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Message ID: 1766     Entry time: Thu Mar 9 06:04:46 2006
Icon: Question  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1671 
Subject: Strange "bug?" report - disappearing data when attribute is "Locked" 

Steve Jones wrote:
I have come across an issue where an attribute value is "blanked" upon either editing or replying. The interesting thing is this is a logbook entry that was "Moved" from one logbook to another, all under the same Top Group. All configs are done under the [global <topgroup>] so the attribute is not being reset on purpose. Most interesting of all is this only happens:

  • if the attribute is "locked" (the logbook being moved "To" locks most attributes)
  • if the attribute is of type "date"
  • if the logbook entry had been "moved" from another logbook

If the logbook entry is subsequently moved back, all works as it should - even the locked date attributes.
temporary workaround is to "unlock" the date attributes - which really messes with things if people decide to change the dates.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6