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icon5.gif   HelpELCode needs to be present in "Menu commands"?, posted by T. Ribbrock on Wed Jan 4 12:26:31 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: HelpELCode needs to be present in "Menu commands"?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 9 20:19:32 2006 
Message ID: 1573     Entry time: Wed Jan 4 12:26:31 2006     Reply to this: 1576
Icon: Question  Author: T. Ribbrock  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.0 
Subject: HelpELCode needs to be present in "Menu commands"? 
Another little issue I came across was this: I'm using "Menu commands" and "Guest Menu commands" in my configuration. When I logged in and started to create a new entry, clicking on the URL that is behind "ELCode" at the bottom of the screen (and accesses the help for the ELCodes) resulted in a "command denied". The only way to get around this was to add "HelpELCode" to "Menu commands" - but now it also shows up in the menus, which is not what I want. Is there any way around this?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6