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icon7.gif   Retain original ELOG id when moving an entry to an archive weblog, posted by Fergus Lynch on Wed Aug 9 12:25:57 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Retain original ELOG id when moving an entry to an archive weblog, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 9 19:40:42 2006 
Message ID: 1889     Entry time: Wed Aug 9 19:40:42 2006     In reply to: 1888
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: V2.6.2-169 
Subject: Re: Retain original ELOG id when moving an entry to an archive weblog 

Fergus Lynch wrote:
We have a number of weblogs where we regular archive off 'completed' entries to a separate archive weblog:

Is it possible to retain the original ELOG id when moving an entry to an archive weblog, or have a locked field which holds the original id which we could subsequently reference in the archive?

First of all, a reference to the original ELOG entry would not help if it's moved into another logbook (archive). Keeping the id is not possible technically, since it severs as a kind of primary key, which must be unique etc. There is however the possibility to create a "secondary" ID, using the Preset xxx = ### functionality. The attribute xxx will have increasing numbers just like the primary ID. You even can combine this with the current year or month (see documentation). The problem now is how to reference such an entry. You cannot just type elog:123 as this only references the primary ID. You would have to do a "hidden" search such as

where ### is your secondary id. This will of course be slower because if you click on such a reference, your whole archive will be searched for.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6