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icon5.gif   Email Notification and Icons, posted by Mario Apodaca on Mon Sep 19 19:48:07 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: Email Notification and Icons, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 19 20:39:17 2005 
Message ID: 1416     Entry time: Mon Sep 19 20:39:17 2005     In reply to: 1415
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.9 
Subject: Re: Email Notification and Icons 

Mario Apodaca wrote:
1) When sending out email notifications, is there a way to surpress the entries that have been left on the logbook? I want to be notified that someone has posted, but not receive the posting in the email.

You specify what is sent by email notification with the Email format = <n> option. Adding the right numbers there, you can send only the notification, but not the contents or attachments. An alternative is to use the RSS functionality in Elog. With an RSS reader, you only see the subject, and can download the whole body upon request.

Mario Apodaca wrote:
2) Is there a way to set icons to users, so that each user has a defined icon? I set up a new attribute called: Author Icon and then tried using conditional attributes to have an icon set to a specific user. When I tested by posting, in the Author Icon section I didn't have an icon, instead a text box appeared with the name of the icon.

No, this is not possible without modification of elog. In principle you can tell elog that a certain attribute is an icon by using the "Ioptions author icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif"), but then you get a list if possible icons each time from which you have to select. Not very convenient. The concept of an Avatar is not preent in elog, you bette choose a bulletin board system for that.
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