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icon5.gif   attribute of type "datetime" sorted incorrectly, posted by Kees Bol on Wed Jul 27 16:46:44 2005 scrap.PNG
    icon2.gif   Re: attribute of type "datetime" sorted incorrectly, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 27 21:22:47 2005 datesort.jpg
       icon2.gif   Re: attribute of type "datetime" sorted incorrectly, posted by Kees Bol on Thu Jul 28 09:46:40 2005 
Message ID: 1349     Entry time: Wed Jul 27 16:46:44 2005     Reply to this: 1352
Icon: Question  Author: Kees Bol  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.57-1 
Subject: attribute of type "datetime" sorted incorrectly 
In order to enter different logdates we created the attribute 'Logdate' as follows:

Attributes = Logdate, Author, Type, Subject
Type Logdate = datetime
Preset Logdate = $date
List Display = ID, Logdate, Author, Type, Subject
Start page = ?rsort=Logdate

Time format = "%d-%b-%y %H:%M"
Date format = %d-%b-%y

However some unexpected things happen:
1) when sorting on Logdate the sorting is incorrect
2) I expected some kind of fieldchecking when filling this field, however you can enter any text.

What goes wrong here?

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