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icon5.gif   Bad date format., posted by Alex H on Thu Dec 15 15:33:04 2005 elog.gifelog2.gif
    icon2.gif   Re: Bad date format., posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Dec 15 17:33:39 2005 
       icon14.gif   Re: Bad date format., posted by Alex H on Mon Dec 19 09:41:08 2005 
Message ID: 1552     Entry time: Thu Dec 15 15:33:04 2005     Reply to this: 1553
Icon: Question  Author: Alex H  Author Email: 
Category: Other  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.0 
Subject: Bad date format. 
Hi Stefan,

I have two loogbook who are using the Type Derniere image = Date parameter, but I obtain a big
number instead of a formated date.

On my logbook "liste" (Look on the first attachement elog.gif please to watch the problem.)
I obtain this problem.
Here is the part of the elogd.cfg file for logbook "Liste" :
Theme = Bubble
Comment = Liste des routeurs / firewall clients
Type Dernière image = Date
List display = Client, Nom machine, Type, Equipment, Emplacement, Nom_admin, Pwd_admin, Maint, Derniere image
Link display = Client, Nom machine, Type, Equipment, Emplacement, Maint, Derniere image
Attributes = Client, Nom machine, Equipment, Type, Emplacement, Nom_admin, Pwd_admin, Maint, Derniere image
Extendable options = Client, Equipment
Options Type = FWL1{1}, FWL2{2}, FWL4{3}, VPN1{4}, VPN2{5}, CLIVPN-PROC{6}
{1} Preset text = FWL1.txt
{2} Preset text = FWL2.txt
{3} Preset text = FWL4.txt
{4} Preset text = VPN1.txt
{5} Preset text = VPN2.txt
{6} Preset text =
Preset Author = $short_name
Options Maint = Oui, Non
Required Attributes = Client, Type, Equipment, Nom machine, Maint
Locked Attributes = Author
Page Title = ELOG - $Nom machine
Reverse sort = 0
Quick filter = Client, Type, Maint
Summary lines = 2
Entries per Page = 50
Case sensitive search = 1

On my logbook "Image Routeurs" (Look on the second attachement elog2.gif)
No Problem
Here is the part of the elogd.cfg file for logbook "Liste" :
[Image Routeurs]
Theme = Bubble
Comment = Image Routeurs
Type Derniere Image = Date
Attributes = Equipment ,Client, Derniere Image
List display = Equipment ,Client,Derniere Image
Preset Author = $short_name
Locked Attributes = Author
Page Title = ELOG - $Equipment
Sort Attributes = Equipment
Reverse sort = 0
Quick filter = Equipment, Client
Reverse sort = 1
Sort Attributes = Equipment
Summary lines = 1
Display mode = Summary

What is wrong with my configuration ?
Thanks for answer.
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