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icon4.gif   SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Sep 18 20:35:44 2006 truss-error.outtruss-good.out
    icon2.gif   Re: SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Sep 18 22:09:23 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Sep 22 07:47:58 2006 
       icon2.gif   Re: SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Sep 22 19:32:45 2006 
       icon2.gif   Re: SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Sep 22 22:12:18 2006 truss-daemon-1714.txt
          icon2.gif   Re: SVN1723 (was SVN1714) will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Oct 10 23:29:53 2006 
             icon2.gif   Re: SVN1723 (was SVN1714) will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Oct 11 00:19:05 2006 
                icon2.gif   Re: SVN1723 (was SVN1714) will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 11 08:18:14 2006 
                   icon2.gif   SVN1723-overiding logbook directory causes eLog to bomb when going into daemon mode (was SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8), posted by Steve Jones on Thu Oct 26 21:54:40 2006 
                      icon2.gif   SVN1723-overiding logbook directory causes eLog to bomb when going into daemon mode (was SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8), posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 8 08:20:34 2006 
                         icon2.gif   SVN1723-overiding logbook directory causes eLog to bomb when going into daemon mode (was SVN1714 will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8), posted by Steve Jones on Wed Nov 8 12:55:58 2006 
                            icon2.gif   SVN1723-overiding logbook directory causes eLog to bomb when going into daemon mode, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 8 13:07:31 2006 
Message ID: 1977     Entry time: Wed Oct 11 00:19:05 2006     In reply to: 1976     Reply to this: 1978
Icon: Reply  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Other  ELOG Version: 2.6.2-1714 
Subject: Re: SVN1723 (was SVN1714) will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8 

Steve Jones wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
On Solaris, SVN1714 will not go into daemon mode. Running the compiled version under TRUSS (which provides a dump of every system call) and shows precisely where elog is failing. I have attached two TRUSS outputs: one where it errors out and the other where it runs but "interactively". Both runs are as root, simply one with and one without the "-D"

The "one where it errors out" does not look like an error. It does the "fork()" at the end and the main thread ends, that's how it's supposed to be.

Ok, I got it. I've attached the TRUSS output where we follow the fork. It appears that elogd cannot open any of the specified files then gives up. What was throwing me is no error output, even to STDERR. When I run the same but without the -D flag the files are opened fine.

There are also strange system calls that differ, and I thought it might be due to the setuid(60001) -nobody- but the the non-daemn mode also sets to nobody and works fine.


I just compiled SVN1723 and tried the generic elogd.cfg -- of course *that works!*. Something in my complex config that causes elog to barf when it is attempting to fork the daemon process. To me the TRUSS output indicates that elog can't seem to find any logfile to work on -- very bizarre.

Stefan, you might find this interesting. I went ahead and removed all references to pre-existing logbook directories and restarted with TRUSS tracing the program. Elogd managed to go into daemon mode but the minute it received a request it generated a segmentation fault. Notice that even though elog could not open the logging directory it went ahead and went into polling mode. I have no idea what "/var/run/syslog_door" is. Working on isolating.
4190:   seteuid(60001)                                  = 0
4190:   stat("/sysadm/www/elog/cr-elogd.cfg", 0xFFBC9558) = 0
4190:   stat("/usr/lib/locale/english/", 0xFFBC85C0) Err#2 ENOENT
4190:   stat("/sysadm/www/elog/resources/eloglang.", 0xFFBC9348) Err#2 ENOENT
4190:   listen(3, 5, 1)                                 = 0
4190:   fstat(4, 0xFFBC9318)                            = 0
4190:   time()                                          = 1160518513
4190:   getpid()                                        = 4190 [1]
4190:   putmsg(4, 0xFFBC89D0, 0xFFBC89C4, 0)            = 0
4190:   open("/var/run/syslog_door", O_RDONLY)          = 7
4190:   door_info(7, 0xFFBC8908)                        = 0
4190:   getpid()                                        = 4190 [1]
4190:   door_call(7, 0xFFBC88F0)                        = 0
4190:   close(7)                                        = 0
4190:   open("crlogbooks/logs/elogaccess.log", O_RDWR|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0644) Err#2 ENOENT
4190:   poll(0xFFBC7640, 1, 1000)                       = 0
4190:   poll(0xFFBC7640, 1, 1000)       (sleeping...)
4190:   poll(0xFFBC7640, 1, 1000)                       = 0
4190:   poll(0xFFBC7640, 1, 1000)                       = 0
4190:   poll(0xFFBC7640, 1, 1000)                       = 1
4190:   accept(3, 0xFFBEF300, 0xFFBC9830, 1)            = 7
4190:   time()                                          = 1160518516
4190:   poll(0xFFBC7640, 1, 6000)                       = 1
4190:   recv(7, " G E T   /   H T T P / 1".., 100000, 0) = 610
4190:       Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0x0001EA1C
4190:         siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0xFF3EFE30
4190:       Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
4190:         siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0xFF3EFE30
4190:           *** process killed ***

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6