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icon3.gif   allow per-logfile attributes to be added/subtracted from the global settings, posted by Mark Bergman on Wed May 3 00:16:42 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: allow per-logfile attributes to be added/subtracted from the global settings, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 3 08:28:05 2006 
Message ID: 1814     Entry time: Wed May 3 00:16:42 2006     Reply to this: 1815
Icon: Idea  Author: Mark Bergman  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.1 
Subject: allow per-logfile attributes to be added/subtracted from the global settings 
I think it would be a big enhancement to allow per-logbook attributes to be additions or subtractions from the global attributes, rather than replacing the global settings.

For example, the [global] section of my elogd.cfg reads:

Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Severity, Subject, Entry ID, Status
Extendable Attributes = Type, Category, Severity, Subject, Status
Options Category = Hardware, Software (OS and utilities), Software (Application), Network, Security, Other
Options Severity = None, Low, Medium, High, Critical
Options Status = Open, Closed, In-Progress, Suspended
Options Type = To-Do, Problem Report, Problem Fixed, Informational Note, Software Installation, Configuration, Other
Required Attributes = Type, Category, Subject, Status

I've also got an logbook for each server for hardware issues. Within those logbooks, I'd like to keep all the fields except the software fields, and add fields for memory and storage.

Adding 7 definitions to each server logbook makes the config file huge and difficult to edit, and it means that a future change to the global settings wouldn't propagate to the individual log files. I'd really like to do something like:

-Options Category = Software (OS and utilities), Software (Application)
+Options Category = Storage, Memory
-Options Type = Software Installation
+Options Type = RAM Installation, Drive upgrade

As I see it, the initial "-" sign in front of an attribute or option would indicate that the fields listed should be deleted from the global set (if the field name is an exact match), and a leading "+" indicates that the given fields would be added to the global attribute of the same name, for that specific logbook.

The current behavior--without a leading "+" or "-" would be unchanged, so that existing config files don't change.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6