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icon1.gif   The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files, posted by Exaos Lee on Sun Oct 9 20:18:23 2005 chinese_trans.tar.gz
    icon2.gif   Re: The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 10 12:53:46 2005 
Message ID: 1433     Entry time: Sun Oct 9 20:18:23 2005     Reply to this: 1439
Icon: Entry  Author: Exaos Lee  Author Email: 
Category: Other  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.0beta5 
Subject: The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files 
Hi, Stefan,
The days from Oct.1~7 are our Nation Day's vacation, so I delayed the translation to Chinese. I just finished these files today:

  1. eloglang.zh_CN-GB2312 : This is for simplified Chinese using GB2312 encoding.
  2. eloglang.zh_CN-UTF-8 : This is for simplified Chinese using UTF-8 encoding.
  3. eloghelp.zh-CN.html : Help file for elog in simplified Chinese.
  4. elcode_zh-CN.html : The help file for ELCode in simplified Chinese.
  5. elogd-zh_CN-GB2312.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with GB2312 encoding.
  6. elogd-zh_CN-UTF-8.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with UTF-8 encoding.

I have to provide the language files in different encodings because the elogd cannot creat new logbook file named in Chinese with GB2312 encoding under MacOS X. The default charset under MacOS X is UTF-16, and elogd works with UTF-8 while processing Chinese contents and logbooks named in Chinese.

I want to make elogd display the date in Chinese format. Please tell me howto.
Attachment 1: chinese_trans.tar.gz  14 kB
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6