Ben Shepherd wrote: |
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
- Submit your entry in plain mode (insted of ELCode)
- Put a \ in front of anything which is turned into a smiley, so ;) gets converted into
, but \;) does not get converted
I realise that's possible, but things are getting converted into smileys that aren't intended to be smileys. Specifically, when I enter a question in brackets, the end bracket is converted into a smiley. (Like this?) should be (Like this\?). That is very annoying, and to be honest, I don't need the smileys. An option to switch them off would be the best thing. |
I agree that the ?) smiley is annoying, so I changed it to ?-) which should prevent it from showing up in questions in brackets. I updated this server (you can see the effect above), the modification is committed to subversion. |