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icon1.gif   How can I configure to prevent empty entries?, posted by Alan Stone on Mon Apr 10 20:28:37 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: How can I configure to prevent empty entries?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Nov 9 23:10:08 2006 
Message ID: 1804     Entry time: Mon Apr 10 20:28:37 2006     Reply to this: 2064
Icon: Entry  Author: Alan Stone  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1684 
Subject: How can I configure to prevent empty entries? 
I have accidentally created a couple of entries recently. It is pretty easy. I
fill in the header, type in a Subject, and then hit Enter, instead of TAB.
I have turned off the edit option intentionally.

I want to avoid this in the future. Is there a configuration option which would
confirm that the user before submitting an entry without a Body? I know I can require
attributes like Author and Subject. I am not sure I want to require a Body, in case
someone submits an entry with just an attachment (and a Subject).

Thanks, Alan
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