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icon5.gif   Cannot get email to work at all, configuation problem?, posted by Checker Anderson on Sun Aug 13 10:30:40 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Cannot get email to work at all, configuation problem?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Aug 13 11:15:49 2006 
       icon2.gif   Re: Cannot get email to work at all, configuation problem?, posted by Checker Anderson on Sun Aug 13 15:49:06 2006 
          icon7.gif   Re: Cannot get email to work at all, configuation problem?, posted by Checker Anderson on Sun Aug 13 17:56:24 2006 
             icon2.gif   Re: Cannot get email to work at all, configuation problem?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 15 13:25:00 2006 
Message ID: 1891     Entry time: Sun Aug 13 10:30:40 2006     Reply to this: 1892
Icon: Question  Author: Checker Anderson  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.2 
Subject: Cannot get email to work at all, configuation problem? 
I an new to elog and the only thing I cannot seem to configure correctly is my SMTP information. Here is a sample of my config file:

SMTP host =
SMTP username = Checker@realchecker
SMTP Password = eWFod2Vo

I host my own mail server which uses authentication and my password was set using -t on the command line. With SMTP host = I have tried (which is how my mail program puts it) and which is how my DNS server has it. The user name and password are correct. When I edit or reply to any topic I get the message "Error sending Email via """ I have struggled with this for hours and I know I must be missing something that would be obvious to anyone else. Can anyone help me?
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