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icon4.gif   Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes, posted by Steve Jones on Tue May 30 17:54:21 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes, posted by Steve Jones on Tue May 30 17:57:46 2006 
       icon2.gif   Re: Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 13 08:51:38 2006 
          icon14.gif   Re: Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jun 23 19:24:12 2006 
Message ID: 1842     Entry time: Tue May 30 17:57:46 2006     In reply to: 1841     Reply to this: 1846
Icon: Reply  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1681 
Subject: Re: Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes 

Steve Jones wrote:
Stefan, any way to address this? It appears to only be applicable when one defines conditional Options - when javascript updates the conditional lists the input focus appears to shift to the HTML edit area. I am still running ELOG V2.6.1-1681 and this is under Windows (my test system).

With version 2.6.1 rev 1681 I believe this is when I started seeing the behavior such that when a conditional attribute value is selected the focus switches to the message entry window. It looks like when the javascript cond_submit() is called for some reason on returning focus defaults to the message window. This occurs under Windows (rev 1861) and Solaris (rev 1864). I can see in function chkform() that focus is returned for checking Required attributes, but I see nothing for conditional attributes.


Attributes FunctionalArea, Operation, Category

# Start defining how the form works
# Define FunctionalArea
Options FunctionalArea = NFS{1}, LDAP{2}, LoadBalancer{3}, LSF{4}, SunRay{5}, Tarantella{6}, Vital Server{7}, ClearCase{8}, CFEngine{9}, DataCenter{10}, Compute{11}, Network{12}

# Define Operation
{1} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{2} Options Operation = Schema Change, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{3} Options Operation = New Service Added, Configuration Change, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Patch Applied
{4} Options Operation = Schema Change, Queue Change, License Change, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{5} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Firmware Upgrade, Patch Applied
{6} Options Operation = WebTop Change, Server Added, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{7} Options Operation = New Service Added, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{8} Options Operation = New VOB, New View, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{9} Options Operation = SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{10} Options Operation = New HW Install, HW Maintenance, Power/UPS, HVAC, Network HW
{11} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
{12} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied
Tooltip FunctionalArea = The predefined Operations areas under which a Change may be scheduled.
Tooltip Operation = Choose FUNCTIONALAREA first

# Define Category
{1} Options Category = HP, Celera, Sun, Brocade, StorageTek, EMC
{2} Options Category = Supplier, Hub, Consumer,Gateway, Client
{3} Options Category = F5, CSS
{4} Options Category = Master  
{5} Options Category = SunrayServer 
{6} Options Category = TTServer, DesktopServer
{8} Options Category = VOB, VIEW
{9} Options Category = ?
{10} Options Category = Cisco, Netbotz, Liebert Paging
{11} Options Category = HPUX, Solaris, Linux
{12} Options Category = Cisco
Tooltip Category = Optional attribute. Please use for furthur classification.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6