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Message ID: 1827     Entry time: Wed May 10 16:30:45 2006
Icon: Idea  Author: Kevin McCarty  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1 
Subject: Feature request - site-specific ELCode markup definitions 

Here's a suggestion that you may or may not want to apply. It would be nice if there existed a config file (or a syntax in the existing elog.cfg file) that permitted sites to define their own ELCode patterns.

Let me give you a usage case. I thought it would be nice to have LaTeX expressions show up automatically on my group's ELog installation if they entered them like this: [math]x^2 + y^2 = r_0^2[/math] So in the source code file elogd.c, I hacked in the following additions to the definition of pattern_list[]:
   {"[math]", "<img src = \""},
   {"[/math]", "\" border = \"0\" align = \"absmiddle\" />"},
and recompiled ELog.

What this does is convert the LaTeX expression into a URL that uses the "mimetex" CGI program installed on my server to output a GIF file of the equation. So my users can have inline math expressions in their log entries, like this: . Obviously this is far too site-specific to be added to the official ELog code (unless you want to embed mimetex code into the server, which I kind of doubt Smile ). But it would be nice if I could specify these patterns in a config file without having to edit the source code and recompile each time I want to install a new ELog version!

Presumably others could find a use for site-specific ELCode markup too (logos, custom smilies, etc.)

Thanks for your time.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6