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icon5.gif   Spec file change, posted by Stephen A. Wood on Mon May 8 18:23:17 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Spec file change, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue May 9 08:07:00 2006 
Message ID: 1824     Entry time: Tue May 9 08:07:00 2006     In reply to: 1823
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: Spec file change 

Stephen A. Wood wrote:
Could the "Copyright:" line in the elog.spec file be changed to "License:" for the next release? Without this change an RPM can't be built on FC4 (RPM 4.4.1). With the change, rpms can still be built in Enterprise linux 3 (RPM 4.2.3).

Wow, the RPM build depends on that name? Interesting. I changed it in the SVN version, so it will be contained in the next release.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6