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Message ID: 1764     Entry time: Wed Mar 8 22:33:56 2006
Icon: Warning  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1671 
Subject: OPTION <attribute> not working right in [ global <name>] Top Group 
I've verified that when the following is part of the definition of a [logbook] OR is part of a regular [global] config:
Options Completed = Open{a}, Closed{b}
{a} Preset CompletedDate = 
{b} Preset CompletedDate = $date

. . . the intended function (when option "Open" is selected the attribute "CompletedDate" is cleared; when the option "Closed" is selected the attribute "CompletedDate" is filled with the current date)

When this same code is moved to a [global <name>] config the function no longer works (the attribute "CompletedDate" is not set).

This for me is a show stopper as using Top Group has allowed me to create and use logbooks in a way that I could not under the old way (single [global]. I have verified that the same thing happens under 2.5.9.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6