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icon5.gif   Display Attribute no longer works in Beta 5?, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Fri Oct 7 08:53:00 2005 Display_Attribute_with_260-b2.jpgDisplay_Attribute_with_260-b5.jpgelogd.cfg
    icon2.gif   Re: Display Attribute no longer works in Beta 5?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 10 13:57:20 2005 
Message ID: 1429     Entry time: Fri Oct 7 08:53:00 2005     Reply to this: 1440
Icon: Question  Author: Ulrich Trüssel  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.60-beta5 
Subject: Display Attribute no longer works in Beta 5? 
Just changed from Beta 2 to Beta 5:

I'm using Display Attribut = [elog:$logbook/$message id] as a reference link for other entries (ex.: Display Referenz = [elog:$logbook/$message id]). also see the attached elogd.cfg file.

With Beta 2 (not testet with Beta 3 or 4!) this worked very well -> see attached Display Attribute with 260-b2.jpg file.

With Beta 5 is seems no longer to work -> see attached Display Attribute with 260-b5.jpg file.

ANy ideee what's wrong in my elogd.cfg??? Thanks!
Attachment 1: Display_Attribute_with_260-b2.jpg  11 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: Display_Attribute_with_260-b5.jpg  8 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 3: elogd.cfg  6 kB  Uploaded Sat Oct 8 17:25:14 2005  | Show | Show all
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