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icon4.gif   Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296), posted by PJ Meyer on Wed Jul 27 02:15:59 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296), posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 27 09:39:47 2005 
       icon2.gif   Re: Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296), posted by PJ Meyer on Thu Jul 28 03:08:19 2005 
          icon2.gif   Resolution (i think) - Re: Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296), posted by PJ Meyer on Thu Jul 28 04:29:35 2005 
             icon2.gif   Resolution (i think) - Re: Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296), posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Aug 4 20:35:48 2005 
Message ID: 1345     Entry time: Wed Jul 27 09:39:47 2005     In reply to: 1343     Reply to this: 1354
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category:   OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.60 beta3 
Subject: Re: Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296) 

PJ Meyer wrote:
but something happened to the css.
i'm getting white background and no icons anywhere.

so tried to install in a clean location as it comes out of the box with no changes. get white background, no colour.

tried moving css files, graphic files, etc, around - nothing.

emptied bowser caches (IE and Opera)
deleted appropriate cookies
stop and started many time.

and still at the end of the day - i get a white background only, no colour what so ever.

also get page not found when clicking on a row to edit entry.
is record #1 in demo table, elog can't display it when i click on it in the list window.

any ideas?

That's strange. Can you check if elog finds it's own host properly? The CSS file should be under

and if you look at the HTML source of you standard page you should see something like:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Could it be that elog places something else than "" as the host name? If so, you could override this with following statement in elogd.cfg:


That should also fix your other problem.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6