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icon5.gif   duplicate & presets, posted by Willem Koster on Mon Dec 12 15:17:39 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: duplicate & presets, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Dec 21 20:24:14 2005 
Message ID: 1545     Entry time: Mon Dec 12 15:17:39 2005     Reply to this: 1557
Icon: Question  Author: Willem Koster  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Other  ELOG Version: ELOG V26b5 
Subject: duplicate & presets 
I'm (mis)using elog as a database. I like the fact that I can have presets for fields, but I also like the fact 
that I can make a duplicate of an entry. Now when I make a duplicate, all the fields get overwritten with the 
preset-value. Is there a way to get the preset-values only on entering a NEW reord and NOT on a duplicate ?

I could take away the presets, most of them are "***" (literally) to be able to search for entries that do not 
have a value, but I don't know how to search for empty fields.

PS: They wanted to do a CMDB in BMC-Magic (really expensive $$$-ware), but after about 1 afternoon (and about 6 
prototypes) they went with elog since it was fast, cheap and already implemented (and filled with 200 entries 
through a script using some old CSV list we had lying around) :-) 

ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf