaktualna Options Aneksy = boolean Options Okres obowiazywania = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Options Dzial = DA, DOP, DP, DTL, DTL BZG, DTL GDN, DTL KTW, DTL POZ, DTL WAW, DTL WRO, L&F Options Przedmiot umowy = Obsluga, Najem, Media, Leasing Format Numer rejestru = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 10, 10 Format Numer umowy = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 10, 20 Format Opis = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 1000, 1000 Comment Aneksy = Jezeli sa to zaznacz: X Type Date of change = datetime Type Data zawarcia = date Type Data konca = date Type Data dekretacji = date Thread display = $Carrier $Name of Doc $Version No $Date of change entered by $author on $Entry time Page Title = Umowy Logbook - $Subject Preset Author = $long_name Locked Attributes = Author Restrict edit = 0 Subst on reply subject = Re: $Subject Suppress Email to users = 1 Theme = digilog CSS = digilog.css Title image = eLOG Top text = AeroSoft Systems Inc. DigiLOG™ Electronic Event Log Allowed encoding = 1 Suppress default = 3 Suppress Email on edit = 3 Fonts = Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif Show attachments = 0 Preview attachments = 0 Append on reply = \n\nAdded $date by $long_name\n\n Preset on reply Author = $long_name Preset on reply Number= $Number Subst on edit Author = $long_name Fixed Attributes Edit = Author Allow Delete = admin Show text = 1 Sort Attributes = Carrier, Name of Doc, Version No Message comment = Tu prosze umieszczac informacje o ANEKSACH oraz informacje dodatkowe: Reply comment = Please enter your reply here: Attachment comment = Tu prosze dodac zalaczniki: Use Lock = 0 Fix text = 0 Logout to main = 1 Resubmit default = 2 Expand default = 1 Reverse sort = 1 Suppress default = 3 Suppress execute default = 2 Suppress Email on edit = 3