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icon5.gif   Top Groups and logbook directorys, posted by Steve Jones on Thu Mar 2 23:32:25 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Top Groups and logbook directorys, posted by Steve Jones on Sat Mar 4 06:04:53 2006 
Message ID: 1747     Entry time: Sat Mar 4 06:04:53 2006     In reply to: 1743
Icon: Reply  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1 
Subject: Re: Top Groups and logbook directorys 

Steve Jones wrote:
I am re-working our elog setup and am seriously looking at using the "Top Group" feature. What I like best is the ability to create [global] configurations for a group (or type) of logbook when I host multiple types on the same server. I also like being able to specify a different password file, etc.

A limitation that I run into is I would really like the actual directory names used for storing the logbooks for the different types to be identical - which isn't possible when all logbooks (regardless of context) exist at the same directory level. For example, I might have:

3 physical locations: ABC, DEF, GHI

For each location I want to maintain two *groups* of logbooks - CircuitTests and BoardTests. What I would like to end up with is:
- CircuitTests
- BoardTests

Under current elog this is not possble as far as I know. Since each logbook is a physical directory, each logbook requires a unique name. The concept of a named [global] area fills the bill for all things but it would be nifty if one could do:
[global circuittests]
Logbook dir = circuittestlogbooks

[global boardtests]
Logbook dir = boardtestlogbooks

I suppose the poorman's way of doing this is for each logbook to do the following:
Subdir = boardtestlogbooks/ABC
Subdir = boardtestlogbooks/DEF
Subdir = boardtestlogbooks/GHI

or something like that, but I was hopic for something a little more integrated - like creating the hierarchical stuff via the GUI. Anyway, this probably sounds like a major overhaul, which definitely wouldn't be worth it unless I have completely missed something glaringly obvious.


Steve Jones wrote:
Perhaps it is best to ignore this -- I went for a workaround that I like. I am running into a few quirky things with Top Group but it is likely due to the fact that I have never used it.
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