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icon4.gif   Bug? Password file location changed, posted by David Spindler on Thu Nov 2 18:02:44 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Bug? Password file location changed, posted by David Spindler on Thu Nov 2 18:10:07 2006 
       icon2.gif   Re: Bug? Password file location changed, posted by Steve Jones on Thu Nov 2 23:17:10 2006 
          icon2.gif   Re: Bug? Password file location changed, posted by David Spindler on Fri Nov 3 14:40:36 2006 
             icon2.gif   Re: Bug? Password file location changed, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 7 09:22:52 2006 
Message ID: 2034     Entry time: Thu Nov 2 18:10:07 2006     In reply to: 2033     Reply to this: 2036
Icon: Reply  Author: David Spindler  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.2-1734 
Subject: Re: Bug? Password file location changed 

David Spindler wrote:
I just tried to upgrade from 2.6.1-1633 to 2.6.2-1734. Whenever I tried to access the elog, it showed my password to be invalid. I tried this on 2 machines and same results. I did notice on the second one when I started it from a command prompt that it was creating a new empty password file in a different location.

I have a password file called pwd.txt. It resides in the main elog directory, in my case, c:\elog, along with the elgod.exe and elogd.cfg. Apparently, the new version looks for it in the logbooks directory. I adjusted my path to the file and it works fine.

I am reporting this as a bug because it is my guess that this is not an expected result. I would expect the old elogd.cfg file to work without altering in the newer version.

Thanks, keep up the great work, Stefan. You have a great program.
David Spindler

I also just noticed that the text files I use for presetting the text window also have to be in the logbooks directory.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6