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Message ID: 1765     Entry time: Thu Mar 9 04:46:42 2006
Icon: Warning  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1671 
Subject: Removing 'New' from "List Menu commands" prevents saving elogd.cfg 
Strange as it mmay seem, when I attempt to remove the "New" menu item from "List Menu commands" in a logbook section, I am no longer able to Save the config file -- I am presented with a message saying "Error: Command "Save" not allowed". I have to manually edit the file, add that menu item back in, and then all is ok. This is on the system where I am using 'Top Groups', so the logbook is a part of one of the top groups.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886