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icon5.gif   Hosts Allow and Password File, posted by Jeremy Perkins on Wed Jun 21 18:36:06 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Hosts Allow and Password File, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jun 22 08:09:11 2006 
Message ID: 1852     Entry time: Thu Jun 22 08:09:11 2006     In reply to: 1849
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: Hosts Allow and Password File 

Jeremy Perkins wrote:
I'm trying to set up an elog that uses a password file using the "Password file = /blah" directive as well as the "Hosts allow = myhost.mydomain" directive. I used the -v command and watched the messages and elogd is recognizing that I am connecting from an allowed host but the login page is still appearing. Is there a way to use both of these?

You misunderstand something. The "Password file = ..." statement turns on user level access, that means each user has to log in and identify himself this way in a unique way (so that you know who wore a certain logbook entry etc.). This has nothing to do with the "Hosts allow/deny" statements, which works separately. So if you combine "hosts allow" with "password file", this means that only users from the password file can log in from certain hists, but they still have to identify themselves with their username and password. If you want to log into a logbook without supplying a password from certain hosts, then you remove the "password file" statement. But then anyone from that host can write logbook entries, so you loose the user identification.
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