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icon5.gif   Email notification (bug tracking system), posted by Bertram Metz on Fri May 5 14:49:19 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Email notification (bug tracking system), posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Nov 9 22:53:27 2006 
       icon7.gif   Re: Email notification (bug tracking system), posted by Bertram Metz on Thu Nov 30 16:07:54 2006 
Message ID: 2061     Entry time: Thu Nov 9 22:53:27 2006     In reply to: 1821     Reply to this: 2103
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1622 
Subject: Re: Email notification (bug tracking system) 

Bertram Metz wrote:

I'd like to use ELOG like a bug tracking system. I've created an attribute with the name AssignedTo. The attribute type is set to userlist. The value of AssignedTo is set to the full name of the selected user. There is no simple relationship between the full name and the email address on our system. Is it possible to get the email address of a user from the full name?

Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords, Status, AssignedTo
Options Category = Bug Report{1}, Observation{2}, Other{3}
Type AssignedTo = userlist
Show Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords
{1} Show Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords, Status, AssignedTo
Required Attributes = Author, Hardware, Software, Category
Options Status = new, open, confirmed, closed
;the following line does not work, since $AssinedTo contains the full name of the user
Email Category Bug Report = $

Kind regards,

I implemented the attribute type useremail for you. This can be used like:
Attributes = Author, Catorory, AssignedTo
Type AssignedTo = useremail
Email Category Bug Report = $AssignedTo

You will see only the email address of the people in the list, but since the email address usually contains the name this might be enough. A different system would have been too difficult to implement. The new feature is contained in SVN revision 1754.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6