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icon5.gif   Is it possible to require certain attributes for specific users (guests)?, posted by Mark Bergman on Tue May 2 22:58:48 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible to require certain attributes for specific users (guests)?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 3 08:31:52 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible to require certain attributes for specific users (guests)?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Nov 9 23:04:32 2006 
Message ID: 1816     Entry time: Wed May 3 08:31:52 2006     In reply to: 1813
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.1 
Subject: Re: Is it possible to require certain attributes for specific users (guests)? 
> First of all, thanks for writing and maintaining eLog.
> I've been using it for a few years, but I'm now introducing it in an environment that may have a lot of "Guest"
> accounts.
> I'd like to have two "Required Attributes" when a guest enters a new entry; their name and e-mail address. These
> fields don't need to be required for registered accounts, since that information is available already.
> Is there any way to have conditional statements act on the value of $short_name?

No, this is not implemented. The only way you have right now is to make two separate logbooks, one for guests and
one for registered users. But I know this is not an optimal solution. I will think about it.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6