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icon5.gif   list view mode remembert - Bug?, posted by Holger Mundhahs on Mon Feb 27 10:33:43 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: list view mode remembert - Bug?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 1 07:55:42 2006 
       icon3.gif   [SOLVED] Re: list view mode remembert - Bug?, posted by Holger Mundhahs on Wed Mar 1 12:27:36 2006 
Message ID: 1735     Entry time: Wed Mar 1 07:55:42 2006     In reply to: 1727     Reply to this: 1738
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1653 
Subject: Re: list view mode remembert - Bug? 
> As default http://<hostname>/<LOGBOOK> shows the Summary View.
> Clicking in "Full" changes the URL to http://<hostname>/<LOGBOOK>/?mode=full.
> But now the URL http://<hostname>/<LOGBOOK> show the Full view as default.
> I think the URL without ?mode=... should show every time the same result,
> regardless the view used before. Or maybe I can configure, which view I want to
> see if I use the URL w/o ?mode=... The option to hide/show attachments is affected too.

Sure, that's a feature :D

It was requested by several people that the view mode is stored in a cookie. So if you switch modes, it should be
persistent. If I now add additional default flags, people will have hard time to understand what this is all
about, since there might then be conflicting settings between the flags and the cookies. So for what exact purpose
do you want what you requested? Why does it bother you that you have to click "Summary" again to get the summary
view? Of course you can delete the local cookies and get the default behaviour (they are named [b]elmode[/b] and
[b]elattach[/b]), but that might be a bit cumbersome. 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6