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icon5.gif   Problem submitting entries in ELOG after migrating from Windows to Linux, posted by Edmundo T Rodriguez on Thu Mar 9 21:10:18 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Problem submitting entries in ELOG after migrating from Windows to Linux, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Mar 10 06:12:55 2006 
Message ID: 1768     Entry time: Fri Mar 10 06:12:55 2006     In reply to: 1767
Icon: Reply  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.1 
Subject: Re: Problem submitting entries in ELOG after migrating from Windows to Linux 

Edmundo T Rodriguez wrote:
I was able to install ELOG v2.61. in a Compaq ProLiant DL360 running with SUSE Linux v10
The migration/implementation went quiet well ...

ELOG v2.6.1 application came up find!.
I can login with No problems.
I can see previous logs entries, sort, etc.

But, I can NOT create any new-log (new entries) in any logbook. I get this message:
New entry cannot be written to directory

Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full
Please use your browser's back button to go back
The previous logbooks where in ...

\Program Files\ELOG\logbooks\Administration

New logbooks are in the following place ...


How can it read old log entries and I NOT create new ones?
I am sure I missing something. Can I know what?

Also, It will be good to have an entry in the ELOG web-site
explaining any migration steps from Window to Linux and reverse!

Please, help.
Thank you!

Steve Jones wrote:
The first place to look is at the permissions set on the existing directories and .log files plus the Owner and Group. (Not knowing how the files got from Windows to Linux is a little problematic but the translation of permissions is not straightforward.) Compare the settings with how you have eLog starting up on your linux box. Typically, when run as a daemon, it starts as ROOT then becomes the USER/GROUP that you specify in the .cfg file. It is likely that you will find a permission mismatch. As to why you can read but not write, with a permission mask of 744 and .log files owned by root but elogd running as nobody, you would be able to read the logs but not change them. Sounds like the permissions are similar on the directories as well. Perhaps you could post the info back here.
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