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icon5.gif   Why are Preset fields blanked out?, posted by Steve Jones on Thu Sep 14 22:59:39 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Why are Preset fields blanked out?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 18 15:21:56 2006 Capture.jpg
       icon2.gif   Re: Re: Why are Preset fields blanked out?, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Sep 18 18:19:44 2006 
          icon2.gif   Re: Re: Why are Preset fields blanked out?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 19 17:32:28 2006 elogd.cfg
             icon2.gif   Re: Re: Why are Preset fields blanked out?, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Sep 19 19:22:31 2006 
                icon2.gif   Re: Re: Why are Preset fields blanked out?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 19 20:28:15 2006 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Re: Why are Preset fields blanked out?, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Sep 19 20:38:49 2006 
Message ID: 1933     Entry time: Thu Sep 14 22:59:39 2006     Reply to this: 1934
Icon: Question  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.2-1714 
Subject: Why are Preset fields blanked out? 
The snippet of code below sets an attribute to a date depending on the selection. Problem is, if attribute ApprovedDate was previously set, selecting any other value for CRStatus will blank out ApprovedDate (the same occurs for CompletedDate). Why would this be occurring when the conditionals are mutually exclusive?
# Define CRState
{b} Preset ApprovedDate = $date
{c} Preset CompletedDate = $date
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6