Yoshio Imai wrote: | Is it possible to implement aliases for logbooks? We would like to use a new logbook for every beamtime, but many services need to read/write to the respective current beamtime logbook. It would therefore be nice to have logbook "aliases", so that e.g. a "virtual" logbook beam could be defined to be an alias/redirection to the current beamtime logbook, and all services could refer to that one instead of having to be reconfigured for each beamtime.
This could also help to make sure everyone on shift writes the entries to the correct logbook ... 
You can do that already with the current version: At the end of a beamtime, create a new logbook, take the current logbook as a template, to make sure it has the same settings. Then move all entries from the current logbook to the new beamtime logbook, either with
- the "move to" command from the menu (which you first have to enable. While this works fine for individual entries, I never tried this with a whole logbook (click on "all", then "select all", then move to). So better try this first on a backup
- moving the logbook entries on the file level. Go to the elog root, then enter "mv logbooks/<current>/* logbooks/<beamtime>/ where <current> is your current (online) logbook and <beamtime> is the new one you just created. You have to restart elogd so that it realizes the moved files
After that, your current logbook is empty again and ready for the new beamtime . |